From: dd2u
Date: 02-06-2005, 02:27 AM (1 of 17)
I decided to stop at a local store today & investigate new sewing machines. I can't believe I've survived all these years with an old Kenmore! The ladies were wonderful, and the more we gabbed, the more info about my creative ways came out, as well as my digital camera, with proof. And really, none of it was about sewing! When I came in, I told the owner how I was looking for a heavy duty sewing machine...upholstery, heavy fabrics, etc. As I was gaga-ing over a Janome machine (4623Plus) ---she began telling me that I should look into embroidery machines as well, that it would "widen" my creative circle (s!) Anyway, she wasn't pushy at all...but wow, the world I didn't think I needed to know about! Investigating now, I could as easily become as addicted as all of you! It's fascinating. Needless to say, I didn't jump into a new machine yet. The 2 they recommended were the Brother PC-8500D (which I don't think I'd go for the difference in price for Disney) or the Brother PC-6500. Does anyone know anything about these machines? I haven't seen them mentioned. Another lady, who used to work for Generations digitizing software began to show me how the program works, and I'm even more fascinated because I am envisioning all my own designs I could make. Heaven help me, but I haven't seen many people talk about this software here. Any info here, as well??? I'm a bit computer savy, so I guess it would just be about learning a new program. I would really appreciate your help here---it's a good chunk of change to invest, and I'd hate to make a really big mistake! Thanks! |
User: dd2u
Member since: 02-06-2005 Total posts: 7 |
From: soverysewey
Date: 02-06-2005, 02:35 AM (2 of 17)
I have a PC6500 which I love. Easy to use and the embroidery is great! It has 99 built in stitches. The 8500 has a lot more built in decorative stitches..not embroidery stitches~ sewing stitches..and it can rotate a design in 5degree increments where the 6500 is 90degrees. I have not found that to be an issue. Either machine would be good. It depends on how much you want to spend and how many built in deco stitches you want more than anything. I do think the 8500 comes with more hoops but the 6500 uses the same hoops and they are available all over the internet.They both do a 5x7 embroidery. If it is a 8500D then it can do Disney designs..although the 6500 a 8500 without the D can take the taste of disney card. |
User: soverysewey
Member since: 12-19-2003 Total posts: 56 |
From: mamadus
Date: 02-06-2005, 03:51 AM (3 of 17)
I don't have the 8500 or the 6500, I have the ULT 2003D... I have to say, I think the Brother machines are probably among the easiest to use,... I bought mine from a dealer in Vermont prior to the ban on internet sales by Brother and never had a single lesson. I just took off the cover and started up the machine!! there are other embroidery machines, or embroidery combo machines that are very good, but the Brothers are extremely user friendly.. MO life is too short, not to explore
User: mamadus
Member since: 12-31-2004 Total posts: 492 |
From: mamadus
Date: 02-06-2005, 03:53 AM (4 of 17)
BTW dd2u... sounds to me like we will soon be welcoming you to the ranks of embroidery addicts!!! Have fun!! MO life is too short, not to explore
User: mamadus
Member since: 12-31-2004 Total posts: 492 |
From: dd2u
Date: 02-06-2005, 12:31 PM (5 of 17)
Thanks SoVery & Mamadus! I really appreciate your input. After looking at the internet at all the designs, I feel "reeled" in already. The Brother 8500D is the Disney one...but at $1400 more than the 6500--I just don't see the justification. The only other difference is the LED screen size--larger on the 8500, but without knowing, I wouldn't think it would be a big deal. The dealer also had a used Brother, just like the 8500, but not Disney--for $1400. But can I ask SoVery? Do you find the machine as good for heavier duty sewing (say hemming jeans for example) because this WAS what I originally looking for! I may stop in another local dealer to see their thoughts on the machines they carry, but the dealer I stopped at yesterday were really wonderful. They offer a free class on the machine purchase, then 3 or 4 free lessons on how to use the embroidery facets. And if I do venture on Generations, which I may (if I don't hear of another software that is better!) they offer lessons for free on that too. Thanks again to the both of you! By the way Mamadus, I'm also in Cleveland---just moved into North Olmsted from Westlake! |
User: dd2u
Member since: 02-06-2005 Total posts: 7 |
From: soverysewey
Date: 02-06-2005, 09:03 PM (6 of 17)
Truthfully I have never hemmed any jeans on mine so I can't answer about that. I have sewn a lot of pot holders with two layers of fabric and three layers of coton batting and then edged wtih binding making 7 layers and had no problems at all. If you use the right needle for the job and the right stitch length I think it will go through anything you need it to. Take some jeans fabric with you and test it out at the dealers.That's the best way to know for sure. |
User: soverysewey
Member since: 12-19-2003 Total posts: 56 |
From: MaryW
Date: 02-07-2005, 01:39 PM (7 of 17)
Come on girls, give your opinion. What do you think about this lady buying a new embroidery machine?
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 02-08-2005, 12:12 AM (8 of 17)
Hey Mary, I say go for it. I didn't think I would use an embroidery machine either, but mine has been pretty busy since I've had it and I invested in a digitizing class on Saturday to further enhance my machine embroidery addition. I didn't opt for a TOL (mega bucks) machine but my Signer Futura seems to do all the 4 x 4 and 5 x 7 designs the other machines can do and I don't have to have Embird or Ultimate Box or any of those other gismos that go between the computer and machine to convert as my machine reads and stitches all the formats out there. I can download anything but a continuous hoop design right now but I understand that Singer is working on a continuous hoop program for the Futuras. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: Melanie T
Date: 02-08-2005, 11:07 AM (9 of 17)
I like/love my Kenmore 19010 for the price ($1500 on sale at sears, mine $800 on eBay). The biggest drawback is the lack of dealer support, but I haven't had any problems and no lessons. The sewing field is limited to 4 X 4, I think the Brothers you are talking about are not limited. Before you get into Generations with its 1K price tag, check out Embrid and the digitizing plug in (around $200 total). If you are going to go into business or have lots of "play" money never mind. Generations is a good one, but Embrid is more economical for what you get. Remember, the price for the machine is just a start, this is a very expensive hobby and there is always more stuff to buy. Melanie
4 little sewing machine mechanics (6, 4, 2, Born June 14) Ontario Canada |
User: Melanie T
Member since: 09-21-2004 Total posts: 155 |
From: Mother in Law
Date: 02-09-2005, 01:33 AM (10 of 17)
Check out the sewing field on the two. Get the bigger sewing field if you don't you will be sorry. I got the smaller of the two and was sorry. I would up getting a new machine within a year. So go for the bigger sewing field if you can afford it first and save some of the headaches of wanting more later. You will not regret what you get even if you can't afford a bigger field. These machines are wonderful. Mine is sewing out a design as I type. ![]() |
User: Mother in Law
Member since: Total posts: |
From: dd2u
Date: 02-10-2005, 02:04 AM (11 of 17)
Well many thanks to all of you & especially Mary for encouraging you all to help me out! This is a big investment, especially since I hadn't planned for it...but I have been researching a few different creative business over the past 2 years to start up--and is part of the reason why I moved into a bigger home!! And now, after only a few days (LITERALLY!!) of researching the possibilities of what to do so that this big hobby could actually pay off (in due time--I realize) I have found many reasons to look further. Actually, in opening my mouth at work & with friends, I have found people who are currently looking for embroiderers, men & women for many different reasons! And the possibilities seem endless--especially if I do go ahead & look into the digitizing & design. Being a creative critter to begin with, what a great hobby---even if all else fails. In trying to be smart about the investment...and realizing your advice... 1) I am going to consider buying a basic machine for my regular heavy duty sewing. Uphostery projects are important to me all the same! The Janome 4623Plus, which is a heavy duty machine was pretty impressive---but then again, anything is compared to the old Kenmore which I venture to say is probably from the '70's! 2) The Brother combo (sew/embroid) machines were very nice; again, anything would be for me! From what the few people who were interested in having embroidery done---I do see that the sewing field (the larger the better) should be a big consideration. I have not ventured into the retailer I went into on Saturday, but I will go back & to a few other locales to get their input. 3) What I am wondering is if considering an embroidery-only machine should be considered. I realize that this would be more of an investment, but to be honest & respectful to all of you "pros" ![]() 4) And again, the digitizing software. I have an aunt, who at 94 still dabbles on a Husqvarna that's maybe 5 years old (already promised to my sister in law---don't even ask how THAT happened!!!!) But looking at the Husqvarna site...their 3-D software is so cool! Did you see it? Here: But here's where the risky investment would come in. I was really hoping someone had info on the Generations software. I realize it's very costly, but if I really knew what it had to offer vs. other softwares, it may seem like a better choice. Melco also has an impressive Design Shop software, that I requested a Demo CD of. The one thing about Generations is that currently they are offering unlimited, lifetime updates to those who purchase that software. Yet even the lady from the local shop who turned me on to the software, who used to work directly for Generations, said "I'm sure THAT won't last forever!" But as well all know, with any software, the updates can be expensive on their own! ARGHHH...If I only knew more of what's out there. I guess a consideration should also be is all of what is included in Generations, like some of the other design softwares that sell each of their programs separately. Again, thanks to all of you! I will keep you posted (hopefully not as wordy!) on my adventures. And I promise to keep you ladies on my very special list of the ones who helped me in this process! IF I can get all this accomplished, I'd love for you all to test my designs & give me your input. It all seems like so much fun---especially meeting new friends in the process. |
User: dd2u
Member since: 02-06-2005 Total posts: 7 |
From: mamadus
Date: 02-12-2005, 03:41 AM (12 of 17)
dd2u.. sorry I didn't get back to you sooner... interesting you're in North Olmsted... I'm in Avon Lake... If you went to a Brother Dealer, you must have gone to Barnes huh?? you might also check out Pins-N-Needles, which is on Great Northern Blvd... they are a Babylock dealer... Brother and Babylock embroidery machines are the same thing.... Pins-N-Needles offers a lot of classes... Barnes is trying to get back into offering classes... Also, since you're that close, there's absolutely no reason why we couldn't get together to work on embroidery stuff... I'll be happy to walk you through whatever I can... I did notice that you were talking about generations software... I know that Barnes pushes Generations a lot, but it is very expensive!! the last time I was in there I think they quoted me something like $1800 or $2200 for the software.... I would echo the suggestion made by somebody else on another thread.... get to know your embroidery machine first and try out Embird.... You can get Embird basic for about $80-$90 from the Secrets of site and then add the digitizing tools plug in for about $135...that will give you the chance to get your feet wet with digitizing without spending gobs of money and then finding out its not something you want to might want to check into the IEC (Indiana Embroidery Conference) which takes place in July in Colombus, Indiana. At the IEC there are usually classes in the various digitizing software and you could take that opportunity to check them out before you make a decision that will cost you big dollars... If you want more info abuot the IEC, just let me know and I'll get the info to you... sorry for writing a book... just excited to find another possible embroiderer nearby... an added note... if you're looking at the 6500 or the 8500 you will need a reader-writer box and card in order to transfer designs to your machine... there are many choices of boxes... the least expensive way to go is probably the Ultimate box with card... the last I knew, you could get it from for about $170..less if you catch a sale... MO life is too short, not to explore
User: mamadus
Member since: 12-31-2004 Total posts: 492 |
From: dd2u
Date: 02-12-2005, 04:18 PM (13 of 17)
Hi Mamadus! I'm so glad you are in Avon Lake! Like I've been saying this is all a sudden interest...but I would love to have someone near by to wipe my tears of certain frustration. I'll admit to you & everyone else (as if no one could tell) but I definitely research into everything I'm about to buy or do! With the software, I am willing to invest in an expensive program, but I don't want to find out that something out there is BETTER for what I'm willing to spend. Barnes is where I initially went to check sewing machines, and ironically, I was going to stop into Pins & Needles this weekend! research..research...but everyone's opinions do matter...but sometimes I just end up even more confused. Barnes has a lady employed there who used to work for Generations, traveling for the company. Now she works there & teaches the program. Any store who is a dealer of just one software, is obviously going to recommend theirs. But that's not to say that Generations ISN'T the best! I just don't know. With a little more research into the business possibilites here, I just do not want to invest in software to test the waters, to have spent a few hundred, then spend even more for a more complete software package. Argh...first to decide on a machine, then software. At least you know why my posts are at all hours of the nite! Seems I'm not alone, now that I look!!!! We burn the midnight oil! |
User: dd2u
Member since: 02-06-2005 Total posts: 7 |
From: Stitchwitch
Date: 02-12-2005, 08:37 PM (14 of 17)
DD2U and Mamadus - I'm in Akron, and the original Barnes Sewing Center is close by in Cuyahoga Falls. I've never been to the store that you went to, they just recently opened in the last 2 years I think. But if you want to treat yourselves to a machine extravaganza take a trip to the one in the Falls. They will let you sit and play to your hearts content on any and all machines, or they are there to answer any questions. Also their on site repair service is top notch. They have classes and clubs for the machines you buy from them too. Just a suggestion for one more dealership to check out, but worth the trip. Blessed be...
User: Stitchwitch
Member since: 04-22-2004 Total posts: 10 |
From: smith972
Date: 02-12-2005, 11:31 PM (15 of 17)
My ex inlaws live in must know them....if you blink once you will miss Akron..... I lived there for about 9 months but could not take the winter....i called my mom and came back home.... A small small Jada |
User: smith972
Member since: 09-10-2004 Total posts: 241 |
From: mamadus
Date: 02-13-2005, 03:11 PM (16 of 17)
jada.. I think maybe Akron has changed since you were last there..LOL Akron and Cleveland now almost run into each other... the space between seems to keep shrinking.. and with 480 and 77, it takes very little time at all to get from the west side of Cleveland to Akron... on the other hand... its great to have a dealer on the west side (where dd2u and I are). if you ever get back this way... let us know!! DD2U.. drop me a pm and we'll plan a time to get together and discuss... we could meet at Promenade (in between for both of us)and have lunch at Max & Erma's ... MO life is too short, not to explore
User: mamadus
Member since: 12-31-2004 Total posts: 492 |
From: Ria
Date: 02-19-2005, 01:46 PM (17 of 17)
I say "go for it" I just go my brother 6500 at for 999.00 and I am in awe of this machine. Needless to say since I just took it out of the box this morning and set it up I have not used it yet but it is a wonderful piece of equipment. I love the large stitiching field and the lcd screen where everything is at your fingertips. The ladies here have helped me with many questions and I am sure I will have more. It is great to know all I hve to do is get on this PC and type away for help...There is always someone to help out. This is my first embroidery machine and I also heard that the brother was user friendly and since I have the CS 8060 Brother already for regular sewing I will use this new one just for embroidery. good luck and let us know what you decide. Ria Ria
"Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them" (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Brother 6500.....Brother 8060......PED Basic... Embird...... |
User: Ria
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 121 |

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