From: MaryW
Date: 04-04-2005, 10:39 AM (1 of 20)
I am going to begin this thread for everyone who has kids with challenges. Parents can get the feeling they are all alone when dealing with kids who have special issues. ADD, autism and aspergers are in our family. But, these don't even begin to address other very important problems we all face. Feel free to vent and ask questions.We can support each other as we deal with the problems we have with the kids we love. Strattera, has anyone had it prescribed for their child? My grandson is taking it for some problems we have with ADD. What was your experience with it? Would you recommend it. After my grandson has taken it for a while, I will let you know what our observations are. MaryW
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User: MaryW
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From: Magot
Date: 04-04-2005, 02:45 PM (2 of 20)
My nephew has finally left the care home and is living on his own now. He was hoping to move back in with his Dad but Dad is doing 7 years for GBH.(He is ,like every one else, innocent...) Anyhow, poor old Pete is now living on his own in Milton Keynes - a place which we have always referred to as "the Mutant Gheto" Having had trouble with some locals teens that hang around - they mouth him off and one of them slapped him so he got in a fight. They now come round his flat whne he is on his own and threaten him. He has called the police but they are not interested in what they think id a fight between teens. Thankfully this last week Social Services have moved him to another part of MK where the people are nicer. This is hard to cope with on your own as it is ,let alone the fact he is just 16. We have him here to stay sometimes but he is very hard to communicate with. He is however, more communicative than he used to be , since leaving the care home he has taken himself off the drugs that they had him on - mostly ritalin and he seems a lot calmer without it. It took weeks ,he said, for him to start to feel normal and not hyper all the time. He still is obsessive and can get a bit wild but you can talk him down calmly - before there was no way to communicate at all - stuck in a loop and away. It would be no surprise to me to learn that his Dad has aspergers tendancies but we don't know for sure. He has always been a touch odd. love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
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From: SummersEchos
Date: 04-04-2005, 09:28 PM (3 of 20)
I have a son with ADHD and is Oppositional/defiant, with an Emotional Impaired label through school. This is my youngest son, who is now 24. My youngest daughter who is 22 was ADD and Bi-Polar. The older 3 children never had anything come out. My son gave me all kinds of trouble. He was the 4 out of 5 and I was just at my wits ends. When he finally went into the special needs program (which I was a teacher in) I thought some hope. He was on all the magic pills to help him. Retlin did calm him done, and he was more of an enjoyable child. The school pushed for the meds to help him out. I am not one to take meds myself but I gave in and we did it. We went through all the plans of action to help him. As he got older and got bigger it was harder to not have him get in with the wrong crowd of people. When I became a single parent, things just escalated. Much to my own hurt I had to admit my son to a home on the other side of the state. This totally ripped my heart out and I felt I had failed him as his mom. He stayed for 2 years and once a month I could go visit for a half a day. They let him move to a place that was only 15 mins from my home. He was allowed weekend visit at home. This was a better set up for me, but I still felt I had failed him. There were a lot of reason why I took this route for him. It has been 4 years since he was able to come home. He has changed and now understand how to control himself. His temper can flare up and he gets loud, and to some people he scares them. I know better what to do to calm him. He holds a full time job, has a wonderful gf, and as we have found out is a very senstive young man. I have asked him if he has forgiven me for the 3 years. He laughs and said mom it wasn't the people in the place that helped me all that much. You learn to play their game. It was the fact I had a mom and her parents who came and cared about me, and always let me know that they loved me and I was welcomed home. I could write a book on my life with my son, but I think you have the jest. Because of my son I went on to get my Masters in Behavioral Disorders in Children. My daughter found her spot in this world, she found art. In high school she was in all the art classes she could take. This helped her when she was going through her moods (and we had moods). She never took meds, they made her zombie like. I later found out I am a ADHD adult. I know I have always been the restless type, but when I found this out I had to laugh. When asked what is my magic medicine I smile and say strong black coffee. It keeps me at an even pace with the rest of the world. Summer Summer
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: Hippiegirl
Date: 04-05-2005, 02:13 AM (4 of 20)
I had a job that made me multitask to the hilt 60 hrs per week and after several years of that, I thought I had ADD as an adult. I couldn't focus on any one thing and kept moving from thing to thing just like in my position I held. I think ADD can be a learned habit and like many things, can be unlearned. Yoga turned it around for me. The times we live in do not allow us to live naturally and in natures rhythms. We are artificially structured (electronics) and this does not assist our minds or emotional states at all. I also thing genetically modified foods and non-organics (pesticides) also bring a wealth of agitation to our minds as well. Slow down, breathe deep and touch the earth every day - get sun. Drink Chamomile tea every morning and night. It's balancing to the mind and emotions. |
User: Hippiegirl
Member since: 03-21-2005 Total posts: 77 |
From: Magot
Date: 04-05-2005, 03:21 AM (5 of 20)
Sounds like he has forgiven you Summer - have you forgiven yourself? It is a choice not an emotion - there comes a time when we have to say "I can do this much and no more" and recognise our own limits. My nephew lived with us for 3 1/2 years but at the end of that time we couldn't take any more as he was getting harder and harder to deal with. I felt guilty for a long time about that until I realised it was keep Pete and sacrifice my other kids and my marriage or let him go and rescue the damage done to the rest of us. He has stayed in touch and still comes to stay with us even though it was 9 years ago he left - and my girls still think of him as their brother so it is possible to rebuild and grow on.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: MaryW
Date: 04-05-2005, 09:22 AM (6 of 20)
Summer, it sounds to me like you did just fine. Your son told you it was you that kept him going. Smile and know you did the right thing. ![]() My grandson has ADD/ADHD with oppositional defiant problems too. ![]() ![]() Other days are just not good. He can be totally anal about getting his own way on some very minor issue. It's a challenge and I don't always win but I know I am doing everything I can. I've learned a lot. MaryW
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User: MaryW
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From: MaryW
Date: 04-05-2005, 09:26 AM (7 of 20)
I also have to add I agree with Hippiegirl, slow down and breathe. We have a home full to bursting with problems some days. All the more reason to look after myself. I am exercising, still at the 25 lb. loss mark but feeling much better about myself than I did. I look after myself better than I have ever before. LOL, old ladies need regular maintenance. MaryW
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User: MaryW
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From: SummersEchos
Date: 04-05-2005, 10:00 AM (8 of 20)
Thanks Jan and Mary. I have forgiven myself as I see he is going to make it. One thing I learned was that he needed more of a constant life. Not the lets pack up and go. When he came home he had his routine and I let him keep to it. Mary I understand about the good days and not so good days. Sometimes at night I would go to bed so tired I couldn't sleep. In 6 months I had lost over 100 lbs. Stress does do strange things. Hippie girl I so agree with you on slowing down. Nature is a wonderful healer and to be able to be out in it, is very calming. Summer Summer
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: mamadus
Date: 04-06-2005, 02:48 AM (9 of 20)
re:Straterra.. my son has been taking Straterra for over a year now... he will soon be 22 and the STraterra is probably our favorite of the meds he has been on through the years.... previously he has been on ritalin and concerta.. my son is an ADD person who also has Obsessive Compulsive tendencies and anxiety disorder.. The Straterra seems to produce less of the "fogginess" that ritalin and especially concerta produced. note to summer... you are aware right that ADD medications are stimulants... for some reason,with ADD people, stimulants have the opposite effect.. maybe the reason your drug of choice is coffee is because it is a natural stimulant.. life is too short, not to explore
User: mamadus
Member since: 12-31-2004 Total posts: 492 |
From: blanken6
Date: 04-18-2005, 05:27 AM (10 of 20)
My second son has bi-polar disorder, just as his uncle does and his great uncle. I actually knew it before he was born. I knew all my kids before they were born and I knew something was wrong. He screamed for nine months and then didn't want to come out. After four years of listening to him scream on the outside and having Dr's do nothing we finally went to a therapist. After two years with the therapist we finally nailed it. We haven't started him on med's for two reason: first, it's hard to find a psyciatrist who will diagnos a seven year old with bi-polar and two if he goes on he may never get to come off. So we have been working through diet to help him. We actually figured out so far that Casien is a depressent and Gluten is an upper. We have also taken him off sugar and corn (corn just wacks him out in so many ways it's scary). You can even see physical changes in him when he get's some of these things in his system. Since finding out it does make it a little easier to cope, you know there will be a leveling off period for a while for a breather before you start the roller coaster again.
Proverbs 31:10-31
User: blanken6
Member since: 08-11-2004 Total posts: 41 ![]() |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 04-18-2005, 06:56 AM (11 of 20)
MY son was diagnosed with ADD (no H) at 10. He took Meds (ritilin) for 4 years but when he started high school he chose to try without. we have had some difficult times with a few classes but on the most part he has worked throughthis & found ways to cope on his own. He was my child with the least behavior problems other than trying to get homework done before the diagnoses. when he was 7 they tried testing him but he had such anxiety attacks that he vommitted all over the table. after 3 tries to test they gave up & told me to watch him for teen suicide. I was so upset I almost didn't let them test him again. he was the happiest little boy I knew & still is if he isn't under stress. @ 16 & a junior in high school he is a B student & has found his niche in Mechanics & woodworking. He was accepted in a class on heavy equipment repir & operating for next school yr. but was told Friday after he went to the orientation that the funding may be cut from our district. I am going to check today & see if this is true. What I have found with my kids is The ADD kids just need to find there own way of doing things. I am sure that if ADD was around when I was younger I would definitly have been diagnosed. I have 2 daughters who I am sure have it but they learned to cope early without meds. The school work gets done but all other projects at home usually end up UFOs. DD 13 has started sewing though & so far has finished each outfit she starts before cutting another but I think she is going to be a pattern collector like Mom.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: MaryW
Date: 04-18-2005, 08:43 AM (12 of 20)
Strattera is not a stimulant. It has no potential for drug abuse or dependence. It is new here in Canada. MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: Hippiegirl
Date: 04-18-2005, 11:12 AM (13 of 20)
I was in a store recently and someone was talking with a clerk about how kids in their 20's and younger are stressed these days and go into overwhelm easily. This is not the first time I've heard this. I was in a book store yesturday and saw books on the Indigo Children and it's geared towards people born after 1978 and how this generation after 1978 are having similar problems. I think it will assist in helping y'all on why the kids nowadays are somewhat different than we were. If you search Indigo Children on Amazon, I'm sure you will find books. There was a documentary created on Indigo Children not long ago as well. THey're known to be very sensitive and intuitive so the impulses coming from the world to their sphere of energy tends to overwhelm them more so. I've heard of Indigo Children since the 90's since I am a rebirther which goes into childhood and birth trauma, so its not a new concept. My nephew displays alot of the traits but he has been taught that everything he says and wants to express is ok with the adults in his life. We love to hear what he says. (Remember how we were to be seeen and not heard?) so his self esteme is really high. |
User: Hippiegirl
Member since: 03-21-2005 Total posts: 77 |
From: MaryW
Date: 04-19-2005, 09:23 AM (14 of 20)
yrdy test test test
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: Pudge99
Date: 04-19-2005, 10:20 AM (15 of 20)
I am a rebirther which goes into childhood and birth trauma, so its not a new concept. What exactly is a rebirther? Do you link problems back to child birth? At my daughters last Dr. appointment he was asking me a lot about her birth. When I told him about everything that went wrong he just nodded his head. I asked him about it and he just said "Let's see what the tests I ordered say." She had MRI's, a sleep study, hearing test, and we are just waiting for the school to do some testing and then we will go back with all the results and talk to him. Gina
Pictures of my successes and failures Pfaff 2040 Janome Mylock 134D Singer Futura CE-100 w/ Autopunch Husqvarna Viking 3D Sketch |
User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001 Total posts: 1375 |
From: Hippiegirl
Date: 04-19-2005, 12:23 PM (16 of 20)
What exactly is a rebirther? Do you link problems back to child birth? At my daughters last Dr. appointment he was asking me a lot about her birth. When I told him about everything that went wrong he just nodded his head. I asked him about it and he just said "Let's see what the tests I ordered say." She had MRI's, a sleep study, hearing test, and we are just waiting for the school to do some testing and then we will go back with all the results and talk to him. Hi Pudge99, Rebirthers use a technique of breathing that physiologically induce birth memories. It's not hypnosis or mental. It's a very emotional/physical experience. The new area of psychology Pre and Perinatal Psych is relatively new and the first college was created in Santa Barbara for Phd's. The Dr's are finally realizing the truth about birth trauma and that birth does effect every part of our life and behavior until we become aware of the patterning and make a conscious decision to correct it - like all change. However because babies are instinctual and feeling beings and do not have a vocabulary at birth, the memories that surface are very primal and intense. If the trauma was intense, then the memories are very intense because our rational mind wants to make sense of everything we feel and when we cant during a rebirth it's challenging, but very enlightening. All kinds of patterning are created in the womb and during birth. After going thru my training 15 years ago, I told my mom of my birth and told her who was in the room and where and what the doctor was thinking. She was amazed because the detail I had she forgot about and I awakened her memory from my rebirth experience. I knew exactly what Dad was wearing and knew they were not a happy couple at that time, knew the Ob was an ass and that he thought I was an ugly baby which my mother confirmed. Until this surfaced in rebirthing, I had always thought I was ugly even though people thought I should be a model, so the first impressions of the birth experience are crucial and that is why there is doula birth and water births and natural child birth, to change the way humans come into the world. Currently the way hospitals do it, it's like a UFO abduction, the baby comes out in cold bright lights and is probed and taken away from it's mother into a nursury with other trauma induced babies. It's total horror... This is what gets healed in rebirthing. Pri and Perinatal Psych is confirming what rebirthers have been doing for over 30 years. I've worked with Phd's and other Psychologists who are both rebirthers and FMC's so I've had wonderful support in my learning. What is going on with your child? |
User: Hippiegirl
Member since: 03-21-2005 Total posts: 77 |
From: Pudge99
Date: 04-19-2005, 01:04 PM (17 of 20)
Hippiegirl, Nobody has actually been able to tell me if there is anything wrong with her or not. She has always had trouble with school. She is brilliant but has a very hard time completing her work. For example a worksheet that should take no more that 20 min. to complete takes her at least an hour sometimes more. Her teachers have always complained about her not staying on task. One psych doctor (not sure which kind) shut us into a room with no windows, that was freshly painted and still stunk, after a full day of Kindergarten and labeled her ADHD because she was wound up and wouldn't listen to what was going on and was a little disobediant and I was afraid to correct her in front of him for fear he would tear into me for it. We moved and didn't get back with a Dr until 1st grade started. Her new pediatrician put her on a trial of Ritalin. All it did was made her talk non-stop. Her teacher saw no difference at school so we stopped the medicine and had her retested. This Dr. says she is not ADD, all someone needs to do is learn how to teach her. I figured that was me and homeschooled her for the next two years. We moved again and I ended up on bedrest so I enrolled her in school and all the teacher complaints started coming again. This time around we have a very thorough pediatrician who has been trying to help me with her bedwetting issues and ordered a MRI to look for something that might be causing it. Well she didn't find what she was looking for but something else. So off to the neurologist we went and that is where we are now. Waiting until she is tested by the school and then when he has all the results he will talk to me about what he thinks. As for her birth. It was awful, she almost died because the idiot anesthiologist wanting to get his full 8 hours of sleep before coming to the hospital. I hope this didn't bore you. But I can't just hop on her and say she has such-and-such because I don't even know if she has anything ![]() Gina
Pictures of my successes and failures Pfaff 2040 Janome Mylock 134D Singer Futura CE-100 w/ Autopunch Husqvarna Viking 3D Sketch |
User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001 Total posts: 1375 |
From: Hippiegirl
Date: 04-19-2005, 02:40 PM (18 of 20)
Wow. You have both been thru alot. One thing I can say for learning rebirthing at such a young age of 20 is that I retaught my mother, father and sister how to raise my nephew. They were all open to my idea's and how parental birth trauma is a factor in how the children are raised. Some would say I raised my nephew like a hippie, but I didn't. I did raise him for some time, but I had very intelligent conversations with him like he were a wise soul in a young body. He remembered God before coming here and used to talk about it at 2, so we encouraged this discussion. We always considered everything he said important and valued and validated his viewpoints. If we saw a misjudgement then we would point out other view points, and then ask his opinion again. Usually he understood the wisdom we were trying to convey. I think the homeschooling has been a key for you. You were probably around her more and I think that is more natural anyway. School is traumatic since most parents allow their children to be bullies thinking this is normal. Bullying is in the realm of gossip and the odd girl out behavior we so often see. We can't cut our children loose these days. They need more contact with the parents IF the parents are level headed. If they are the old patriarchal and punishing and irrational parents, then children will always act out eventually, sooner or later and if later, a columbine possibly - totally out of control. I have rebirthed my nephew and he loves it. He was an easy birth too so his life has been cushioned...just like his Csection. It all relates. I always recommend holistic ways before ritalin. Try a real rebirther if you want. Call Leonard Orr in Stanton VA and ask for a rebirther in your area. He discovered rebirthing 30 years ago and his work is being carried on by many in the medical profession. It's an incredible practice and much insight is gained on raising children these days. Where are you located? |
User: Hippiegirl
Member since: 03-21-2005 Total posts: 77 |
From: Hippiegirl
Date: 04-19-2005, 02:47 PM (19 of 20)
Not sure where San Antonio is but here are some names: Jane Coop - 512) 847-5899 Susan Shorr - 713) 863-7115 Rima Star - 512) 479 9977 I beleive all of these have been Leonard Orr trained which is important. Some people call themselves rebirthers and they are doing something else entirely different. When you find a rebirther who has been trained by Len, you've got a real one. Blessings. |
User: Hippiegirl
Member since: 03-21-2005 Total posts: 77 |
From: Hippiegirl
Date: 04-19-2005, 02:57 PM (20 of 20)
Not sure where San Antonio is but here are some names: Jane Coop - 512) 847-5899 Susan Shorr - 713) 863-7115 Rima Star - 512) 479 9977 Bill Gray (713) 524-5500 (Houston) Bill Wilkes (281) 463-5000 (Houston) Frieda Fox (713) 649-3209 (Houston)- Liah Holtzman (713) 784-7445 (Houston) Susan Bushong (512) 444-8504 (Austin) - I beleive all of these have been Leonard Orr trained which is important. Some people call themselves rebirthers and they are doing something else entirely different. When you find a rebirther who has been trained by Len, you've got a real one. PS: I've heard good things about Liah Holtzman. Blessings. |
User: Hippiegirl
Member since: 03-21-2005 Total posts: 77 |

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