From: pucktricks
Date: 07-18-2006, 04:52 PM (1 of 38)
I just saw a Sewing With Nancy episode about Reversible Aprons. It was really cool, and gave me some ideas for Christmas present for relatives and several friends who are getting married (I'm thinking his and hers aprons, and I have the perfect fabric for one of the guys). She had a book that you could order, but from what I saw it would be fairly simple to make up your own pattern for an apron. So, what do ya'll think? Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: esrun3
Date: 07-18-2006, 10:08 PM (2 of 38)
Didn't see the show but sounds like a cool idea. You could make matching hotpads to go with even.
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-18-2006, 11:07 PM (3 of 38)
OH! That's a great idea, I'll have to try that. What should I use for the stuffing for heat protection? Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: esrun3
Date: 07-19-2006, 04:40 PM (4 of 38)
OH! That's a great idea, I'll have to try that. What should I use for the stuffing for heat protection? Ticia I know there is a heat shield type batting on the market-I have some at home but haven't used it yet....will try to remember tonight to see what it's called. I know some people just use several layers of batting but I think I'd prefer the heat resistant stuff-I've burned my hands more than once with a hot pot and a handmade potholder that just had batting in it. In the meantime, maybe someone else will have an answer? Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: esrun3
Date: 07-19-2006, 04:47 PM (5 of 38)
Ticia, I did a google search and here are some sites I found about the batting: I bought mine at Joann's so I know it's readily available. I'll look for the name of it tonight. Hope they help some. Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-19-2006, 05:21 PM (6 of 38)
Thanks Lyn, those are good sites to look at, I'll have fun with them. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 07-19-2006, 06:11 PM (7 of 38)
I've used batting with no problem. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: esrun3
Date: 07-19-2006, 09:17 PM (8 of 38)
Ticia....surprise going out in the mail for you tomorrow. You should have it early next week!
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-20-2006, 10:21 AM (9 of 38)
YEAH! I love surprises. Jeff's (my husband) is giving me an early birthday present tomorrow. We have our week 20 sonogram and get to find out the sex of the baby and then we're going to our local Bernina dealer and for my birthday I'm getting a fancy new sewing machine! I'm so excited, I've been dancing around the house since he told me. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: Patty22
Date: 07-20-2006, 10:55 AM (10 of 38)
Ohhhhh Ticia - in other words you're having twins. Your new baby and your sewing machine; both will keep you very busy. Wow......this is going to be an exciting birthday - I know you're going to have a happy one. Patty
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 07-20-2006, 11:31 AM (11 of 38)
When are you going to have time to sew with 3 babies? Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: stephi
Date: 07-20-2006, 01:07 PM (12 of 38)
I have a reversable apron that was given to me as a gift by a fellow sewer and I love it. My husband calls it my granny apron because the fabric it ugly gold and teal, but it works great for my cake and chocolate making. Keeps me from using my jeans, LOL!!! I would put in pockets and maybe put a walmart gift card in hers and a lowes one in his....That would be sooo cute!! ![]() Stephi
"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it" "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten" |
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 361 ![]() |
From: Sherri
Date: 07-20-2006, 02:15 PM (13 of 38)
Mary sent me a gorgeous apron pattern when I won a contest here. But I put it somewhere and I have spent all summer looking for it. I really need to get organized. I spend more time looking then I do sewing its driving me nuts. Sher My website
User: Sherri
Member since: 02-07-2001 Total posts: 357 |
From: esrun3
Date: 07-20-2006, 02:53 PM (14 of 38)
Ticia-what? Twins again?? LOL Bet you are so excited about your new machine as well as finding out what the baby will be. Keeping my fingers crossed for you as I know you want a girl this time. Stephi, that's a great idea about the pockets and gift cards!! Ticia, be sure to let us know what you are having and how you like your new machine! Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: stephi
Date: 07-20-2006, 02:55 PM (15 of 38)
I must have dazed while reading this post earlier. I didnt even focus on the fact that you find out what your haveing AND getting a new stitch mobile! I am soo jealous I want to know what mine is now. I dont want to wait until the end of september ![]() ![]() Stephi
"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it" "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten" |
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 361 ![]() |
From: DorothyL
Date: 07-20-2006, 03:00 PM (16 of 38)
You kids are so spoiled. We had to wait until they were here to know what they were and that was part of the fun. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: Bama
Date: 07-20-2006, 03:04 PM (17 of 38)
Stephi, You could call it "wiggles". ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Bama
Date: 07-20-2006, 03:07 PM (18 of 38)
tricia, I have an apron that is reversible and can also be made into a bonnet by fastening 2 buttons on it. I can send you a pattern if want. Just private message me your mailing address. It might take me a week or 2 tho, because I'll be having minor surgery tomorrow. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-20-2006, 04:52 PM (19 of 38)
Well you see there's this wonderful time called nap time. It's the only way I get anything done, and I always make sure to set aside one day when they're napping to sew something. I also have the boys do "alone time," which basically means they're in a play pen for about 30-45 minutes in the morning playing with toys. That's my "really I am sane" time to get little things like showers, eating breakfast done. Otherwise I'd suddenly realize at 5, that I can't remember when I last took a shower. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-20-2006, 06:05 PM (20 of 38)
Bama you have too many PM's, and I can't send you one. I'll try again later tonight. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: bjptl
Date: 07-20-2006, 07:02 PM (21 of 38)
Ticia, I didn't see the show you mentioned either but can give you a couple of places to look for reversible apron patterns. They may have them in the pattern books at your fabric store.( I haven't looked in a while) I recieve catalogs by mail from two different places. They both have reversible apron patterns in them as well as Insul-Bright ( heat protectant padding for pot holders).Here are their web sites; and I hope I have been of some help to you. Judy (bjptl) PS;These are strictly for ladies! |
User: bjptl
Member since: 02-28-2006 Total posts: 14 ![]() |
From: Bama
Date: 07-20-2006, 07:57 PM (22 of 38)
Sorry Ticia, I cleaned out my inbox. I forget to do that. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 07-20-2006, 08:48 PM (23 of 38)
A friend of mine was having a baby and her little girl decided that it's name should be Scoobie, and it's stuck. In fact I can't even remember what the little guys name really it, every one calls him Scoobie. I really like the his/her apron thing with the cards in the pockets. Great idea.! Laura
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: gmcsewer
Date: 07-21-2006, 08:54 AM (24 of 38)
For padding in hot pads, we used to use the edges of the mattress pads that were no good in the middle, but now they are filled with polyester I think and would not be good. You could use parts of old towels also. Cotton battiing would give you more insulation than polyester. Also, scraps of quilted yardage would be good, I enjoy the comments here. |
User: gmcsewer
Member since: 08-19-2003 Total posts: 45 |
From: stephi
Date: 07-21-2006, 09:18 AM (25 of 38)
I am a big time planner and would absolutly die if I had to wait for it to be here to know what to buy. I do already have my crib and bassinet bought and set up...even though the room isnt completely un-officed yet. I have my dresser/changing table and I know what stroller and highchiar I want. I am just waiting for the next big sale. I just know it is a boy, the other 6 pregnant people I know are having girls. I kinda am hoping for a boy because my bathroom isnt big enough for 2 teenage girls, LOL! I may have to stick a note about the aprons in my gift idea book ![]() Stephi
"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it" "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten" |
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 361 ![]() |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-22-2006, 10:45 AM (26 of 38)
IT"S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And an Aurora 440 QEE Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: MrsSnuggly
Date: 07-22-2006, 10:56 AM (27 of 38)
We waited on our first - much more fun. We called him "Baby" and my husband was always coming over and saying"Are you being good,Baby? Don't make me come in there!" And when we had a shower the cake said For Baby in half pink and half blue. There was no way not to finnd out with our second because of all the tests and my family threatened anarchy if we didn't find out on the third. My personal fav is when people ask you what you're having. I always respond with - "Yeah we found out. its human." They're always ready with an answer and it always throws them..... Brandy~ |
User: MrsSnuggly
Member since: 05-21-2006 Total posts: 104 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 07-22-2006, 03:10 PM (28 of 38)
Congratulations on both Ticia
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: esrun3
Date: 07-23-2006, 06:33 PM (29 of 38)
Congrats Ticia on your little girl and your new machine! You must be heaven along about now!
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: Magot
Date: 07-24-2006, 01:08 AM (30 of 38)
When a friend of mine thought she was having twins she called them Willie and Virginia ![]() Congratukations Ticia - on al your future joys. Brandy - your coment "it is a human" reminds me of that immortal line from the Addams Family values "it's an Addams!" love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: stephi
Date: 07-24-2006, 09:26 AM (31 of 38)
Thats funny because when I was preggers with my D the doctor said she was growing way too fast and that we would have to induce early. I made a joke that I was gonna birth a baby ellaphant and when people asked I replied with an elephant. It more funny because My D name is Ella. I am hoping this one isnt as big as her, but I was 11lbs 15 oz and my husband is 6'6" so I dont think I will get soo lucky. ![]() Stephi
"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it" "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten" |
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 361 ![]() |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-24-2006, 10:13 AM (32 of 38)
Yeah, there's an office at my husband's office that he's not allowed to go into, because the last several occupants have had an over 10 pound baby. I just don't want to do that, it sounds way too painful. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 07-24-2006, 10:36 AM (33 of 38)
My first 3 I didn't know. They were all girls. The next to the Technician ask if I wanted to know what it was but she couldn't see everythng but said think blue. She was right both times. Then with my last one the same Tech told me positivly I was having a boy. I had a girl! The doctor delivered her on the first day of his vacation (scheduled C section) & went in to let the tech know she was wrong. Her record was right 99.95% of the time. I am glad she was wrong this time. I know I would have loved a son but having a DD to sew for has been nice.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: stephi
Date: 07-25-2006, 11:41 AM (34 of 38)
I had my 12 week appt yesterday and the heart beat is strong and fast 186-188. So thats supposed to be a girl according to the tech. But my hubby is still holding out for the real ultrasound in two months that shows the "parts". He wants a boy sooo bad. But girls are so much more fun to sew for ![]() Stephi
"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it" "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten" |
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 361 ![]() |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-25-2006, 12:07 PM (35 of 38)
Yeah, we showed my Mom the ultrasound with "the parts," and she said, "you know I can't read these things." "Well," I said, "Then read the text." It's kind of funny to me telling if it's a girl or not is pretty much, there is a lack of guy parts. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 07-25-2006, 12:12 PM (36 of 38)
My nephew told me that they can tell a girl by the pelvic bones. They told him they show in girls but not in boys.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: pucktricks
Date: 07-26-2006, 04:52 PM (37 of 38)
Lyn, I got a very fun squishy package in the mail today, and am going to have lots of fun playing with it. Thank you very much. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: esrun3
Date: 08-06-2006, 03:03 PM (38 of 38)
Lyn, I got a very fun squishy package in the mail today, and am going to have lots of fun playing with it. Thank you very much. Ticia Glad it arrived Ticia! You're very welcome. Be sure to show us what you make with it! Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |

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