From: Bama
Date: 07-14-2003, 07:50 AM (1 of 22)
Last week I was on the phone with my mother talking about vacations. My hubby wants to save part of his vacation time to work on our basement and since I want him to take part of his vacation time at Christmas, I'm not complaining. He's never cared for the beach, even though I (and kids) love it. It's been several years since we've been and I told my mom I really wished I could go. Mother loves it too and has already been twice this summer. She suggested that she and I go for a couple of days and take my kids and my niece that lives with her. I agreed, so I got on the phone trying to get reservations. Then mother called and said that she asked my older sister and her little boy to go. Fine. That sounded fun and we could split the cost of the room 3 ways now. Then she called again. ![]() ![]() ![]() Sooooo...... after hours of searching the net, and numerous phone calls, I finally found a 2 bedroom condo with a living room/kitchen. It took so long to find that one, I thought I'd better take it. I figured that I could sleep in the living room with all the kids. Then mom calls again. My younger sister is going. ![]() She has the sleeping arrangments all figured out. Since there's two double beds in each room, my daughter and I can sleep in the room with mom and dad. ![]() ![]() ![]() My sister tried to find another room for them, but everything is booked up til August. I keep telling myself, "I'm going to have a good time... I'm going to have a good time..." ![]() I should have known better. Over 15 years ago I wanted a very small wedding with just our families. Mother wound up inviting over 50 people. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: MaryW
Date: 07-14-2003, 08:36 AM (2 of 22)
LOLOLOL, Bama. I have been there and done that! Absolutely not for me. I do not want to wake up in the morning to look at in-laws. LOL. ![]() MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: maps
Date: 07-14-2003, 09:45 AM (3 of 22)
oh my gosh i can relate! sounds like our "family vacation" which i'm still recovering from. BIL and SIL invited themselves to go along with us, and our one and only vacation for the year, and they took their dog that was a hyper as a anything i've ever seen, but our dog and theirs got along just fine, i'm sort of a neat freak or maybe a wanna be! (you should see my sewing room... not neat!!!) and they are NOT, made me crazy constantly cleaning up after them and their dog, which i thought was house trained and I found out it wasn't, ( the dog ) LOL but they didn't care that i was cleaning up after them. it's hard to believe i'm still mad over something that took place a week and a half ago, it just makes me nuts how people can expect others to do their dirty work, i know i shouldn't have done it but, it was our vacation too, i just need to find time to sew i haven't sewn at all in the last two weeks except taking in daughters side seems of a shirt, and of cousre the serger thread broke half way down the seam!!! i did get to joann's clearence sale and got some fabric for a tank dress?? maybe tomorrow, today is already shot!!! sorry for the rambling i just needed to vent. I hope your summers are going better than mine! LOL when does school start??
User: maps
Member since: 06-18-2003 Total posts: 152 ![]() |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 07-14-2003, 11:04 AM (4 of 22)
as long as we're starts here Aug.6th and I CAN'T wait.....I don't have kids but the neighborhood children have already beaten a path to my door asking for money. It seems we all pay money for school (property tax, $600. of which goes to schools), we play the lottery that 'supposedly' pays the schools money, but then the kids come to the house's selling stuff to make more money. This is only for the START of school....then they ask us to donate for needy kids school supplies. Here theres 2 pages of school supplies that each kid needs to bring. (it includes paper towel's, tissue, besides the usual pencil's. paper, etc) Then theres all the holidays when they ask for MORE money....I'm sorry, but I don't think I NEED to give money to schools. I don't have kids in school. I'm tired of hearing the door bell and seeing some kid standing there saying, I need/I want/my school...etc...sorry just HAD to say something... Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: MaryW
Date: 07-14-2003, 11:08 AM (5 of 22)
Everyone is a little frustrated with summer I see. So far so good around here. But give me 10 minutes and I'll have a different attitude. LOL.
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 07-14-2003, 11:58 PM (6 of 22)
My summer is going okay so far if you call living in 103 degress heat okay!! Hiurt my back saturday cleaning the shower stall in the master bath that I thought the cleaning lady I hired was doing and discovered after I had to let her go that she was only cleaning the floor in the shower and just drying the rest of it down with a towel. Any way, Chrys, I can sympathize with you and the neighborhood kids. Not only do I get it here in my neighborhood, I also get it at work as everyone who has "little darlings" in grade school think you should purchase wrapping paper, girl scout cookies, candy, raw cookie dough, and you name it from each one of them. I have stopped ordering from any of them due to the fact that if you order from one you have to order something from them all and I was ending up with a lot of expensive stuff that I neither needed or wanted. Also, my dh and I pay school taxes and don't have kiddoes in school either. I think we pay more than enough taxes to cover whatever we don't order from the little door-to-door salespeople. The school systems are also a shambles but the strange thing is that no one ever questions where are the money is spent that is paid in taxes, etc. to pay for the schools. I can tell you, however, that all of the school board members in this particular county drive really, really expensive cars, live in really, really expensive homes and wear only the latest and most expensive fashions. The end of another venting session on a pet peeve of mine. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: Bama
Date: 07-17-2003, 09:13 AM (7 of 22)
That's one thing I don't allow my children to do. It irritates me to have other kids ask me to buy over-priced wrapping paper and candy for their school, club, ball team, etc. so I don't allow my kids to sell it. Our school is constantly sending home catalogs and notes begging parents to help their kids sell things to help the school. They even suggest that parents take the catalogs to work. I think I more than make up for not selling the stuff by volunteering my time and ocassionally giving a donation for something specific. I will NOT however, give a donation to go into the general fund. I want to know where it's going. School starts here 8-11. This summer is flying by. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 07-18-2003, 05:57 PM (8 of 22)
I have a stock answer when they knock on my door selling, I tell them it is against my beliefs to 'buy overpriced stuff' so their school (or group) can make a few cents.. I offer a donation (usually $3.00 to $5.00, according to what the organization is) and then I write a check. If it is schoolkids at the door, the check is made out to the PTA or PTO whichever they have. Then, I encourage the children to check into the overhead and how it affects their profits and to encourage the PTA to ask for a small donation from each family instead of requiring the kids to sell all this overpriced junk..The year my son was asked to sell Chritsmas wrapping paper for 12.00 for 12 sheets and KMart had same package for $ !.49 was the year I rebelled . We bought from KMart and re-sold for $ 5.00 and donated profit to PTA along with a report of how much more they received that way. As opposed to no money from us.. Ever since, we have all slept better.. That school stopped selling junk, by the way..
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 07-18-2003, 10:34 PM (9 of 22)
I know the feeling ladies. My grandkids are always selling some junk. The only thing that I don't mind buying is the chocolate bars They are good. The World's Finest Chocolate ones. They sell for a buck and if you don't eat chocolate you can melt them down and make candy for Christmas out of them. One of the schools here has joined with Winn Dixie Supermarkets and for every dollar spent in the store they donate something like 2% back to the school. We have scan cards that we present when checking out so they can send it to the school. For one half of the year my grandkid's school recieved a check for $3000.00 from the store, not bad and it beats selling candy and junk. I think the school should hold more things like bazaars, fairs, bake sales and different things like that to raise money instead of making kids go beg door to door. Our kids go back August 14th and the time has flown by this summer. The kids have to bring in all kinds of stuff here too like paper towel, kleenex, 4 packs of 16 colors, 5 bottles of glue, geesh by the time you buy all that you've spent 60.00 to 80.00 dollars and that's not including the back packs and clothes. The kids here have to wear uniforms which makes it easier you only have to buy 3 shirts and 3 pairs of pants to start off school. And Bama...........Never mention vacation out loud to a mother, didn't you know that? We have a tendency to think vacation means family gathering. LOL When I go on vacation I take'em all with me. LOL The more the merrier. Susie |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Bama
Date: 07-19-2003, 05:43 PM (10 of 22)
Susie, Yes, I remember that now. ![]() We're leaving Monday for our little family reunion...eerrrrrr...vacation. ![]() My mom and my oldest sister call me at least 3 times a day each to "plan" everything. We're only going for 2 nights. ![]() Everyone please think sunshine for me. Then we can stay out doors most of the time. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 07-20-2003, 12:47 AM (11 of 22)
Bama, A few years ago we went to Perdido Key and stayed at a place called Eden. It was so nice. It was only a mile or so from Orange, Alabama. I know you must know where this is. Not far from the FloraBama Bar. In case some of you don't know what that is, it's a bar that strattles Florida and Alabama. We rented two condo's and had 8 adults and 7 kids all under the age of 5. It was fun but I lost 5 pounds that week. We cooked all the food in advance and froze it so it wouldn't be so expensive. You could tell we were there my sons tell me our food smell engulfed the whole place. You could smell our lasagne baking all the way down in the lobby and we were on the 7th and 8th floors. LOL But it was fun. Just don't expect a lot out of it and it will be fun. And if it rains, go shopping at the malls down there. LOL Nah really have a good time and let us all know how it was when you get back. ![]() Susie |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Monroe
Date: 07-20-2003, 12:51 AM (12 of 22)
'Bama, hey sugar, nice to see another Southern voice around here! School stuff aside, I understand how you feel completely. I quit family vacations ten years ago because of a disaster created by mine. I'd gotten a big pay day and wanted to treat my mama, so I call up and ask her where she wanted to go, anywhere in the world.... She says, "John Penny Camp. Florida Keys. And I want all you kids there too." Ok, fine. Sure, I'm not a beach girl, I have a *slight* phobia of fish. Don't laugh! It's serious! My only fear, really, and frusterating because I can't explain it! But that's what she wanted, so I call up my sister in Oregon and end up booking her a flight. My brother was heading in from Texas and I came in from NY. I booked a small beach house and rented a boat so everyone else could go diving.... then my sister calls and says her boyfriend of three months just *has* to come because he's never been to the Keys. Ok, fine, whatever. My brother hears that and suddenly his girlfriend - now wife - just *has* to come too. My mama invited her boyfriend and.... well, soon it was all couples and me cause I'd left my partner at home like a good girl. Each and every couple fought for two weeks straight, and on my dime, too. Now? Hell no! I take my mama to Mexico once a year, see my sister for a few days in Oregon, hit my brother's house whenever I'm in Texas, then take a seperate, solo vacation away from my partner, family and life. He goes somewhere else later in the year and we visit his parents twice a year. What bothers me about your post was the comment about three women not being safe alone.... what? Like two guys on a golf course can protect y'all from the big, baddies at the beach!! The only time I was told I shouldn't go somewhere for safty reasons was Morocco. I really wanted to go but it didn't sit well with my partner. Instead I went to Bali. Had a great time, came home safe and sound. Maybe the next time you make plans with your mom you should remind her of this trip, and wouldn't it be nice to be stress free? Put your foot down, sugar. And sun. I wish you mad sun, clear water and no rip tides. Mad sun and honey, ~I Monroe I love myself when I'm laughing... and again when I'm mean and impressive looking - Zora Neale Hurston
User: Monroe
Member since: 07-13-2003 Total posts: 4 ![]() |
From: Bama
Date: 07-20-2003, 11:14 AM (13 of 22)
Hi Monroe, If you knew my sis and her husband you would understand that comment. ![]() ![]() So you're southern too? ![]() Thanks for the thoughts of sunshine. ![]() Susie, I know FloraBama. ![]() The kids and I are planning to have a great time. I'll let you know how it went when we get home . ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Shellymoon
Date: 07-20-2003, 05:40 PM (14 of 22)
In my opinion, it's not much of a vacation if everyone in your family is there. That's what we need a vacation FROM! Maybe everyone else's family isn't quite the Jerry Springer material my family is (LOL). Unfortunately, I married into a family where the words "vacation" and "relatives" always fall in the same sentence. We try to do an every other year thing. One year we go to visit relatives. The next year, we go on vacation with just the kid. It's a nice compromise. Luckily, all of our family lives in places where there is fun vacationy type of stuff nearby so it's not too too bad. Shelly Moon
User: Shellymoon
Member since: 05-27-2001 Total posts: 240 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 07-20-2003, 06:26 PM (15 of 22)
Bama just think of it this way. They'll have to put up with the men all week and you'll have only kids. I'll take that any day. LOL Have a great time. ![]() |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Monroe
Date: 07-21-2003, 12:26 PM (16 of 22)
'Bama.... that sounds like my SIL, whole whacked out world is my brother... or intent on making him crazy! From just down the street, 'Nawlin's, Louisiana. We're up north in Providence at the moment, but I'm always going back home. Hope everyone keeps their hands from each other's throats! And mad sun to you, sugs, ~I Monroe I love myself when I'm laughing... and again when I'm mean and impressive looking - Zora Neale Hurston
User: Monroe
Member since: 07-13-2003 Total posts: 4 ![]() |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 07-21-2003, 03:24 PM (17 of 22)
Hey Monroe, You're from my neck of the woods. I hate to say it but I'm from Chalmette but not for long. We are moving out to the country, Franklinton. I'm sure you know where Folsom is, well it's about 25 North of Folsom. Rolling hills pretty pasture land. I'm excited. How are you weathering the cold weather after living in this tropical humidity down here? I know you have to miss the food here. Cultural shock I bet. Well dear, I have to go make groceries and run by my brothers house LOL Later gator |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Bama
Date: 07-25-2003, 07:34 PM (18 of 22)
Monroe, My hubby was born in Louisiana. I love to visit his brothers there. We survived our vacation, but it seemed alot like a Chevy Chase movie for a while there. The night before we left my mom called and said that my younger sister had a terrible toothache ![]() ![]() THEN my BIL's car broke down about half way there. My mom, one of my sisters, the kids, and I sat inside a Piccadilly's for over an hour while that was being fixed. We finally arrived and checked in. We got up to the room and the door hinges were broken. ![]() ![]() ![]() We finally got to the beach at 7 PM. The next morning it was raining. It finally stopped around 1 that afternoon, but the red flags were out. Someone drowned that evening about 100 yards down from us. ![]() At least my kids had a nice time and I did enjoy seeing the ocean. I've never seen so many shells washed up before. Mom is already planning a trip for everyone next year. Now I remember why it's been 14 years since I went on vacation with my sister. I think I'll just wait til hubby wants to go again. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Bama
Date: 07-25-2003, 07:45 PM (19 of 22)
Forgot to mention this.... the ceiling fan (in the room with no air conditioning![]() ![]() I'm sure they were glad when we left, but who cares. And oh yeah, when we first walked in, my niece stepped in DOG pee apparently left when the last people checked out. I will NEVER stay in another place that allows pets. ![]() ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 07-26-2003, 12:39 AM (20 of 22)
Bama I will be in your neck of the woods tomorrow. We are going to meet my Grandsons other grandmother in Montgomery which is half way for them and for us. He is going to stay with them two weeks before he has to go back to school. They live in South Carolina. I will be leaving here at 4:00AM going to Montgomery and then turning around and coming back till it's time to go back and get him on the 9th. 10 hours in the car I haven't done that in a while. LOL TTYL Susie |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Raine
Date: 07-26-2003, 11:59 AM (21 of 22)
Sounds like a FABULOUS vacation, Bama!!! When I make reservations, I always have nightmares of a hotel being like that. We never go on vacation with family. My mother would drive me nuts at the restaurants. I didn't realize how fussy she was until I became an adult. We just returned from Winnipeg yesterday. We went to Grand Beach. A good time was had by all. ![]() |
User: Raine
Member since: 04-19-2000 Total posts: 259 ![]() |
From: weB2cats
Date: 08-21-2003, 10:10 AM (22 of 22)
Family reunions are for a day, with everyone speaking at break-neck speeds, catching up in one day what they should have been spending years doing: letters, emails, etc on a regular basis. Family vacations are for the few members that get along. I have a large family. My brother bought a home recently on the Oregon Coast (Tolovana Beach). Our family beach cabin is less than 6 miles away. My mother is retired and living there now, having some remodelling done during the nice weather. Well, he had a party that started out with family members only. Unfortunately, it turned into a real circus as he invited church friends and their kids. His college age kids also invited their friends from out of state. That was their house scenario. At our family's cabin there was to be my mom, my daughter and I my brother and my oldest sister. Then, her daughter (who is pompous and self-serving) and 2 children, under age 5 came. Then my oldest brother decides he'll come too, and brings his girlfriend (not the one he lives with but a different gal whom no one has met). Well, I already sized that scenario up as this has happened before. How were the logistics going to be worked out? Where did everyone think they were going to sleep? My mom told me to bring a sleeping bag-I told her, "no can do, but thanks for the invite". My mother just can't seem to say no to family intrusions but I was not going, no matter what! I just knew that this was not going to work and I totally removed myself from the whole escapade. Something always seems to happen & no matter what, I get sucked into a vortex of hostility. It wasn't happening this time. As it turned out, I'm so glad I didn't go! Many misunderstandings over trivial things occurred and I was nowhere near the fall-out that ensued. I spent a lovely day on the Columbia river shore, sunning, reading and enjoying romping in the water with the dogs and watching my daughter and her friend build sand castles and having an afternoon picnic. It was perfect! I had to snicker when I heard of all the drama that weekend brought to the beach cabin. Never will I go into those situations again. So stressful. And the point of a vacation is to come back refreshed! |
User: weB2cats
Member since: 11-07-2002 Total posts: 232 |

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