From: oodles
Date: 09-22-2005, 10:22 AM (1 of 19)
I just found this and I so need anyones help. This is probably so simple but darn I have tried and tried and just don't get this. Let me say Hi, I sew simple things nothing BIG! I have a Brother that does not have a serger or anything special but stitches which I am happy with. I teach myself, live in Florida (Hurricane land) but in Hollywood Fl. I can't wait to talk more with you all but here is the problem that is driving me nuts. I am trying to make a scrub for my daughter. Just the plain top with the two pieces that cross over in front for the collar. Looks simple but I am ready for a drink!! It says cut out neck band, fold to wrong side, match notches and baste seams to points. So you have the unfinished edges on the outside of band. Then lay this on the front of the front panel top. Well I have spent a week looking at her tops and they look like the criss cross is nice on both sides and no unfinished seams. But how they do it I don't know. It isn't like lay it on top sew it and then fold inside and top stitch and your neck line is done. I lay this X (longer to shoulder seams) on top and have the top front semas on the back. If I seperate the two pieces, one under front piece and one on top then I have one top neck seam on front on top with band under it. I have tried to rip open the bands and put them over the front top unfinished neck line but then the bottom of th x doesn't work. Aghhhhhh I know this has to be simple, I KNOW IT! But I am getting grayer trying to find out how and of course not one book I have says anything. My daughter just laughs at me and says you will get it mom. I am to embarrased to tell her I can't!! This is just two pieces...what am I doing wrong? I looked at the scrub threads but nohing there. Maybe something is missing in my pattern instructions???? Maybe someone knows what I am saying. I think I would rather do a math problem and I hate math. Please someone try to help me I will send cookies, wash your windows, iron, anything to get out of this spot. A zipper is easier! Lol Scrubs are so boring and costly for her so what turned out to be a good will thing is putting me in the nut house!! Thank you for help and listening. OOdles |
User: oodles
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 14 |
From: esrun3
Date: 09-22-2005, 10:55 AM (2 of 19)
Hi Oodles, welcome to the boards. When my daughter & I used to work in the hospital I made tons of scrubs. Let's see if I can explain this for you. Take the criss cross pieces-you should have 2, one for each side, fold wrong sides together and press. Lay the front of the top on the table and pin one of the criss cross pieces with raw edges together onto the right side of the top. It will probably be longer than the "V" part which is ok. Just split the difference or match your notches-depending on how you sew. Stitch from shoulder to about 1/2 inch away from the middle of the "V". I then press the binding over with the seam allowance toward the binding. Do the same with the other side. Clip to the "V" where you have staystitched, tuck your binding ends in and criss cross as you want. Then top stitch everything in place. Then join the back to the front at the shoulder seams. I hope this makes sense and is clearer than mud cuz sometimes I wonder. It took some fiddling around with those "V's" to get them to look right but this was the easiest way I found-just be sure you leave enough space at the "V" to tuck your ends in so you can top stitch them in place. If you need clarification or further info, just holler. Once you get this down, it is so fast and easy. The other thing I did with some of the scrub tops was to take the top front, add on the width of the binding before cutting out so that the "V" comes up high enough on the chest and then instead of the criss cross stuff I just covered with regular seam binding- then cut the seam allowance off the neck of the back piece adn covered that with seam binding too-you can put the shoulder seams together first if you want if you use seam binding or you can do them separately like you would do when you put the criss cross pieces on. Those tops went much much faster!! Good luck, let me know how you do! ![]() Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: oodles
Date: 09-22-2005, 12:06 PM (3 of 19)
Thank you Lynn, I guess this is why I am stuck, it isn't is me. If I lay the x over the front top matching notches and sew it like you said part way or all the way. I have V on top of v with a stay stich in the two parts that meet and cross. The problem comes when I am supposed to sew this V to the front v neckline. It matches ok just that I don't understand the raw edges of the v on front top and raw edges of v neck back (which are slim) go where? If I don't zig zag them all they look cruddy but really not enough material from neck band to zig zag and catch neck band also. And the v on front top is clipped and shows on the inside not like the real scrubs that look good both ways. I am ready to make 4 neck bands to get the effect I should get with one on both side? Sorry if I sound confused about something simple but...I am ![]() I like your idea with the binding especially now!! But I still want to get this the right way. Sorry if I sound dense about it but you know what I am just clueless as to where the raw edges go and this one ravels. Thanks if you dare come back.... ![]() oodles |
User: oodles
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 14 |
From: Jayde877
Date: 09-22-2005, 12:41 PM (4 of 19)
I make tons of scrubs for my husband and now my friend who just got a job at a hospital. I never liked the way the pattern V looked on the neckline so I just make it my own way. It's a little bit difficult, but I have gotten pretty good at it. People have called my husband a liar when he tells them I make his scrubs because of how I do the neckline. If I could help you on this I would, but I don't know how to do the neckline the way the pattern says to and I doubt I could make sense of explaining how I do it. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you can get it figured out. I know the directions on some of the patterns are basically useless. You'll figure it out though, I'm sure of it. Charity |
User: Jayde877
Member since: 07-27-2005 Total posts: 106 |
From: oodles
Date: 09-22-2005, 03:33 PM (5 of 19)
Your sweet to hope for me but I am ready to go back to nighties and jammies they seem simple compared to this v neck thing. I am wondering if the serger binds it all up and thats why I can't manage it? I even went back to the store and pulled out a different pattern thinking maybe mine was wrong. It was the same again and maybe I just have to take the whole thing in and ask someone to please show me what I am doing wrong? Embarrasing but I will as a last resort. Your hubby is lucky you found another way. Thank you. Sandy/oodles |
User: oodles
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 14 |
From: Jayde877
Date: 09-22-2005, 04:11 PM (6 of 19)
If there is a fabric store then you probably should take it there. I would think that people who work in fabric shops would know how to do things. I have asked questions to the ladies who cut my fabric at Wal- Mart even. I doubt they will think badly of you since you are somewhat new to sewing. And having someone who can show you how to do it will be so much better than having one of us try and explain it. I know you can do this really!! And that is my suggestion. Take the instructions and the top pieces to a fabric store and see if someone can help you there. Once you see how it's done it will make sense. Charity |
User: Jayde877
Member since: 07-27-2005 Total posts: 106 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-22-2005, 05:44 PM (7 of 19)
Ok, so you've lapped the ends of your V together. You've folded them on the crease line and you're looking at the right side with the raw edges facing down. Lay one over the other and baste (long machine stitches. This will just keep them from moving. The angle at the bottom of the V should be a little sharper than the shoulders and the one on the pieces should match at the bottom of the V so that you can feel the raw edges where they come together. There should be a little dot on your pattern piece for the two "V"pieces. mark these on the backside of your neckline. There should also be a dot on the pattern piece for your top. Mark this on the wrong side too. Take your TOP and stitch 5/8 inch (on the seamline) down one side of your "v", turning at the dot on your top and going up the OTHER side of your top. Technically, you should sew down both sides of the neckline to the dot, but let's not get too detailed at this moment. Ok, this is called STAY-STITCHING. Now, take your scissors and ON THE TOP (not the V inset) clip down from the bottom of the V to just shy of the DOT. We are going to do this the easy way, OK? Once you have clipped your top to the V, you will have more access to the shirt. Put the RIGHT side of your V insert against the RIGHT side of your TOP. This will give you 2 sets of raw edges and you will be looking at the wrong side of your garment. MATCH THE DOT OF YOUR TOP WITH THE DOT ON YOUR V. Pin with the pins pointing toward the RAW edges...not side ways. Lay your garment so that the raw edges point toward the machine. Starting at the DOTs, sew from the DOT to the shoulder (your should seams should NOT be sewn yet). Then, go back to the other side, pin from the dots toward the shoulders, and once again, sew from the dots to the shoulders. Hopefully, if this hasn't been handled too much and your neckline isn't stretched, this should work. Your pattern may now ask you to top stitch this V..that is fine if you would like. If you are concerned that there are raw edges inside the neckline, you can zig zag the edges to make them less likely to ravel...but they probably won't ravel anyway. Now you should be able to sew your shoulders. On most of these patterns the shoulder of the back extends above the finished edge of the front by 5/8 inch (that is fine). When you put the back facing on the shirt, it will take care of the raw edge extension. I hope this helps some. pam
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: patti2
Date: 09-22-2005, 07:18 PM (8 of 19)
I make tons of scrubs for myself and a bunch of friends. I make my V, then put ir aside for a minute. I make a 1/4 inch clip on the front of the scrub and press it inward so its nice and neat. Then I lay my V under the front, as if you were wearing it. Line it up and pin it in place. I do two rows of topstitching, they look neat and very professional. I get requests all the time. I couln't figure out those instructions either. I tend to do my own thing when I sew. I use the instructions as suggestions. Good luck. ![]() |
User: patti2
Member since: 05-28-2005 Total posts: 78 |
From: esrun3
Date: 09-22-2005, 10:18 PM (9 of 19)
Thanks Pam for explaining! I was trying to figure out how to further explain-some things are just easier to show than explain I guess except for those, like you, who are gifted (and I'm not kidding!) at explaining how to do something. Sandy I hope the tips help you some.........if you are still confused, I'd be headed to a good fabric shop and asking for some help. Truly, sometimes if you can just see what someone is talking about it makes more sense. Let us know how you do. Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-22-2005, 10:45 PM (10 of 19)
Esrun3, you are too kind! Thank you for the compliment. The proof though will be in if she can understand the instructions.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: Sancin
Date: 09-23-2005, 03:14 AM (11 of 19)
I used to make scrubs with round neckline. I used a slightly scooped neck t shirt as a pattern. Personally I always preferred scrub dresses but think I must have been the last person in the hospital to wear them. ![]() ![]() *~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 895 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 09-23-2005, 04:03 AM (12 of 19) There is a tutorial here about how to do this which sounds pretty straightforward and there were pics at one time, I noticed near the end that she is trying to get the pics back on line, so you may want to bookmark it and check it out in a few days. At least i think this is what you are trying to make, there is a pic near the end which looks like the same idea. Laura
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 09-23-2005, 04:08 AM (13 of 19) Bind a V Neckline - Sew News Magazine Try this, it has pictures!! Laura
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: sewingrandma
Date: 09-23-2005, 11:05 AM (14 of 19)
Let me add my nickels worth to the topic of sewing scrubs. I've been using Butterick 4946 for years. I did modify the instructions on the V front because I think my way is easier and lays better. First do the stay stitching and clipping as stated previously. The bands with this pattern have a V on one end. Fold each band in half right sides together and stitch the V end. Turn right side out and press raw edges together and make a nice point as this will be on the outside. Next place the band on the right side of the top, raw edges even match notches and the seam line on the band to the point on your stay stitching and sew from shoulder to one or two stitches before the V. Repeat for the second band. My next step is to take it to the ironing board. Place the top right side up, the bands will be standing up and you'll wonder what kind of mess you made. Don't worry. Take your iron and press the band flat towards the neck opening, making sure the seam is flat on the inside. The finished ends of the band will snug right down where they belong and all you have to do is do your top stitching and finish your raw edges on the inside.
User: sewingrandma
Member since: 03-06-2003 Total posts: 432 |
From: oodles
Date: 09-23-2005, 01:10 PM (15 of 19)
Well girls I am shocked at all the help you all gave me. What a great place this is. ![]() I had to walk away from my scrub wanna be for a few days, it was bugging me so much. So today with Pam's great instructions and Laura and Brockies picture page I am going to take a stab at it again. It all sounds easy but I must have something wrong and just don't see it. Patti and Nancy and Lynn again I thank you all for your help. ![]() I am going to sit down tomorrow am and start again Pam (the easy way or Brockies way. Then I am going to come back here and tell you if any of it worked. Even if I am embarrased, or finally see the light. I heard George Gobel say Did you ever feel like a brown pair of shoes in a black tux...I am feeling that way. ![]() Thank you ladies..say a prayer and I will be back tomorrow with some news. Maybe today if I get back in time and play. I hope, I hope Sandy/oodles |
User: oodles
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 14 |
From: oodles
Date: 09-30-2005, 05:40 PM (16 of 19)
Hi All, Sorry I didn't get back last Sunday but I got the flu bug or something and today was the first day I felt like doing anything. You don't want this!! ![]() Went to my machine with Pams instructions and struggled at first but I got it. I can't believe what I was trying to do from looking at the pattern instructions....No wonder I couldn't do it. ![]() ![]() Its a little beat up but I am gonna bronze this x scrub! Lol I can't even tell all you who helped me what I was doing but once I laid the piece down one side and stitched it was like What??????? This is it, so easy Pam I am just so embarrased I couldn't see that. Bless you all ladies Bless you were all so helpful but I was blind. I am gonna make my next one and with out fear now. Kisses and hugs for saving me from the (daughter giggles). ![]() I am so excited and being sick doesn't matter now! This made my day today. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
User: oodles
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 14 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-30-2005, 05:54 PM (17 of 19)
Oodles, you'll never know how many times I've gotten confused. I always lay it down (before I stretch it out too much), walk away, get a Cola, cool off and then go back. I read ALL the instructions...sometimes the part I don't see is further down in the instructions and then I take it a step at a time. I've found that that takes care of almost anything. I also never understand why I'll have all kinds of problems with one side and the other will just "happen"...that is always just amazing. I'm glad you figured it out!! Congratulations!!!!! pam
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 10-01-2005, 08:27 AM (18 of 19)
Pam saves the day again. What a prize she is. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: debsews
Date: 10-01-2005, 12:40 PM (19 of 19)
Patti2 : I always make my scrubs like you do yours. I worked on the first one until I just about wadded it up and threw it out. My daughter is the nurse and she was hounding me about the price of scrubs. After a few hours of messing with it and rereading the instructions I laid it out and topstitched it into place. Now it's so easy to throw them together. After 25 or so scrub tops out of some of the cutest fabric she changed jobs and now has to wear the hospital colored scrubs. They provide them so that isn't the problem. Now she has a closet full of scrubs she can't wear! Anyone need any? LOL Of well that is the joy of being a mom. You bleed and sweat over your children and they just change jobs without consulting you!! Gotta love em! |
User: debsews
Member since: 09-16-2005 Total posts: 254 |

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