From: lendube
Date: 08-20-2006, 04:38 PM (1 of 81)
I've really enjoyed the thread on sewing phobias, Mary. I'm amazed that there are so many. Makes me a little nervous and then a little proud at the same time! Along that same line -- What really ticks you off or just irritates the heck out of you when sewing??? ![]() ![]() ![]() I'll start with just one: I hate using multi-sized patterns when I need more than one size! I understand that they're a good idea in many respects but I just end up saving the little slices of other sizes and tape them back on when I need them.......... ![]() Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: paroper
Date: 08-20-2006, 04:45 PM (2 of 81)
I've been married for more than 30 years. Until I finally got a sewing room a couple of years ago my big pet peeve was that my husband would pile all matter of junk on my sewing machine, in my chair, move my sewing, do all matter of things to "clean up" which meant that I had to clean house all over again when I sewed. I don't like people to even empty the trash in my sewing area. I like to be left alone and I clean between projects, which, if I'm not cleaning up all the time move very fast.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 08-20-2006, 05:33 PM (3 of 81)
I have a couple. The first is when I actually check a pattern for yardage & I either have way too much or I can't fit the pattern on. (this usually isn't a problem because I buy fabric I like & figure out what to do with it later. The second would have to be sizing. Why can't they make patterns the same size as RTW. I can go into a store & buy the same size clothes but to buy a pattern I have to go 1 or 2 sizes up.& when you are as big as me that doesn't feel good. Third would have to be everytime I get ready to sew someone needs something mended or ironed. (I have got DS 20 doing his own ironing now). I know I will think of more but those are the big ones for me.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: paroper
Date: 08-20-2006, 08:33 PM (4 of 81)
They did the sizing match once (if not more times) in the mid-sixties...over time, the RTW changed its sizing and the pattern companies did not..RTW just keeps getting bigger to match our bodies and our vanity. People complain because the patterns are so small compared to RTW but the patterns before about 1966 or 1967 are much smaller, proportioned differently (for bodies with less fullness in the hips and bust and the waistlines are TINY)...also, the patterns did not go as high in size..size 16 and 18 were rare to find and you only had 1 pattern size per envelope. I just wish the pattern companies would resize and call it what it IS instead of adding tons of ease to a pattern so you can't tell what size to buy to get the fit you expect.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 08-20-2006, 08:43 PM (5 of 81)
Having just spent an hour trying to push some vinegar through my iron to clean it and it's not right yet, I think that is my peeve for the day. Maybe if it soaks overnight I'll get it working tomorrow. What a pain. Packing the sewing room up for a move will probably be my peeve tomorrow. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: esrun3
Date: 08-20-2006, 09:10 PM (6 of 81)
My pet peeve-at least for today-is that I'm ready to sew something, it's all cut out, etc and then I find I don't have matching thread-I thought I did but, nope, I don't so then I have to go get matching thread and by then I don't feel like sewing anymore! Quilt on my table will sit for another day.
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: woodywoodpecker
Date: 08-20-2006, 11:51 PM (7 of 81)
My pet peeve is interruptions. When I'm in the sewing mood I really don't lilke to be bothered, but it seems like I just get started and the phone will ring, someone at the door, the cat wants out,or in, somebody comes home for a meal ect, ect. Drives me crazy! It's so much simpler to sew at night when the whole world is in bed. |
User: woodywoodpecker
Member since: 11-07-2003 Total posts: 242 |
From: JennyAlice
Date: 08-21-2006, 03:17 PM (8 of 81)
My pet peeve is cleaning up. I still live at home with my parents and siblings (i'm 24) and the only place i can sew is the kitchen table. So if i'm sewing, i have to clear it up if someone wants to make dinner, or if we have visitors or if i'm in the way at all. ![]() I would love to have a room just for sewing, so that i can leave whatever project i'm doing, as it is and go back to it the next day. It's so frustrating having to set everything up and put it away again when all you want to do is half an hours work. Anyhow that's my little rant over. ![]() There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate." -Charles Dickens
User: JennyAlice
Member since: 08-12-2006 Total posts: 29 ![]() |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 08-21-2006, 03:23 PM (9 of 81)
Jenny when I lived at home I cut at the dining table & then set up my sewing in a corner of my bedroom. That way I could cut a few projects at one time & then sew whenever I wanted to.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: JennyAlice
Date: 08-21-2006, 03:47 PM (10 of 81)
I had thought of doing that but it's too small a room unfortunately. I'll just wait until i get a place of my own, then i can turn what ever second bedroom/office/garage it has into my own personal domain! ![]() There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate." -Charles Dickens
User: JennyAlice
Member since: 08-12-2006 Total posts: 29 ![]() |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 08-21-2006, 03:55 PM (11 of 81)
My pet peeve is not finding what I want and having to search for it....I have just painted my sewing room and bought new shelves, etc. Since my niece was coming to visit, I didn't get time to really organize as I put things back. Just put them where I could find a place for them to fit. While she was here I was teaching her how to make a quilt and was constantly searching for practically every gadget that I wanted. Guess my next project will be to re-organize or I will be peeved again and again until I get to know where things are. ![]() TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
Member since: 01-25-2005 Total posts: 1366 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 08-21-2006, 05:41 PM (12 of 81)
My pet peeve is the whole cleaning process, and how it seems like every time you finally get everything all out and are seriously making progress on projects, that's of course when you have to clean it all up, because you've got visitors coming who need the room. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: Bama
Date: 08-21-2006, 05:54 PM (13 of 81)
My sewing pet peeve for today is when friends or family hand me over something to hem or mend and expect me to do it NOW. It happened today. A friend of mine tossed a bag at me today while we were waiting for our kids at school and said "I need these hemmed". It would have been nice if she asked nicely first and asked me if and when I had time. I told her I was pretty busy and didn't think I could get to it any time soon. She said she needs it by friday and pushed it back at me and walked away. ![]() About pattern sizes..... I have some vinatge patterns framed right above my computer and I'm reading "size 12 bust 32". That doesn't sound like the same size 12 we see nowadays. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: lizzybugsmommy
Date: 08-21-2006, 06:25 PM (14 of 81)
Bama I know what you are talking about. I have a sister and a cousin whom expect me to make their kids clothes for them every week. Over the weekend I cut out12 outfits for the two of them. Then I had to my own agenda. I needed a new pair of dress pants, still working on Elizabeths butter bean pageant dress, and another cousins two kids birthday outfits and her 2 week olds welcome outfit. I didnt mind making the last three it is what I wanted to get them for their birthdays. I have a three year old and I keep a 3 yr old and 2year old during the day.Everyone still wants everything done right then. I would pull my hair out but it would take up too much time. Catherine Catherine lb_pml&cb=PW Husbands gone fishing..... I've gone fabric shopping |
User: lizzybugsmommy
Member since: 05-20-2006 Total posts: 207 |
From: lendube
Date: 08-21-2006, 06:56 PM (15 of 81)
Boy oh boy Bama, I hope you get to those pants when YOU want to get to them if at all. The nerve of some people. I had a similar incident and I'm not the type to get in someone's face so I just replaced her jean's zipper and swore I'd never take another thing from her again. ![]() And poor, exhausted Catherine. I'm wiped out just listening to all of the projects you have ahead of yourself not to mention taking care of those little kids.............. I have an Elizabeth too only she's 25. It's a beautiful name and I've never regretted naming her that even though it was my ex's (yikes! ![]() Good Luck to both of you and thanks for keeping the thread going. This has been fun. ![]() Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 08-21-2006, 10:26 PM (16 of 81)
Definetely have to agree on the mending/hemming/or altering. I had a friend who wanted me to do some altering one time, but she was very polite about asking and did take no for an answer. However, she did still have this look on her face of, what do you mean this is a problem, it shouldn't take that much time..... Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 08-21-2006, 10:33 PM (17 of 81)
I really hate being interupted while sewing/embroidering. It never fails. The phone doesn't ring for days/weeks on end (we have an unlisted/unpublished number), then when I'm right in the middle of something. The darn phone rings and 99% of the time it's a wrong number. Today someone called and called me Stu...I don't think I sound like a Stu, but ya never know....I usually get mad and tell them they have the wrong number and hang up the phone. (no slamming on the new phones, they're like cell phones, ya have to turn them off, not hang up). Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: paroper
Date: 08-22-2006, 01:04 AM (18 of 81)
NO kidding! We are in the middle of elections here and all day long we are getting bombarded with surveys, pollsters and political commercials. I almost broke my leg getting to the phone the other day...spilled some stuff....and it was a recorded commercial!
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: Magot
Date: 08-22-2006, 05:25 AM (19 of 81)
not enuff muny to buy stuff wiv ![]() love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Sparky
Date: 08-22-2006, 10:37 AM (20 of 81)
My sewing pet peeve for today is when friends or family hand me over something to hem or mend and expect me to do it NOW. It happened today. A friend of mine tossed a bag at me today while we were waiting for our kids at school and said "I need these hemmed". It would have been nice if she asked nicely first and asked me if and when I had time. I told her I was pretty busy and didn't think I could get to it any time soon. She said she needs it by friday and pushed it back at me and walked away. ![]() Holy cow, Bama! With friends like these who needs enemies? Do you have "doormat" stamped on your forehead or something? I probably shouldn't have said that. I don't know you or her or the situation. But if you're wondering if you overreacted, no, you didn't. Sparky
User: Sparky
Member since: 03-13-2005 Total posts: 94 |
From: Patty22
Date: 08-22-2006, 11:26 AM (21 of 81)
Bama, Sweet Jesus.......I would have thrown the *%$# pants at the woman. No, you can't blame PMS for rude people. I think your actions were quite tame! Evidently you must have a reputation for being an excellent seamstress and befriending many non-sewers. Bwhahahahahahahaha......if you did the pants attach a bill to them and charge her twice the amount you would normally charge because of the time crunch. Bwhahahahahahahaha ![]() Patty
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: kylefty
Date: 08-22-2006, 11:41 AM (22 of 81)
My biggest pet peeve is that everytime I get a room or place set up for sewing, one of my kids (and their kids) moves back in. I usually box it all up or shove it in a corner but this time I took the dining room. Everyone eats in shifts in front of the tv anyway. Sometimes I do feel like I have "doormat" stamped on my forehead. There are 11 people living in this small house and this mama is not going to be chief cook and bottle washer this time. MAMA IS GONNA SEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
User: kylefty
Member since: 01-02-2003 Total posts: 33 |
From: lendube
Date: 08-22-2006, 12:20 PM (23 of 81)
I find it so true. People that don't sew don't have a clue. ![]() Growing up I just assumed every woman - (sorry to be sexist but that's just the fact) knew the basics of sewing at least and I think it was true. My daughter's been around me sewing all her life (she's 25) and has no interest or desire to learn and I'm hard pressed to come up with a female that I know who's under 40 and knows much about it. The dang blasted schools are to blame (well, it goes further than that of course) for discontinuing the Home Ec. programs. I've tried to find sewing courses that are more than just the basics (and not quilting) that aren't attached to a certificate program that's aimed at the Fashion Design student. I'll get off my soapbox now. (I guess it is a pet peeve thread, after all. ![]() The up side is that now we, ladies and gentlemen of the board, are a special and a dying breed. Yay for us! Lennie ![]() |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 08-22-2006, 12:57 PM (24 of 81)
Bama, I would politely hand the bag back to the lady and state that she should take them to the nearest dry cleaning establishment that does mending/altering. I personally would absolutely refuse to do anything for anyone who had the nerve to treat me in that manner. ![]() Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: paroper
Date: 08-22-2006, 01:39 PM (25 of 81)
If the relationship is worth saving I would look her straight in the eye and tell her as plainly as I knew how that I just don't have enough time to do that right now, I'm sorry, that sometimes I am far to busy to take time out of my life to do that. If you had ASKED me a week or two ago, I might have been able to find time but that this week is far too busy and right now I don't know that I'll be sewing for anyone at all until I get a little caught up on my own life and family.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: Bama
Date: 08-22-2006, 07:37 PM (26 of 81)
I know this friend is low on cash and I've never charged her for hemming or altering before, but I've had enough. The last time I sewed for her I told her to just pay me for the thread I had to purchase because I didn't have the right color and had to run out and get it. I never saw that big amount of $2.50. I've never liked to do hemming or altering. I much prefer creating something. I just do it when I have to for myself or to help out friends and family. I don't want them to pay me. Just don't be rude to me or act like I'm obligated to do it. She's really the only one that has. The rest ask politely and tell me to do it when I get time. The pants are still in my car and will stay there until Friday when she asks for them. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 08-22-2006, 08:29 PM (27 of 81)
I don't even care if they ask politely...if I say NO it means NO. It's not a question of being nice. It's a question of time and effort. No I don't have the time and I'm not making the effort.... Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 08-22-2006, 09:05 PM (28 of 81)
Good for you Bama. Friends are one thing and I definitely understand helping out a friend here and there, especially if you know they're short of funds, but the way the woman approached you by shoving the bag in your face and demanding the mending/altering be done by a date specific for free. I don't think so. I do have an older friend that I occasionally alter/mend for but she is the only one. Several of the young women at my church have approached me about altering rtw when they have gained or lost a lot of weight and I try to be very polite in declining to do so and recommend that they locate a professional tailor, etc. to see what it would cost to have those kinds of alterations done. I very seldom alter anything for myself except for hems. Patsy Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: MartySews
Date: 08-22-2006, 10:05 PM (29 of 81)
Guess my sewing pet peeve seems petty in comparison. I hate it when I have an outfit cut out, ready to sew, and I have to put it away because of time, commitments, space, etc. When I go to work on it again, I cannot find all of the pieces or the pattern or instructions or something of that sort. The worst thing is that I bag it all together at the time I finish cutting it out. However, DD will go searching for something and open the bag and not seal it again or DH will think it's trash and I have to catch him before he heads out of the door to the bin. Sometimes my dogs will think it's a toy. Life was so much simpler before DD was born and I had a sewing room. Happy Stitching! Marty PS: Bama, helping someone out who is down on their luck is not the same as being their own personal servant. I would give the bag back to her and tell her that I was sorry that she left so quickly the other day that she forgot to take her bag with her. With her attitude, I would not help her out again as she doesn't appreciate it. You deserve a lot better. It takes one moment to change a life.
User: MartySews
Member since: 02-23-2003 Total posts: 504 ![]() |
From: keljo60
Date: 08-22-2006, 11:12 PM (30 of 81)
A friend of mine tossed a bag at me today while we were waiting for our kids at school and said "I need these hemmed". It would have been nice if she asked nicely first and asked me if and when I had time. I told her I was pretty busy and didn't think I could get to it any time soon. She said she needs it by friday and pushed it back at me and walked away. Fortunately the only ones that I have had "ask" me to do mending/altering for have been nice and if I asked for compensation they didn't question it ... that is except my older dd. She has a habit of handing me things to be mended and doesn't ask... but... she doesn't do it often, so I don't get to upset with her. The younger dd usually does her own mending unless it is beyond her budding capabilities. I really get peeved when people expect me to do things for them, whatever it is, and don't know how to "ask". Kelly
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup! |
User: keljo60
Member since: 07-30-2006 Total posts: 154 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 08-22-2006, 11:44 PM (31 of 81) you need a care package ??? (back in the 70's here in the states they were a big thing. Now with Iraq/Iran/Afghanastan, etc., they're more popular than ever...) Anyone else wanna join in the Jan care package ??? Tell us what you'd like (fabric, thread, needles anything but our machines...and I bet we can get it to you....). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We have some beautiful yarns on sale all the can make your elbow REALLY hurt... ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: Patty22
Date: 08-23-2006, 11:27 AM (32 of 81)
Kath....I'll contribute quilting things for the Jan care I'm in!
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: Bekka
Date: 08-30-2006, 02:52 PM (33 of 81)
Just like Kylefty, everytime I set my sewing room up a kid would move back in. The last time it happened DH and ds#3 had to move 4 INDUSTRIAL machines. Ds#3 had to help because HE was the one moving back in. This past tuesday DH and ds#3 moved back 2 of those machines and I told DH..." When they ask to come home....YOU think about all the work of moving these machines and then you get to help them determine if it is an absolute emergency or if there is an alternative." With the exception of ds#4 moving back and dd#4 moving in (these include step) it's NOT happening again. I want my room! Dd#3 is going to move to Las Vegas with her bf ( now ask me if I approve), so I now have a room for move-ins without giving up MY room. I told him that the only way I was going to be without a sewing room again was if I gave birth. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bekka
User: Bekka
Member since: 07-28-2006 Total posts: 79 |
From: keljo60
Date: 08-30-2006, 09:54 PM (34 of 81)
I don't have anywhere near the equipment you do and most of my supplies are in totes, but I definitely know where you're coming from! You did right getting them to do the work, next time they'll definitely think twice! ![]() Kelly
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup! |
User: keljo60
Member since: 07-30-2006 Total posts: 154 |
From: BCSpaMom
Date: 08-31-2006, 07:51 AM (35 of 81)
OH I love the topic of this thread!! I guess my biggest pet peeve is that now that I live 'in the country', in a tiny town, getting fabrics, notions, etc. that I want/like is almost impossible. Since gas prices are ridiculously high, to travel the hour I need to get to a city is a treat, so I do my shopping online. Which is okay, but when I get in the mood to sew something, I want to get everything I need and dive in - not wait a week! My other peeve is that until my little sewing room is finished (waiting on husband to wire it), I have to use the kitchen table - where we all gather around and eat, so there's constant moving of my projects. I dare anyone in the house to touch it, though and will move things myself. Liz Simmons
User: BCSpaMom
Member since: 06-22-2006 Total posts: 26 |
From: Magot
Date: 08-31-2006, 08:06 AM (36 of 81)
You lot are daft!
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 08-31-2006, 08:13 AM (37 of 81)
I have two peeves this week. First, my sewing room is still in boxes and I can't sew. Second, I'll have to find a Joann store for notions and such. Fabric I can mail order or get online. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 08-31-2006, 02:57 PM (38 of 81)
Hooray!!!! DH is finally working on the closet in my sewing room. We did decide, however, to do the room a section at a time -- first the closet so we can get all of the fabric, etc., that is scattered throughout the house and garage back into it, the we'll switch out cabinetry and finally, my 2 new sewing cabinets that will hold at least 2 machines each. DH modified them to put appliance lifts in the side where there are shelves to allow for a machine to be stored and lifted out for use when needed without switching my embroidery machine or my Pfaff, which stay out and set up at all times. The other machine (Singer Quantum and my Serger) will also be set up for use at any time except they will be put back inside the cabinets when not in use. However, I think it's going to take him forever to do the closet. Oh well, at least he's working on it. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: lizzybugsmommy
Date: 08-31-2006, 05:43 PM (39 of 81)
Patsy you must have a great husband to do somthing like that for you. Can you send me a pic of how that works? It just might get mine up off the couch too make me onw too. LOl I really cant complain he does work all the time and I get to stay home and take care of lizzy and sew sew sew. But I really would like to see that sewing machine table.
Catherine lb_pml&cb=PW Husbands gone fishing..... I've gone fabric shopping |
User: lizzybugsmommy
Member since: 05-20-2006 Total posts: 207 |
From: lendube
Date: 08-31-2006, 07:37 PM (40 of 81)
![]() ![]() This is MY thread, gosh darnit! ![]() ![]() (I notice it's still checked correctly down below.) Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: paroper
Date: 08-31-2006, 08:37 PM (41 of 81)
Lizzy, I was wondering if you wanted a picture of a husband working or a picture of her sewing room?
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 08-31-2006, 08:46 PM (42 of 81)
Lizzy, he didn't build the sewing cabinets, we ordered them and he is only modifying the right side where there's a door with two shelves. He took the shelves out and is installing an appliance lift on the inside with a shelf mounted on it for a machine to sit on. Tonigh, he's a couch potato watching college football. Like you said, my dh works hard and I don't fuss when he takes down time to watch football. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: jenny-o
Date: 09-04-2006, 01:31 PM (43 of 81)
I've been away on holiday for the last couple weeks so I know I'm a little late in this thread but I just had to say my only pet peeve.... is my husband!!! he gives me so much grief over buying fabric it drives me crazy and if he really knew how much I've spent on it it would be worse. I've tried to explain "the sickness" of owning fabric and that it is something I will never be cured from but he thinks that he has some control over it, silly man. Whilst I may feel guilt when the receipt is exceptionally high, it is only temporary until I gaze upon the pretty colours folded neatly in my sewing cupboard and all the possibilites in them. Jen |
User: jenny-o
Member since: 08-28-2005 Total posts: 132 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 09-04-2006, 06:50 PM (44 of 81)
Jen my dh has finally given up questioning or nagging me about how much fabric I have. He's resigned himself to the fact that I'm very addicted and I think he figures at least I'm not out in the shopping malls using department store credit cards for clothes I'll end up never wearing. Anyway tell your dh that your fabric buying addiction is cheaper than a shrink, a bar tab, gambling tab or department store credit cards. In fact, my dh has spent his entire weekend working on my sewing room. He finished my closest and it's all orgainzed and restocked with my garment sewing fabrics, etc. He added additional shelving out in my room for my quilt fabrics and its all put together but not completely organized yet. My small cabinet where I had my quilt fabrics now contains all of my serger and sewing machine threads although I did have to use one shelf for all of my christmas fabrics and for the rest of the evening, he will be putting together additional shelving and taking down my old sewing table and hopefully, putting in one of my two new sewing cabinets. Although, we still have to figure out how my computer is going to fit into the new redesign as it has to be beside my embroidery machine as my Futura will not work on the embroidery side without my computer. It feels like I've got a ton more room but I think it's because it's all finally organized and I know where everything is. DH also has a peg board ready to install so I can hang all of my seiwng notions, scissors, rotary cutters, rulers, etc. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: Magot
Date: 09-04-2006, 10:50 PM (45 of 81)
Lennie - we all have dificulty with this - it is one of those quirks of the site - It has completely forgotten me and never sends me emails anymore - The way I work out what is going on is to check the new posts fastlink at the top of the message boards home page.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: lendube
Date: 09-05-2006, 10:25 PM (46 of 81)
Thank you, thank you, Jan. (I was beginning to feel invisible. :sad![]() Oh, your Scooby Doo comment cracked me up. My kids always liked that show. Remember "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"? Sean Penn's role? Same thing..... ![]() |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: weezyrider
Date: 09-06-2006, 01:19 PM (47 of 81)
I guess mine is still fashion. Try to find decent sweatshirt fabric and matching ribbing in a local store! Everyone wants fleece. Same goes for good T-shirt knit. Couldn't find sheeting, either. In fact, clerk asked what it was! The stores are in business, but there's a point. Weezy ![]() |
User: weezyrider
Member since: 08-19-2003 Total posts: 218 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 09-06-2006, 02:28 PM (48 of 81)
I was looking for T shirt fabric the other day also. I couldn't find any. Every once in a while I find some at Walmart on the $1 table. Now go into a store & ask for tricot. I got laughed out of JoAnns with that one.(& haven't been back). Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: Magot
Date: 09-06-2006, 06:09 PM (49 of 81)
Sorry Lenny, you lost me with that one. (Fast times..) Mosty I remember from Scoobidoo is that it was always Old Man Crotchet, the School Caretaker , with the rubber mask reveal at the end - or the caretaker form the amusement park ride - or the Janitor from the fire station who dressed up as the Zombie/ghost/little girl. love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-06-2006, 06:24 PM (50 of 81)
That reminds me of another pet peeve. What about the fabric stores who hire people who haven't a CLUE about sewing. I realize that they need help and sometimes have to take what they can get, but couldn't they put them on the register until they have a little training? Another is the "fabric stores that are becoming more craft or home furnishing stores than fabric stores...when I go to a fabric store, I don't want to shop in the far back corner for fabric while there is gardening equipment all over. Now, if the store is primarily a craft store (like Hobby Lobby) and handle those things I'm much more tollerant....but call it what it is! pam
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 09-06-2006, 06:57 PM (51 of 81)
Pam I completly agree with you!!!! It makes me so mad when I go to JoAnns & can't find any knit fabric. I love making T shirts. They are so easy & that is what I live in most of the time. If you want cottons for quilting they have lotsbut, I am not a quilter & I have found the same fabrics at Wal Mart for 1/2 the price. I used to work @ JoAnns & So Fro Fabrics Back about 23-28 yrs ago. Back then we would get a few novelty crafts at Christmas. But they would have a small corner deligated for them. The last Jo Anns ad I got was 12 pages long & 1 page had fabric & notions. OK I am done ranting for now but I sure am glad I built up a stash over the yrs. because soon we won't find any fabric in the stores. Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: keljo60
Date: 09-06-2006, 08:38 PM (52 of 81)
Pam & Barb, that is so right! The only "fabric" store we have around here is Walmart and they are condensing their fabric department! The fabric lady is really p.o.'d about it too. The closest place that I know of to get fabric is Joann's in Gainesville and that's about an hour away and just like the others, they have crap for a knit selection. I'm also one who makes t-shirts, but the choice is scarce! I have a small stash, but I'm going through it slowly but surely! I may have to be one of those who orders online to get fabric, but I do perfer to see what I'm getting before I get it.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup! |
User: keljo60
Member since: 07-30-2006 Total posts: 154 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-06-2006, 10:45 PM (53 of 81)
At this rate we may all be spinning and carding wool in a few years!
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 09-07-2006, 12:09 AM (54 of 81)
Jen - I can totally sympathize with you. My DH finally figured out where all the money was going - into my fabric, notions, patterns, etc etc. He put me on a really tight budget, but at least I am getting my stash used up! And my sweet adorable daughter in law to be is going through her stash and passing on the wealth to me!!! They're planning on a year trip to Europe, trying to get working visas now, and so she's unloading stuff - Wahoo!!
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 09-07-2006, 12:15 AM (55 of 81)
And I'm with the rest of you about the fabric stores. Our Fabricland is going into more home decorator fabric. There are lots of cute little quilt stores out here, but try to find some nice knit fabric, there's nothing anywhere. And I'd love to get some Asian type fabric, but you think I can find anything? Though I do recall on our last trip to Seattle, on the long weekend, seeing a fabric store at the Burlington Outlets I do believe!! I just have to get rid of hubby for a weekend and go shopping. (Honestly, I am really addicted to this fabric thing! It's almost scary. I even just go into the store and wander, just to feel the fabric - is there an FA (Fabric's Anonymous) somewhere - or am I already here (at SWN?????)
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 09-07-2006, 08:26 AM (56 of 81)
Patty tells me there isn't even one fabric store in this whole city!!! I'm going to have to find some nearby JoAnn stores because I can't count on the one in Auburn -- it's not really even a fabric store. They have lots of fleece and that is about it. I am trying to save money for the next trip to New York city. I usually drop $100 to $200 on fabrics there. And there is always mail order. But I do miss that Hancocks. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: MaryW
Date: 09-07-2006, 08:33 AM (57 of 81)
I went into our local Fabricville on the weekend for interfacing. It was 50% off with a membership. They have lovely cottons for quilting, nice suit fabrics, a big selection of silks, all types, beaded etc. but their knits are the not great. I did buy some just for tops around the house. I didn't want to sink a bundle into wash and wear stuff but I wish they had a better quality knit dept. When I took my interfacing up to the cutting table, the clerk asks the manager "Is this interfacing?" I rolled my eyes at the manager. She is a friend of mine, they don't pay anything but minimum wage so you can't depend on them knowing how to sew or giving any type of advice. MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-07-2006, 12:31 PM (58 of 81)
Dorthy! You didn't tell us that you were leaving civilization! Will we need to arrange air lifts to you each week?
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 09-07-2006, 12:39 PM (59 of 81)
Pam, That might help! Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: kmccrea
Date: 09-07-2006, 01:41 PM (60 of 81) has many knits in various fibers at very reasonable prices. I love and for basics (like knits, broadcloth and some fleece) it's wonderful. Don't expect to find anything truly special there, but you can get lots of high quality ordinary stuff. They don't sell seconds and I've never had to send anything back. If you feel like being nice to me either click on the link on my website or mention kmccrea sent you in the referral line. I'll get a gift certificate! Most of my knits and other basics come from there since as you ladies mentioned JoAnns and other fabric stores often fall short and I live in Phoenix! I do have the fortune of having a couture fabric store in my vicinity and I go there a lot for the really special stuff like the silk duippionni. Kate Katherine McCrea
Designer At Large |
User: kmccrea
Member since: 05-07-2006 Total posts: 173 |
From: lendube
Date: 09-07-2006, 02:39 PM (61 of 81)
Sorry Jan, In case you want to check it out. It's a critically highly thought of cult classic about teenagers at a high school in a beach community in southern California. It was Sean Penn's breakthrough role. He played a stereotypical stoner/surfer who had the lingo down. The movie's based on lives of students at the high school from which my dh graduated coincidentally. Lennie ![]() |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 09-07-2006, 02:52 PM (62 of 81)
I agree with the "sewing knowledge challenged" working in fabric stores (areas)! The ladies who work at my local Hancock Fabric store know that newbie clerks do not cut fabric for me any more. When they see me at the cutting table, one of the older clerks will come and cut for me. However, with the new manager in my local HF store, they have more experienced, older women working there now who know the difference between fleece and batting and satin and nylon and can, for the most part, cut fabric in a fairly decent straight line. I very, very seldom buy fabric at Wal-Mart anymore unless I'm purusing their $1-$2 bargain bins and spot something I can't live without. But, for the most part, the ladies that work in the fabric department at my local Wal-Mart are somewhat experienced sewers also. But man, they really condensed the fabric department at the new Wal-Mart in Del City Pam and it's in the middle of the store. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: lendube
Date: 09-07-2006, 04:37 PM (63 of 81)
Wow! That's a nationwide happening with WalMart. Every one of them in our area is changing. We don't however have any of the "super" WalMarts (with grocery stores, etc.) WalMart only came to us about 15 years ago. Coincidentally I was at a Hancock Fabrics yesterday while visiting my Mom 2 1/2 hours away. Out of 3 employees we dealt with 2 were absolutely nasty unhappy people. We were really taken aback. Their fabric selection is outstanding however. The closest one to me is 1 1/2 hours away regrettably. ![]() |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-07-2006, 05:43 PM (64 of 81)
I haven't been to the one in Shawnee lately. I usually shop there because of the parking and traffic. I haven't even set foot in the new ones in Del City or Midwest City or even visited the one at Bel Isle or on south side lately when I usually go when I am doing "big shopping" ...have to check it out. Sounds like it is a national trend.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 09-07-2006, 09:20 PM (65 of 81)
Pam forget the one on the southside, it's the strangest of strange Wal-Mart stores in the city. The one at Bell Isle is okay if you go during the day but not a good idea to go over there at night. A couple of people I work with have had their cars broken into over there in the evening. I haven't tried the new Wal-Mart here in MWC at Douglas and 23rd. I really don't think I would go in that area at night, especially by myself. The one is Del City has been good so far and doesn't seem to have the strange crowd that some of the other Wal-Marts in OKC seem to have. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: esrun3
Date: 09-07-2006, 11:50 PM (66 of 81)
Here's my pet peeve for the day. I'm sewing up a little bag to carry diaper wipes and a couple of diapers in-just something quick to grab and run out of the house quick. Do I have velcro to close it with and finish the darn bag? NO, of course not!! I really think I do somewhere but darned if I can find it in my sewing room and all I wanted to do tonight was run something quick up on the machine so I felt like I accomplished something today! GGGGRRRRRRRR![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-08-2006, 04:23 AM (67 of 81)
Patsy, be careful of the DC one too. A close friend from the college went over at lunch and almost had her purse stolen.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: pucktricks
Date: 09-08-2006, 09:27 AM (68 of 81)
I agree with you on that one Lyn! It's always that one little thing that you don't have. Ticia |
User: pucktricks
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 570 |
From: Bekka
Date: 09-10-2006, 03:38 PM (69 of 81)
I have done that sooo many times that now I make sure I have the stuff for atleast 2 projects before I start and have a good jump on if I have the stuff for the next couple of ideas for the next group. Bekka Bekka
User: Bekka
Member since: 07-28-2006 Total posts: 79 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 09-11-2006, 07:10 AM (70 of 81)
Bekka -- I'm the same way as far as planning ahead goes. I have to limit how many projects I plan ahead or I get to far behind or get bored with an idea before I start the project. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: paroper
Date: 09-11-2006, 10:05 AM (71 of 81)
When Hancocks has a 1/2 price notions sale I usually find it a great time to stock up on zippers, hooks, eyes, bias tape, piping, velcro, etc. You never know when you will need it! I keep all my zippers color coded and grouped so that I know when I am getting low on "colors".
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 09-11-2006, 10:42 AM (72 of 81)
In fact Pam they just had a 50% off notions on Labor day. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: winn
Date: 09-15-2006, 06:46 PM (73 of 81)
Someone needs to practice how to say NO and look that in the eye when you say it. |
User: winn
Member since: 09-14-2006 Total posts: 5 |
From: sewingrandma
Date: 09-16-2006, 01:21 PM (74 of 81)
Lyn, I have velcro! I thougt I'd be smart and get the spots and squares to sew on instead of having to cut it myself. Would you believe it comes on a sticky sheet and goo sticks to the back of the velcro and gums up the needle when you sew it! I was so glad I still had some regular sew in that I could cut myself, no sticky goo.
User: sewingrandma
Member since: 03-06-2003 Total posts: 432 |
From: Cathie.Tombs
Date: 09-16-2006, 02:12 PM (75 of 81)
Great topic! I didn't read all, because Hubby is taking me out for birthday (to a quilt show). I love Bama's idea of framing the vintage patterns, some envelopes are so pretty, both the styles, and the drawings/photos. My peeves are my semi-organized sewing room (a work in process). I am VERY blessed to have a sunny, pretty sewing room, but, like another member, have not got it in actual working order, since I moved here. But, it is coming along! The other peeve, like a lot of you, is SIZING. I am about 5' 7", and very curvey. Patterns are usually made for beanpoles, with teeny breasts, up by their ears. I am going to try Lutterloh next. And also Burda Plus (mag and/or in envelope). Also bought some vintage French patterns, called Passion. Europeans believe in shape. Also, I will try some of the independent companies, like Pavelka, Sewgrand, and Petites Plus. Happy sewing!!! My passion. I even dream about it!!!!! |
User: Cathie.Tombs
Member since: 08-27-2006 Total posts: 44 |
From: mommydionne
Date: 09-16-2006, 03:52 PM (76 of 81)
Cathie you might like silhouette patterns, they are made for a curvier figure (as a beanpole they don't fit me at all![]() You might want to stay away from vogue (they do fit me) sounds like we are opposite body types. Jeanette
User: mommydionne
Member since: 01-08-2004 Total posts: 838 |
From: lendube
Date: 09-16-2006, 05:11 PM (77 of 81)
Thanks, Cathie. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm very happy the thread has gotten the response it has. (How great is that? A sewing board with "threads" lol) Welcome and I hope you enjoy the group as much as I have in the short time since I've joined. Good luck and let us know what patterns work for you. I'm sure you're not the only one having that type of problem. Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: Cathie.Tombs
Date: 09-17-2006, 06:40 PM (78 of 81)
Thanks ladies! I never heard of Silhouette. And, thanks for the greetings!!!!!! I am still working away on fit, hopefully next items will fit better, so there isn't the frustrating after the fact fitting. Another peeve of mine is not creating a flattering shape. Fit is one issue, but there is also proportion, and creating the best optical illusions. There are lots of great style/design books at the libraries here. I did pick up "Plus Style", by Suzan Nanfeldt, at a church sale, which is fabulous. And, I am now reading a French library book, called Passeport Beaute, by Monique Duchesneau. Although not sewing books, they are very helpful, and if we are making all the effort of sewing, and hopefully enjoying the process, we deserve the very best! |
User: Cathie.Tombs
Member since: 08-27-2006 Total posts: 44 |
From: dudenbabe
Date: 10-03-2006, 04:14 PM (79 of 81)
Is it O. K. to offer a solution to a couple of the pet peeves? (It is one I found a solution to.) I do love to sew, but what I want to, not what others want me to. Many years ago, the minister of our church lost a lot of weight, and he asked me to alter his suits for him. I reluctantly agreed, but found that I was bored with the project that was more than I had bargained for. I finished one suit, and presented it to him for his approval. Then I told him that this one was free, but any of the others would cost him $25 an hour. It is really interesting how fast he decided that he really did not need to have the other suits altered. Whenever someone is pushy about asking me to sew for them, I quickly quote a price. So far, it has worked for me. |
User: dudenbabe
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 8 |
From: Magot
Date: 10-03-2006, 04:36 PM (80 of 81)
I don't ever remember my breasts being up by my ears....sigh 19 year olds should be banned - they have breasts like rocks. Sorry -off topic, not a sewing pet peeve at all! love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: paroper
Date: 10-03-2006, 07:22 PM (81 of 81)
When I was a little girl it was fashionable for older women to wear shirt waist dresses that had gathers at the waist in just the right places to accomidate "those". My grandmothers who worked around the house wore dresses made like that and no bras, only cotton slips which were made the same way but were more fitted. It was always hard to imagine that they ever had youthful figures!
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |

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