From: BRG
Date: 08-05-2005, 08:00 AM (1 of 34)
Could use some ideas for the "second" half of 2005 bingo words/theme ... for September, October, November, and December Some ideas are: September: back to school (school things, college/universities names you graduated from, etc) October: Fall / Halloween November: Thanksgiving (related to both American and Canadian - even tho Canadians celebrates Thanksgiving in October) December: Holiday related (Hannukkah, Kwanzaa, etc) Any other ideas? I want to start posting "word list" for each month listed above so people can throw their words in and then lists will be ready when the time comes. What do you think? If you have any other ideas or prefer to take over, please feel free to do so ... if you want to do the bingo for the month - please feel free to do so ... I only do it because I enjoy it and let everyone be in the bingo to see if they could win ![]() - Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: BRG
Date: 08-05-2005, 08:12 AM (2 of 34)
Someone posted suggestions I wanted to include with this thread: birds trees flowers - Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: BRG
Date: 08-06-2005, 09:50 AM (3 of 34)
Any more ideas?
- Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: BRG
Date: 08-07-2005, 09:37 AM (4 of 34)
September word list - Back to School (if we do this) apples Art backpacks binders Biology bus stops classes classmates college coloured pencils community college courses crayons elementary school end of summer English erasers French friends geometry set grade 1 grade 2 grade 3 grade 4 grade 5 grade 6 grade 7 grade 8 grade 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade 13 (Canada) graduate school Gym high school junior high school kindergarden knapsacks Labour Day lunch bag lunch box Math money new clothes papers pencil case pencil sharpener pencils pens preschool rulers school bus school bag Science Social Studies Spanish teachers technical college textbooks university - Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: BRG
Date: 08-07-2005, 09:38 AM (5 of 34)
Please go ahead and throw me a list of words ... you can also include your favourite college or university or community college or whatever you graduated from, etc.
- Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: BRG
Date: 08-16-2005, 08:07 AM (6 of 34)
Gonna need some volunteers to give me more words for September ... will post this in August bingo for current bingo-ers to add more words as they wait and wait for daily words ![]() Pretty please - any words? Give me words like where you went to school (college/universities and beyond) - if you don't want to share publicly where you went to school ... just send me a PM and I will add it - no problem. TIA - Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: Magot
Date: 08-16-2005, 08:18 AM (7 of 34)
Cambridge, Oxford, Hatfield (yayME) Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield, Exeter,Durham, Edinborough, Preston, Imperial College - well that about where friends and family went to college.. how about:- English French, Spanish, German, Latin, Greek, Biology, Botany,Chemistry (organic and inorganic), Physics, Environemntal studies, Physiology, Psychology, Mathematics, Algebra, Set theory, Geography, Geology, Archeology, History (ancient and modern)Music, Media studies, Sociology, Business studies, Literature, Religious Knowledge, Statistics, Population dynamics, Paeleantology, Oceanography, Ecology, Information technology, woodworking, Domestic science, Cooking Anthropology........ love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Hogmami
Date: 08-16-2005, 08:20 AM (8 of 34)
Alma College University of Michigan Michigan State Wayne State Northwestern Michigan College school pictures year book typing reading spelling Carolyn
Michigan |
User: Hogmami
Member since: 09-30-2004 Total posts: 800 ![]() |
From: Magot
Date: 08-16-2005, 08:23 AM (9 of 34)
so , Carolyn, you'll be from Michigan then! ![]() love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Hogmami
Date: 08-16-2005, 10:43 AM (10 of 34)
Ya, from Michigan. Here are more Florida International University Ohio State University of Ohio Carolyn
Michigan |
User: Hogmami
Member since: 09-30-2004 Total posts: 800 ![]() |
From: Sewhappie
Date: 08-16-2005, 04:33 PM (11 of 34)
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY !!!! Kent State University- (My DD & SIL) University of Akron-(My DS & Nephew#2) Case Western Reserve University-kinda for me Hiram College-grew up near it Youngstown State University-(My SIL for Masters Degree!!!!) Prudue University-(My Niece & her hubby) Indiana University-(Nephew #1's wife) I.U.P.U.I. (Indiana U/ Prudue U of Indianapolis)-(My Nephew#1) Baldwin-Wallace University-cuz of the name!!!! Silabus(?spelling?) Undergrad Bachelors Degree Masters Degree PHD School of Fine Arts School of Medicine School of Law School of Music School of Science School of Enginerring Professor Assoc. Professor Wadsworth City Schools-me Barberton City Schools-DH,DD,DS,DNephew James A Garfield Schools-my siblings Indian Valley School District-my SIL Noblesville City Schools-my DNiece,DNephew Middlebury Local Schools-my DNiece's kids |
User: Sewhappie
Member since: 10-27-2001 Total posts: 1427 |
From: BRG
Date: 08-16-2005, 05:08 PM (12 of 34)
I was thinking more along the lines of what schools you attended so it wud be more meaningful ... there are tons of colleges and universities out there and I didn't want to feel I am being selective so that's why I chose only the schools you guys have attended ... but if not enough words ... then I will pick out more popular schools, etc.
- Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: esrun3
Date: 08-16-2005, 07:21 PM (13 of 34)
I went to Gateway Community College for their School of Nursing! Also Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Grand Canyon College, Northern Arizona University.
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: esrun3
Date: 08-16-2005, 07:21 PM (14 of 34)
I went to Gateway Community College for their School of Nursing! Also Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Grand Canyon College, Northern Arizona University. How about High Schools? Washington High! (go Rams! LOL) Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: Sewhappie
Date: 08-16-2005, 07:41 PM (15 of 34)
Fall/October Cider Apple Butter Candy Corn Halloween Fall Colors Changing Leaves Frost Trick-r-treat Spooky Gobblins Witches Broomsticks Culdrens Black Cats Scarecrows Pumpkins Whitches Brew Candy Bobbing for Apples Carmel Apples Hay Rides Harvest Moon Costumes leaf piles Mums burning leaves Fall Tours Corn Stocks Homecoming Dance Harvest Dance Ghosts Acorns Gords Football games candles spiders cobwebs warts hay bales gold cinnamon sage moss brown bonfires haunted houses |
User: Sewhappie
Member since: 10-27-2001 Total posts: 1427 |
From: MaryAnne
Date: 08-19-2005, 02:13 PM (16 of 34)
Autumn Falling leaves breezes canning nineth month BBQ's Sapphire (gem of the month) Morning glory (flower of the month) Labor Day Food Safety fresh corn lunches lessons reading writing arithmetic migration quilting clouds festivals carpools sports fall cleaning baking trips to the zoo and parks music fesivals sweater apple butter MaryAnne
User: MaryAnne
Member since: 05-15-2004 Total posts: 14 ![]() |
From: MaryAnne
Date: 08-19-2005, 02:49 PM (17 of 34)
crisp cool breezey rainy falling leaves moon ghosts goblins costumes pumpkins candy treats gum bags tricks masks make-up wigs fake teeth Vampires witches brooms cauldron magic potions blood, fake of course candles flashlights door bell ringing porch lights parties contests apple bobbing All Hallows Eve capes halos angels animals black cats werewolves gravestones cemetaries Icabod Crane headless horseman tales sleepovers rust golden black brown orange Jack-o-latern leaf rubbings night haunted house scarey noises boo! monster mummy bats spider web owl casket skeleton fangs bones bumps in the night cackle loot jokes holiday pies bread haystacks wgaon rides chocolate cider creepy full moon shivers chills elderberries scarecrows hay Edgar Allen Poe football games cheerleaders band breath on the wind smiling broken windows crabapples october blue skies hats fresh baked cookies zombies ravens cow tipping kettle corn cell phone laughter bonfires dancing nightmares paper boats on the water pennies Salem Hocus Pocus abra ca dabra wizards gypsies dried lavender bouquets potpouri squash gags flannel TP MaryAnne
User: MaryAnne
Member since: 05-15-2004 Total posts: 14 ![]() |
From: MaryAnne
Date: 08-19-2005, 03:03 PM (18 of 34)
Thanksgiving turkey cranberry sauce rice almond raisin apple carrot spice dressing gravy mashed potatoes yams relish trays pickles green beens corn casserole fresh rolls roasted corn 3 kernels of dried corn at each place sliced tomatoes turkey soup turkey sandwiches leftovers pumpkin pie apple pie cherry pie mince meat pie zucchini bread waldorf salad olives good dishes family napkins place cards laughter remeniscing sharing wine apple cider table cloths candles mints cookies fresh butter real whipped cream curing hams stuffed mushrooms cauliflower cornecopia crocking the last of the vegie pickles making chrictmas plans and gifts drawing names phone calls tears hellos goodbyes clean up dish washing (human kind) card playing games hot chocolate MaryAnne
User: MaryAnne
Member since: 05-15-2004 Total posts: 14 ![]() |
From: Sewhappie
Date: 08-19-2005, 09:33 PM (19 of 34)
Macy's Parade Football games naps!!!!! Christmas shopping comercials Christmas TV programs For October Daylight Savings Time ; |
User: Sewhappie
Member since: 10-27-2001 Total posts: 1427 |
From: MaryAnne
Date: 08-19-2005, 11:43 PM (20 of 34)
Frost bowl of soup MaryAnne
User: MaryAnne
Member since: 05-15-2004 Total posts: 14 ![]() |
From: BRG
Date: 08-20-2005, 10:04 AM (21 of 34)
September word list - Back to School --- updated list Algebra Anthropology apples Archeology Art Associate Professor Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree backpacks binders Biology Botany bus stops Business Cambridge Case Western Reserve University Chemistry classes classmates college coloured pencils community college courses crayons elementary school end of summer English erasers Florida International University French friends Gateway Community College Geology Geography geometry set German grade 1 grade 2 grade 3 grade 4 grade 5 grade 6 grade 7 grade 8 grade 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade 13 (Canada) graduate school Grand Canyon College Greek Gym Hatfield Birmingham high school Information Techology junior high school kindergarden knapsacks Labour Day Latin Literature lunch bag lunch box Master's Degree Math Media studies Michigan State University money Music new clothes Northern Arizona University Northwestern Michigan College Oceanography Ohio State Oxford Paeleantology papers pencil case pencil sharpener pencils pens Ph.D. Physics Psychology Physiology preschool Professor reading rulers school bus school bag School of Engineering School of Fine Arts School of Law School of Liberal Arts School of Medicine School of Music School of Nursing School of Science School of Enginerring school pictures Science Social Studies Sociology Spanish spelling Statistics syllabus teachers technical college textbooks Typing undergraduate university University of Arizona University of Michigan University of Ohio Wayne State yearbook - Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: Hogmami
Date: 08-20-2005, 10:06 AM (22 of 34)
Do we pick from your list for September, Brenda?
Michigan |
User: Hogmami
Member since: 09-30-2004 Total posts: 800 ![]() |
From: BRG
Date: 08-20-2005, 10:06 AM (23 of 34)
So far for September we have 119 (we need no more than 114 as there are 30 days in September) but if you are satisfied with this number we can stop now. Thanks to those who gave me words! Keep it up!
- Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: esrun3
Date: 08-20-2005, 11:33 AM (24 of 34)
this list works for me altho if you wanted to make and even 120 you could use Gateway Community College & School of Nursing as 2 words
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: BRG
Date: 08-20-2005, 12:36 PM (25 of 34)
Thanks ... I think we will call it a bingo list now! We now have 120 words!
- Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: Magot
Date: 08-20-2005, 04:42 PM (26 of 34)
uh Brenda - Hatfield and Birmingham are two different places... Hatfield is where I went to Uni and Birmingham where my daughter wanted to go but they haven't offered her a place.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: icetbear
Date: 08-30-2005, 01:41 PM (27 of 34)
Hi Brenda, I just emailed my September words ![]() ![]() Ann |
User: icetbear
Member since: 09-04-2004 Total posts: 66 |
From: BRG
Date: 09-21-2005, 08:12 AM (28 of 34)
Here's a list of October words - there are 122 words total ... do we want more? Are people interested in doing bingo for October? abra ca dabra Acorns All Hallows Eve angels animals apple bobbing apple butter Apple Butter Autumn bags baking band bats BBQ's black black cats blood, fake of course Bobbing for Apples bones bonfires boo! bowl of soup bread breath on the wind breezes breezy broken windows brooms Broomsticks brown bumps in the night burning leaves cackle candles candy Candy Corn canning capes Carmel Apples casket cauldron cell phone cemetaries Changing Leaves chills chocolate cider cinnamon clouds cobwebs contests cool Corn Stocks costumes cow tipping crabapples creepy crisp dancing door bell ringing dried lavender bouquets elderberries fake teeth fall cleaning Fall Colors Fall Tours falling leaves fangs festivals flannel flashlights football games fresh baked cookies fresh corn Frost full moon gags ghosts goblins gold golden Gords gravestones gum gypsies Halloween halos Harvest Dance Harvest Moon hats haunted houses hay hay bales Hay Rides haystacks headless horseman Hocus Pocus holiday Homecoming Dance Icabod Crane Jack-o-latern jokes kettle corn laughter leaf piles leaf rubbings lessons loot lunches magic make-up masks monster moon moss mummy Mums music fesivals night nightmares October blue skies orange owl paper boats on the water parties pennies pies porch lights potions potpourri pumpkins quilting rainy ravens reading rust sage Salem scarecrows scary noises shivers skeleton sleepovers smiling spiders Spooky sports squash sweater tales Toilet paper treats Trick-r-treat tricks trips to the zoo and parks vampires warts web werewolves wgaon rides Witch’s Brew wigs witches wizards zombies - Brenda -
User: BRG
Member since: 01-12-2005 Total posts: 388 |
From: esrun3
Date: 09-26-2005, 09:25 PM (29 of 34)
Brenda are you doing bingo again? Is this the list we are supposed to use?
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: MaryAnne
Date: 09-26-2005, 11:21 PM (30 of 34)
How do you play bingo in here? Mary MaryAnne
User: MaryAnne
Member since: 05-15-2004 Total posts: 14 ![]() |
From: esrun3
Date: 09-27-2005, 07:09 PM (31 of 34)
choose 25 words from the list, send a copy of the words you chose to the person doing the drawing. Each day 5 words will be drawn. The person to get all 25 of their words first wins. Lots of fun even when you don't win. We've had some really close months. waiting to hear if Brenda is doing Octobers. Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: MaryAnne
Date: 09-27-2005, 07:50 PM (32 of 34)
Thank you the drawn words are posted here every day? MaryAnne
User: MaryAnne
Member since: 05-15-2004 Total posts: 14 ![]() |
From: esrun3
Date: 09-27-2005, 10:30 PM (33 of 34)
Hi Mary Ann, the words will be posted in a new post titled something like Oct. Bingo. If Brenda does it this month again, she usually posts early in the day.'s the end of the month already so..........are we doing bingo for Oct?
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: MaryAnne
Date: 09-27-2005, 11:08 PM (34 of 34)
I would love to play
User: MaryAnne
Member since: 05-15-2004 Total posts: 14 ![]() |

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