From: SummersEchos
Date: 12-06-2005, 01:08 AM (1 of 33)
Okay morning choice of drink? (Coffee, tea, pop)? Nighttime choice of drink? Before you are getting ready for bed? Choice of drink during the day? favorite thing to drink? Most unlikely drink that you would drink? Summer
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: LauraM62
Date: 12-06-2005, 05:59 AM (2 of 33)
Morning drink - coffee ! Usually after 2 cups though I'm ready to switch on over to my water. Generally drink water until about 4 pm when dh will make another pot of coffee. I'll have another cup of coffee, then back to the water. Most unlikely drinks are probably fruit juices, unless cranberry juice, and if I'm drinking that then I fighting off another UTI ![]() LauraM
SW Indiana If everyone cared and nobody cried; If everyone loved and nobody lied; If everyone shared and swallowed their pride; Then we'd see the day when nobody died --'If Everyone Cared' by Nickelback |
User: LauraM62
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From: MaryW
Date: 12-06-2005, 06:49 AM (3 of 33)
Coffee in the morning, tea after supper and water the rest of the time. I love hot chocolate but it makes me thirtsty. Go figure.
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User: MaryW
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From: SummersEchos
Date: 12-06-2005, 07:18 AM (4 of 33)
I am a coffee person from morning till night. I have cut down on it but I still love my coffee. Before bed a glass of wine. When I am at work I drink water, but make coffee when I get home. I very rarely drink any kind of pop/soda. Maybe twice a year. Summer
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 12-06-2005, 07:33 AM (5 of 33)
I always have a coffee in the get me going...two on the weekends. At work I have water with lunch, but always milk with lunch or supper when I am at home. I used to drink black tea but have now switched to green tea. Usually have it in the evenings when sitting down to watch TV. Once in a while will drink a pop but it has to be diet. The most unlikely drinks...rootbeer and eggnog.
TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
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From: DorothyL
Date: 12-06-2005, 07:55 AM (6 of 33)
I have a couple cups of coffee when I get up and sometimes a third after breakfast when I am working at the computer. Water or cold, unsweetened tea during the day. Wine with dinner and sometimes a glass after dinner. Unlikely -- tea or coffee with sweetener. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: oodles
Date: 12-06-2005, 08:05 AM (7 of 33)
I have coffe in the am (decafe now) but I drink tea and unsweetned hot choclate at night mostly. Sometimes I have wine if I am in the mood for it. Least favorite is not by choice but I love orange juice and cranberry, just has to much sugar for me. Sandy |
User: oodles
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From: bridesmom
Date: 12-06-2005, 08:46 AM (8 of 33)
Coffee first thing 2 cups. Sat and Sun, off to Tim Horton's for a x-large double double. During the day, coffee, water, sometimes juice. If I find I am drinking too much coffee, I will have coffee half/half with hot chocolate. Evenings is for tea, I do like all kinds of tea, but not big on chamomille. I like hot iced tea mix (For my American buds - iced tea in Canada eh is pretty well always sweetened with sugar and lemon). I don't like soft drinks and rarely have a gingerale if I have any at all. Rarely wine, mostly on special occasions. Hard liquor, not any more, don't like the taste of it at all.
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User: bridesmom
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From: GreenDragonLady
Date: 12-06-2005, 09:34 AM (9 of 33)
I have one cup of coffee in the morning, then I drink flavored seltzer all day and evening. If I go out to a restaurant I usually have diet soda because they don't have the seltzer. Once in a while I might have a raspberry mudslide in the evening! But it's usually just more seltzer. Love eggnog during the holidays. Least likely thing I would drink would be the health drink smoothies made with grass and dirt (or whatever it is)
User: GreenDragonLady
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From: Sewhappie
Date: 12-06-2005, 09:37 AM (10 of 33)
In the morning, Pepsi- I can't stand the taste of coffee. the rest of the day I try to mix in as much water and juice as I can,not always good with it. I do TRY!!! I have to have a pop with my meals, Yes I know it's bad!!! Old habits are hard to break!!! I have been trying to get in the habit in the evenings of drinking half Hot Chocolate with half French Vanilla Cappachinco just to help me relax. What I won't drink: Beers and Wines, don't care for the taste of them. I will cook with wine though. |
User: Sewhappie
Member since: 10-27-2001 Total posts: 1427 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 12-06-2005, 10:13 AM (11 of 33)
I have hot chocolate almost every morning but it has to be made with my own mix I can't drink the prepackaged stuff. Sometimes I will have hot tea if I am congested. the rest of the day I drink caffiene free Pepsi. I am bad about drinking water if i drink too much I get an upset stomach. I have been trying to substitute at least 1 Pepsi with water each day. I don't drink any alchohol (just don't like the taste). I also don't drink coffee(same reason). Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
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From: debsews
Date: 12-06-2005, 12:30 PM (12 of 33)
I have Orange and Spice tea every morning. I drink unsweetened caffiene free tea the rest of the day. If I have a Coke it's a diet with Splenda and only one per day. I love juice but stopped having it when I developed diabetes. Too much sugar! I wouldn't ever drink a beer because I can't stand the smell or taste. Love french vanilla coffee from the Circle K station! |
User: debsews
Member since: 09-16-2005 Total posts: 254 |
From: Magot
Date: 12-06-2005, 12:54 PM (13 of 33)
Got to start the day with a cup of tea. Maybe 2. Coffee midmorning and at lunch ( only today I had tea as the staff room had run out of coffee) Coffee when I get home from work - or maybe a mid afternoon cup of Earl Grey or Lapsang Suchong. Beer with the evening meal, or a glass of wine, or water then the last cup of coffee of the day to finish the meal. Maybe hot choccy when I go to bed - if I get up in the night, tea. And I drink water all throughthe day and keep a bottle by the bed at night as well. That's more coffee than I realised - would account for the caffeine withdrawal headaches when I stop drinking it....hmmmmm. Yup, that's better! ![]() ![]() love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
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From: sewingrandma
Date: 12-06-2005, 07:01 PM (14 of 33)
I drink milk with my cereal then will have a Dr Pepper. Don't like coffee. I do limit myself to just one soft drink a day. During the day it is mostly water. Also will drink tea, iced and hot depending on my mood.
User: sewingrandma
Member since: 03-06-2003 Total posts: 432 |
From: Dede
Date: 12-06-2005, 08:05 PM (15 of 33)
1/2 1/2 hot chocolate and coffee in the morning at work then it's water for the rest of the day. At night, a glass of wine will do it. On weekends, 2 black coffess in the morning then water or juice during the day. Rootbeer is the only thing that doesn't touch my lips. I just can't stand the smell and the taste ...Yuk! I have been trying to get in the habit in the evenings of drinking half Hot Chocolate with half French Vanilla Cappachinco just to help me relax. I don't mean to burst your bubble but hot chocolate and Cappuccino are the total opposite of relaxation. We are talking mega doses of sugar and caffeine. You would peel me off the walls if I drank that, morning or night. I would love to offer a substitute but I can't find anything that would compare to it or ... how about a strong dose of decaf coffee with a scoop of low fat (gotta watch that cholesterol) French vanilla ice cream or half low fat chocolate half low fat French vanilla, some kind of float I guess? |
User: Dede
Member since: 03-23-2001 Total posts: 469 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 12-06-2005, 09:05 PM (16 of 33)
Actually if you're one of those hyper people coffee will relax you...(my neighbor is one of those who has adult ADHD and coffee keeps her calm) I can't drink anything with caffeine anymore...(and yes I KNOW chocolate has caffeine in it, but to me chocolate is a vegetable ![]() I drink water 99% of the time....decafe constant comment, decaf coffee (rarely), nothing carbonated... Chocolate Silk, grapefruit, pomogranate chocolate (when the mood strikes) This time of year it's Egg Nog....Milk all the time.. Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 12-06-2005, 11:51 PM (17 of 33)
I drink at least 2 cups of black coffee in the morning. Have the coffee pot going most all day. I drink water, love v-8 juice & Pepsi, NO diet, can't stand the taste of it. Don't drink beer or any hard stuff.Do drink some milk but don't like it. Being raised on a farm with the real stuff I don't call the store bought stuff milk. It's colored water. Oh, wine gives me an instant headache but don't like the taste of any of it anyway. Dh & I drink 7-up as the toast at kids weddings. Oh, I also drink unsweeten ice tea but don't like hot tea. |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: SummersEchos
Date: 12-07-2005, 12:00 AM (18 of 33)
I am an ADHD adult and that is why I drink so much coffee. At work I can drive people crazy. My son who is also ADHD drinks Mountain Dew. Coffee does nothing for him, but Mountain Dew will give him a more relaxed feeling. Strange how caffeine works with each and everyone one of us. Same as wine some get headaches others don't.
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 12-07-2005, 12:43 AM (19 of 33)
I'm one of those that get wine headaches and coffee makes me BOUNCE off the walls...(when I was decorating it gave me the shakes, so I stopped coffee MANY yrs ago). About the only booze I can drink is Tequila. Everything else makes me sick, gives me a headache or I just don't like it. (I worked in a bar when I was younger and I can make great drinks...another wasted talent ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
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From: bridesmom
Date: 12-07-2005, 05:22 AM (20 of 33)
I could never drink Tequila, I got the most bizarre nightmares from it.
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User: bridesmom
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From: DorothyL
Date: 12-07-2005, 07:32 AM (21 of 33)
Dede -- I can see where Sewhappie is coming from. When I was younger and had kids running around the house I had a cup of coffee every evening after dinner to wind down. I couldn't sleep without it! I don't drink that much coffee anymore but if you drink enough you kind of build up a tolerance to caffeine -- just like any drug, I guess. |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: Magot
Date: 12-07-2005, 09:28 AM (22 of 33)
Kath, chocolate is not a vegetable - it is a major food group.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
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From: Dede
Date: 12-07-2005, 11:20 AM (23 of 33)
I do agree that different bodies will tolerate different way of life. I can't drink coffee past lunch anymore unless I go out and have a drink afterwards. I try to have a vision of chocolate being a vegetable growing in my garden but my hips bring me back to reality ![]() |
User: Dede
Member since: 03-23-2001 Total posts: 469 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 12-08-2005, 08:04 AM (24 of 33)
Being that chocolate is a major food group, I can quit chocoholics anonymous now! Yahoo! Thanks Jan!
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: sewingrandma
Date: 12-09-2005, 07:32 PM (25 of 33)
Does anyone have a good recipe for hot chocolate? I love it but haven't found a good/easy/storable recipe yet.
User: sewingrandma
Member since: 03-06-2003 Total posts: 432 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 12-09-2005, 09:23 PM (26 of 33)
This is all my kids & grandkids will drink. Warning it is not low calorie. You can adjust the amount in the cup to suit your taste. My DD had me mail this to her when she was in Austrailia. She got her host family hooked on it too. Hot Chocolate Mix 1 lb. Nestle’ Quick (3 ˝ cups) 1 lb. Powdered sugar (3 ˝ cups) 8-quart box powdered milk (11 Cups) 11-ounce jar powdered creamer (3 cups) Mix together Add to hot water to taste (we use 1/4 - 1/3 cup for a coffee mug) Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 12-09-2005, 09:25 PM (27 of 33)
Who stores hot chocolate ??? Does it last that long that you can store it ??? In my house chocolate left after 3 days (hahahahahahaha) is the property of ME ! Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 12-10-2005, 06:38 PM (28 of 33)
I just came back from a craft show...A booth was selling gourmet hot chocolate. They make up different kinds and let people sample. ![]() TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
Member since: 01-25-2005 Total posts: 1366 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 12-10-2005, 07:40 PM (29 of 33)
Barb, Here is my recipe.. Its a little different from yours.. (lower calorie) LOL.. 2 lb box Nestles Quik box of Powered milk that makes 8 qts. 1/2 to 1 cup powdered sugar Large jar of powdered Creamer .. It takes my 5 qt Tupperware bowl to mix this in.. Put in tightly fitted containers.. To use. Fill cup or mug 1/3 full of mix. Add boiling water. Add mini marshmallows , if desired. My sons love this.. They used to give it to everyone for Christmas.. Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 12-10-2005, 08:16 PM (30 of 33)
Libby, That's the same one I used to keep on hands for my kids every winter. They liked it the best, we all did. I've given that to more people than I care to remember. Mixed & kept my in the 5 qt. Tupperware container also. We went through tons of it. |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: gm23237
Date: 12-13-2005, 02:27 PM (31 of 33)
Morning: COFFEE!!! I had to really curb that. Some mornings by 11am I was on my thrid pot. Now I drink about three cups all moring. Night: Nothing! I take my night medication and hit the sack. I have Barrett's Esophagus and if I eat or drink anything after abou 6pm it sometimes really causes problems. |
User: gm23237
Member since: 11-03-2003 Total posts: 145 ![]() |
From: Sancin
Date: 12-13-2005, 07:39 PM (32 of 33)
As someone who doesn't drink coffee and can't stand the taste of it, I am always surprised at people who craze for their morning coffee. Some people I wouldn't expect would come to work as zombies until they had their coffee. I usually have several glasses of water, orange or apple juice when I get up in the morning. Nothing really wakes me up. I can be up and functioning but still asleep until about 10 am at which point I fade and have to have a sit down with juice or tea and, depending on what time I have got up, some calories. I don't know how it developed as I like tea, caffeinated, not those coloured waters, but I cannot stand the smell, let alone taste of tea in the morning until I have had something to eat. When a patient in hospital they always seem to send tea with breakfast, if one indicates one drinks tea and it puts my entire breakfast off. At bed time I may have a cup of tea, but more likely just water. My favourite drink of all fluids is milk, skim or 1 %. I like the taste of rye whiskey, sherry and a few liquers, but haven't been drinking much for quite awhile. I really can't stand coffee and it is an embarassing social dislike. I also do not like anything that fizzes, which puts soft drinks and CHAMPAGNE off my menu for the day or evening. I don't don't mind a beer on a very hot day. *~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
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From: mozeyrn
Date: 12-14-2005, 11:50 AM (33 of 33)
I have tried to stop drinking caffeine but after the second day those withdrawl headaches.......ouch!!! Those headaches could rival any migraine! That's when I reach for a Mt. Dew. I prefer "pulp free" orange juice to coffee - for me it's a better eye opener. If I drink soda at work, I try to drink water the rest of the day. After a hard day at work and a trying night w/ my 2.5 year old dd, I reach for an ice cold beer (after she's asleep). Most of the time she's a joy - especially if she's had a warm bath earlier. The one thing I cannot, and I mean cannot drink, is skim milk! God bless those that can. I can get down 1% but nothing less. A great little apertif (sp?) is Saracco Moscado d' Asti. It's a sparkling white wine my dh and I found at Epcot one vacation. We were visiting "Italy" and they offered us a sample! It's a little hard to find but well worth the search. - Maureen.
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