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This archived content is from Mary Wilkins’ sewing and quilting message board “Sew What’s New,” which was retired in August 2007. It is being provided by “Sew What’s Up,” which serves as the new home for many members of “Sew What’s New.”
From: Debzy
Date: 07-25-2003, 03:09 PM (1 of 12)
Because I can never fold either back neatly! :bg:
The pattern envelope always ends up bulging and eventually rippping.
Does anyone have any tips on how to keep patterns tidy? I've drawn a blank with this one!
User: Debzy
Member since: 06-02-2003
Total posts: 71
From: Writer
Date: 07-25-2003, 03:18 PM (2 of 12)
I can't fold them either. I don't understand how they manage to grow after I've removed some of the paper! :) I have read of people storing the patterns in zip lock bags, or pasting the front and back of the pattern onto a file folder and stuffing the pieces inside. They then file by type of garment. Hope that helps.
User: Writer
Member since: 01-16-2001
Total posts: 184
From: jennifer007
Date: 07-25-2003, 04:22 PM (3 of 12)
you can iron your patterns back flat after you have folded. Use a low heat and no steam. They fit right back into the envelope easily! Hope this helps...
User: jennifer007
Member since: 05-22-2003
Total posts: 29
From: Writer
Date: 07-25-2003, 05:40 PM (4 of 12)
So that's the trick? I never knew that!
User: Writer
Member since: 01-16-2001
Total posts: 184
From: MaryW
Date: 07-26-2003, 06:05 AM (5 of 12)
I pressed mine with a hot iron once and the directions transposed right on to my ironing board cover. That was a long time ago and Cut 2 is still there. :bg:
owner/editor of Sew Whats New
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005
Total posts: 2542
From: Debzy
Date: 07-26-2003, 10:46 AM (6 of 12)
Originally posted by MaryW
I pressed mine with a hot iron once and the directions transposed right on to my ironing board cover. That was a long time ago and Cut 2 is still there. :bg:
User: Debzy
Member since: 06-02-2003
Total posts: 71
From: Writer
Date: 07-26-2003, 10:50 AM (7 of 12)
OH Mary! At least it says cut 2 and not size 2! :) That would depress me and I'd never iron!
User: Writer
Member since: 01-16-2001
Total posts: 184
From: jennifer007
Date: 07-26-2003, 01:59 PM (8 of 12)
Ever seen one start smoking? :nervous:
(That's why I say low heat now!)
User: jennifer007
Member since: 05-22-2003
Total posts: 29
From: Aimee S
Date: 07-26-2003, 03:35 PM (9 of 12)
My 7 yr old can follow the manuf. fold lines and fold it exactly back to the envelope. I also iron on low heat. The thing I would like from the pattern companies is that they would have in the instructions where each piece is or at least print them on the sheets in order. How many times have you spent half the day looking for that one last piece to make that item only to find it in the darkest corner of the last sheet.
The more you disaprove, the more fun I am having!
User: Aimee S
Member since: 02-23-2003
Total posts: 488
From: Magot
Date: 07-26-2003, 04:33 PM (10 of 12)
I'm such a cheapskate - I never buy patterns just get them free in magazines. This means as they are printed on both sides I alays have to trace the pattern pieces otherise I'll cut out one pattern piece from another. They fold up fine if you never cut them - mind you, I have a serious mountain of strange brown paper pieces that don't have identifying marks on them.
love and kisses, Jan
Cells a Speciality
DNA to order.
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002
Total posts: 3626
From: Debzy
Date: 07-31-2003, 02:50 PM (11 of 12)
Aimee, you seven year old has no problem? Isn't that always the way! Kids can handle most things can't they? Like those awkward child-proof caps...!:bg:
User: Debzy
Member since: 06-02-2003
Total posts: 71
From: Bernina
Date: 08-20-2003, 11:08 PM (12 of 12)
Just had to say I ROFL'ed at the title of your thread.

Too funny.
User: Bernina
Member since: 08-20-2003
Total posts: 2
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