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This archived content is from Mary Wilkins’ sewing and quilting message board “Sew What’s New,” which was retired in August 2007. It is being provided by “Sew What’s Up,” which serves as the new home for many members of “Sew What’s New.”
From: Aimee S
Date: 09-02-2003, 01:52 PM (1 of 19)
There is one study that says if you rid your self of the complex carbs you will loose weight....

Other studies say if you cut your calories you will loose...

Other studies say all you need to do is get moving....

Still others say that you have to move at least 1 hours cause you dont start to burn fat till you have been active in your heart rate for 30 min....

I challenge all that want to loose weight like me to choose one and then report back weekly. Choose the Atkins... the weight watchers, excersise or your own choosing...

Eash week we will report and it will be our own study. no need to tell starting weight I am over......

but we can tell if we loose and if you choose how much. or you can tell how many inches.... sometimes that is more.
The more you disaprove, the more fun I am having!
User: Aimee S
Member since: 02-23-2003
Total posts: 488
From: brendalou
Date: 09-02-2003, 02:47 PM (2 of 19)
I went on Atkins and have lost 35 lbs so far. I lost 20 the first 1.5 months and 15 over the last three. I went from a size 20 to a size 12/14 depending upon the clothing line. I feel better than I have in years. My doctor told me and I quote," Atkins will loose the weight the quickest, however, many people go back to eating like before so it will come back - the hardest thing with any diet is to stay on a maintenance plan" And not all diets will work for all people. Some metabolisms work better with low fat, others with low carbs.

My diet experience.
==Brenda Lou
User: brendalou
Member since: 10-07-2002
Total posts: 2
From: Betina
Date: 09-02-2003, 08:22 PM (3 of 19)
Atkins works but I crave green veggies... The Zone is working better for me.. 1/4 plate protein and 3/4 plate green veggies..carbs are at 40 a day.. sugar free juice..
User: Betina
Member since: 04-21-2003
Total posts: 31
From: brendalou
Date: 09-02-2003, 10:04 PM (4 of 19)
I get tons of green veggies on Atkins. Only the 1st two weeks are extremely restrictive. But even then I was eating 3 salads a day. I have been keeping my carb level at 40 grams a day also. No caffeine, no asparatamine (sp?) The New Atkins was "modified" to include alot more veggies. Methinks the Zone and Atkins ongoing weight loss are pretty much one in the same! :bg:
==Brenda Lou
User: brendalou
Member since: 10-07-2002
Total posts: 2
From: lovemyfabric
Date: 09-03-2003, 07:38 AM (5 of 19)
All those diets sound like they would be hard to stay on for the rest of your life. In Canada we have Canada's Food Guide which is pretty much every thing in moderation. I think the US has the same thing. If you just followed that and exercised it might be something you could do for the rest of your life.

You also have to learn to forgive yourself if you have something you shouldn't have. I used to say I'm going on a diet and I have to be perfect, so once I had something I shouldn't have I just went off the diet and gained more weight. Now I exercise at least 5 days a week and try to watch what I eat and I've kept my weight off for about 7 years.
User: lovemyfabric
Member since: 06-06-2003
Total posts: 126
From: jcook
Date: 09-03-2003, 11:53 AM (6 of 19)
I know that I could never stick to a diet of any sort although the quick loss with adkins is tempting. I do admire all of you who can stick to diets. I also don't like to eat that much meat, I guess that could work to my advantage and maybe I'd lose even more by eating that much less. I know that I'd break down and binge on the sweets though.

I've been just taking smaller portions and watching the sweets for the last couple of weeks and that has been helping. The kids are back in school now and I have a bit of leisure time so I have been exercising more regularly too since I don't have to choose between working out or another hour's sleep! I'm not looking as much for weight loss as for losing some inches.

I hate to say good luck to everyone because somehow that doesn't sound encouraging enough, you know? I can't think of anything better though so I'll have to leave it at that.

User: jcook
Member since: 08-16-2000
Total posts: 50
From: MaryW
Date: 09-03-2003, 12:31 PM (7 of 19)
I need to lose some inches around my belly area. That seems to be my problem so I found some exercises to try. :nervous:
owner/editor of Sew Whats New
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005
Total posts: 2542
From: Dede
Date: 09-03-2003, 01:11 PM (8 of 19)
I banned the word "diet" from my vocabulary. I'm more comfortable knowing I'm re-educating myself to a healthy lifestyle. We all know what our problem is; it will differ from one person to another. We also have to consider we're not 20 anymore and that aging and hormones will do what it's been known to do for centuries :bluesad: . It is also recognized that we have to spend more calories than we swallow in order to see results. So let's go girls ; let's get moving and have some fun :up:
User: Dede
Member since: 03-23-2001
Total posts: 469
From: dizzy3939
Date: 09-03-2003, 11:49 PM (9 of 19)
My DH is on the Curves Lifestyle Change (similar to Atkins, but not quite as strict....if you want any info, lemme know :bluesmile ) anyway, the first 2 weeks he lost 10 lbs. Then he went on a little less strict curves lifestyle change. He hasn't lost anymore, but he hasn't gained any either :bluesmile This was without exercise. This week, he is back on the lifestyle change, and he is exercising. He "needs" to lose 3" off his waist by next month or I'm gonna kick his rear!! :bg:....anyway, I'll let you know his progress :bluesmile It has really been a better lifestyle for us...we hardly have sweets in the house (just some ice cream for me usually :bg:. I don't miss the breads, pastas, rice, etc. I am not on the lifestyle change, because I am still nursing my baby, but I've definitely changed the way my family eats :) Now, if I could get my 7 and 3 year old to eat some veggies, I would be happy (of course, my 3 year old all of the sudden likes salads LOL). Good luck to everyone!!

Proud Air Force Wife to Scott
Stay-At-Home Mommy to...
Tristan Alexander (12/5/95)
Thomas Bradley (1/21/00)
Abigail Rosalie (2/22/03)
User: dizzy3939
Member since: 11-12-2000
Total posts: 112
From: Magot
Date: 09-04-2003, 03:15 AM (10 of 19)
Advice here in England is that Atkins, while having dramatic effects, is ultimately detrimental to your health as it places damaging strain on your liver and kidneys which are not meant to get their calories from protein but from complex carbohydrates. The time when I bodies go into 'Atkins ' mode is in times of famine, burning protein for energy - admittedly in famine you are burning your own protein instead of that consumed but biochemicaly the same toxic build up is produced.

When you come off Atkins, be very careful as to what type of regime you go back to - keep up the veggies but reintroduce complex carbs ( brown bread, wholegrain rice, wholemean pasta) and remember to cut down on the amount of meat consumed! That amount of meat eaten means that it is a high fat diet ( rough on cholesterol/athlersclorosis etc) but the fats may be burnt rapidly as no other instant energy source. If you don't cut down on the meat and you have reintroduced another energy source( the carbs) then guess where the fat goes! past the lips and on the hips!

Me. I work on a healthy eating plan, bran for brek, sarnie with no butter and fruit for lunch, 3 packets of crisps in the afternoon, meat and veggies for tea ( no carbs _ I ate them in the crisps when on a low!) and a yoghurt. I'm a very stable 9 1/2 stone. That and I prance to my excercise vids 2/3 times a week and do sit ups every day, ride my bike around town like a madwoman, and run around at school.If I want to eat then it isn't choccy I go for but something savory with crunch - ~I'm trying raw carrot instead of the crisp but at the moment I eat the carrot to be good and then eat the crisps....sound familiar....
love and kisses, Jan
Cells a Speciality
DNA to order.
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002
Total posts: 3626
From: MaryW
Date: 09-04-2003, 11:07 AM (11 of 19)
What the heck is sarnie and crisps? How much is 9 1/2 stone?
owner/editor of Sew Whats New
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005
Total posts: 2542
From: Magot
Date: 09-04-2003, 12:28 PM (12 of 19)
Sarnie = sandwich generally ham and lettuce ( no butter/mayo)
Avoir dupois (Imperial) measurements 1 stone =14lbs so 9x14=126lbs +7lbs(1/2 a stone)=133lb .
I thought you'd all be confused if I gave it to you in kilos! (60.5)
I can't work out how heavy people are if they just give it in pounds
CRISPS- how can you not know what crisps are? hang on the french calls them chips - thin slices of potato fried in oil and covered in flavouring and preservatives!
love and kisses, Jan
Cells a Speciality
DNA to order.
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002
Total posts: 3626
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 09-04-2003, 07:22 PM (13 of 19)
I learned kilos... but thanks for the info about stone... My boss used to laugh and give us her weight because none of us knew stone.. Two years ago I bought 4 razor scooters for Christmas presents and had to learn kilos, because weight limit was 80 kilos.. , so I learned to translate kilos to pounds (american) you multiply by 2.2... So, now I know a stone = 14 pounds (american weight)... I knew crisps, but the sarnie was unknown... so, I have learned several new things today..:bg: :bg: :bg:
Sew With Love
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002
Total posts: 2022
From: MaryW
Date: 09-05-2003, 05:29 AM (14 of 19)
Well,just for your info. I thought crisps might be crackers of some sort. :nah:
owner/editor of Sew Whats New
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005
Total posts: 2542
From: Magot
Date: 09-05-2003, 05:33 AM (15 of 19)
So, are they chips? beacause that what we eat with fish by the seaside...mmmmmm
love and kisses, Jan
Cells a Speciality
DNA to order.
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002
Total posts: 3626
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 09-05-2003, 07:09 PM (16 of 19)
your chips = our french fries. (I think) Potatoes cut in long strips and fried in deep fat.. And I believe traditionally you sprinkle vinegar on them.. Or so my Boss used to tell us.. She grew up in London..:cool:
Sew With Love
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002
Total posts: 2022
From: Betina
Date: 09-05-2003, 07:58 PM (17 of 19)
Our chips are snack food... thin slices of potato fried crisp in oil and sprinkled with flavors... can be made from corn meal too resulting in fritos or tortilla chips for dipping in salsa or cheese..
User: Betina
Member since: 04-21-2003
Total posts: 31
From: Magot
Date: 09-05-2003, 11:16 PM (18 of 19)
Yup - chips = french fries
or alternately chrisps = chips, and I lurve tortilla chips!
love and kisses, Jan
Cells a Speciality
DNA to order.
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002
Total posts: 3626
From: Princessdeni199
Date: 09-07-2003, 11:58 PM (19 of 19)
The ONLY diet that I've ever tried that has WORKED was Suzanne Somers SOMERSIZE program. Believe me, it works and I eat more than ever and the weight sheads quickly w/ out any exercise!

She teaches you how to combine your food groups so as not to put on weight.

Dawn :bg: :bg:
User: Princessdeni199
Member since: 04-23-2003
Total posts: 30
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