From: MaryW
Date: 05-04-2004, 07:33 AM (1 of 21)
With Mother's Day coming up soon, I know everyone has thoughts of their Mom. What stands out in your mind about your Mom. What did you learn from good ole Mom.
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User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: MaryW
Date: 05-04-2004, 07:37 AM (2 of 21)
My mother taught me life was hard and you had to be strong. I think that is why I am so overly serious at times. My Mom also taught me not to worry about housework and to be grateful for healthy kids. I know it is a real mixed bag, but important none the less. My mom deserved a lot more than she got. She was a real character and I miss her a lot! MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: james.diane
Date: 05-04-2004, 07:50 AM (3 of 21)
I am fortunate because I still have my mum. She taught me to be honest, work hard and respect others - and that is what I have passed on to my children.
Diane :)
User: james.diane
Member since: 09-23-2003 Total posts: 100 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 05-05-2004, 12:23 PM (4 of 21)
My Mom taught me a lot of things in my lifetime, some good and some bad.. (like all human beings.) Tell the truth..(from day 1) Work Hard. Be tolerant . Say 'I love you ' (she learned later, from us)...She was the worlds best at child-care. She was a fantastic care-giver, period.. She was a feisty sharp tongued opionated lady who was proud of her roots. After her alzheimers started she changed into this soft-spoken loving little old lady.. Of course we always knew she loved us and was strict, so that we would turn out well. We all 3 turned out to be good citizens, and our 7 surviving children and 6 grandchildren are all ok... I think both my parents were great.. Happy Mothers Day to all this Sunday..This will be my 2nd one without my dear Mom.. Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 05-05-2004, 02:19 PM (5 of 21)
I'm grateful my mother taught me to read at a very early age. ( I was reading and spelling when I was 3) Books have been my escape, companions, education and entertainment.
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: mamahoogie
Date: 05-05-2004, 04:11 PM (6 of 21)
We had the best mother ever. She was the most kind, loving, giving person I have every met. Everyone loved her. She had a wicked sense of humour which she needed raising 7 kids of her own, one mentally challenged, plus several foster children.( one is still very much a brother, just never legally adopted.) She taught us all to enjoy reading and learning and told us never to stop learning new things. She taught us to work hard, which we all hated at the time, and to be thrifty with what we earned. She taught us to treat everyone with respect, regardless of the colour or their skin or religion or their status in life. She taught us sew and create beautiful (at least we thought they were) treasures out of discarded bits of junk. She died of breast cancer at age 56 over 30 years ago and their isn't a day go by that she doesn't cross my mind in one way or another. Violet I've decided to live forever - so far, so good.
User: mamahoogie
Member since: 12-25-2002 Total posts: 461 |
From: Raine
Date: 05-05-2004, 09:09 PM (7 of 21)
I was just telling my children these words of wisdom: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." My mom has the patience of a saint. I'm truly blessed to have her. Happy Mother's Day! |
User: Raine
Member since: 04-19-2000 Total posts: 259 ![]() |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 05-05-2004, 10:31 PM (8 of 21)
Yes, you are all blessed to have the mothers that are still here. My Mother died a year ago May 21st and it seems only yesterday. My last Mother's Day with her was not a good one. She was having problems breathing but she wanted me to take her to my Brothers house for dinner. Who would have know two weeks later she would die, I sure didn't. But she taught me family is everything. She loved us all each in a different way of course, I was her angel she would say because I lived so close and I was the one she always called for help. But she taught me to be an honorable person, to cherish family, to love my neighbor, and to try and forgive those who hurt you even when it might not be what you want to do. She lived her life taking care of everyone that came along and now I have that quality, although it may be good and bad at times. Everyone who knew her loved her. |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Mom of Six
Date: 05-05-2004, 10:39 PM (9 of 21)
I think I could write a book on the ehings I learned from Mom. Just a few of the things my Mom taught me were to look at what is inside a person the outside is easier to change & never say my child would never do something like that because as soon as you say it they will. She also taught me to never treat all children the same because every child is an individual & each needs there own form of disipline. just treat them all fairly & with love. My Mother had 9 children & each was allowed to make there own choices in life (within reason) & learn from their mistakes She also taught me to make food stretch our table always had room for as many as wanted to be there. she was Mom to more people than I can count. I didn't know until I grew that we were poor. we always had food on the table & clean clothes & a warm bed. Even though my parents weren't demonstative we all knew we were very much loved & wanted. I miss my Mom all of the time( we lost her 4 years ago) but even more since my Dad passed away last fall. Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: DorothyL
Date: 05-06-2004, 08:18 AM (10 of 21)
My mother taught me the two most important things in life are to be kind and to be happy. She was a wonderful person and I wish I'd had a chance to know her better. She was 40 when I was born -- her only child -- so I missed what she was like when she was younger and she was killed by a drunk driver when I was only 19 so I didn't get to understand her when I was an adult. She worked so hard as a single parent when that was rare and we were poor but she made my childhood a happy one and I think that is all that mattered to her. I only wish my girls could have met her. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 05-06-2004, 12:22 PM (11 of 21)
I really have a hard time deciding what is most important that I learned from my Mother, there were so many life lessons, and I try so hard not to make anyone a Saint, but one of the things that has helped me every day of my life is how to stretch a dollar.. Even how to stretch a dime, if that is all I have.. My Mother was a bargain shopper, and she always got the best buy for her money.. There was only one time that we got a laugh on her and after 2 Kenmore automatic washers, she bought a Whirlpool because "it was time for a washer with better features". She did not want to believe that her 2 Kenmores had been manufactured in the same plant.. I have really had a good time teaching my Grands how to be a more savvy shopper, and to always save some of their money.. Birthdays, Christmas, they save a percentage of all cash they receive.. I'm proud of them for that, especially in this day and age of me, me, me! ! ![]() ![]() Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: dmoses
Date: 05-06-2004, 03:35 PM (12 of 21)
I hope you will all forgive me for this, but I just can't resist. I'm not sure where I got may have been on the boards here. MOM TAUGHT ME TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside, I just finished cleaning!" MOM TAUGHT ME RELIGION "You better pray that will come out of that carpet!" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT TIME TRAVEL "If you don't straighten up, I'll knock you into next week!" MOM TAUGHT ME LOGIC "Because I said so, that's why!" MOM TAUGHT ME FORESIGHT "Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident." MOM TAUGHT ME IRONY "Keep laughing and I'll give you something to cry about!" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT THE SCIENCE OF OSMOSIS "Shut your mouth and eat your supper!" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT CONTORTIONISM "Will you look at the dirt on the back of your neck?" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT STAMINA "You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone!" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT WEATHER "It looks like a tornado went through your room!" MOM TAUGHT ME HOW TO SOLVE PHYSICS PROBLEMS "If I yelled because I saw a meteor coming toward you, would you listen then?" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT HYPOCRISY "If I told you once, I've told you a million times-don't exaggerate!" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION "Stop acting like your father!" MOM TAUGHT ME ABOUT ENVY "There are millions of less fortunate kids in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do!" And most of all..... MOM TAUGHT ME THE CIRCLE OF LIFE "I brought you into this world, I can take you out!" Take care,
Donna |
User: dmoses
Member since: 02-22-2002 Total posts: 964 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 05-07-2004, 12:38 PM (13 of 21)
I love that ! ! Every word of it came from my mom's mouth at one time or another..![]() ![]() Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 05-07-2004, 01:53 PM (14 of 21)
Yes Donna I've seen that too but I love seeing it again and again. There is a lot of truth in what it says. ![]() |
User: Mother in Law
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From: Magot
Date: 05-07-2004, 02:32 PM (15 of 21)
My Mum was daft! She had a really loopy sense of humour. She taught me valuable things like drinking too much makes you puke on the carpet.....(yeuch!) She was fiercely loyal to her kids and despite being a terrible mother I loved her. love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: bren
Date: 05-08-2004, 07:28 AM (16 of 21)
Mom is our friend...she alway's told all 10 of us... if your going to do a job... do it right...or don't do it at all.... My mother is a very strong woman... she would alway's tell us girls don't cry... it will change nothing ...and only give you a headache... My mom taught us to be kind and look after the underdog...and we all would say if you can't use something... give it to someone who can... Mom would give the shirt off her back...and we learned from her... Mom loves all of us...And we all love her. Mom never interfer's in our lives...just listen's and does not comment much... she say's your all going to do what you want in the end anyway... that is so true. Bren:
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User: bren
Member since: 11-30-2002 Total posts: 489 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 05-08-2004, 03:40 PM (17 of 21)
That is such good advice Bren. I wish I could do the one about keeping my mouth shut they are going to do what they want anyway. I always have trouble with "raise foot and insert in mouth." |
User: Mother in Law
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From: gm23237
Date: 05-11-2004, 08:42 PM (18 of 21)
How to pray. She said pray knowing that it will be answered. Maybe not in the way you want it nor the time frame but it would be answered. Mom watched me become an alcoholic before I was 20 years old. She prayed that God would take the taste of alcohol away from me. Oh yes along with the alcohol I was deep into drugs. Well about ten years after she past away I stopped drinking. I have not drank in three years now and have not done drugs since that same day. No AA, no psych wards God just took the taste away. I am now 53 years old and all that drinking and drugs took a toll. I have had 5 heart attacks, I am diabetic but I am drug and alcohol free and that has helped my health tremendously. Plus Mom got a little bonus, I returned to church aand have been a member now for 9 years. Thanks Mom (my guardian angel). |
User: gm23237
Member since: 11-03-2003 Total posts: 145 ![]() |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 05-11-2004, 09:18 PM (19 of 21)
Congratulations on your soberity. I know the road is a tuff one but with God on your side and the faith of your dear Mother you have survived. Prayers are always answered even when it's not the things we pray for but he knows what's best for us. |
User: Mother in Law
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From: MaryW
Date: 05-12-2004, 08:31 AM (20 of 21)
gm23237, I admire you for your strength. Your mother can be very proud of you. ![]() MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: weB2cats
Date: 07-11-2004, 01:01 PM (21 of 21)
1. Young ladies don't swear. 2. Beauty isn't as important as kindness. 3. Think about things in the morning, when you're rested. 4. If you're bored, read a book or clean your room. 5. Don't make trouble. |
User: weB2cats
Member since: 11-07-2002 Total posts: 232 |

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