From: SummersEchos
Date: 06-23-2005, 11:51 AM (1 of 13)
Since I posted when the boards went down, guess I shall do a re-post. Sure hope this mind of mine remembers. Last week we found out what those who played did for a living. Lots of diversity and SAHM. This week tell us what your worse job was. Why was it your worse, how long did you stay, why did you take the job, anything you would share. Hope to see all of you in the boards. Summer Summer
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 06-23-2005, 06:50 PM (2 of 13)
My worst job was working in a Meat Dept of the A & P Supermarket.. I had a boss who was almost a dirty old man, this was in the 50's when I was right out of High School.. I had to dodge his conversation when it got suggestive and pretend to be interested in something else. I had to wrap the meat packages in clear wrap and seal them on a hot iron type thingie.. I took the job because it paid more than the 10 cent store I had worked in PT while still in school.. I left it for a job with the phone co. as soon as I could land the job.. I think I stayed there 6 months or so.. I hated every day of this day I cannot stand the smell of raw beef..
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: grandmasue
Date: 06-23-2005, 07:39 PM (3 of 13)
I didn't have to think twice which one of my many jobs fit this question! From the outside this looked like a wonderful job. I got to dress nice, never had to lift anything heavy, it had bankers hours. oh wait that's right...the job was working in a bank! And I have never encountered so many 2 faced, back-stabbing, will 'sell their soul to the devil to get a promotion' bunch of people in my life. I lasted 6 months and cried tears of joy when I walked out of there, unemployed but free!
Grandma Sue
------------ At the end I am not showing up at my grave all pretty and well preserved...I am coming in sliding, yelling "What a ride!" |
User: grandmasue
Member since: 10-26-2004 Total posts: 138 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 06-23-2005, 08:50 PM (4 of 13)
My worst job was night shift in a wire factory. It was hot, dirty and there were chemicals that make people sick all over the place. The wire would be running high speed and break and little pieces would shoot into you. I was digging them out for years after I left. When they down sized they laid off people but since I was the last one hired I was making the least amount of money so, even though I was slow, they would come in with lay off slips for other people but not me! When I finally got mine I was dancing out of there. The upside was I quit biting my finger nails because my hands were black and stinky no matter how hard and often I scrubbed them. I worked there about a year because we needed the money to support the family. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 06-23-2005, 09:46 PM (5 of 13)
This is only a test I couldn't reply ealier...
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: esrun3
Date: 06-23-2005, 09:55 PM (6 of 13)
I'd have to go with the couple of fast food jobs I had when I was a newly married and I didn't really have any direction-just wanted some extra money and to not be bored by staying at home-no kids at that time. I was never so glad to get out of a job in my life! Of course, I've had a couple jobs since then that have been the pits-they look good on the outside but once you get in you find it's not what it was touted to be-I've left a couple places since getting my nursing license because I felt my license was on the line all the time and management didn't care but at least I have a profession -not like when I worked fast food! Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 06-23-2005, 11:15 PM (7 of 13)
I made the mistake of thinking I could work at our local BX (Eglin AFB Exchange). In the shoe dept. (I'd worked for 29 yrs as a cake decorator, but had to quit). You didn't really have to SELL the shoes, just get them for the customers. Old officers who STILL think they have rank, come in drunk wanting you to wait on THEM hand and foot, like theres NO ONE ELSE to wait on...( there were seldom more than 2 of us...) I had my breasts fondled by a teenage boy, as I was leaning over into a bin full of sale shoes. (he went to security where his OFFICER Dad had to pick him up and he wasn't allowed back in the BX.) I was leaning over helping someone, when someone fell against my back, having a seizure. Her family stood there, while I was yelling to get her off me, she was rolling all over my back, all they did was stand there and when it was over, they all walked away like nothing happened. I almost got my hand taken off by one of those drive your own carts...Isles in the shoe dept aren't made for those things and the woman got mad at ME for not letting her run me over. I made her get out into the center isle, she parked the cart and WALKED away. I was hit by people, with and without shoe boxes in their hands... The BX manager decided that she didn't like me, ( I didn't work for her), so she made me change a shoe display 6 times one day, till I said I wasn't gonna do it anymore, someone else changed it back to the way I had it the first time, THEN it was perfect. She used to like to stand and stare at me, till I'd walk in the back (where the shoes were) to get away from her. (she was weird and I wasn't the only one she did this to) In the 7 mnths I worked there I stopped 4 shoe thieves. In my check I got a $50 bonus...I walked out the door and didn't go back. It's the only job I've ever left/walked away from with no notice, no nothing. It took me 6 mnths to be able to walk back in there to BUY something...Now I get there once a month and thats about all I can stand. But it's funny, all the women I worked with liked me, still speak to me, hug me when they see me and ask why I don't come back....(I'm not insane enough for all that abuse and weirdness) People have worked there for YEARS and I DON'T know how they stand it. I cried nearly every night after I got off of work. I haven't worked since me lazy, call me an idiot, call me selfish...I don't care, but you can only take so much from others, then one day it becomes WAY TOO MUCH. ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: Magot
Date: 06-24-2005, 12:38 AM (8 of 13)
Whoo Kath, that was BAD. I guess I can stand anything for 6 months - the most humiliating job I had was working as a waitress in a cafe opposite Kings College, Cambridge ( the Copper Kettle) I had to make tea and coffee - not a problem except I wasn't showed how to make the coffee on the machine . I used to joke with the customers (mostly cambridge grads) on a peer level - didn't go down well with the management. One day when making a cup of coffee for a customer he gave it back and told me it ws horrid, so I offered to make him another apologisng and saying the the English were a tea drinking nation. Did I realise he was a relative of the italian Boss - no. Next day I was kept in the basement washing up and told not to come back tomorrow. The job lasted 4 days. I waas so humiliated.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 06-24-2005, 08:49 AM (9 of 13)
My worst job was after I finished my training as a Medical Lab Technologist. I got a job in a large teaching hospital and the Teaching Tech was an absolute BAG. She loved to make people totally miserable, talked down to them, told them they were idiots, stupid, useless and I was one she seemed to pick on. I couldn't take it, so switched to a different area which didn't use my training, then, because we were unionized, couldn't get back in to the lab area. Finally after 8 years I gave it up. Funny thing is, now we have moved to a different province and I took a chance and went back into a hospital laboratory. They retrained me and I LOVE MY JOB. I am totally amazed at how different the two places were. Nothing is worse than having a supervisor who needs to make themselves feel good by destroying other people. I came out of that job so unsure of my self and so scared of making a mistake. It took a long time to get over that.
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: AdvaP
Date: 06-24-2005, 11:08 AM (10 of 13)
about 10 years ago, I applied for a job at 'Target'. The interviewr asked me why I wanted to work there, and I replied 'I love to shop here, so will like working here', and to this she said 'you might not like it anymore after a while'. Boy, was she right! They diddn't treat the employees too well. I was given shifts that I specifically asked to not to do. At closing time we had to clean up, and that was not pleasant. I didn't last more than 3 months I think. I still love to shop there tho! Then I was secretary for a friend of hours who works out of his house. The office was in the house. Altho it was good pay, not so bad of a job, and very flexible, it was terrible, for me, to work in someone elses's house, all alone the whole day. Adva Price
User: AdvaP
Member since: 10-15-2000 Total posts: 325 |
From: SummersEchos
Date: 06-24-2005, 03:04 PM (11 of 13)
First the site goes down, then my internet provider has major issues. Hopefully this is all fixed now. My worst job was when I was in college. This was the first job I ever had and my dear dad got it for me. Now there is a story behind all of this so I must tell it first. I was dating a young man whom my father dislike intensely. He saw the man for what he really was and of course I did not. He was the opposite of everything I knew. So my dad wanting to teach me a lesson got me this great job, to show me what my life would be if I married this man. It was the afternoon/midnight shift. It was at a nursing home. I got the great job of doing laundry. Now all in all that wasn't real bad, but at that time there were no such things as disposable diapers. Cloth was what everyone used. So at night when you went to do the laundry you have the diapers to do. They had sat there since we left in the middle of the morning. If you can imagine the smell and mess we had to deal with. It was in the basement of the nursing home, no air, just this large enclosed room with the smell of dirty diapers, bleach, and soap. I wanted to leave after the first day, but I stayed to prove to my dear dad that I could take it. I did it for the summer and then to go back to college. At the time I was miffed at dad, but after many years I learned the lesson. Wonder if we as parents could get away with that now? Back then parent/chidlren relationship were alot different. Summer Summer
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: MariLynnTX
Date: 06-24-2005, 05:42 PM (12 of 13)
I put in 4 years for the State of Texas after my DH had his first heart attack. Never have I met such a bunch of bad-tempered, foul-mouthed, knife-in-the-back types!! One young woman told me that I was too sweet-tempered to ever last, another told me I had a tongue that could cut like a razor! My immediate boss (there were more bosses than peons) told me if I didn't quit correcting everyone's letters (I have this thing about grammar and spelling...) they would probably run me out for making them look bad! Eventually we became friends (he was actually moderately intelligent) and he thanked me when I left for making him look so good that he'd been promoted! But I applied for a better job and was told I was OVER-qualified! So I wrote a letter of resignation that was definitely uncomplimentary about the way the place was run and recommended a number of improvements. My friends made about 50 cc's and posted it in the snack bar room every day for a couple of months after I left and they told me that every morning someone from management took it down and presumably threw it away. My next job (office manager) was much better paid, but equally horrible. Every a.m. my boss came in kicking the furniture, cussing everyone and everything, and complaining about how ill-used he was by the entire world. He had not yelled or cussed at me because a mutual friend had told him I would walk out if he did, but one day I covered my ears when he started in yelling and he cussed me out, too. So when he left, I wrote a note saying I was no longer his employee, & did he want 30 days notice or not. I cleared my desk, put all papers away, closed and locked the office and left. I went straight to the Texas Employment Commission and told them my story. On their advice, I went in the next morning and when dear Mr. Hill came in, he yelled, after reading my note, that I could just go ahead and leave, I was fired. So I went back to the Texas E.C. and they called him, whereupon he yelled and cursed some more, and they awarded me the largest amount of compensation for the longest length of time that was allowed by the State! The moral of this tale is, don't cuss at the State workers; it will cost you money. MariLynntx Life is a song...we give it harmony or dissonance.
User: MariLynnTX
Member since: 08-13-2001 Total posts: 256 |
From: Bama
Date: 06-30-2005, 01:31 AM (13 of 13)
I was a hairdresser before hubby and I married. It wasn't a bad job. I liked it, but I had a few customers that made me want to scream. Most customers were good, however... There were customers who wanted me to make their hair look like some movie star's hair when there was no way. There were customers who showed up at closing time on Saturday and got mad because I wouldn't stay over to give a perm. I gave a haircut to one guy and he sneaked out the door without paying. I later found out he'd done the same thing at another local salon. I cut this older man's hair once and he tried to touch my chest. One woman used to bring in her 2 little boys for haircuts. One Saturday her husband brought them in. He didn't say anything when they sat in the chair, so I cut their hair short like I'd been cutting it for about a year. He got home and his wife called me and chewed me out. She had just wanted their hair trimmed a little and wanted it to grow out into the little bowl cuts boys used to wear. It made my boss even more mad than I was. She grabbed the phone and told the lady she should be yelling at her husband, not me, and not to come back to the salon. There was one lady that EVERY time one of us gave her a perm, she would come back 2 weeks later and say it didn't take. (we guaranteed them) She would have one little twig in the front that wasn't tightly curled and wanted a new perm for free. We found out she'd been using Prell shampoo, which is not good for permed hair. I think the worst part of that job is that now, years later, my family (and a few friends) still think I'm supposed to do their hair even though I'm not working in a salon anymore. I don't mind the haircuts, but I hate to do perms and color hair. If I ever went back, I'd be a barber. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |

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