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This archived content is from Mary Wilkins’ sewing and quilting message board “Sew What’s New,” which was retired in August 2007. It is being provided by “Sew What’s Up,” which serves as the new home for many members of “Sew What’s New.”
From: MaryW
Date: 10-30-2006, 10:35 AM (1 of 10)
I'm sure everyone has seen this show at one time or another. Stacy and whatshisname grate on my nerves. I find them rude and obnoxious. I know this is part of the overall schtick for the show but boy, I wish they could trade all that harrassment for something else.

Many times they have made someone over and I totally hated it. Anyone else think their choices are kinda off.:cool:
owner/editor of Sew Whats New
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005
Total posts: 2542
From: Mom of Six
Date: 10-30-2006, 10:41 AM (2 of 10)
Mary I agree with you totaly but, I still can't stop watching. Some of the people really do dress inappropriatly for their jobs. If that is how they really dress & not just to get free clothes. Sometimes though they dress SAHMs in clothes that are just not practical. I do know a few people I would like to nominate ( a 60YO who wears so short she is showing cheeks in public with her grandchildren) but they would probably tell me my clothes are just as bad.
Happiness is having time to sew!!
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001
Total posts: 1115
From: lendube
Date: 10-30-2006, 12:36 PM (3 of 10)
I've never seen the U.S. version of the show but I watch the BBC version once in a great while. They've got the same format with one especially rude lady. I guess the program started there in England.

It can be amusing and it amazes me how many people can actually look in a mirror and say, "Yep, that looks great." and then head out for the day or evening!

I find the choices made for the makeovers are usually quite well done.

Tone down the rudeness though!

User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006
Total posts: 1548
From: Pudge99
Date: 10-30-2006, 12:44 PM (4 of 10)
Yes they are rude. But I love the show and like how they can take a frumpy housewife like me and make her look great. I just really wish they would do a Walmart week. You know, give you say $500 or so dollars and show you how to build a flattering wardrobe at Walmart or some other affordable store. Cause lets face it, those SAHMs won't ever set foot in the other type of stores again.
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User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001
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From: stephi
Date: 10-30-2006, 01:37 PM (5 of 10)
I dont get to catch this show very often infact it has been some time since I have seen it but I totally agree!!! I work with all men and I know my apearance would not be approved of but with what I do and the amount of money I have to "blow" on clothes theres no way. I also hate when they take an aged woman and dress her like she is 15. Modest cleavage, and not tight as all get out pants PLEASE!!! I wouldnt stand for it if they robbed me a dressed me way too young for my age!!:bluesmile

"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it"

"if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten"
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006
Total posts: 361
From: Chrysantha
Date: 10-30-2006, 09:21 PM (6 of 10)
I don't know who's worse....those idiots or the Brit women (who's names I can't remember, but Oprah likes'em) who like to touch other womens boobs and butts. I'm sorry. You can tell people how to dress without being an a** about it and without all the weird touching. (yes I KNOW I have a thing about touching..but it's true ya know..some of 'us' have LARGE body spaces and we don't want to be up next to people all the time..)
I don't like the 'ambushing' thing either...thats scary these days...
(and I hate pointy toed shoes...and I'm glad rounded toed shoes are BACK !!! ):re:
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002
Total posts: 2414
From: lendube
Date: 10-30-2006, 10:12 PM (7 of 10)
WHOA GIRL!!!!!!!!! EASY!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

I think we get the message. :bg:

(I think those types of shoes are just plain ugly and stupid too. :up: But what do I know? I only wear heels once a year for the Fire Dept. Xmas party!)

User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006
Total posts: 1548
From: Magot
Date: 10-31-2006, 02:03 AM (8 of 10)
Trinny and Susanna Kath, and they have a very Hands on approach. Their replacements are nowhere near as touchy-feely.The ambushing thing is all for tv as we know.
The thing I like about the program is they seem to be able to teach people to like themselves again - and if you like yourself and are confident - most anything will look good on you!
love and kisses, Jan
Cells a Speciality
DNA to order.
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002
Total posts: 3626
From: MaryW
Date: 10-31-2006, 04:26 PM (9 of 10)
Thanks Jan, that is a huge point that should be made. :up: :smile:
owner/editor of Sew Whats New
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005
Total posts: 2542
From: Bama
Date: 10-31-2006, 09:53 PM (10 of 10)
I usually like both versions of the show. It sometimes bothers me when Trinny and Susanna run up and lift some strange lady's boobs, but I guess it doesn't bother the ones that get the free clothes very much. At least they get the point across by doing that.
Stacey and Clinton did have a show once where the lady spent alot of her money at Old Navy. I wish they would do more shows like that. I could get alot of clothes for $5000. AND try to stick to their rules. (Tho I too hate pointy toe shoes :re: )
I hate it when they tell how much a whole outfits costs and it's way more than most people can afford. Skirt..... $200.... sweater...... $275....... shoes..... $400.....:sick:
It really bothered me when they had the show where the lady got something like $50,000 to shop in Paris and still didn't get more than people on the regular shows that get $5000.

I have been wondering one thing tho. All of them say to wear straight leg or boot-cut pants. What are they saying now about the skinny-legged pants coming back in style?
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000
Total posts: 2116
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