From: DragonLady
Date: 03-04-2005, 12:41 AM (1 of 27)
And I'll bet a lot of other can say that, too! I have a full-size easel. It cost me a fortune. I didn't have a car when I bought it, so my husband and I carried it almost three miles to get it home. The only real work it has ever done is displaying movie posters. I have a tackle box full of calligraphy supplies. I have steel brushes, special nibs, Windsor & Newton inks and metallic paints in every color of the rainbow. I haven't used any of it in over two years. I have two drawers full of watercolor paints, papers and brushes. I have Russian sable brushes, special palettes with lids, watercolor pencils, bottles of paint additives and brush cleaners. It's stored in beautiful little boxes and neat little trays. I haven't touched any of it since last spring. I have most of the equipment to draft my own sewing patterns. I have a tabletop drawing board, rulers and a hip template, a full set of french curves. I have colored pencils, oil pastels and a huge sketchbook for doodling ideas. I doodle a lot of ideas -with a #2 pencil. And I finally packed all the rest away in a box after it was spread over my table untouched for nearly a month. I have gardening equipment that would be the envy of some small nurseries. I have a shelf full of various substances and compounds for rapid growth, shiny leaves, exotic blooms and faster fruit. But now I've become a perma-culture nut and probably will never use any of it again. I also have heated seedling trays (which I use), and enough seeds to cover the town -or start my own seed bank. I have seeds for giant pumpkins, venus flytraps, frankincense & myrrh, incense sage, and flowers of every kind -and from every area of the planet. If I ever grow a tenth of them, I'll be living in Eden. I have enough fabric stashed to provide basic body coverage for every man, woman and child in my town. Stretched end-to-end, I'll bet I have twenty miles of fabric. And while I do sew a lot, and use up the stuff a bit at a time, I'm always practising my first talent & buying more. And I have equipment, too! I have two ironing boards, two irons, a sleeve board, a sleeve roll, more press cloths than I will ever use, thread in every color of the rainbow (except the colors of the fabrics I own -I still need to buy those :wink ![]() I have needleworking supplies enough to fill a room. I have embroidery hoops, canvasses, needles and hooks, threads, ribbons, yarns and strings. I use it once in a while.... And then there's the stuff I kinda enjoy! I have oil paints and brushes, and various brush cleaners and paint texturizers. I use them about once every ten years. I have furniture refinishing equipment from sandpaper to stripping agents. Someday I intend to refinish my desk, but after three false starts, it's probably gonna be awhile. I have a blender, cans of paper pulp and wallpaper paste, a plastic tub and a homemade deckel for paper making and paper mache. I used it a bit last summer; haven't looked at it since. I have cookbooks in every room of the house. They take up three shelves in my living room, a full shelf in my kitchen, a magazine rack in my bathroom and a drawer in my bedroom dresser. I have wonderful cookware & bakeware, an electric roaster, a blender, an ice cream maker, a cappucino machine, candy molds, enough cookie cutters to open a store, spices and herbs from all over the world and fresh produce right outside the window in my garden. I cook everyday, but I use some of this fancy stuff about 4 or 5 times every year. Then there's the stuff I want to try. I have books about soapmaking, perfumery, winemaking, rock collecting and jewelry making, beading, toymaking, computer programming, leather working, mountain climbing and -just in case I get tired- lucid dreaming. I finally threw away a whole box of cartography equipment. I figured I really needed to draw the line somewhere! ![]() "No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |
From: MaryW
Date: 03-04-2005, 06:34 AM (2 of 27)
Thank you very much for posting this. I am going to print it off and make my husband read every word of it. ![]() MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: DragonLady
Date: 03-04-2005, 10:16 AM (3 of 27)
Oh, I haven't mentioned my husband's crafts! He collects tools that don't do anything. He has an engine hoist that's been -in the unopened box- sitting in the corner of our living room floor for two years now. It weighs about 300 lbs, so I just stack stuff on it and occasionally vaccuum around it. He has allen wrenches, pipe wrenches, and hundreds of sockets and drivers. He has a vice, hammers, saws, ladders, rulers, pliars, battery testing and recharging equipment, soldering equipment, funnels, gloves, cleaning compounds, oils and gas additives. He has spark plug gappers, jacks, ramps, files, ice scrapers, and spare stereo systems. And three cars that all need tune-ups. He also loves computer parts. We have three working printers, a dozen keyboards, and a box full of spare mice and cables. We have a CD reader/writer, a DVD reader/writer (which also does CD's), a scanner, and equipment to hook up both the video camera and the digital camera. Of course, I should mention he only averages two days off work every month, so there just aren't enough hours to do everything he'd like with all the lovely stuff he buys. Then there are the kids.... I have multiple daughters, and one of their crafts is looking good. I have a bathroom that is completely buried in lotions, shampoos, facial cleansers, body washes, pomades, hair sprays, perfumes, lipsticks, blushes, eye colors, hair dryers, hot rollers, cold rollers, curling brushes, curling irons in every size, tweezers, cotton balls, loofas, pore strips, razors, moisturizers and cold creams. My son collects miniatures from role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons. His room is carefully hidden and guarded by a horde of tiny skinks, lizardmen, trolls, dragons, griffins, elves, space marines, Dark Elder, monsters, ogres, soldiers, beasts and kit-bashed cyborg weaponry. And he has tons of enamel paints, brushes, files, glues, decals and other supplies for assembling and painting all the assorted critters that come in dozens of tiny pieces. And if "animal control" is a craft, we have that covered, too! My laundry room is home to a half-dozen empty aquariums, bird cages, bug jars, brushes, leashes, water dishes, sacks and boxes of animal foods, collars, heated rocks, decorative rocks, plastic plants, animal toys and scratching posts. If America ever suffers a full-scale invasion, I figure we can survive for several generations just by bargaining and haggling away all of our assorted hobby-and-crafting collections! ![]() "No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |
From: Sailorliz
Date: 03-04-2005, 10:42 AM (4 of 27)
Dragon Lady, You are well prepared! ROFLOL If I ever need anything, that I can't find in the craft stores, I now know who I might be able to haggle with. You just made my day. I thought I was a collecter. Sounds like a warm household though. Everyone surronded with the things they like to do. I also understand about the girls looking pretty. We had three daughters and only one bathroom. I actually had to schedule a time slot for everyone, so we all had a chance to brush our teeth in the mornings! ![]() Happy sewing/quilting/crafting
Liz Visit my photo page |
User: Sailorliz
Member since: 07-20-2004 Total posts: 386 |
From: KayTee
Date: 03-04-2005, 12:28 PM (5 of 27)
Dragonlady, WOW, you do have stuff. You sound like you enjoy, or have enjoyed most of these collections! I think it's great that you continue to envision new projects 'for the future'. I have often thought that a used craft supply co-op would be a great idea. It's so costly to buy the necessary supplies to explore a new craft - oftentimes I find I am interested in something but don't know whether it's something I'm going to want to continue doing. It would be great if there was a co-op where a person could purchase previously tried crafts where the owner decided it wasn't what they wanted to do. Once you've invested $'s in purchasing supplies, it's pretty guilt inducing to just shelve it. You have the makings for a pretty good start for this kind of idea. Or, even a "try it, you might like it" kind of workshop for others. My addiction to date has been fabric, with a close secondary of books; I just love the colours and just having it. I recently culled my stash (excluding cottons because I'm hoping to try more quilting) and sent about 70% of it to new homes. Truth be told, I miss it...... I KNOW I wouldn't use it, but I miss it. I think, too, that some of us just like to be surrounded by 'our stuff'. |
User: KayTee
Member since: 12-06-2002 Total posts: 98 |
From: Magot
Date: 03-04-2005, 02:29 PM (6 of 27)
I tend to think it's a good thing that you and your husband have similar hoarding habits. Can you imagine the trauma of getting rid of it all in one of those declutter your home moments? I had a whole load of Windsor and Newton inks from when I did pen and ink drawing - I went back to them some 20 years later and couldn't get the tops off - when we eventually did, the inks had all evaporated. Used tubes of watercolour paint go off as well - slice open the lead tube and use them as a hard pan - works for me! I have a chinese brush painting set that I treated myself to - I love the look of chinese painting, a few lines and the thing is deliniated and oozes character. Boy it's hard! Not to mention that you have to rub the inkstone and make your own ink - enough to give you tennis elbow! That's staying in the drawer - but I might come back to it.... love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Jeke
Date: 03-05-2005, 12:28 PM (7 of 27)
Dragonlady, Where do you keep it all? ![]() Jay
User: Jeke
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 232 |
From: MyGirlFriday
Date: 03-13-2005, 08:42 AM (8 of 27)
DragonLady~ I just had to laugh......are you my long lost twin? As I read your list of crafting supplies some of the ones that you are missing are at my house! The crochet supplies.....hooks, patterns, threads and yarns. The One-Stroke supplies....paints, brushes, books and items to paint. Jewelry making.....wire, beads, crystals, clasps, toggles and crimp beads. And all of the tools required. Lots of how to books....Self help....decorating.....fixit! Then there are my sewing patterns, fabric, notions and machines. I wish I had a crafting room for all of my stuff but I don't! So it is possible to do or read about crafting in every room of my house! Glad there are other that love all kinds of crafts!! mgf~ ![]() Blessings & Smiles
Frogs have it easy....they just eat what's buggin' them. |
User: MyGirlFriday
Member since: 12-05-2004 Total posts: 288 |
From: ellymolin
Date: 03-13-2005, 10:01 AM (9 of 27)
So glad I'm not the only one who loves having lots of stuff, just in case I ever get the time to use it all. Collecting fabric is my main pursuit. Last fall I purchased all the stock from a fabric store when the owner was moving away. I have so much I can hardly get in my sewing room, along with all the threads, laces, ribbons, etc. I spend more time planning what I will make with everything, than actually sewing. And still I cannot go into any place that sells fabric without picking up some more. I've got to cut back (actually thinking about taking over another room in the house--hubby might draw the line at that.) lol |
User: ellymolin
Member since: 01-13-2005 Total posts: 37 |
From: DragonLady
Date: 03-13-2005, 11:08 AM (10 of 27)
I've often suspected there were lots of others like me! Now, if we could just find a centrally located building, we could store all of our crafting equipment in one place and work together on huge multi-media projects that could be shown in the finest New York galleries and make us all rich and famous. ![]() "No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 03-13-2005, 11:44 AM (11 of 27)
Maybe you could hang orange curtains in Central Park and be like "artists." Did anyone see that on the news? Was anyone impressed? Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: MaryW
Date: 03-14-2005, 06:05 AM (12 of 27)
I saw those orange fabrics, is that "The Gates"?
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 03-14-2005, 07:10 AM (13 of 27)
Yeah. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: DragonLady
Date: 03-14-2005, 09:59 AM (14 of 27)
Orange isn't my color. Perhaps we could weave all the tree branches together, pull the park benches up into the trees, and have a rent-free crafting haven above the heads of all the other park-goers? Of course, a strong wind rocking all the branches would certainly present challenges to the painters and calligraphers. ![]() "No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |
From: Magot
Date: 03-14-2005, 12:11 PM (15 of 27)
Couldn't you mug the chess players and use the tables for a little one on one tuition?
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Emmy
Date: 03-17-2005, 04:37 PM (16 of 27)
My craft is collecting craft and hobby supplies. And I'll bet a lot of other can say that, too! I finally threw away a whole box of cartography equipment. I figured I really needed to draw the line somewhere! ![]() LOL! You sound a lot like me, only I never give anything up, because I always go back to it again. If you ever get tired of all that stuff, you can ship it to me, I'd be in heaven! LOL! Bye the way, this sounds like a hobby, not a craft! LOL! Emmy ![]() PS. Why not join Freecycle? You can give away what you really don't want, instead of filling landfills sites with useable craft materials. I just did. Go to yahoo and do a search for freecycle, you should find one in your area, and if not, you could start one. ![]() |
User: Emmy
Member since: 09-01-2001 Total posts: 127 |
From: lou-dezynz
Date: 03-17-2005, 10:24 PM (17 of 27)
Dear collectors, I too have been collecting sewing, quilting, arts & craft supplies for years. Unfortunately, while I was doing so and in hospice/ homecare, my ex husband was collecting all of our assets and upon our separation, took everything concievable. I have 200+ remaining books, sewing- quilting tools, kits, patterns, books, machines, rubber stamps, holiday craft items, and enough fabric to last another lifetime. Unfortunately, in moving out of the marital house [which contains the furniture and appliances I brought there 16 years ago & my personal family heirlooms, I now need to break down and sell a great deal. I've bought public pages on and have my lists and photos there for open viewing. I don't have fabric posted yet, and have about 150% to go of the other items shown, but if anyone wants to add to their collections, please feel free to view these. Neither my lists nor my photos are near complete, so check in periodically if wanting to add to your collections. I also have beautiful fabric and stamps to come very soon. Thanks and keep collecting and keep track of the rest! My best, louann <<email address removed for privacy>> photos viewable at<email address removed for privacy> lists viewable at<email address removed for privacy> email for auto links ar <email address removed for privacy> Take life as it comes; there's always someone in a worse situation!
**I have A GREAT DEAL OF sew-quilt-craft FABRIC, PATTERNS, BOOKS, TOOLS for sale, along w/ vintage machines. Must sell off much of the contents of my sewing room due to lost home in divorce, need to downsize re relocating..** CHECK MY PHOTOS OF ITEMS FOR SALE at <<email address removed for privacy>> PAYPAL PREFERRED <<email address removed for privacy>> |
User: lou-dezynz
Member since: 02-02-2002 Total posts: 61 |
From: DragonLady
Date: 03-17-2005, 11:23 PM (18 of 27)
PS. Why not join Freecycle? You can give away what you really don't want, instead of filling landfills sites with useable craft materials. I just did. Go to yahoo and do a search for freecycle, you should find one in your area, and if not, you could start one. Funny you should say that.... I built a "freecycle" type webpage for my local area.... Built it, but haven't done anything with it! I was going to put ads in the paper and exchange links with other local sites...but just haven't. Truth is, I'm too busy collecting more stuff! ![]() No, seriously...I just get go busy with the kids and the dogs and the cats and the garden and designing other people's webpages that I just haven't had the time to spread the word that it's there. ![]() "No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |
From: Emmy
Date: 03-22-2005, 03:58 PM (19 of 27)
Funny you should say that.... I built a "freecycle" type webpage for my local area.... Built it, but haven't done anything with it! I ... just haven't had the time to spread the word that it's there. ![]() Try logging onto Yahoo groups and see if there is already one for your area. If not, why not start one? It would be sure to grow faster, as that is where most people go to find one. go to and at the BOTTOM of the page you can input your nearest city, and do a search. Emmy ![]() |
User: Emmy
Member since: 09-01-2001 Total posts: 127 |
From: lou-dezynz
Date: 06-11-2005, 02:15 PM (20 of 27)
Hi, I just wanted to thank all those who wrote on this topic. I've been so caught up in the divorce ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I knew I wasn't alone in my quest to collect crafts all thsese years. And I can certainly identify with those commenting on the collections of their husband's, kids, etc... [The beauty supply collection especially touched home with me re my youngest dau, 24, who also has a need to buy every size 2 casmere coat & $350.00 designer wallet to match her $400.00 purse!] There's a significant difference between craft collecting and all other, however. While the partner's may balk at "all that stuff; why do you need more" & the kids may [as my youngest did] use the "why can't you buy ___ for ME? You buy YOU stuff!" They all forget one significant difference IN OUR CRAFTS. ![]() When the pressure's on and a hem falls and needs to be taken up again, a button falls off, or a hole needs mending, or something "breaks" [on it's own?] needing adhesive, WHOSE COLLECTION do they consult to find the needle & thread, glue, plyers, buttons & snaps?? It's NOT in dad's garage/ machine shoppe! And it's DEFINITELY not in princess's closet or toilettries! Nor can it be found in Junior's video game collection! WE ALL KNOW WHO THEY COME TO AND WE ALL KNOW THAT THO WE HAVE A LOT, WE ALWAYS FIND WHAT THEY NEED! [just food for thought!] Take care all. I DO need close to return to scanning/ discounting books- patterns to sell to cover expenses for my oldest daughter's wedding needs & 1/2 the reception costs ![]() ![]() Take care all. I'll be back after 7/9 to check for further laughs. AND Thanks for amusing me & letting me vent! ![]() ![]() Take life as it comes; there's always someone in a worse situation!
**I have A GREAT DEAL OF sew-quilt-craft FABRIC, PATTERNS, BOOKS, TOOLS for sale, along w/ vintage machines. Must sell off much of the contents of my sewing room due to lost home in divorce, need to downsize re relocating..** CHECK MY PHOTOS OF ITEMS FOR SALE at <<email address removed for privacy>> PAYPAL PREFERRED <<email address removed for privacy>> |
User: lou-dezynz
Member since: 02-02-2002 Total posts: 61 |
From: DragonLady
Date: 06-11-2005, 11:06 PM (21 of 27)
WE ALL KNOW WHO THEY COME TO AND WE ALL KNOW THAT THO WE HAVE A LOT, WE ALWAYS FIND WHAT THEY NEED! You are SO right! Yesterday, I was trying out a new pattern when my son came in. "Mom, my Diddy Kong is wounded." Sure 'nuff -he's had that stuffed toy for years, and I know it's important to him. So, I stopped what I was doing and sewed up DK. A few minutes later my daughter came in. Her teddy bear rice bag was leaking. So again I stopped everything I was doing and stitched it all up. By the time I got back to my own project, it was time to start putting it all away. ![]() ![]() But, I'm happy to be able to do it. I know soon enough they'll be out in the world where the wounds and tears won't be so easy for me to mend. "No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 06-12-2005, 12:35 AM (22 of 27)
Sounds like me...except you forgot to mention the rubber stamps, inks, card stock, embosssing powders, prisma pencils, chalk powders, beads, quilling paper, handmade paper for making lanterns (it has green leaves and sticks in it). Drill bits (for my concrete lanterns and STUFF), all my outdoor lighting supplies. (I do my own). Bamboo poles, rocks, plant pots (of every size). All my cake decorating supplies, includes wedding cake stands, pans, colors, (stuff from being a pro for 30 yrs and not being able to give it up, even though I can't do it anymore). Jigsaw puzzles (people keep giving them to me, even thought I tell them not to, so they're stacking up in the closet. My in-laws gave my husband a 3-D puzzle of the Sydney Opera house for Christmas...I thought he was gonna go through the phone and hit them. He hates puzzles ![]() Color books, crayons. (not the kid kind of books either) Otherwise you've discribed me...too...(one thing I DON'T do anymore is a kid it was monster models, then it was model ships, complete with rigging...) Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: Magot
Date: 06-12-2005, 11:06 AM (23 of 27)
Dragon lady, I am still mending Seal for my 21 year old away at uni..she had a devastating oment when she realised having go back to college that she had forgotten to pack him...So we made a photo soap ( yay digital cameras) of him escaping the house and running to the post office, wrapping himself in a box and posting himself to her, then e-mailed her the pictures, Made her smile while she waited for the post to arrive.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: DragonLady
Date: 06-12-2005, 12:35 PM (24 of 27)
Magot, that is hilarious! It instantly made me think of this site: > > Cooking with Monkey (<. I love the adorable pictures & the recipes always make me smile.
"No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |
From: Magot
Date: 06-12-2005, 02:56 PM (25 of 27)
I love that! Go Monkey! You rock!
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Emmy
Date: 06-12-2005, 10:47 PM (26 of 27)
Maybe then I can print up 150 personalized Thank You's for the kids for after the wedding; oh and 300 address labels to match, and probably a few dozen announcements for those out-of-towner's who deserve to hear about the wedding... AND Thanks for amusing me & letting me vent!![]() ![]() Hey Lou! Guess what? The bride and groom are supposed to write the thank you notes when they get back from their honeymoon! Its not your job and you can tell them I said so! LOL! No kidding! So tell your DD and SIL that they have a job to do when they get back! ![]() Try to relax! If she didn't make up her mind about this wedding in time, then its her problem if she doesn't have everything the way she wants it. Hugs, Emmy ![]() |
User: Emmy
Member since: 09-01-2001 Total posts: 127 |
From: DragonLady
Date: 06-13-2005, 03:16 AM (27 of 27)
I sat down at my sewing machine this evening and found a purple elephant perched in front of it. It had a little hand-written sign taped to it's front legs that said "Fix". Sure enough...a tiny rip. So I found some purple thread and carefully repaired the pachyderm. All I could think of while I did it was this thread...sure enough, I always have the supplies needed for whatever the emergency is. ![]() I was looking through a catalog today, and found a new thing to try -needle lace. I've seen some of the courser stuff that's made with a crochet hook, but really like the looks of the fine stuff that's made by embroidering really delicate designs on netting or sheer fabric. Has anyone tried it? "No more twist! No more twist!"
User: DragonLady
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 152 |

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