From: Aimee S
Date: 08-14-2003, 05:20 PM (1 of 22)
I know you cant read this right now... But us in California feel for you. My best to you all that your electricity will be up as soon as possible. Best to know that it is just Murphy's Law that caused it not disgruntled persons.
The more you disaprove, the more fun I am having! |
User: Aimee S
Member since: 02-23-2003 Total posts: 488 |
From: carman
Date: 08-14-2003, 08:41 PM (2 of 22)
can you imagine if this had happend at night, oh my, i don't even want to think of what that may have caused, looks like power is coming on slowly now. |
User: carman
Member since: 04-17-2000 Total posts: 692 |
From: Sherri
Date: 08-14-2003, 09:02 PM (3 of 22)
Hey welcome to the NWT this happens to us daily in the summer. Anywhere from 20 minute to 12 hours. Thank god we have 24 hour daylight. Hope you found some way to enjoy the dark. nudge nudge wink wink say no more. ![]() Sherri My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001 Total posts: 357 |
From: carman
Date: 08-14-2003, 10:00 PM (4 of 22)
waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy to hot for that stuff, lol. |
User: carman
Member since: 04-17-2000 Total posts: 692 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 08-15-2003, 12:25 AM (5 of 22)
Sherri, Do you have 24 hours of night or is it just twilight at some point in the year? I can't amagine not having any night time in 24 hours. Just wondering. If the power goes out here in the summer we have 94F degree most days in July and August and only in the high 80's at night. It's hot. Not as hot as poor Texas. We did have a power outage one time in January and it was something like 18F. By the the time I closed the house off and put all the kids in the living room and lit my gas oven and stove and got it warm again where we could stand it, the power came back on. LOL But it was horrible for about 6 hours. Anyone know how extensive the outage is? They say it's affecting Canada also. That's a lot of folks. I'll be thinking of you and good luck on getting everything back to normal to all of you affected. Susie |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Scratch 'N Sniff
Date: 08-15-2003, 02:08 AM (6 of 22)
Hey everybody! I'm in central Jersey, and we only had a little flicker here. I heard 80% of New York state was out since 4pm, I'm pretty sure most everything is back on by now. Last I heard (about 11pm) the cities in north Jersey that went out were back and NYC was expecting power back by midnight. We heard that it went out to Detroit and up to Toronto in a wierd grid that somehow missed New England and most of Pennsylvannia. We were told that it started with a lightning strike at a power plant in Niagra, New York, but whether that's true or not I'm not sure. I'm just glad there hasn't been all the looting that could have happened, and most people seem to be fairing it pretty well. All the TV broadcasts showed smiles and people drinking the beer before it got warm. Gotta love New York! ![]() ~debie
User: Scratch 'N Sniff
Member since: 01-02-2003 Total posts: 46 |
From: MaryW
Date: 08-15-2003, 08:23 AM (7 of 22)
We are fine here, but we've been watching it on the boob tube. Streets are full of people walking home from work. One guy had over 100 blocks to walk. Imagine getting stuck in an elevator. I would be a total wreck. ![]() MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: Sherri
Date: 08-15-2003, 09:32 AM (8 of 22)
We actually get about 4 hours of twillight in both the summer and winter. So in the summer it happens about midnight and the winter about noon. You just get used to it. We loose power so often because our power grid is very week. The other day when it went out it was 32 C and very humid and thundershowering. Glad not everyone is in the dark. Sherri My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001 Total posts: 357 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 08-15-2003, 10:57 AM (9 of 22)
I'm glad our power stays ON most of the time....last time we had a big power out was Oct. was out for 1 1/2 days due to hurricane Opal. I'm just glad it wasn't hot or cold. (just REALLY wet and blowy ![]() Sometimes we'll get these weird power outs, for 30 mins to an hour, but it's not often... and it's usually NOT during a storm. Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 08-15-2003, 11:22 AM (10 of 22)
I haven't heard from Bren yesterday evening or this morning and she usually says "Hi" once a day via email so she must be affected by this. She's near Toranto. Thanks Sherri for the short geography lesson. I'm fascinated by the weather and the way things are in other parts of the world. Like in Australia they are having winter now. Imagine having Christmas in summer. I guess you get use to it like anything else but it's still strange to me. We're spoiled. My father, bless his soul he'd be 86 now if he were alive, use to tell stories about when he was going to college of doing his work at home by candlelight. We never had air conditioning when I was growing up until I was around 12 years old, we had attic fans and they kept the house nice and cool. I don't think it was cool as much as we were use to it being warm. Now I have a fit when my husband pushes the thermostat up over 75F. LOL I'm spoiled alright. Hope everyone gets back to normal soon. Susie |
User: Mother in Law
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From: carman
Date: 08-15-2003, 11:43 AM (11 of 22)
alot of Toronto is still not with power and places like Cleveland? i think they said will still be out for today and maybe longer, so the power is far from up an running yet, then they said it will go out again for a bit so the surge goes through the system. |
User: carman
Member since: 04-17-2000 Total posts: 692 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 08-15-2003, 12:52 PM (12 of 22)
Us Okies are used to power outages also Sherri. Let's see, ice storms in winter; tornadoes in spring and fall; severe thunderstorms with straight line winds up to 75 or 80 miles an hour in hot summer months. I heard a comment by a reporterabout the power supplies here in Oklahoma last night on the news -- she said that Oklahoma produces more power than it needs so sells the overage to other grids. Well my question is if this state produces more electricity than it needs, how come our danged electric rates are so high and going up all the time? ![]() Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: mamahoogie
Date: 08-15-2003, 02:33 PM (13 of 22)
Hello to all of you with power and thank you for thinking of us that were caught in the black out. Our hydro just came on at noon today but not everyone in our city has power yet. They are turning it on block by block so it will take some time before everyone has power again. I was very worried about my former sister-in-law and a best friend (I divorced her brother, not her) because she is over 70 and has asthma and lives in an apartment and cannot tolerate the heat at the best of times but I called her this morning and her power came on in Hamilton (Ontario) at midnight last night. My daughter told her to turn on her a/c for awile anyway as her's was for medical purposes so she did and is doing fine. It was quite a night. We sat out on the porch with a citronella candle going and some of the neighbours came over for a chat. One of them has a wife who is dying of ovarian cancer (in her mid 40's) and he sat and talked softly about her. I think the candle light made it easier for him to open up and he needed to talk. Sometimes things happen for a reason! So we have hydro for now but we may lose it anytime. They may turn ours off to give someone else a turn. Rotating brown outs they call it. We have to limit our use of electricity for several days including no a/c an it's near 90 here today....and some people think it's cold in Canada!!! I feel sorry for the elderly people and I pray they are doing ok. I really felt sorry for the people caught in elevators - one of my worst nightmares!! (shudder) thanks again for thinking of us and for letting me ramble. God Bless from ![]() I've decided to live forever - so far, so good.
User: mamahoogie
Member since: 12-25-2002 Total posts: 461 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 08-15-2003, 02:52 PM (14 of 22)
Mamahoogie glad you let us know you and your family are okay. Yes, being trapped in an elevator is one of my worst nightmares also as I'm very claustrophobic and just the thought of it makes me have an anxiety attack. Being without electricity is no fun. A few years ago our power to our house was out for three or four days and it was in July and in the 90s. Needless to say, things were a little unpleasant , especially at night with those temperatures. so I can relate. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: mamahoogie
Date: 08-15-2003, 04:24 PM (15 of 22)
thanks. I have been blessed that all 3 of my daughters and their families are fine but one is still without power. She says they have power one street over but not hers. They live downtown London Ontario. However, they have a BBQ and are using what's in the freezer that's thawing anyway so they have enough to eat and the water is still on. Grocery day was today so at least they didn't have a full fridge of food that went bad. I warned her not to buy milk and fresh meat for a few days though. I don't eat meat so I'm ok. Haven't heard today from daughter in Ottawa but she called last night to say they were all fine. Ahh the trials and tribulations of today's modern world. Could be worse! (that's my favorite saying ever since I had exploratory brain surgery which was only partly successful - not fatal but still painful). take care everyone and thanks for the good thoughts. ![]() I've decided to live forever - so far, so good.
User: mamahoogie
Member since: 12-25-2002 Total posts: 461 |
From: mary6
Date: 08-15-2003, 07:52 PM (16 of 22)
Hi! I live on long island-NY-our power went out a little after 4 pm and didn't come back on till 10:00 this am. I have 6 kids-they thought it was fun-candles,bbqing late @ night! There are still parts of NY without power-alot of towns in Nassau County still don't have power-it's sperratic-some people on 1 block have it, and around the corner don't. Hopefully everyone will be up and running!![]() : ![]() mary6
User: mary6
Member since: 11-09-2002 Total posts: 19 ![]() |
From: MaryW
Date: 08-16-2003, 07:55 AM (17 of 22)
It's amazing how this affects people so far away. My BIL in another part of Nova Scotia has no email because of this blackout. The parent company is in Newmarket, Ontario and they are closed. Thus an old guy in N.S. has no email service. There are 90 minute lineups for coffee at some places and they are ordering 10-15 at a time. MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: bren
Date: 08-16-2003, 09:05 AM (18 of 22)
Hi everyone , Thanks for thinking of us here in Canada , I was at work on 3 to 11 shift at the hospital in Hamilton, The lights wet out about 4:15 P.M. I have never seen that hospital so black, it seem long for the generator to kick on, we had the bare ecentials, No air for the patient's , I work in emergency which is on the ground floor , so it got very hot in there fast, the door's are open all the time. I felt so sorry for our patients. We got slammed that night , People were comming in unable to breath, older people were comming in mainly cause they were frightened, some car accident's I was so worried about my mom as she lives by herself and is 79 and not in the best condition, My sis went over and stayed with here, Mom got Power yesterday at 2:30 P.M. Her whole fridge spoiled, she had just got groceries that morning. Oh well moms fine now and that's all that matters, ![]() Bren:
Don't let anyone ...Live Rent Free In Your Head |
User: bren
Member since: 11-30-2002 Total posts: 489 |
From: bren
Date: 08-16-2003, 09:30 AM (19 of 22)
Hi again LOL, I live in Burlington Ontario, we got power on around 10 P.M. On my way home it was black it was errie, no stop lights on , I have to admit people were good handling them like a four way stops I was almost out of gas!! enough to get home from work , on my way back to work I had to go to five Gas station's to get Gas!!!My gas light was on for awhile , I was sure I was going to run out before I got back to work, There were line ups like I never seen before, I felt like I was in a nightmare,LOL . Bank card's were not working , you needed cash!!! I will never let my tank be low on gas again !!! I will stash some money away in my wallet,!!! I will keep a flash light in my car,!!! and I will allway's have extra water in my home!!! What an eye opener that was, I'm on my kid's to do the same, oh how we take things for granted, I hope things get better soon and stay that way , were still getting brown out's , that may go on for day's, I'm so glad to be home today and Know all my family are well. God I feel grateful!!! Bren:
Don't let anyone ...Live Rent Free In Your Head |
User: bren
Member since: 11-30-2002 Total posts: 489 |
From: maps
Date: 08-16-2003, 11:17 AM (20 of 22)
i'm glad to hear you all survived![]() ![]() ![]() Marge
User: maps
Member since: 06-18-2003 Total posts: 152 ![]() |
From: Sewhappie
Date: 08-16-2003, 07:52 PM (21 of 22)
Glad to hear that everyone is doing okay now that power has been restored. I live in a suburb of Akron Ohio, where First Engery is located. We had power in our small section of the city, but the rest of the city had none!!!! First Engery is getting alot of gruff about the whole mess and they are saying NOTHING!!!!!! They have been able to pin it down to some lines just East of Cleveland that are owned by First Energy, but that's all we are hearing about it. ![]() I still think that if it has happened once, it will happen again so be prepared!!!! |
User: Sewhappie
Member since: 10-27-2001 Total posts: 1427 |
From: allie-oops
Date: 08-18-2003, 05:25 AM (22 of 22)
We're in the Detroit area, so we got hit with the blackout. I had just got my computer up and running again, after trying to get rid of that stupid virus, when we lost power. We were out about 27 hours. Thank God, hubby RAN out and got a generator right away. We thought at first it was local, but my aunt called from TX about 30 minutes after the power went, and let us know how widespread it was. Hubby has thousands of fish [he's a breeder] that we would have lost. And was it HOT. In the 90's, with 100% humidity. Tonight, it's gorgeous outside, why couldn't it happen when it's cool! Thankfully, with the generator, we had the fridge and a couple of fans, and the, when my aunt called, I started storing water in anything I could find. So, we had food, water, a gas stove so we could cook, and plenty of gas in the cars so we could keep the generator going. There were stranded motorists all over the city, who had driven to work on empty and were now paying for it. Keep your tanks topped off! And keep your flashlights and fresh batteries on hand - we have a spotlight that will bring down small planes, but it needs to be charged after 8 hours of use. We are still on a boil water alert. Might be til Wednesday. As soon as the stores around here get some, I'm going to buy some bottled water to keep on hand. I heard that an alarm failed in the system in Ohio, and the "loop" of electricity that normally moves clockwise around the Great Lakes went counter-clockwise and knocked everybody out. I do believe that this could happen again, and I don't want to be caught unprepared. I'm ready to go to solar power with an artesian well. I don't like being so dependent on the electric and water companies! Now, to go fire up my sewing machine - oh, how I missed it! Allie "onward through the fog"
User: allie-oops
Member since: 10-25-2002 Total posts: 282 |

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