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The Sew What’s New Archive

This archived content is from Mary Wilkins’ sewing and quilting message board “Sew What’s New,” which was retired in August 2007. It is being provided by “Sew What’s Up,” which serves as the new home for many members of “Sew What’s New.”
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-03-2003, 11:47 PM (1 of 44)
I finally brought my Viking Iris home and you talk about excited!:bg: I have to set a up class to learn it, but I thought i could take it out and play a little ya know...
Wrong! I fiddled with it on and off for hours and I still can't do an embrodiery design. I got a huge nest of thread in the feed dog area when I tried. I don't think that's supposed to happen:whacky: I finally put it away and I'll try again this weekend...

Anyone else have an Iris? Can yo give me some tips?

And does anyone buy Embrodiery thread(Robinson Anton or Sulky) online at good prices?

Anddddddd Was I shocked at HOW FEW embrodiery designs actually came with the machine :bluesad:

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: Sherri
Date: 10-04-2003, 09:49 AM (2 of 44)
I bought an Iris a few months ago. I found if you start the machine with the needle in the down position you get a mess when embroidering. Also I can only use Schmetz needles. I bought thread from over ebay. It was a MUCH cheaper but good quality.

I was also disappointed with the lack of designs. My daughter now has hedgehogs on everything. I am looking for a reader/writer on ebay to go with mine.

My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001
Total posts: 357
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-04-2003, 05:48 PM (3 of 44)
Thanks for the link, it does look a lot cheaper.

Have you bought any of the Viking Embrodiery cards for it with more designs? I don't really have the time or the money to be trying to be doing customed designs with a reader writer or my computer.
So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: Sherri
Date: 10-04-2003, 06:26 PM (4 of 44)
I bought 21 which is the monogram card on EBAy but they are expensive. that is why I am looking for a reader/writer.

My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001
Total posts: 357
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-04-2003, 07:02 PM (5 of 44)
I have an idea of how expensive...I know I wont' be able to just stick with the ones it came with.

I'm sure excatly what I reader/writer is, but I'll look it up.

I just got done doing my first design, the sewing scissors! I love it! this is just so cool!:bg:

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: mxwife
Date: 10-05-2003, 12:14 PM (6 of 44)

The reader/writer box (or also known as the black box, amazing box etc) just lets you download designs off the internet. I'm not sure if or how Viking works or if they are compatible with Viking. I have the amazing box with my brother and I think I've probably dowloaded close to a hundred free designs! I also have embird which lets me edit or change those designs. It's really cool. You should definately look into it! Buying the cards can get expensive though which was why I saved up for the box instead. I've only bought one card (the disney princesses) and use that quite often but everything else I download from the web. Except for my alphabets which I bought from Embird. I have three diffrt fonts that came with the machine, but buying the alphabets from Embird alows me to add text to my designs or personalize them alot easier than doing it separately.

Sorry to ramble! LOL! Congratulations on your new machine by the way! Can't wait to see what you do with it! Have a blast with it!!!

User: mxwife
Member since: 03-29-2003
Total posts: 13
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-05-2003, 08:51 PM (7 of 44)
Hmm, I'll have to check it out, I wonder if it works with the Iris. What's the Embird?
So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: mxwife
Date: 10-05-2003, 09:21 PM (8 of 44)
Embird is editing software - it allows you to manipulate designs - for instance, add lettering (like in a circle) delete parts of the design, combine designs. It's pretty neat and I'm a total novice at it. You can check it out at I actually bought mine from There;s been a recent update so I think the price has jumped to around $80. They also have different plugins you can buy (like studio for digitizing etc). You can try it out free for 30 days - the only thing is that without the box, you really won't be able to get your designs from your computer to your sewing machine to stitch out but you could begin downloading designs and playing with them for free. One thing to check out though is what the iris uses - if the iris uses a floppy disk then I think you'd be able to skip the box - not sure though as I really didn't research the viking line when I was looking. I just downloaded and bought the embird upgrade but haven't had a chance to really get into it....yet. It really is a great program and everyone raves about it.

A great site to check out for designs is ann the gran (I think its Secretsof also has lots of freebie designs that I've downloaded. Of course this board has lots of info too. There really is tons of stuff out there. The only thing you will need is winzip or some time of unzipping program because all the designs are zipped and need to be unzipped before you can actually work with them. I think Embird has the capability to unzip - not sure since we have winzip. Hope that answers some of your questions about embird. Anything else just holler!

User: mxwife
Member since: 03-29-2003
Total posts: 13
From: Sherri
Date: 10-05-2003, 10:07 PM (9 of 44)
Ypu can get a Husquvarna reader/writer or an Ultimate Box or an amazing box. All of which writer the .hus (I think this is the right one) format that you need for the IRis.

My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001
Total posts: 357
From: allie-oops
Date: 10-06-2003, 02:42 AM (10 of 44)
THE best place I've found for thread and needles is I bought 100 Organ needles [same as Schmetz, as far as I can tell] for 10.95. The thread is cheaper too. They are VERY friendly there, I called them lots of times with my first order as I had a hard time reading their website, and they didn't get at all mad at me, lol. I also bought some Sulky stabilizers from them. They are quick, efficient, helpful, and toll-free.

As far as it nesting underneath - I have that happen a lot with my Designer 1. Well, maybe not a lot, but enough to make me mad. I've learned that when the machine says the thread is broken, and it isn't, it means it's nesting up underneath. BLECH.

I have two D1's, and all the Hus software - which I still don't understand. My hubby digitized his first design today, and he's stitching it out now - turning out quite nice!!!!!!! I have 5,000 designs that I've downloaded from the internet, plus Husqvarna has a new upgrade called QuickFont that allows you to turn fonts into stitches very quickly. I downloaded all the free fonts I could find on the 'net, and am having much fun with that! Do some research to find a good program that will let you download designs....even the designs for sale are so much cheaper than buying those cards. The D1's use a floppy, thank heaven. Husqvarna has a reader/writer software, but I'm quite sure there's something else out there that's easier to use and cheaper. I don't really care for their software.

Sorry this was so long - can you tell I'm bored? It's 2:39 in the morning, and hubby is in MY ROOM using MY MACHINE and I can't go to sleep, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"onward through the fog"
User: allie-oops
Member since: 10-25-2002
Total posts: 282
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-06-2003, 10:04 AM (11 of 44)
Originally posted by mxwife
Embird is editing software - it allows you to manipulate designs - for instance, add lettering (like in a circle) delete parts of the design, combine designs. It's pretty neat and I'm a total novice at it. You can check it out at I actually bought mine from There;s been a recent update so I think the price has jumped to around $80. They also have different plugins you can buy (like studio for digitizing etc). You can try it out free for 30 days - the only thing is that without the box, you really won't be able to get your designs from your computer to your sewing machine to stitch out but you could begin downloading designs and playing with them for free. One thing to check out though is what the iris uses - if the iris uses a floppy disk then I think you'd be able to skip the box - not sure though as I really didn't research the viking line when I was looking. I just downloaded and bought the embird upgrade but haven't had a chance to really get into it....yet. It really is a great program and everyone raves about it.

A great site to check out for designs is ann the gran (I think its Secretsof also has lots of freebie designs that I've downloaded. Of course this board has lots of info too. There really is tons of stuff out there. The only thing you will need is winzip or some time of unzipping program because all the designs are zipped and need to be unzipped before you can actually work with them. I think Embird has the capability to unzip - not sure since we have winzip. Hope that answers some of your questions about embird. Anything else just holler!


Wow, thanks for the links! No it doesn't use a floppy, biy I wish it did. The cards alil disks about 2x2 in size. Someone else told they are ibn HUS format(like I have a clue what that is! )

Well, duh! I hadn't even thought of downloading stuff now even though I don't have a box. What do I need to look for to download, do I just look for ones that are in the HUS format???
So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-06-2003, 10:05 AM (12 of 44)
Originally posted by Sherri
Ypu can get a Husquvarna reader/writer or an Ultimate Box or an amazing box. All of which writer the .hus (I think this is the right one) format that you need for the IRis.


Does anyone know of these three, which one is the easiest and cheapest???
So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: mxwife
Date: 10-06-2003, 10:35 AM (13 of 44)
LOL Trish! It only gets more confusing before it starts to all make sense! LOL!

Yes, you want to look for designs that have the .hus format but from what I've seen online, the designers usually have the designs in lots of different formats - sometimes when you download them, you just need to delete the designs that are irrelevant to you. Other times you specify the design you want. Sometimes it may only be available in .pes but this is where the software is great too because you can convert to your format. I haven't actually had to do this yet, but embird does have an option where you can save the software to your desired format. Hopefully someone else will be able to jump in here with more info.

I'm not as into embroidery as I am with the sewing but I have learned tons. In the beginning it can be frustrating because you have to learn about the stabilizing, thread, needles size etc. They all contribute to how well the design stitches out and also to the problems you may experience. So when I first started, I would just ask if someone had experienced a similar problem etc and you would not believe the wealth of info you'll receive.

Oh, I missing my intent about the boxes.... rambling again! LOL!
There are quite a few out there - so definately research them. STart out say looking at an online store like allbrands or others out there. You'll see the amazing box, black box, vikant box. Things to consider are this: Do you want to be able to use cards in other formats? I bought my amazing box because I wanted something flexible in case I bought another machine I wanted the ability to read cards say like a janome .sew or jef in my brother or be able to use my .pes cards in a janome. But, the amazing box will not let you save the design from the card to your hard drive which means you can't pull it into Embrid. This was disappointing to me because I wanted this feature.

I've read that the vikant box allows you to do this but I can't confirm that. I've also read that the pes3 system(I think that's how it's spelt) allows you to have this functionality along with more memory. Another con on the amazing box is how much memory the card allows you to save to. Your only able to save up to 6 designs whereas the vkiant card holds much more. But, this has not limited me. Usually I'm working on one design or so at a time and then just take the card to my machine - so I've never been limited by it.

That's really all I know about boxes! LOL! Again, I'm sure you'll get tons of info but atleast I've got you going in a few directions to start!

Good luck & Have fun. I think you'll enjoy it tremendously and soon be hooked!

User: mxwife
Member since: 03-29-2003
Total posts: 13
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-06-2003, 07:35 PM (14 of 44)
Ok, I went down and talked to my viking gal. I didn't get the card I thought I was going to get. She showed me the customizng software and oh boy...

adn she'll give me a good deal on all of it. But I think I'm going to do some window shopping for the boxes to see if it's as good as I think it is

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-07-2003, 10:01 AM (15 of 44)
I went browsing Ebay late last do you do it??? I only got more confused after looking at all that stuff!

What keywords do you use to look for machine embroidery stuff??
So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: Sherri
Date: 10-07-2003, 10:06 AM (16 of 44)
I either search Husqvarna embroidery or viking embroidery if I am looking for cards and stuff.

My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001
Total posts: 357
From: mxwife
Date: 10-07-2003, 04:10 PM (17 of 44)
It will all start making sense soon! I would search by the brand name, like amazing box or vikant box or viking software etc... and you;ll see alot of it. You can probably also do searches here at the machine embroidery area - there's lots of info there I'm sure. I'm sure there are others with your machine. And, also do searches on yahoo or google..... you may find venders selling those items and can price them out before getting serious at ebay. I'll try to think/search my computer for links that where helpful to me. Dh just slicked our hardrive so hopefully most of it is on cd and not out the window! LOL!

Good luck. In a month or two you'll be a pro!

User: mxwife
Member since: 03-29-2003
Total posts: 13
From: Paul
Date: 10-10-2003, 06:26 AM (18 of 44)
I also have the Iris, and it sews great. After some learning it is mostley the operator error that causes all the problems. I don't think it has much to do with the machine..

As for the customizing software and Vikings box... I bought the software, and used it for a few days. Not impressed for the amount of money it cost. I sold it. Vikng products are over priced. I have since baught the Ultimate Box, and Embird. They do what needs to be done for me for sometime to come. Saved a ton of money.

Have fun.
Make it personal!
User: Paul
Member since: 06-29-2003
Total posts: 17
From: yeepers
Date: 10-10-2003, 08:59 AM (19 of 44)
Here is a link to a site that offers all the RW boxes currently on the can compare and see which one suits you best...

Reader Writer boxes ( )

Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-10-2003, 10:47 AM (20 of 44)
Thanks for the link! I didn't know about that site. It looks like it will make it all so much easier to understand.
So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-10-2003, 10:50 AM (21 of 44)
Originally posted by Paul
I also have the Iris, and it sews great. After some learning it is mostley the operator error that causes all the problems. I don't think it has much to do with the machine..

As for the customizing software and Vikings box... I bought the software, and used it for a few days. Not impressed for the amount of money it cost. I sold it. Vikng products are over priced. I have since baught the Ultimate Box, and Embird. They do what needs to be done for me for sometime to come. Saved a ton of money.

Have fun.

Oh yeah, I agree, the first time it was all user error! :nah: Now, I have no problems, but then I've only done like three designs just playing

You say you bought the software, you mean the actual "customize it" software? or the design cards?
So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-11-2003, 10:40 AM (22 of 44)
Ok, even though I don't actually have a r/w box or software yet, I tried to download some free designs from CME magazine( I chose the HUS which is corect for my Viking). They're all ZIP files. I can't seem to open them and look at them. Is this because I don't actually have the software yet???

Are all embroidery downmloads going to be in a zipped form??? I just don't work well with Winzip.

I thought I could start downloading designs I like and get a little library going, but I have no clue if Im doing this right....

I don't do well with hiccups, I like to just go get and go sew it :bg:

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-13-2003, 01:11 PM (23 of 44)
Another silly question.

I've been surfing some Embroidery sites that sell designs. I see tons of them to buy for download.

But I'm wondering, do any of them actually sell you the design on a disk in your desired format???

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: allie-oops
Date: 10-14-2003, 12:38 AM (24 of 44)
Trish, you will need the software in order to actually look at the designs. To unzip them, put them in a folder on your desktop [so you can find it again, trust me on this one] and then make a new folder inside your new folder. I click and drag each zipped file, one at a time, into the inside folder, and right-click the file and click on "unzip here". The first time I did it, I unzipped about 80 files at once, and had NO CLUE which designs went with what - I have the Pro software and can convert all formats, some of them I had to, but I didn't know which ones. I ended up with many duplicates. When you do them one at a time, you can keep track of what they are. I would suggest going ahead and downloading them, but leaving them zipped until you get your software.

I think the only way they sell those designs is on CD or for instant download. I haven't seen one that will sell you a card or floppy.

I hope you can find something - it's really fun to download designs and stitch them out!
"onward through the fog"
User: allie-oops
Member since: 10-25-2002
Total posts: 282
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-14-2003, 09:50 AM (25 of 44)
I did actually save the files to a specific folder labled embroidery. I tried unzipping one of them and realized I had a problem and stopped.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try and see if I can manage to stay organized. :shock: gee what a thought!

I am I little disapointed you can't buy designs form different companies on a disk or card in your format though. Just means I REALLY have to wait till I get the software and box or buy the disks from Viking...Which is a bummer cause I have so many things I'd love to do wiht it all!Especially with the holidays comming.

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: yeepers
Date: 10-14-2003, 07:38 PM (26 of 44)
Hey Trish...

I see where you're coming from but can you imagine how difficult it would be for every design company out there to put out thousands of designs on a multitude of different cards in different formats? That would definitely be a losing proposition for them!

However, once you put out the expense of setting yourself up with a reader/writer box and some software you're all set! You can download all the freebies you want and if you're still eager to purchase designs you can do it at your local dealer (on disk) or online in which case you can download them right away! The beauty is that when you buy you always get them in the right format for your machine so no hassle of converting (not that it's too difficult but just one less step for you).

Make sure you shop around to get the best price for a box if you don't already have one. I'd say you're best NOT to go with the Viking r/w box. The reason I say this is because if you buy the Viking box you HAVE to buy the Viking Customizing software and that gets mighty expensive. There are plenty of less expensive alternatives out there as I'm sure many people will be more than happy to talk about. I only got the Viking software because I got a Viking R/W box with my machine. And still I got the software hugely discounted so it was worth it for me.

As for keeping things organized....well, until someone comes up with a really good way to do it I've given up! I have something like 30,000 designs on my computer and there's no hope of me ever sorting out the mess. I rely on Buzz Tools with it's cataloging and viewing capabilities to keep me from going crazy trying to find a design.

Well, it's a crazy hobby and I remember what it was like initially. Still, once you're into it I'm sure you'll be a pro in no time.


Yee :bg:
Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: allie-oops
Date: 10-16-2003, 05:17 AM (27 of 44)
Yee, I'm sitting here rubbing my eyes, trying to decide if I really saw 30,000 designs..........good heavens!!!!!!!!!!!! An organizational nightmare!!!!!

I have about 5,000. I opened them all in customizing, got them set up the way I wanted them, and saved them with a number - such as 004015 - started with 000001 and worked my way up. On each one, in customizing, I would assign it a disk number, and print it out. I got them all done, and I sorted the printouts by category - Christmas, etc....and since they all have the disk number and the design number on them, I can find them instantly. I hole-punched them and put them in notebooks by category - it was a ton of work, but I don't get duplicates now, I can go to the book with the category of design and see if I already have it. And yes, it took a ton of paper. But I also have a printout of the template, and have it ready on disk, so it was worth the work.

I had gone to Tashambra's site, which doesn't exist anymore, and downloaded a file of folders that someone had made up with tons of categories - but it was too hard to keep them organized in my computer that way. I needed hard copy to really see what I had.

I cannot imagine having 30,000...but I suppose someday I will, if I keep this up!!!!! Have to get a better computer, though!
"onward through the fog"
User: allie-oops
Member since: 10-25-2002
Total posts: 282
From: yeepers
Date: 10-16-2003, 08:16 AM (28 of 44)
Allie -

Yup. It's just a mess. You sound like you've got a good system going but at this point it would be just too much for me. All I do is make sure that I keep the designs in their proper folder i.e. by pack number, by designer. So all of my designs are in one folder "embroidery" with subfolders like Amazing Designs, Cactus Punch etc. and then in those folders are subfolders by the different set names.

Works OK. It's easier if you have the catalogs. That way you have a visual reference and you can just search for the right folder right away. Otherwise I use BuzzTools to scroll through the folders when looking through the designs.

I wouldn't dare try to re-organize them at all!! You'd be surprised how quickly your collection gets out of control.

:bg: :bg: :bg: :bg: :bg: :bg:
Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-18-2003, 04:33 PM (29 of 44)

Is around $565 a good price for a R/W box AND the software? My Viking gal is still giving my old Joanns employee discount which is helping alot...
I really haven't had a chance to comparison shop yet to see. But then if I didn't get the setup form Viking, Im not sure which box I'd go for.

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-18-2003, 06:09 PM (30 of 44)
Ok, I just went surfing and looked at Embird, only $80, an the Ultimate Box is only $189

This would save me $275! wow!:bolt:

This is the combo someone else (I can't remember who)said they were using I think. I think this may be what I'm buying....

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: yeepers
Date: 10-19-2003, 01:00 PM (31 of 44)
Hey Trish,

Yeah...if you don't already have one of the Viking components (which would kinda force you get the other Viking stuff) then I would definitely look at what other combos there are out there that would work for you.

The Viking price that you would be getting from the dealer is still pretty high. You can usually find the reader/writer used for less than $100 if you look around long enough and the software can be found for maybe $200-$250. I highly recommend shopping around for any Viking stuff before buying brand new.

As a note of caution...I personally don't use either the Ultimate or Amazing box but I've heard and seen in my research that one of them only allows you to save up to 6 designs on a disk while the other has no limit. You might want to consider that if you hadn't already come across that info.

I don't use Embird either but keep in mind that $80 is for the basic software without all the plugins. I took a look at the cost for plugins and they can really start adding up!

I don't know what your basic requirements are but the conclusion that I've come to is that no matter what our particular hobby costs a lot of money.

Anyhow, just a couple of thoughts. Hope you're finding what you need =)
Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-19-2003, 05:31 PM (32 of 44)
Thanks for the input Yee, it's very helpful. The 6 designs per card doesn't bother me ( I think) I can just keep re-using the same card over and over again... which is ok with me.

If I go with the Ulitmate Box, does anyone knwo what other software is compatible to use with it?? Or can you suggest some others that are really easy to use, decent and not to $$$.

Boy, I'm itching to really use my machine, but this is all new to me and driving me nuts :sick:

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: yeepers
Date: 10-19-2003, 06:27 PM (33 of 44)

If I'm not mistaken which box you use shouldn't affect which software you get as the two are mutually exclusive. The software allows you to work with designs that you download or create while the box simply is the tool by which you transfer the final designs to disk to put on your machine. The box should have it's own software and interface that you use to transfer designs.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!!
Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-20-2003, 11:14 AM (34 of 44)
Hmmm, I only really know about Embird, I haven't figured out yet which other software packages I would like to use....Allie mentioned the "Pro Software", but I havn'e seen it yet.

Also I'm kinda hesitant to just download software,( I would really prefer a CD) since I have several computers and one of these days I'll be getting a new one...

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: yeepers
Date: 10-20-2003, 03:49 PM (35 of 44)
Embird seems to be the most popular (perhaps the only!) software that seems to do all the things that a branded software does that doesn't cost an arm and a leg!!

I think it's definitely the popular alternative to the expensive brands out there.

By Pro I think Allie meant the Professional Plus Viking software (Allie????).

As far as I know the mainstream software pkgs out there for editing/digitizing/converting/etc are any from the big brands...there are also others like Pulse, Generations, Origins etc. but those are very expensive and most likely not what you'd be looking for.

Again, it all depends on what your requirements are. If you only want to be able to resize a design that's one thing. If you're looking to be able to manipulate the design, split it, rotate it, mirror etc. then you need to really do your homework.

Embird is perhaps the most popular, affordable software out there that can do mostly everything. If you want to add fonts or digitizing you have to purchase the additional plugins. Nice if you don't want to pay a ton up front. Everything else is going to cost at least $300 and up.

Best of luck!!!!
Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-20-2003, 06:31 PM (36 of 44)
Yee, Thank you so much for all the info you've shared. It's been so helpful, I can't tell you. :angel:

I'll do alittle more looking but I suspect Embird may be the ticket.

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: Sherri
Date: 10-20-2003, 07:07 PM (37 of 44)
Did you see this post he has an amazing box for sale.
My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001
Total posts: 357
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-20-2003, 09:38 PM (38 of 44)
Wouldn't you know it, I just bought one from for $145 just a 2 hours ago...

Oh well, I'm not sure I can be awake in 11 hours to see if I can get it cheaper...I'm too big on my beauty sleep :bg:

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: yeepers
Date: 10-21-2003, 08:35 AM (39 of 44)

Boy, are you ever going to have fun! Next comes all the thread!!!! It's neverending :)

Let us know how it goes.


ps. The auction had a Buy It Now price so technically you could have bought it on the spot for $125 plus $7.00 s&h. But I think it better that you paid a little more and got a brand new one with warranty!!
Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-21-2003, 05:18 PM (40 of 44)
Originally posted by yeepers

Boy, are you ever going to have fun! Next comes all the thread!!!! It's neverending :)

Let us know how it goes.


ps. The auction had a Buy It Now price so technically you could have bought it on the spot for $125 plus $7.00 s&h. But I think it better that you paid a little more and got a brand new one with warranty!!

I had already bought some spools of thread from my dealer before I knew of the great online prices. I know better now. I spent over an hour last night just looking for designs and downloading them! :bg: It's amazing how many freebies there are out there! I found one site theat I really liked her designs and I may buy a few sets, most were $10-$20, which is a HUGE difference then the $150+ price for the Vikign cards.

The $145 price is a decent price I was willing to pay vs the $199-$ 245 I saw on other sites. And I like having a warranty. Plus I see the auction still has 5 days left, too much time for the price to jump I think.

Now I just need to extra patients and wait for the box to get here! LOL I never was good at waiting for stuff like this :bluewink:

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: yeepers
Date: 10-21-2003, 11:04 PM (41 of 44)
No offense to my dealer...they're great...but everything is so overpriced!!

I do pretty much all of my shopping online. You're going to find there are so many good deals out there!

Anyhow, let us know how it all goes when you finally get your box.

The craziness is just beginning!!! :bg:
Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-22-2003, 03:01 PM (42 of 44)
Originally posted by yeepers
No offense to my dealer...they're great...but everything is so overpriced!!

I do pretty much all of my shopping online. You're going to find there are so many good deals out there!

Anyhow, let us know how it all goes when you finally get your box.

The craziness is just beginning!!! :bg:

oh I love my dealer too! But my dealer charges like $6 a spool vs $1.99 a spool online!! I know where I'll be buying mine :bluesmile

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: sewnfrenzy
Date: 10-25-2003, 04:55 PM (43 of 44)
Ok, I was in Gymboree yesterday and saw a lil onsie with the cutest embroidery all over it. There were tiny 1/4-1/2" people. It was to die for!

Well I want to some stuff like it. Except I haven't seen any tiny emboirdery designs that small. Does anyone know of a sight that has these tiny mini embroderies?

So much Fabric, so little time.
User: sewnfrenzy
Member since: 11-06-2001
Total posts: 39
From: yeepers
Date: 10-26-2003, 04:44 PM (44 of 44)

If all else fails and you can't find original designs that small (I think that's pretty rare) then you can use your embroidery software package to resize designs that you do have. If you have the proper software you should be able to resize and it should reduce the number of stitches/maintain stitch density automatically.

Two Turtles
User: yeepers
Member since: 03-29-2002
Total posts: 52
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