From: Bama
Date: 09-10-2005, 01:25 PM (1 of 19)
When I got home from work yesterday, I walked toward the living room and found our rat terrier, Lulu, sitting on the back of the couch. She looked at me breifly and turned her head with her ears down. I said, "what did you do?" I walked into the living room and there were over 100 fabric yo-yos, fabric scraps, & embroidery floss, all over the room. She was not able to open (thank goodness) a small snap-top plastic container full of pins, needles, some small scissors, and a couple of spools of thread. It was upside down in the middle of the floor with teeth marks on it. I had left my tote bag of handwork at home that I usually take with me to work on when I'm waiting for the kids in the afternnoon. I know it's my fault for leaving it where she could get to it, but she had never bothered it before. ![]() ![]() I looked at her and said, "Uh-Oh". She hid under the couch. Then dd walked in and said it again, "Uh-Oh". Only Lulu's shaking butt was sticking out from underneath the couch. It was so funny I wasn't mad anymore. (except at hubby later when he told me he had actually been inside the house before me and saw the whole mess and just left it ![]() He better be glad she hadn't destroyed a hanky wallhanging I've been working on that was also found in the floor. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: carman
Date: 09-10-2005, 03:05 PM (2 of 19)
oh my, i was laughing after the first sentence, and i must admit the chuckles kept coming. my two dogs that we put down last year did similar things, i could leave magazines on the floor or on the coffee table and they did not know they even existed, then out of the blue, i would come home and they would be literally shredded, and the look on their faces was nothing but priceless, that is after i caught my breath lol. my little 5 month old pug, Winston seems to have the need to play with my fabric if i have the drawers open, he goes in and happily sorts through and then runs around the house with his favorite piece, all the while me chasing. i keep telling myself, one day he will have manners (i think i am lying to myself lol) my cats LOVE to sleep on ANY fabric, no matter how small, if it is on my sewing table, i always make sure my quilts that i give away go with a warning that the material may have had cats on them as they too love to sit on them as i bind them. don't you love those cats and dogs (even when they do things that any one in there right mind would kick them outside and never let them in again lol) but it must be that tender quilting heart of ours that makes us laugh (after all the bad thought have left ![]() |
User: carman
Member since: 04-17-2000 Total posts: 692 |
From: Ole' Girl
Date: 09-11-2005, 02:27 PM (3 of 19)
It's called separation anxiety and even the best dogs do things like that occasionally. My dog usually steals our socks if we leave them on the floor and takes out her anxiety on them. It was a funny story and if we only had hidden cameras as I have seen on some tv show when their dogs were tearing up the house. LOL Shirley Clark |
User: Ole' Girl
Member since: 03-13-2005 Total posts: 33 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 09-11-2005, 09:00 PM (4 of 19)
What amazes me is how they 'know' that they are in trouble, I find animals are so intelligent. My son's golden lab got into the garbage one day, and he never does that. When we came into the house, he wasn't at the door wagging madly, but he was on my osn's bed, looking so sad and miserable. That's where he's banished to when he's in trouble, he knew he was going to get sent to his room, so he went there without being told, with that huge tail barely wagging, almost hopefully, like, 'see, I know I was bad, but I did good by coming into here, right??'
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: Dede
Date: 09-12-2005, 05:19 PM (5 of 19)
One of my cats would live in my pants if he could. When he wants attention and is not getting it, he does everything he's not supposed to: jumps on kitchen counters, plays with electrical cords and looks straight at me when doing it, tries to get into the garbage can and so on. They are intelligent and they know what they want. |
User: Dede
Member since: 03-23-2001 Total posts: 469 |
From: Bama
Date: 09-12-2005, 05:32 PM (6 of 19)
It's funny when they know they are in trouble. ![]() I'm still finding yo-yos. I found 2 in the sofa cushions and 2 in the dog bed with her toys. I found a tennis ball in my purse. I had set it down for a few seconds and went back to the bedroom for something. Maybe she was trying to make up. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: blessedmommyuv3
Date: 09-14-2005, 01:08 PM (7 of 19)
I met my dog in the hallway yesterday coming in with a load of laundry. She was headed into the living room with the toilet paper--mind you the roll was still attached in the bathroom. So down the hall she comes with 10 feet of toilet paper rolling out behind her. She looked at me so non-challantly too, like "What???" lol! And I thought she was the "good one". I always blame the little shorthaired neurotic one for the garbage being dumped & my pattern envelopes and tissue being shredded... because she is the one running around with her tail between her legs looking guilty. Meanwhile "the queen" is sleeping on the couch without a care in the world. Maybe a video camera is a good idea!!!! ![]() Jen PS: I loved reading everyone's stories about their fur babies. Aren't pets hilarious! And you just can't stay mad at those cute little faces for long either! ![]() |
User: blessedmommyuv3
Member since: 05-18-2004 Total posts: 263 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 09-14-2005, 10:33 PM (8 of 19)
Now you see thats the trouble with yer fur babies...they're cute and they KNOW it. I have 4 ferrets, Piper, Mikey, Sam and Jack. I caught Piper admiring her reflection in the paper shredder (it's a big shiny stainless one). We always tell her, her pinkness (her little pink belly, she's mostly white, with a little black) is she's learned to roll over and show us her belly to get what she wants. (I've never known a ferret to care about a reflection in a mirror before her) Sam has to be a paper boy. (helps me take the paper across the street to my neighbor.) If he doesn't, he pouts. Lays flat out on the floor and if I speak to him he turns away from me, so I pick him up and then it's the limp noodle act. He lays there like he hasn't a bone in his body, looking pathetic. So I have to tell him he can go tomorrow, how beautiful he is (and he has a fur coat to die for) and that I love him...then he give me a little kiss and he's off and playing...what a rat. Mikey (who's deaf) makes the most noise of a ferret I've even heard. He also likes to take the (extra) water bowl on the kitchen floor for a walk around the kitchen...he hooks his front feet in and backs up all over the place, spilling water all over. Jack (the newest baby)has decided he can swim...he puts his face into the (extra) water bowl on the floor (it's for a cat and very small) blows bubbles into the water and then 'dig's' the water the kitchen floor is pretty much wet all the time. I once caught Scooter (deceased) rolled up in a WHOLE (double) roll of toilet paper..he looked like a sausage and didn't look the least bit ashamed. He was also the one who got into the fireplace and dug out 6 mnths of ashes, ALL over the living room...that was nice because I was expecting company that night and had spent all day cleaning. When I was a kid we had a half beagle dog named Duke...our dogs ran in and out of the house. One Thanksgiving no one was watching and yep, you guessed it, Duke jumped up and pulled the whole turkey off the table, he didn't eat it, just left it there on the broken platter, in a mess on the floor. He didn't look ashamed either. Over the years I've learned to close doors, lock things and make sure theres nothing lower to the floor than 18", cause a ferret will find it, take it, chew it, dig it otherwise mangle just about anything...and they're never ashamed. Sometimes I wish -I- could be a ferret...... ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: SummersEchos
Date: 09-14-2005, 11:39 PM (9 of 19)
Our pets are the most darnest things, but they are also our joys. Having had all kinds of pets, due to the children I know. I have had cats,dogs,turtles,frogs,ducks,rats,birds,fish of all kind,and snakes. My one son had decided he was into snakes. His father had thought this was a good idea and they collected all kinds of snakes. Well I am not into snakes, so it was up to them to care for these little pets. My dear ex husband had a friend who has all kinds of snakes and does shows for schools, and takes them in when needed. When the Humane Society in Detroit has a problem with people having illeagal snakes he is there to handle the evac. He was going on a vacation and asked us if we would babysit some of his precious snakes. Now we are talking about some huge snakes! Of course we did, and it was the day before Thanksgiving that he went. Now it was up to dear hubby and sons to make sure the snakes were fine and dandy. On Thanksgiving I asked are the snakes all okay amd they told me yes, as I was having the family over for dinner. After dinner I go into the kitchen with the ex MIL and SIL's to clean up. I hear this blood cuddling scream, one SIL faints, and the other two start dropping dishes and running. I am like what the heck? A huge boa had slithered out into the kitchen by the stove to keep warm. When my SIL had fainted, almost on top of this snake, the snake of course was curious and had started to move to smell her. My MIL and other SIL were screaming it was going to kill my SIL. Well hubby son and I picked up this huge snake and put it back into its cage. Needless to say I was a bit . During the next week I met that darn snake in the strangest places. It seemed he had a way to get out of his special cage and like the warmth of the heat. When dear hubby friend came back I asked about the snake, and he tells me he lets the snake sleep with him at night. In otherwords poor snake was lonely.
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 09-15-2005, 01:38 AM (10 of 19)
Oh Summer. ROTFL. What an experience that must have been. I can't imagine sleeping with a boa, I get the shivers just thinking about it!!
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 09-15-2005, 07:48 AM (11 of 19)
Chrys-- My daughter's ferret would steal socks and stuff them behind the stove. Summer-- We have a very good friend with a very large boa. One time it got loose and he couldn't find it for weeks -- until it got hungry. He rented an upstairs flat from a family. If my tenant lost a snake like that in my house he'd be gone for sure --but I would wait until he got the snake back! Bama -- In my sewing room I keep a large basket of small scraps that I am going to toss out. When we go somewhere and my little dog gets anxious (or just ticked off, I think) she dumps that and tosses the scraps around. It makes a bit of a mess but doesn't damage anything important. I scold her and she is proud of herself and as long as everyone remembers not to leave shoes laying around, all is well. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: blessedmommyuv3
Date: 09-15-2005, 04:39 PM (12 of 19)
The trash truck came today and they barked something fierce at it, until it stopped at our house, then they made a bee-line for mommy to protect them and curled up in the smallest, safest, (furthest from the loud scary garbage truck) spot in my little sewing room!!!! I am not impressed-- lol! They evidently felt safe enough to catch a few zzzz's there--so I snapped a pic! Jen |
User: blessedmommyuv3
Member since: 05-18-2004 Total posts: 263 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 09-15-2005, 11:19 PM (13 of 19)
I LOVE the lonely snake story.....I wouldn't sleep with one, but sometimes I DO think they're pretty... I think it's always the big dog that's the BIGGEST boob...small ones think they can conquer the world.. We have socks for these ferrets...but Scooter was the only one who liked'em. He'd keep a pile of two or three, to sleep with on his fav t-shirt. I don't know if ferrets see color, but Scooter always liked red t-shirts. (he also had a thing for leather...he'd try to pull my purse off the kitchen table and he could do it too, sometimes. So I just gave him an old purse. He kept it in his 'stash') ( Scooter was the BIGGEST ferret anyone had ever seen, and people couldn't believe it when they saw him...he was 2' long and weighed over 5 lbs...'normal' for ferrets is about 1'- 1,1/2 ', 1,1/2 lbs to 5 lbs, females being MUCH smaller than the males) Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: Teri
Date: 09-27-2005, 08:08 PM (14 of 19)
Chysantha, I had no idea that ferrets were such charactors! I've never owned anything other than dogs and cats and only a few of them. I loved the story about the toilet tissue. When I first got my first dog, a beagle named Salty, he was an extremely active young dog who had gotten into lots of mischief while I was working, so I put him in my gutted master-bedroom one day thinking there was nothing he could get into, wrong! I came home and opened the bedroom door and all I could see was his tail, he had shredded a bail of insulation that was waiting to be installed. We rushed him to the Vet but he didn't suffer any problems from it. The next day I got a dog carrier/kennel and it saved our relationship. Teri
"Where are we going, and why am I in this basket?" |
User: Teri
Member since: 09-14-2005 Total posts: 66 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 09-27-2005, 10:32 PM (15 of 19)
Yep...most people think ferrets are cute 'rats'....they aren't rats. They're mustaelids. Otters/wolverines/skunks/mongoose/meer kats/fishers. etc. They're pretty smart. some of them. Just like dogs and cats...not all dogs and cats are brains. It's like having a 2 yr old around the house all the time. They KNOW the word no, but don't heed it. You can't teach them tricks, but they DO learn things on their own. They 'watch' all the time. Our deaf ferret Mikey, actually watches our mouths when we talk to him, light bothers him if he's sleeping. They'e sweet, funny, full of life, they clean themselves like a cat, make noise, (but not a lot and it's not that SQUEEKING you hear on t.v.). They aren't for everyone and I always tell people NOT to get a ferret, just because they think it's cute. They bond to you, they have favorite parents and you BETTER love them. (their feelings get hurt, truly). They need 4-6 hrs of playtime a day. (EVERYDAY, not just when you think you want to get them out of a cage). YOU have to play too...I have 4 but that doesn't mean they want to be with each other all the time. Ferrets need a LOT of time and devotion....more than any dog I ever lived with ( and I grew up with LOTS of dogs or cats, which my husband grew up with). If I could figure out how or get my husband to, I'd get some ferret pictures on here...We have LOTS... ![]() ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: weezyrider
Date: 10-03-2005, 02:47 PM (16 of 19)
Should have you talk to my daughter and son-in-law - We've had up to six of these critters at once. I've been sharing my sewing room with the latest batch. 2 young males - a light-colored blaze called Luke, and a sable named Apollo. Both extremely vocal. She is also waiting to pick up another one from the local ferret rescue - he had to go on a diet and he was an only, so he doesn't know how to be a ferret and doesn't want to be bothered. We are running out of room for cages. It also seems like she loses her ferrets to adrenal in batches. We've lost 4 over the past 2 months. I just lost one of my cats (old age). So our total is 3 cats, 3 ferrets, 1 guinea pig, 6 gerbils, and one cockatiel. We also had a deaf blaze - he learned to pull the string on vibrating toyse so he could play, too. Weezy |
User: weezyrider
Member since: 08-19-2003 Total posts: 218 |
From: Longblades
Date: 11-15-2005, 01:17 PM (17 of 19)
Here is my contribution. For some strange, lucky reason I went to the laundry room when I got home from work one day, not my usual first destination. Guess what our new cat had been up to? She'd been up on the window ledge over the laundry tub where she had knocked off a couple of flower pots and the plug for the tub. Darned if the plug hadn't landed right in the drain hole and plugged it. And one of the flower pots must have hit the tap because it was turned on and the tub was three quarters full of water. Now, we are on a septic system and the laundry room is below grade so there is lever system in the laundry tub that automatically turns the pump on when the water reaches a certain height. But the tub was plugged so the water would never have been able to pump out. We don't know what would have happened if I hadn't got home in time - if the house caught fire because the pump burned out would the flood waters have been enough to put the fire out? LOL. |
User: Longblades
Member since: 07-14-2005 Total posts: 182 |
From: Bama
Date: 11-20-2005, 08:02 PM (18 of 19)
Good thing you got home in time. ![]() ![]() Here's the latest mischeif with Lulu.... She gets excited when she sees me bring in bags of groceries because it usually means treats, cheweez, or sometimes a toy for her. She gets one as soon as I get home so she'll leave me alone while I put up the groceries. The other day I brought in bags of groceries and set them in the kitchen floor. I forgot to get her treats so I planned to get one from her jar and pretend I just brought it in. I decided to run to the bathroom first. When I walked back into the living room, she was sitting in a chair chewing on a pack of Kraft cheese slices that she had just opened up. ![]() My son said. " I don't want any grilled cheese sandwiches this week." ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 11-21-2005, 08:08 AM (19 of 19)
My Lucy is the same way with grocery bags. She jumps straight up and down Jack Russell style until you get something out for her. Like you, sometimes I have to trick her. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |

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