From: Ria
Date: 04-02-2006, 05:15 PM (1 of 21)
Hi everyone, I usually hang out in embroidery or quilting but I have a question about sheets and perhaps someone on here would be able to answer. I love soft sheets ( who doesn't) I have a muscle problem and a good nights sleep means a lot to me...I keep buying expensive sheets and they are never as soft as I would like them even after using softeners...I hate flannel and I hate question is this....I keep purchasing the higher thread count and put out a lot of money for them I tried 600 count cotton and even 1000 count cotton which they call "hotel sheets" but I come to realize that they are stronger and will for sure last longer but are not soft...many of them come out so wrinkled after washing that they need pressing....I wonder if a lower thread count and a cheaper sheet set maybe a poly/cotton blend is what I am really looking for. Maybe I have been throwing my money away. I don't care how long they last.. I just want them to be soft and comfortable..thanks for any replies.....Ria Ria
"Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them" (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Brother 6500.....Brother 8060......PED Basic... Embird...... |
User: Ria
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 121 |
From: AndreaSews
Date: 04-02-2006, 07:30 PM (2 of 21)
Oh, sorry to hear about that. Hmm...I find the lower thread count sheets to be courser and not as gentle on me.... Have you thought about cotton jersey knit sheets?
User: AndreaSews
Member since: 02-18-2005 Total posts: 1007 |
From: sew42much
Date: 04-02-2006, 09:53 PM (3 of 21)
May I ask a question? don't answer if you wish. If you have a muscle problem is the only thing that you are doing for your muscles is making sure you have soft sheets? What type of mattress do you have? jean |
User: sew42much
Member since: 03-15-2006 Total posts: 19 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 04-02-2006, 09:55 PM (4 of 21)
Usually the higher the thread count the softer the sheets. (at least for me it works that way). Maybe you're washing them in too much detergent or the wrong detergent for your machine. Mine NEVER come out wrinkled, even if I leave them in the dryer till they get cold. I wash in All Free, in a front loader, (using about 1/4 the detergent you'd use in a top loader), Downey free in the rinse (thinned down with water, by 1/2) and dried (front loader) with a Bounce Free sheet. (I've found that using too much detergent in a machine will make your clothes stiff, because they don't rinse well.)(I also never use powdered detergent anymore either.) Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: Kaitlinnegan
Date: 04-02-2006, 09:55 PM (5 of 21)
We have some poly cotton sheets, and they are just not as good as 100% cotton. They are scratchier, and tend to be kind of hot and non-breathable. We got a cheap set of 100% cotton sheets from Bed Bath and Beyond, and there is a noticeable difference. I think they are around 250-300 thread count. Just looking at sheets in the store, it seems like those in the 300-400 thread count range seem much softer than the really high thread count ones. Cotton jersey sheets are also pretty comfy, although my fitted sheet always wanted to pop off the mattress. Some of those suspender type things that go on the bottom would help, probably. I've also seen "modal" jersey sheets -- it's a natural fiber made from tree bark of some kind, I think. I'm not sure if these would be good or not, but they feel soft in the store! Has anyone tried these or heard anything about them? - the new home for Sew What's New
User: Kaitlinnegan
Member since: 03-20-2006 Total posts: 222 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 04-02-2006, 11:36 PM (6 of 21)
I don't know if this helps, but at Bed Bath and Beyond, for a lot of their sheets they have a little snippet of the cloth out, so you can decide if you like the softness of it. That's how we got ours. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: MaryW
Date: 04-03-2006, 05:57 AM (7 of 21)
We have 100% cotton sheets. They claim it is Egyptian cotton. They wrinkle terribly but they are so smooth and cool to the touch.
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User: MaryW
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From: dmoses
Date: 04-03-2006, 07:52 AM (8 of 21)
Hi Ria, The nicest, most comfortable sheets I have are actually a Martha Stewart brand of 60 cotton/40 polyester combination. They wash & dry like a dream, too. I bought them for the print, but I was really pleasantly surprised by how they feel. ![]() Take care,
Donna |
User: dmoses
Member since: 02-22-2002 Total posts: 964 |
From: S0met1mesewer
Date: 04-03-2006, 10:12 AM (9 of 21)
I had some wonderfully soft sheets that hardly wrinkled years ago and cannot find any that compare since. Last week I felt a set of 600, single ply, cotton sheets that felt amazingly soft. They were made by Wamsetta. If course, I have no idea how they wash up. Each sheet was about $70 in an outlet. I am really thinking of investing in a set. Good luck. |
User: S0met1mesewer
Member since: 03-15-2006 Total posts: 37 |
From: Ria
Date: 04-03-2006, 11:54 AM (10 of 21)
I am going to thank you all here for all your all have been so nice to jump in here and help me.....(((hugs))) to you all... First response is no, I am not only looking for soft illness is fibromyalgia and I have had it for over 20 years and although it wont kill you it sometimes will make you feel like you wish you were dead...much pain of the muscle, tendons and ligaments....severe headaches...I have been in therapy for years and back school where they teach you how to lift etc....I have three doctors...take some drugs but would rather not walk around like a zombie so I refuse to heavily medicate dr is supportive and I get massages...go to chyropractor..naprapath...and anywhere else that will help...the one problem is can sleep 12 hours and feel like a truck hit you when you wake up because while you are in a deep sleep you turn and turn and turn without knowing it because your muscles I find that soft sheets really help me...I have a great mattress and have even tried that lambswool thing they sell for this illness to sleep on...some of that stuff makes you sweat and doesnt really help all that whirlpool helps a bath helps a lot....I didnt really intend to write my medical history on here LOL..but since you all are so nice and so interested I thought I should explain and not just say I want soft sheet I have not tried is the jersey...I think they are like t shirts...and I agree with Dmoses...I had one set of Martha stewart and they are getting worn but they were so soft and they were cheap...I have had egyptian cotton and all the others and just not liked them...I will try some of the suggestions on here and hope I can find some good ones and believe me when I do I will buy dozens of them...LOL...thanks so very much for all the kindness and all the help...I do so appreciate it....Ria Sorry I just cannot resist telling you that my husband thinks I am the princess that had to sleep on the pea....LOL....sleep means so much to me...I wake up in a good mood and not in severe pain when I get a good nights sleep so he always calls me that.....(((grin))) Ria
"Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them" (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Brother 6500.....Brother 8060......PED Basic... Embird...... |
User: Ria
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 121 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 04-03-2006, 03:49 PM (11 of 21)
Mary, I too have a set of Egyptian cotton sheets, a high thread count. They are so soft but like yours they wrinkle like mad. I embroidery on the wide hem of my top sheets. I have to iron the top sheet & just press over the bottom as I don't want to sleep on wrinkles. I'm debateing if I'll buy anymore of those. I haven't had to iron a sheet since I was a kid at home. There wasn't perm a press at that time. OOPS telling my age. LOL. Who cares ? ![]() |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: Sancin
Date: 04-03-2006, 06:20 PM (12 of 21)
On one of those many many TV home shows (Canadian) they went to and interviewed the owner of a linen shop (Toronto, I believe). She reviewed all types of sheets and pros and cons. I can't recall all that she said, but do recall her saying that she, the owner, likes sheets with thread count around 300 100% cotton as they are the softest. Perhaps someone in Toronto can phone several stores and let us know. Ria - I also have had fibromyalgia and also for about 20 years. I also have extensive degenerative joint disease - a familial problem. I like the feel of soft sheets, but don't know if it will make you sleep better. Nothing seems to make me sleep sounder. This week and last here in PG the air quality has been terrible - seems to make everything worse, but especially headaches. I just came home from massage therapist and she noted she could feel the muscles tighter and really had to work on tender points. The best description I have heard of FM is 'hyper everything'!! *~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 895 |
From: pretnichols
Date: 04-03-2006, 06:23 PM (13 of 21)
I purchased "Beech" fiber jersey sheets for my DD from Bed, Bath & Beyond. They are truly soft and while they wrinkle slightly, that disappears when you put them on the bed. She loves the feel of them. They do have a website so you could take a look at what they are made of. Good luck in your search! Peggy
So little time, sew much to do........... |
User: pretnichols
Member since: 10-16-2005 Total posts: 342 |
From: sew42much
Date: 04-03-2006, 10:04 PM (14 of 21)
I have a friend that has this diasease & she feels cold all the time. Do you have this as a problem as well? She also has gone on a special diet that contains more protein & is getting much better. Her bed is softer by using Viscose foam aka memory foam & that has helped her immensely. She stated that others that she knows have had great relief with the wool ensemble that you speak of as well. jean |
User: sew42much
Member since: 03-15-2006 Total posts: 19 |
From: Sancin
Date: 04-04-2006, 03:06 AM (15 of 21)
sew42much I am NEVER cold - though do occasionally get shaky. Heat bothers me a great deal, but more than any thing it is a change in the weather d/t barometric pressure changes. When I was younger and had many migraines it was the same thing that triggered them. ![]() Personally I find that memory foam gives me the creeps, for some reason. I have a relatively new pillow top mattress with a very firm base and a thick mattress cover on my bed and I feel like I am sleeping on a cloud. My bed top is thick enough that I don't need to put a pillow under the small of my back which is a major problem. And as I do not sleep well (sort of twilight sleep) I am aware of the bed all night. Perhaps that is why Ria wants soft sheets. My blankets never seem to stay on the bed all night - they are all over the room in the morning. Essentially a balanced life style with appropriate nutrition, rest and exercise is the best way to cope with FM. My back limits a great deal of exercise for me but I do find that meditation and visualization works well and I do try to exercise most days. However, balance is like anything else, one has to work at it and many, if not most days one doesn't feel like work on anything so it becomes a catch 22 situation. Then there is brain fog, which is a memory confusion situation that comes on without warning. Unfortunately FM tends to wax and wane - so do the joint problems so I never know which is which. Attitude is a very big factor in coping with any chronic illness and pain. ![]() *~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 895 |
From: Ria
Date: 04-04-2006, 11:26 AM (16 of 21)
Hi Jean....yes I am going to try that memory foam mattress...if it doesnt work I will just toss it out but at least I will know I gave it a try...anything that will improve my sleep...I read in the paper yesterday that Linens and things and bed bath and beyond were selling what they call "hotel sheets" at 1000 count ( exactly what I bought and paid high price for ) and they were tested and proven to be only 300 I know why my expensive sheets werent all that great...WOW was I ever surprised...I love both these stores and I prefer bb and beyond....I was shocked.... Sancin you are right...the correct life style is imperative...I can never hurts my back the worst...thank God I have a husband that will do it for me and does a great job...carrying is so difficult...I was taught in the hospital how to always carry even loads in front of my body with both arms...and on and on...I am so sure this is not new to you...brain fog...oh ...tell me about comes and goes.....I hate that....well....lets try to think positive...and it is so good talking to all you ladies about this...I just wonder Sancin if you get that is severe chest and back pain much like a heart attack...stays for several minutes and you want to pass out with the pain...I have gone to emergency several times because of that ...then my dr explained what it can look it up on the internet..I am not sure I am spelling it right...may be chostochondritis...or something like is the absolute worse part of this illness....take care everyone..and always be grateful for your health... ![]() Ria
"Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them" (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Brother 6500.....Brother 8060......PED Basic... Embird...... |
User: Ria
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 121 |
From: vwroby
Date: 06-17-2007, 02:44 PM (17 of 21)
Ria, regarding the memory foam topper, I found a great deal on a 4" kingsize for $179 (or thereabouts) at Overstock .com. Can't tell you how much better I sleep now. I have arthritis in my shoulders and hips and sleep on my side. No more waking up in pain!!! |
User: vwroby
Member since: 05-28-2007 Total posts: 7 ![]() |
From: woodywoodpecker
Date: 06-17-2007, 06:16 PM (18 of 21)
Have you tried polar fleece sheets? They are really soft but they do tend to pill. |
User: woodywoodpecker
Member since: 11-07-2003 Total posts: 242 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 06-18-2007, 05:39 PM (19 of 21)
I'll tell my age by this info, but somebody has to do it.. Nobody has made the statement that muslin is the ROUGH word in cotton sheets.. For softness , you must buy Percale sheets.. When I was a teen and learning about fabrics in Home Ec , the best sheets were 144 count percale made from Egyptian cotton.(long staple fibers)... That is why Egyptian cotton is the best.. The longer staples havefewer bumps where the fibers meet in the weaving process.. Nowadays I try to find 300 count , but they Must be labeled Percale or I don't waste my money on them.. When I launder my bed linens, I always turn the dial for a 2nd rinse also.. I cut dryer sheets in half and use only 1/2 in a dryer load.. Even though I buy the scent free ones, I still use only 1/2 in each dryer load..Keeps my sheets nice and smooth feeling to sleep on..
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: grandma C
Date: 06-28-2007, 12:06 AM (20 of 21)
Because of repetitive strain injuries (both DH and myself). We went mattress shopping desperate for good nights sleep. We went into Mattress King. The young man there minding the store had a very pronounced roto scoliosis (curved and twisted spine). He let us lay down on the mattresses and showed us the one like he sleeps on and swears by for a good rest. It is solid latex with a thick pillow top cover on it. It is heavy as a battle ship but is heaven to get into . The best nights sleep ever and you can't even feel your bed partner move in the bed unless right against them. We sleep under an all season down comforter with the ceiling fan running. I hope whatever you do you it works for you. I think I will look for a menory foam topper and some new percale sheets for for my twin beds. Belinda Belinda |
User: grandma C
Member since: 01-15-2007 Total posts: 263 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 06-28-2007, 10:01 AM (21 of 21)
Belinda dh and I also have a latex bed with memory foam topper that is enclosed in a quilted zipper bag. Dh's side is one density and mine is another. Best investment we made. However, we are due for a new memory foam topper as ours is about 3 or 4 years old now. The one thing that is absolutely essential to the utmost comfort with the laxtex beds is to purchase the special made platforms that go with the laxtex sections. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |

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