From: abcameo
Date: 07-20-2006, 07:26 PM (1 of 15)
Now that my back injury is improving, and I'm able to get around better, I finally joined The ASG. I've been to 4 different meetings, and I'm really enjoying it. Everyone has been so warm and welcoming, and the level of sewers in my community seems to be mainly intermediate to expert. I received a welcome packet from the national headquarters, and then it was followed up with a welcome packet from the main Sacramento chapter. In the last 2 months, I've also received 2 Sacto. newsletters which update me on what's going on in all the area chapters, etc. I've also received "Notions," the national publication which had some terrific info including product reviews, a wonderful article all about tassels, featured winners of a Bernina Invitational sewing contest, etc. I thought it was interesting that the guild had tallied up the results of a survey they'd taken and found the main reason for joing the guild was to learn sewing techniques or to join a sewing group. Instead, the majority of votes came in for "socializing." In our area, ASG is about as good as Alcoholics Anonymous meetings--even though each group meets only once or twice a month, there are so many meetings held in the general vicinity, you can always get a fix by showing up. ![]() I'm really glad I joined. I was wondering if others have taken advantage of this terrific resource and joined the fun? Amy |
User: abcameo
Member since: 11-02-2004 Total posts: 131 |
From: AndreaSews
Date: 07-20-2006, 09:11 PM (2 of 15)
Hi Amy. I'm in. Did they send you the Spring issue of Notions as well as Summer? I had an article in that one. I'll be missing the nat'l conference in August, even though it's in my backyard, b/c I'm traveling for a wedding across the country. Are you going? Where are you, geographically?
User: AndreaSews
Member since: 02-18-2005 Total posts: 1007 |
From: abcameo
Date: 07-20-2006, 09:57 PM (3 of 15)
I only received the Summer issue. I thought it was chock full and since I never expected anything like that, it was quite fun to be surprised that way. Beside the tassels article, I especially enjoyed seeing and reading about the Bernina contest. Wish the photos were in color. I'm in Roseville, CA (near Sacramento), although I'm originally from NYC and, even though I've been in CA 20 years now, I sound like I left Queens yesterday. I'm proud of it, though. I welcome diversity and have no desire to become homogenized and sound, look and act like everyone else. That's why I've always been into fashion as a way to express my uniqueness and sense of style. Everyone out here is so casual, and I still haven't converted over. We went to a family BBQ the other weekend, and I had fun poking a finger at myself in a summery floral dress telling them, "Everyone here is wearing jeans and at a BBQ except me--I'm at a garden party." ![]() I'm rather terrified of flying, so I have no plans to go to the national convention. Anyway, with my back problems, I'll be happy if I can make it 40 minutes away to Sacto and last a day if they hold events here. I think it's worth joining the guild for the fabric store and online discounts that automatically come with membership. That alone would make it worthwhile--but I am really enjoying meeting everyone, picking up tips and techniques and having a network of experts to advise me on how to handle my many sewing issues. Congratulations on getting your article published. ![]() Amy |
User: abcameo
Member since: 11-02-2004 Total posts: 131 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 07-21-2006, 02:35 AM (4 of 15)
Hi Amy, I belong to the ASG and love it. I am having to travel a bit far because I had to move because of that horrible Little girl named Katrina. I lived in St Bernard Parish in Louisiana. Actually I lived in Chalmette which went under water and was totally devastated by the storm. I'm hoping to start a neighborhood group of the New Orleans chapter as soon as I get a place to have meetings. It will be so much easier to have one close and then go in once every other month to New Orleans. I've spoke to people around my area and they are interested in joining if it's close to where I live. Andrea, I didn't know you had an article in Notions. I'll have to look it up. We are meeting this Saturday in New Orleans for our monthly meeting, it's suppose to be "Christmas in July". As you know the New Orleans group took a hard hit and lost a lot of members because they had to move out the area but we are coming back with new members and the enthusiasm of this group is even greater than the group we had before. Hugs Susie I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: MaryW
Date: 07-21-2006, 07:03 AM (5 of 15)
Sounds wonderful. Wish we had something like that here. Congratulations on the article Andrea. You can write for SWN anytime. ![]() MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: abcameo
Date: 07-21-2006, 11:35 AM (6 of 15)
MotherinLaw: It's terrific you're starting up a local chapter. There's nothing like arts and crafts to revive the spirit. Mary: Why not contact the ASG and ask about starting up the Canadian version? The Canadian American Sewing Guild. ![]() Amy |
User: abcameo
Member since: 11-02-2004 Total posts: 131 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 07-21-2006, 05:39 PM (7 of 15)
When I joined a few years ago, I was just as enthusiastic as anyone about my membership and I loved it.. But after a while the Pres moved across country and her replacement ran the meetings like a warden runs a prison , so I resigned.. I really miss a lot of the people, but no one would stand up to her, so I just decided to get out.. Several members later told me they would call me if she ever left..I know its a bad situation, but I just could not take her attitude..
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: abcameo
Date: 07-21-2006, 09:01 PM (8 of 15)
Wow, now I feel so lucky because everyone has been so nice at the meetings. They seem to be run very democratically. I'm sure there will be politics once I become a "regular," but I haven't seen bossiness, backstabbing or nasty gossiping yet. That's always been a factor in any organization I've ever joined or heard of. It's kind of unavoidable when many personalities gather and start to express themselves. I left my knitting guild years back for just that reason. Is that the only group in your area? Because there are several meetings going on around here, many of which have different focuses like a wearable art group, a day and evening group, and quilt, serger, holiday gift and couture groups. You might ask your local fabric/craft store if they'd be willing to sponsor the meetings at their location--and, hey, you could be the group leader so it's run by a most excellent person, one you know you can get along with. ![]() Do you think you might be interested in starting your own new group--or convincing the local JoAnn's or whatever to start one. They get the benefit of members shopping before and after the meetings, so the idea might intrigue them. Amy |
User: abcameo
Member since: 11-02-2004 Total posts: 131 |
From: AndreaSews
Date: 07-22-2006, 11:05 AM (9 of 15)
Hi Amy. You know, I'm a NY'er at heart as well. But my accent only comes out when I'm extremely tired--I miss it sometimes! I don't honestly believe (don't gasp--I'll hang for this!) that anyone's an expert. Everyone brings something to the table and has something left to learn. But to answer your question, I would say that I am technically intermediate and striving for advanced at my own pace, primarily within garment work. The article was about passing sewing down. That's my niche. When I hear that there are no good stores anymore, I want to ask people who is going to shop at the stores when they themselves stop one day. The great thing about the Neighborhood Groups is that if you clash somehow with the personality of one, then you can always visit another one or else start up your own. You've already discovered that! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! Andrea
User: AndreaSews
Member since: 02-18-2005 Total posts: 1007 |
From: abcameo
Date: 07-23-2006, 12:53 PM (10 of 15)
Hey, Andrea: I'm from Astoria, Queens. My Sig. Other loves to push my hot button and tell everyone I'm from Brooklyn and when I have a fit from that comment, he spikes it by adding, "Brooklyn, Queens, Jersey, they're all the same." ![]() Talking about passing sewing down, I first approached the ASG last year (not as a memeber) asking if there was someone who might be interested in mentoring me, but no one was interested. Finally, one woman said she'd meet with me and take a look, etc. She very graciously did and told me, "You've got natural talent, but you need to slow down (she meant it in every sense--both stitching and boiling over enthusaism prior to paying my dues, if you know what I mean). It's hard to stop a runaway train like me, especially if I'm willing to get into wrecks along the way if it accelerates where I'm aiming to go. I've since called to ask or her advice every so often, and it's been helpful, but I'd like to find a nearby sewing buddy, I guess. For an organization dedicated to furthering sewing, I was disappointed how pretty much no one was interested to even meet me--although the request went out to a few local chapters via e-mail. Here was a great chance, but missed opportunity, to pass sewing down to someone extremely enthusiastic and eager to learn. I was thinking, this would be good for a seamstress who needed production assistance and was willing to teach an apprentice the steps along the way. When I knit, I'm experienced enough that 100% is original design, and I know how to make it work. With sewing, I mostly design my own stuff and need help figuring out the steps in correct order and advice on techniques along the way because I'm drawn to difficult fabrics and then want to add complicated touches that I'm not prepared to deal with skillwise. Since I'm almost never following a written pattern, instead using my own computer-generated design with no written instructions, if I end up trying to do steps in what I think is logical order, my creations often get botched. I've been improving quite a bit lately, and now that I've joined the guild, I feel like I've got a whole battery of resources--just go to the appropriate expert, bring my pattern sheet or garment pieces in question and simply ask. I did that at the last 2 meetings and am now following their steps to fix 2 of the questionable segments of a 3-piece outfit. Well, at least one garment came out really well. ![]() I'm improving so much and gaining confidence with each completed design. Amy |
User: abcameo
Member since: 11-02-2004 Total posts: 131 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 07-23-2006, 04:53 PM (11 of 15)
Just read your article Andrea and it was a good one. Before the Hurricane I gave all my granddaughters a sewing machine for their 11th birthday. They all lost their machines poor little darlings and I will not be able to get them another one because I'm not close to them to help them take care of them like before. When they come to visit me I always do something with them and they are quit good at grasping what I'm teaching them. I like the neighborhood group idea because I'm so far from our chapter meetings that I can't make every meeting. If I start one here I can still go to the ones in New Orleans once in a while and still have my "sewing fix" once a month with all the ladies who share my addiction. LOL I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: AndreaSews
Date: 07-23-2006, 08:55 PM (12 of 15)
Amy--your S.O. has your number! haha! You're on the right track now, and you'll likely find that nearby sewing buddy. It's such a complex craft, with sooo many skills--I have found it helpful to select designs that are just one layer of complexity trickier than the one I worked on before. Add just one or two new skills with each project, and then get cozy with the skills, rather than fight against them. I don't know about you, but if I have struggled n a garment, then I find myself not very enthusiastic about wearing it later on when it's hanging in my closet! I get miffed or something and annoyed with it, like it wasn't really worth all that trouble I went through!! When I've had a good productive run, I find if I close my eyes I can imagine a construction process and really enjoy it, and look forward to the next challenge each time. Suzie--Thanks ![]() Andrea
User: AndreaSews
Member since: 02-18-2005 Total posts: 1007 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 07-23-2006, 09:33 PM (13 of 15)
I forgot to tell you your Little girl is adorable. Very cute
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 07-24-2006, 05:54 PM (14 of 15)
I think the ASG lack of quality here is why I love the Shepherds Ctr Classes so much.. And the Comm. college here is starting a whole new concept of classes to satisfy the Boomers who are getting into retirement age.. All kinds of classes, some even are all online.. I see a sewing class and a beginner writing class I'm interested in right now that start in the fall..Prices are not bad, either..
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: MartySews
Date: 07-26-2006, 11:05 AM (15 of 15)
When I first became aware of ASG in 2000, there was not a chapter within 300 miles of where I live so I helped start the first chapter in our state. There are now 4 chapters. I love being a part of the organization and have learned so much. My sewing skills have improved to the point that I no longer sew "with a red hot needle and burning thread". I take my time now and try to achieve quality instead of quantity. Last year we were able to bring Sandra Betzina for a day long program. She graciously autographed my books and I have a photo of us together. That means a lot to me. It only takes 2 or 3 people to start a neighborhood group. Two years ago, I started a neighborhood group that is close to my home but members come from 35 miles or further to participate. We have a great time together and focus on sewing garments. It's because of my participation in ASG that my husband bought me a serger and an embroidery machine. I love working on community service projects both locally and the national project. Can you tell I love being an ASG member!!! ![]() Happy Stitching! Marty ![]() (Former president of the Memphis ASG chapter) Membership/Hospitality Chairperson It takes one moment to change a life.
User: MartySews
Member since: 02-23-2003 Total posts: 504 ![]() |

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