From: Mary in OKC
Date: 01-27-2005, 03:13 AM (1 of 34)
Hi, I am interested in FME also. I have a regular sewing machine. The instructions I read by Marilyn, so far said to use an embroidery needle. When I looked at my owner's manual about FME, it didn't mention using a different needle. To do my first "sketch", I am thinking I will use egular thread until I et the hang of the movement, etc. But am concerned if the 30 wt embroidery thread Marilyn suggests will require a different needle. Can someone please help with this? Thanks in advance. Mary in OKC ![]() |
User: Mary in OKC
Member since: 01-27-2005 Total posts: 1 |
From: craftyboi
Date: 01-27-2005, 10:41 AM (2 of 34)
Hi there.....due to the consistency of the embroidery thread you will have less breakage using embroidery needles.......using an embroidery hoop will also enhance your enjoyment of fme........make sure to lower your speed if you can until you get the hang of fme......I have had tons of fun doing fme......Good luck......craftyboi |
User: craftyboi
Member since: 10-04-2002 Total posts: 26 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-14-2005, 05:09 PM (3 of 34)
My name is MariLynn, (pronounced like 2 names) not Marilyn, and I wrote a book called Techniques of Freemotion Embroidery with instructions, illustrations and patterns, and also many articles for Sew-Whats-New on freemotion. They are archived at (or something like that). I got there one day and all of them are still there, listed under my bio, and you can click on an article and it appears. These I allow anyone to read or print out. My life became so chaotic about the time I wrote the last one that I just gave up for a while. I was in a terrible car wreck which left me in a wheelchair for 9 months, my husband had his 5th heart attack and died while I was still confined to the wheelchair, and things just generally tried to go to pieces. But I am fine now, walk with a cane, and am sewing, singing, designing, and enjoying life again, and glad to answer any questions! MariLynn Johnson
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-16-2005, 10:48 AM (4 of 34)
Mary in OKC, I am the person whose book you were looking for. First, the reason I recommend using an embroidery machine needle is because they have an elongated eye and the thread passes through easily. 30-weight is a little thicker than ordinary thread. They are usually available wherever other machine needles are sold, or in sewing machine stores. My book is available directly from me, and contains instructions with illustrations, full-size design patterns, and a lot of freemotion Christmas ornament designs with instructions, plus a lot of applique, shadow-work, cut-work, Battenberg, and mola` designs, etc. My columns are archived at SWN and there used to be a link on the home page to them, but I don't think it's still there. The columns are still there, though, at: MariLynntx
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: Ria
Date: 02-16-2005, 02:59 PM (5 of 34)
Marilyn, I am so sorry about your accident and problems. Hope all is well now. I am also so very interested in is lovely...I have tried it several times and it is difficult for me. I never tried using a hoop or changing the needle or threads. I am going to follow this subject and go read your book. I wish it was out in print. What a shame. That is a real challenge writing a book. Thanks for all the helpful information on here...Ria
"Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them" (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Brother 6500.....Brother 8060......PED Basic... Embird...... |
User: Ria
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 121 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-16-2005, 03:10 PM (6 of 34)
MariLynn,I love your book. I also love doing fme,once I got the feel of it,i was really hooked. So sorry to hear about your accident and the hard time you have had to go through,but your additude about it serves as a true inspiration. I did find my fme improved alot and I quit breaking thread when I started using an embroidery needle. sewingnonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-16-2005, 07:06 PM (7 of 34)
Nonie, I saw your cuptowel the other day. It is very attractive and well done. I think you were right to make the grapes solid. I often mix solid and more open work. It adds variety. I'm glad you tried the embroidery needles. I think they keep your thread moving smoothly, because of their longer eye, and using a hoop gives you better control over your work. Ria, I went to your site and liked it very much, also your poetry. I always hoop my embroidery and use one, two or three pieces of water-soluble stabilizer. It gives you more control. When I do Battenberg I put 2 layers of stabilizer in the hoops and then pin the Battenberg lace tape to it with sequin pins. It's easy to stitch it down that way.Working with Battenberg is one of the lessons in that series, and I have quite a few designs in my book. I am e-mailing you the information letter on my embroidery book which is still available. I wasn't available, but I still do sell the book, which amazes me, since I was out of circulation myself! I love doing it, always have, especially the Christmas things and also designs on clothing. MariLynntx Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-16-2005, 07:12 PM (8 of 34)
Ria, send me your e-mail and I will send you the information on my book, if you are still intrested. MariLynn
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-19-2005, 12:16 PM (9 of 34)
MariLynn, so glad you like the grapes,didn't know for sure what to do,but I think they did turn out for a first "real" project. I am so hooked on fme now,I am going to try adding it to some of the kids clothes. Well,actually I plan to put it on anything that doesn't bite. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: Hogmami
Date: 02-19-2005, 12:34 PM (10 of 34)
I would be interested in the book too. Please let me know where I can get it.
Michigan |
User: Hogmami
Member since: 09-30-2004 Total posts: 800 ![]() |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-19-2005, 01:45 PM (11 of 34)
Anyone interested in freemotion machine embroidery, just send me you e-mail address and I will send the information. Nonie, I give you the credit for getting me busy again. I was feeling very apathetic about even getting on the computer until I simultaneously read some of your notes about fme on Freemotion Embroidery Forum and at the same time discovered my voice was back! I had begun to think I had lost it permanently and was very discouraged and despairing about it. Singing has been the most important thing in my life. Facing the idea that I might not ever sing again was the worst thing thing that happened to me in the last six years. I don't mind too much walking with a cane; after all, I AM walking. I can sew, I can read, I can draw. So I have no good reason to complain, I told myself. Thank you for your encouragement! MariLynntx Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: Hogmami
Date: 02-19-2005, 02:03 PM (12 of 34)
I send you a personnel message.
Michigan |
User: Hogmami
Member since: 09-30-2004 Total posts: 800 ![]() |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-19-2005, 03:29 PM (13 of 34)
I read it, Carolyn, and am sending the information.Thank you for your interest. MariLynn
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-19-2005, 05:54 PM (14 of 34)
MariLynn,I am glad to have gotten you busy again. You got me busy also,now that i am getting the feeling of fme. I have alot to learn so stand by lol. I will be making my Christmas presents,which will be set's of dishtowels,monogramed hand towels, and Christmas ornaments. I am so glad to hear your voice is back,bet there is even a spring to your step. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-19-2005, 08:11 PM (15 of 34)
Nonie, you will enjoy making Christmas ornaments! They are fun. I have just one prsonalized one to make this year, for my newest grandchild, Michelle, who is 16 months old this month and soon to be a whole month more. She is adorable, with huge blue eyes, wavy hair, and a constant smile. She has two big brothers (one 5 yo and one 7) who think she is wonderful. They prayed for a baby sister! And her cousins, also 5 and7, fell for her as soon as they saw her. The 5 yo had been begging for a little sister, but my daughter asked him the other day if he still wanted a baby sister (he definitely isn't getting one, she said) but he thought a minute and said, "No, because it would have to be Michelle, and she's already taken." He's such a sweetie. I have 15 living grandchildren, from 16 months up to 28 years! Only one of the twins, identical girls, is married. So I might have a great-grandchild someday! When I'm too old and decrepit to play with it. MariLynn Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: Magot
Date: 02-20-2005, 09:15 AM (16 of 34)
Marilynn, I can empathise about the fear of losing your voice - some years ago I had a thyroid operation (due to goitre getting bigger) I had noticed that I was losing the top end of my range when singing and was worried that it was pressing on my vocal cords. They could give me no guarantee that I would be able to sing after the op so it was fairly scarey for a while. Fortunately I was fine, but there was a risk the cords could have been paralysed. Glad you can still sing. love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-21-2005, 06:59 PM (17 of 34)
MariLynn,she sounds like a little doll. Zoe is my only Granddaughter among so many boys. Will you be doing any new designs? I know,I have a book full but just wondering if you have had any new inspirations. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-21-2005, 10:09 PM (18 of 34)
Yes, I have some floating around in here (sewing/computer room) and a lot of ideas for designs floating around in my mind, as soon as I finish talking with people about publishing my books. I am making a collection of my columns and also revising my family cookbook and re-doing my poetry book. I am having new cc's made of the embroidery book, too. I always try to let everyone have cc's of new designs just for the price of cc-ing and mailing, if they send me their mailing addresses. When my daughters get our website up I will be able just to let you download them. MariLynn
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-22-2005, 01:06 AM (19 of 34)
Wow! you sound really busy and with a new web site on the way,now that is exciting. I would be happy to be on a mailing list when you get one made up.I got another towel done and I think it turned out even better then the first one,oh,it going to be hard to give these away. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MaryW
Date: 02-22-2005, 10:34 AM (20 of 34)
Yes MariLynn, I would love to be on your list as well. ![]() MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-22-2005, 11:19 AM (21 of 34)
Hey, Mary! I'll put you on my list...Lisa SAYS it will be ready late next month. They (Shauna & Lisa) are starting a jewelry business. They have made some beautiful stuff, mainly silver with semi-precious stones, and ceramics they design and make. You should see the pendant Shauna made me Christmas! It is silver with a blue topaz. The book I'm going to advertise on the site is the same freemotion book, with a few small changes and additions here and there. I add new designs from time to time. I'm adding a dragon now. My grandsons said I needed a dragon! And my daughters said I don't have a coffee cup--a serious omission--or a wineglass. My daughters say I need to send it to a publisher. A friend says there's one in Dallas who is interested in books like sewing and recipes from Texas authors, so we'll see. They want me to finish revising my cookbook, too, and find a poetry publisher! They are nagging at me...they know I'm lazy. MariLynn Johnson
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-22-2005, 01:03 PM (22 of 34)
MariLynn, I agree a coffee cup and wine glass are very serious. Maybe you will take a request? how about dinasours? or where can I find some that will work with fme. The ones in the coloring books are all to large. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-22-2005, 01:42 PM (23 of 34)
How big do you want them? You could buy a coloring book and take it to a copy store and reduce them. My Pfaff has a very tiny one, border size.Or draw one like the big one. Reducing it would probably be easier. Guess I ought to add one in my book along with the dragon. I found a really good picture of a dragon I'm going to draw for it...the picture is red and I just want a black line drawing. I have a nice champagne glass I drew for my poetry book that I can enlarge. At Wal-Mart they will likely have a coloring book with dinosaurs I can reduce. I think I have a coffee cup I drew some place, too. I did calligraphy and graphics professionally for years...I have sheets and sheets of little graphics I drew for yearbooks, programs, place cards, notepaper, greeting cards, invitations, etc. MariLynn
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-22-2005, 03:19 PM (24 of 34)
Great idea,I am now having a duh moment. I want the dinasours small enough to fit on a pocket,or on the bottom of shorts. Of coarse they would be cute marching across a pillow case. I also think the dragon is going to go over big around here. A teapot would be good! ??? Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: Sewing Oodles
Date: 02-23-2005, 07:58 AM (25 of 34)
All this talk for fme is wonderful. I have had MariLynn's book for a year or so. It is wonderful! MayiLynn add me to your mailing list also.
Cindy~Texas |
User: Sewing Oodles
Member since: 07-29-2002 Total posts: 69 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-23-2005, 11:17 AM (26 of 34)
Of course, I will, Cindy, and thanks for letting me know you are finding my book useful. I still use it myself, especially when I want to brush up on Christmas stuff, which I love to do. I'm doing some new designs now and am telling my daughters let's get this website going! For a change I'm doing the nagging, rather than the other way around! MariLynn
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-24-2005, 01:50 PM (27 of 34)
I can hardly wait for the new web site. (Tapping fingers on desk). FME has opened a whole new world of sewing for me. MariLynn,where did you say it was additive? book should come with a warning lol. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-24-2005, 03:23 PM (28 of 34)
Nonie, I think I said that on the first or second page! It certainly was to me. Of course, drawing designs is addictive to me--I draw one and that reminds me of something else, and that one of still something else...Lisa has been working on the website for some time now, photographing jewelry they have made, while she designs and works on something else, and Shauna comes home from teaching art in Austin and sits down and works on something at home that she thought about at school or that she and Lisa talked about the night before on the phone... we are three of a kind! I sat at lunch with my study group and thought up four lines of a new poem I'm working on. MariLynn Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-24-2005, 07:50 PM (29 of 34)
MariLynn,I want to do some little felt booties,and put something sweet on the top of the booties. I have thought of maybe a flower or a heart. Can you think of anything else that would look sweet? Also,what is you favortie thread? I have been using Sulky when I can buy it on sale. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 02-25-2005, 12:59 PM (30 of 34) These are thie shoes I would like to make and to me,they just cry out for something more. A blank canvas. Any ideas? Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 02-25-2005, 02:55 PM (31 of 34)
You're right...they do cry out for some decoration! I like the hearts & flowers ideas, but maybe a bunny, kitty, puppy or teddy bear would be cute, or a bow, a ball, a tiny train, or a bird, a rocking horse; or perhaps just B A B Y, or even a short name. They are such cute little shoes! MariLynntx
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 03-02-2005, 04:16 PM (32 of 34)
Thanks MariLynn for all the great ideas. I was reading the kids a story,when the light bulb went on!!!! the pictures of bunnies and mice and flowers are all very small in a childs story book. Just perfect to fit on those booties. Now,I just need to make some test booties. Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 03-02-2005, 05:28 PM (33 of 34)
Just alike I said, Nonie, ideas are all around us. We just have to get used to looking for them!! MariLynn
Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: sewingnonie
Date: 03-03-2005, 10:02 PM (34 of 34)
MariLyn,now that I am learning to see,it is amazing where design ideas are coming from. What fun to be learning. Now, a question,Is there any secrets to doing such small embroidery? I did one test bootie on felt. I traced the bootie on to the felt and then tried out my design. It was just ok,not exatly what I was I was going for. I know I need more practice at the machine.Should I keep my zig zag width at about 2? Nonie |
User: sewingnonie
Member since: 09-23-2004 Total posts: 175 |

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