From: Chrysantha
Date: 01-13-2006, 01:56 AM (1 of 23)
sheets/bedding do you put on your bed ??? I'm one of 'those' who like black sheets, blanket and comforter. (any other color is too 'loud' for me to sleep with. I need total darkness when I sleep). it all stems from being a kid and a mother with no color or 'fashion' sense. I slept in a turquoise painted room, with yellow curtains and raspberry striped sheets. I always felt like I was under water when the sun was out. The Bedspread was purple and lavender lilacs...(my mother would mix the most awful color and patterns combinations.) Thank heavens my grandmother who made my clothes had a wonderful sense of style/color/fashion....luckily I take after my grandmother... ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 01-13-2006, 08:44 AM (2 of 23)
I have two sets of bedding. One is floral in dark maroon, dark green and beige. The other is leopard spots. My favorite is the leopard. We like it a little wild in the bedroom ![]() ![]() |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: debsews
Date: 01-13-2006, 09:16 AM (3 of 23)
I tend to use muted colors on the bed but don't really have a theme. I have some sage, cream, taupe, and one set that's black and taupe. I don't like wild colors but I do like nice sheets that are 250 or more thread count. I spent a week with my sister once and the sheets on that bed had to be the nubbiest things I'd ever tried to sleep on. That drives me crazy! |
User: debsews
Member since: 09-16-2005 Total posts: 254 |
From: pretnichols
Date: 01-13-2006, 09:48 AM (4 of 23)
Shades of green -- dark, sage & a beige/green stripe. I too like the 250 plus thread count; they feel super. Debsews, my DH just complained about his pillow case being nubby. Said it was like sleeping on a sheet of sandpaper. ![]() I'll just use all of those wonderful ideas in the "magic pillowcase" thread! Peggy
So little time, sew much to do........... |
User: pretnichols
Member since: 10-16-2005 Total posts: 342 |
From: GreenDragonLady
Date: 01-13-2006, 02:06 PM (5 of 23)
I use whatever feels the best. We have super soft flannel floral on the bed right now. In the summer we have some 400 count taupe sheets. I figure when the bed's made (which is most of the time except when we're in it) and while we're sleeping we don't see them, so it doesn't make that much difference to me. Pretnichols--I buy the cotton sateen at Joann's to make my pillowcases out of. It's all cotton so they don't make you sweat, but they feel so yummy!!
User: GreenDragonLady
Member since: 07-29-2004 Total posts: 495 |
From: Ole' Girl
Date: 01-13-2006, 02:49 PM (6 of 23)
My sheets are white and the bedding is red toile. I used to use a red and blue log cabin quilt on top with dark blue sheets. When my son was young he had some Star Wars pillow cases and sheets and he swore everytime he slept on them he had a nightmare. LOL Shirley Clark |
User: Ole' Girl
Member since: 03-13-2005 Total posts: 33 |
From: SummersEchos
Date: 01-13-2006, 03:16 PM (7 of 23)
My sheets as of now are Winnie the Pooh. Here at moms I sleep in a single day bed, so I have kid sheets for it to make it more fun? I do have a pair of purple and green sheet set that came with the bed. I figure it this way, no one sees my sheets, even if they did, I am just expressing my inner child.
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: pretnichols
Date: 01-13-2006, 03:56 PM (8 of 23)
Thanks for the tip on the cotton sateen. Guess I'll be visiting Joann's this weekend. They have some 50% off coupons that are good for this weekend, plus a 10% off all sales coupon.
So little time, sew much to do........... |
User: pretnichols
Member since: 10-16-2005 Total posts: 342 |
From: Magot
Date: 01-13-2006, 04:03 PM (9 of 23)
white or cream. But the walls are deep victorian study green and the covers and curtains spicy oranges. Any more colour and I'd go wild - I can only see in black and white in the dark anyway. Works that way for most human beings Kath - you got cats eyes?
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 01-13-2006, 05:42 PM (10 of 23)
Whatever colour I can find and if they are on sale then all the better....I have a green, white and pink set that I hate - they have the nubbies! - a white red yellow and blue geometric set that I love and a plain old burgundy set that looks like an icky brown that I really don't care for. PS I have a king-size water bed and it isn't easy to find sheets any more and I haven't had the courage to try making a set. Prefer making quilts instead. ![]() TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
Member since: 01-25-2005 Total posts: 1366 |
From: mommydionne
Date: 01-13-2006, 06:59 PM (11 of 23)
plain colours, white, cream and dk blue, the bedspread is damask ( I made it b/c I could not find one I liked) But... we have a memory foam topper, sooooo nice to sleep on!
User: mommydionne
Member since: 01-08-2004 Total posts: 838 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 01-13-2006, 10:20 PM (12 of 23)
Actually some colors make me nervous. So if they're in the house and I see them it makes me crazy. I also don't like a lot of patterns for the same reason. (I've been told by more than one Dr. that it's my brain...(yeah like I really have one of those) Instead of like most people who use one side or the other 'more'..(lefties or righties..) I use both sides at once. (thats why I'm's my sister.) We're both logical and creative at once.) I can't be around orange, yellow, blue. (for a long time....if it's just in a store, well it's ok.) I can't have stripes, plaids or some types of patterns in my life. They make me dizzy sometimes. I'm sure theres a medical name for my problem (besides just being plain old crazy. But I have no idea what it is...and believe me I've searched.) So you'll just have to put up with my husband does...either that he's gone so much he doesn't notice anymore. ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: SummersEchos
Date: 01-13-2006, 10:40 PM (13 of 23)
When I was being treated for insomnia, we had to remove everything from our bedrooms. Then put back only what we needed to sleep. We had to paint our rooms either a dark color or a beige, not a white. Then our bedding had to be either dark like our walls or netural like the walls. We had room darkening shades, and even shades to block light from coming into the room through the doors. It sounds drastic, but they told us if we have a cheerful bedroom before we turn off the lights to go to sleep, then those color will sitmulate our minds even more. So for some people they need the calming bland colors for their bedrooms, even tho once the lights are out it is all black. It didn't help me sleep any better, so after 6 months I redid my bedroom to colors I liked and learn to deal with it.
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: LauraM62
Date: 01-14-2006, 07:15 AM (14 of 23)
Personally I find your info very interesting, I thought it was just me! My bed sheets are black, comforter black, curtains black - I'm thinking of redoing the colors for our new bedroom (we are remodeling) but am looking at a dark sage green ![]() ![]() ![]() LauraM
SW Indiana If everyone cared and nobody cried; If everyone loved and nobody lied; If everyone shared and swallowed their pride; Then we'd see the day when nobody died --'If Everyone Cared' by Nickelback |
User: LauraM62
Member since: 08-10-2003 Total posts: 246 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 01-14-2006, 12:57 PM (15 of 23)
Judy, Saw your post so thought I'd let you know what I have done for years with my king waterbed. I hate those waterbed sheets. I buy regular flat sheets, the king size have more than enough to tuck into the deep sides & top & bottom. Sometimes I get the same sheet in a queen size & that fits fine for the top sheet I also found a set of 4 things that are made for waterbeds that fit under each corner of your mattress that comes with little knobs that hold your flat sheets down & in place. They work wonderful. They don't show. I do have to hunt sometimes for sheets that just come single & not a set but just keep my eye out for them. As a rule they have the matching pillowcases also. If not then I make my own that will go with the set nicely. Anyway, this is something you could try. My waterbed doesn't even look like one. We changed the headboard to a regular king, had to add some inches to make it taller but that doesn't show either. I made a dust ruffle & velcroed it to the sides & bottom. Pregathered it first. It's one long piece & so easy to take off to wash. The part on the wood is the sticky kind & the part on the dust ruffle is the sew on kind. Just another idea for you. |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: maps
Date: 01-14-2006, 01:56 PM (16 of 23)
HeyJudee, i also have a kingsize waterbed that has been converted to a regular bed, with a california king mattress, which fits perfectly in the king waterbed frame, with a memory foam topper on the mattress. I use california king sheets all the time, i usually get them from QVC or HSN, you get the whole set much cheeper than anywhere else, that is if you can find them. and most all of them have elastic all around the bottom so no retucking...they stay put, I used to get them from a catalog, just the bottom fitted then try and match the top sheet with something else, then they kept raising the price and i found northern nights on qvc much cheeper and much better quality. they also have a very nice high thread count sateen that i just love and the more you wash it the better they get, I also can't stand a printed sheet set, i had a vine pattern and kept dreaming that the vines were getting me so after a few nights of not sleeping to well needless to say they were history, so i try and stick to pastels or tans...
User: maps
Member since: 06-18-2003 Total posts: 152 ![]() |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 01-14-2006, 05:33 PM (17 of 23)
Beachgirl & Maps...thanks for the info. I'll look into trying regular King sheets. I have often seen the King size Bed in a Bag but have always thought they wouldn't work. But you've both given me some ideas. Just another comment about nubby night the nubby sheet set bugged me so much that I got up in the middle of the night and took out my de-fuzz-it machine - one of those electric machines to take the nubs off sweaters. I used it to take the nubs off my side of the bed...that was a far as the cord would let me reach and I had no idea were to find my extension cord. ![]() TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
Member since: 01-25-2005 Total posts: 1366 |
From: vickki
Date: 01-14-2006, 06:46 PM (18 of 23)
I use Black sheets-comforter and red walls.A CTV and Christmas Tree that stays lit all night.I only sleep for a couple of hours and I'm wide awake and ready to go. |
User: vickki
Member since: 08-21-2005 Total posts: 374 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 01-14-2006, 09:51 PM (19 of 23)
Judy, the bottom fitted sheet won't work on the waterbed. The elastic flips up.That is unless you have the one that only has the bladder in the middle & looks like a regular mattress. Ours is the full bladder that is waveless.That's why I can't use a regular fitted sheet & use a flat sheet on the botton as well. I always get a 350 thread count & higher. We can't stand the nubby's either. Wish I could use the beds in a bag. Have seen some beautiful ones. |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 01-14-2006, 11:23 PM (20 of 23)
I used to have a waterbed and used any sheets I wanted. They had these pvc poles that fit in the corners UNDER the matress, INSIDE the corner of the bottom sheet. They never moved. I used all kinds of regular sheets. Sewing the top sheet to the bottom sheet ONLY in the middle. Kept the sheets together and you could still move your feet out from under, if you needed to.
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 01-15-2006, 12:27 AM (21 of 23)
I've never tried a regular fitted bottom sheet on the waterbed. That is except the ones made for a waterbed & I never cared for those much. That was years ago. My DD has the pole kind that you had & her kids sheets are always off the next morning. Is there a trick to getting them hooked right ? She followed the directions. The kind I have are so easy to use & work so well. I can't find them anymore though. Was going to get her sets for the kids beds.They all have the extra long twin beds & she uses the california king twin sheets. She even bought some waterbed sheets thinking those would work right. |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-15-2006, 12:41 AM (22 of 23)
My comforter on my bed is green (sage), wine, beige, and cream. I use either cream or sage sheets and I have wine curtains. I'm in the process of making bed pillows for my bed and I have three made so far. One is beige with a touch of green and wine with a fringe outline, the other is a green sateen with a cream ruffle tied in the middle, and the last one is the green sateen with a lighter green and beige rope trim. I have two more to go and I'm thinking I need to incorporate some wine in the pillows to pull it all together. Maybe add some texture with either velvet or cortaroy. My curtains are a sculptured wine velvet like fabric with a red fringe trim. My Pm's take care of my imsomia most nights. I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 01-15-2006, 09:49 AM (23 of 23)
I've never heard of PVC pipe. My bed is a big wooden box with a free flow mattress - No waveless baffles. I have been thinking of getting a smaller water bed but haven't convinced myself yet - just me (all 5' of me) in that king size bed. I usually sleep on just one side so only wear them out on that side. Thinking of switching sides to wear out the other side or putting the sheets on wrong side out every other washing. Sheets will last longer that way ![]() I have a king size flat that I bought a few years ago & used it to cover my couch..when I was with my ex. I'll give it a try to see how it works. But I would sew the top to the bottom as I would want the bottom to stay put especially in the winter months...I program lower temps for my furnace during the nighttime! TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
Member since: 01-25-2005 Total posts: 1366 |

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