From: Marti
Date: 11-09-2006, 04:02 PM (1 of 65)
walmart is closing there fabric depts. and have already started closing the lay-away depts...They may tell you they arent closing it...but I have seen what they are doing first hand...they have downsized it down to nothing... Why? So they can compete with Target Stores....So girls, I have emailed Target asking them to check into it and start opening up a fabric dept....That will show walmart just how much the fabric and notions we girls like to have. If we all email target and request the fabric dept. at least we might be able to shop at a store instead having to search on line and not being able to see and feel the fabric....I do buy alot of my notions from them...but now it has gotten slim to none in that dept.... WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE IN THIS GIRLS IF ONLY WE STICK TOGETHER....SEWWWWW WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON....ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS...IM ALL OPEN FOR THEM. ![]() ![]() ![]() Marti Eldridge
User: Marti
Member since: 02-21-2006 Total posts: 31 ![]() |
From: Miss Spring
Date: 11-09-2006, 04:45 PM (2 of 65)
NO NO NO NO NO![]() I guess I should have seen it coming. My walmart has hardly nothing and its my only choice. Unless I drive 200miles round trip to joanns. I agree with writing to target. BUUUUUTTT my target id 200 miles away...Its 2 blocks from joanns. |
User: Miss Spring
Member since: 05-03-2006 Total posts: 87 |
From: lendube
Date: 11-09-2006, 06:03 PM (3 of 65)
I don't quite understand this. Do your Target's have sewing depts? I've never seen one. I would think that WalMart could compete better by having something that Target doesn't. I'd go to the one with the fabric dept. I've never liked going to WalMart because of their labor practices but I have to admit I've spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars there over the years. I know, I'm a hypocrite.......... ![]() My Target and WalMart are near each other but they're both an hour away. JoAnn's is one hour and 15. I'd like to try online ordering and I certainly will soon. Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: Sewhappie
Date: 11-09-2006, 06:25 PM (4 of 65)
While at WalMart today for a Oil Change, I noticed a posting about the closing of Layaways and Fabric Depts. " We are doing away with these two Depts, due to a decrease in products being sold in these two Depts. Our customers have selected to use other means of buying products ( ie the Internet) that we have carried. I noticed that our local WalMart still has a very strong Fabrics Dept., but the one in North Canton is doing away with their Fabrics Dept. |
User: Sewhappie
Member since: 10-27-2001 Total posts: 1427 |
From: Carol in ME
Date: 11-09-2006, 07:35 PM (5 of 65)
No one need feel guilty about shopping at Walmart. As someone who had made a living from retail sales, Walmart's practices are the same as everyone else's. Really. Been doing this for 30 years, long before Walmart marched into our state. And they didn't cause a single small business to fold around here, though YMMV. The amount of space devoted to fabrics/crafts is great, the return is small. Walmart is going head-to-head with Target, with fewer departments, better quality, (or at least trendier) clothing and goods, and wider aisles. In our area, there are a couple "surplus and salvage" type businesses. No dollar a yard table, but much more interesting, low priced goods. These stores sell a wide variety of stuff, but sometimes they do have fabric departments. Perhaps one near you could be convinced to carry fabric? It seems like approaching a local business person would be a better use of time/energy. Walmart has been down this road before, a couple years ago. I'd be really surprized if they backed down again. Sad to see, too as the WM fabric dept has been the salvation of local theater costuming departments. |
User: Carol in ME
Member since: 01-27-2003 Total posts: 105 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 11-09-2006, 10:32 PM (6 of 65)
I wonder if it's just some stores. The new Walmart here is still stocked with fabric as usual. The problem is not enough people knowledgable to sewing. I helped a lady the other day looking for some thread. After I told her where it was she said "you should work here you helped me out more than the sales clerk working in this department has." Makes me wonder if that is some of the problem. I know some of the ladies cutting fabric haven't a clue as to what they are cutting or in some cases how to cut it. My JoAnn's is about an hour away and my Hancock's are about an hour or two away. I have lots of quilt shops but for other fabrics other than cotton there is only two here close that I know of and they are 20-25 miles or so away.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: Carol in ME
Date: 11-10-2006, 09:07 PM (7 of 65)
I wanted to work in the fabric/craft department, but there was a waiting list to get in. |
User: Carol in ME
Member since: 01-27-2003 Total posts: 105 |
From: Bama
Date: 11-11-2006, 01:16 AM (8 of 65)
There's a sign now at the Walmart near here that says law-away will be closing end of this month. I really really hope the fabric/craft departments isn't closed too. Not only because of the fabric. It's so nice to run there when I need thread, batting, or some other sewing item quick. I also buy alot of craft supplies there. Paint, brushes, books, glue, embroidery thread, floral supplies, etc. It's been a life saver when the kids need something for a school project and wait til the night before it's due to tell me. ![]() It will be a long drive for me to get those things if they close the fabric/craft department here. ![]() I will write to Target too. Good idea. Target is a long drive for me, but I do go there sometimes. Probably more if I have to start driving to Michael's for craft supplies. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Bama
Date: 11-11-2006, 01:25 AM (9 of 65)
If all the fabric departments are closed, I wonder if WM will mark all the fabric down first or just move it out. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Miss Spring
Date: 11-11-2006, 10:59 AM (10 of 65)
There is no sign at my walmart but the fabric shelves are getting smaller. I caught the mean lady who works that department loading a bunch of bolts into boxes. ![]() Now I guess on a more positive note. The craft department is still going strong. So maybe its just the fabric and sewing notions that are heading to the dumpster. It would have been nice if they were marking the fabric down but NNNNOOOOO she was just boxing it up. ![]() Off the get another credit card with a higher limit so I can order Spring |
User: Miss Spring
Member since: 05-03-2006 Total posts: 87 |
From: paroper
Date: 11-11-2006, 11:08 AM (11 of 65)
We have some Wal Mart Super Centers in the area that are new. They are all opening with fabric departments. The newest one opened about a month or two ago and it has a pretty decent size department...the shape is strange but the department isn't that bad. It shocks me everytime I walk into a Hancocks and see how few standard fabrics they handle anymore!
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: Bama
Date: 11-11-2006, 11:58 AM (12 of 65)
Our WalMart Supercenter here is less than a year old. I don't know if the fabric department there will be closing any time soon. Can't get any info from anyone in the store. It would pretty stupid of them to close it so soon after opening it. It's always packed with people in that department. I wonder if Walmart will do away with the quilt block contest they have every year. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 11-11-2006, 02:19 PM (13 of 65)
I have sent an e mail to walmart & asked if this was true. I have not received a response I will let you know if I do.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: Miss Spring
Date: 11-11-2006, 06:36 PM (14 of 65)
Maybe they are just closing the fabric department in stores that show little sells. I blame poor home ec. classes. Ours sucked. We made aprons! By the time I was in highschool my sister and I were designing and selling prom I finished my apron on the second day of class. Then I had to sit there with my thumb in my ear. The teacher wouldnt let me bring in my own projects. I did get a big "I love to sew" button. |
User: Miss Spring
Member since: 05-03-2006 Total posts: 87 |
From: esrun3
Date: 11-11-2006, 08:00 PM (15 of 65)
I wonder if it's just some stores. The new Walmart here is still stocked with fabric as usual. The problem is not enough people knowledgable to sewing. I helped a lady the other day looking for some thread. After I told her where it was she said "you should work here you helped me out more than the sales clerk working in this department has." Makes me wonder if that is some of the problem. I know some of the ladies cutting fabric haven't a clue as to what they are cutting or in some cases how to cut it. My JoAnn's is about an hour away and my Hancock's are about an hour or two away. I have lots of quilt shops but for other fabrics other than cotton there is only two here close that I know of and they are 20-25 miles or so away. You could certainly have a point! We still have fabric in our Walmarts but the ohter week someone from Automotive was cutting fabric!! My daughter said I probably made him really nervous-bet I did! I was watching like a hawk!! I needed every inch I was buying. LOL Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: paroper
Date: 11-12-2006, 12:04 PM (16 of 65)
I heard a report on national news a couple of weeks ago. They were saying that Wal Mart was "rethinking" their marketing plans and had decided to customize their stores for the individual localities. They went on to say that in some "areas" they would carry a certain type of food and have rap music...;in others they would have breakfast burritos and different clothing and foods in the market area, in some they were going to start selling upscale clothing, fine wines, finer jewelry, etc. I think that we expect from Wal Mart what we are already getting. If we want specialty stores, we can find them ourselves (thank you). I would just as soon they left the stores alone...besides I find that rather does that mean in farming communities they'll handle feed and seed and live chicks? Give me a break. As far as I'm concerned, if they want to have spin off specialty stores, they can do that without changing the "big" stores. Besides, they've already driven out a lot of fabric shops, local pharmacies, grocery stores, etc., now they are going to stop handing some of those items and go after other types of shops????
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: lendube
Date: 11-12-2006, 12:41 PM (17 of 65)
I wish I was strong enough to not shop at WalMart. I just don't like the business practices I've heard and read about. Customizing stores is done all the time. Just check out Costco. I'll turn up at any of 5 of them that are all about equal distance from me in different directions. Each one carries items of specific interest to their particular area. The beach store carries kayaks, etc. , the yuppy store carries more wines, coffee makers, etc., the rural store does carry ranch supplies, etc. *Haven't seen any live chicks though.* ![]() I've never seen a WalMart with groceries though. The super stores don't seem to have made it this far west. We've only had WalMart for about 14 years now anyway. I find it hard to believe that they're all doing away with the fabric depts. The 4 WalMarts I get to have all just been built or remodeled and they all have fabric depts., albeit smaller ones than before. Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 11-12-2006, 12:57 PM (18 of 65)
Let's face it gang. No matter how upscale Wally World may think it is becoming, it will still be "Wal-Mart" and the people who have the money to shop at upscale stores that sell fine wine, real jewelry (not costume or fake diamonds/cheap diamonds) or furs at just not gonna seek out a Wal-Mart to shop in. Do you think the people who live on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago are gonna travel outside that area to find wine, jewelry and furs when Neimann Marcus, Bonwit Teller, etc. are located in the building they live in?? I don't think so! And I don't really believe the people with the big bucks in the Big "D" (Dallas) as gonna forsake their trendy boutiques for Wal-Mart. Geeesh, Wal-Mart has truly developed a "we're gonna control the retail world" mentality lately. There are just as many people shopping at Macy's and Dillard as there always was despite what Wal-Mart tries to convince the world of. I rarely go into a Wal-Mart these day unless I'm desparate and can't find what I want anywhere else. I'll more more to avoid going to Wal-Mart, but that's just me. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: Miss Spring
Date: 11-12-2006, 02:22 PM (19 of 65)
I hated walmart. I hate the slow check out lines and the unfriendly service. We live in a very tiny little town. It only took 1 year for walmart to move in and kill every business we had. We lost a pharmacy that was here for over 100 years, 2 fabric stores, and 2 of my favorite grocery stores. The walmart we have doesnt carry produce. The very small selection they have comes off the trucks moldy and covered in fruit flies.....and they still put it on the gross. I havent had a salad in so We have a small quilt shop left but they dont reallly carry to much for clothing making. She is wonderful and will order anything I want or need....but I hate to wait. Now that my walmart has cut out our fabric area Im going to learn how to |
User: Miss Spring
Member since: 05-03-2006 Total posts: 87 |
From: blessedmommyuv3
Date: 11-12-2006, 03:43 PM (20 of 65)
I asked the manager at my local Walmart in Northern Kentucky. She said their fabric department is not closing, but there is one Walmart in Louisville that is closing their Fabric dept because they cannot compete with the Hancocks in the same shopping center. Jen |
User: blessedmommyuv3
Member since: 05-18-2004 Total posts: 263 |
From: Jeke
Date: 11-12-2006, 04:40 PM (21 of 65)
We have two Walmarts one on each end of town. One has really downsized their department. A couple of weeks ago they had a guy from a different department cutting fabric. I had to teach him how to do it. Kinda felt sorry for him. He kept apologizing about not really knowing what to do. The other store still has about the same amount of fabric and seems to be busy most of the time. Interesting how things can be so different just across town from each other. Jeke Jay
User: Jeke
Member since: 11-10-2004 Total posts: 232 |
From: MissTaraTara
Date: 11-12-2006, 05:27 PM (22 of 65)
Maybe Walmart is trying to makeover their stores. On the last two occasions I went in, my totals were more than $50.00. When I made a payment with my debit card, I had to answer a question on the screen as to whether the store was clean or not. I could not proceed with the transaction until doing so. On a different day, the top of my receipt had a survey to visit online asking about the helpfulness of the sales associates, the cleanliness of the store, being charged more at the register than the shelf price, if you would recommend this store to friends and family, etc. My receipt provided a special password in order to participate in the survey. When I looked at a few of my old receipts, they had the survey invitation at the top as well. I am not a huge Walmart fan I just end up there because they are 5 minutes away. I have purchased cut goods there many times and have been satisfied. Before we moved we were 5 minutes away from Target so at that time I shopped there. I would hate to see the craft/fabric department eliminated because whether I like it or not is not the issue. There are so many people who are very pleased with their craft/notion/machine purchases and being without a Walmart would leave them high and dry. |
User: MissTaraTara
Member since: 01-24-2006 Total posts: 227 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 11-17-2006, 06:55 PM (23 of 65)
This is the response I got from WalMart about our local fabric dept. Thank you for your message. Regarding our fabric assortment in local Wal-Mart stores, we have recently added more space for Home Décor and Craft items into some of our fabric and craft departments, while reducing the space for fabrics. These are areas we have identified as having growth potential in our stores and what our customers have been buying in more demand. As we have looked at our business within fabrics as well as within the total store, it has been shown that the fabric area has too much space for the amount of business it generates. In addition, the area has not shown the growth of other areas within the store. However, we do know we have a very loyal customer in fabrics. If there is something specific you are looking for, please let us know. The fabric department manager also has the autonomy to special order fabrics that might not be carried in the department. Our goal is to provide the very best assortment in fabric that our space allows. Thank you again for writing and allowing us to respond. We especially want to thank you for being one of the loyal customers that makes the fabric department continue to be possible at Wal-Mart. Thank you, Customer Relations Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: sewingrandma
Date: 11-18-2006, 12:20 PM (24 of 65)
There are many Wal Marts in the area I live. The two we visit the most are at opposite ends of the scale. The newer of the two has a very small fabric/craft dept though it does carry a better line of interfacings. The prices in the newer store are higher on all items, even the Walmart brand items. This store is in a more elite part of the area. Seldom do you have to wait to be checked out, customer service is still and issue though. The older store we go to is dirty, does have a larger fabric/craft dept, crowded aisles, long lines at the check out etc. But it does have signs posted at the registers that if an item is rung up at the wrong (higher)price you get $3 off the item or if the item is less than $3 you get the item for free. For months we have been getting their brand ice cream for free because the price posted and price rung up have been different. Only once did customer service even attempt to get the pricing corrected while we were there. This week we went and it rang up at a lower than posted pricing, we didn't complain. Go figure!
User: sewingrandma
Member since: 03-06-2003 Total posts: 432 |
From: cowqueenie
Date: 11-20-2006, 01:08 PM (25 of 65)
Ok girls, I don't know about you but I agree with a lot of you that life without Wal-Mart would be hard. I live in a smaller town that is 15 mins from a Super Walmart with groceries and all that good stuff (fabrics and crafts) and then the biggest town with fabric stores and other bigger giant chains are over an hour away. I see A LOT of really cute fabric in my WalMart fabric Department and a lot of good prices on the stuff I get there. I have more than once ran there to get thread because I either ran out or changed my mind on which color to quilt with. UGH!!! If my Fabric Dept. closes I will yell, scream, and throw and down and out tantrum on the floor of the Department itself! I have not seen any hints of it but I don't want to either!!!!!!!
"A trip to the fabric store is my therapy"
User: cowqueenie
Member since: 10-30-2006 Total posts: 125 ![]() |
From: DorothyL
Date: 11-20-2006, 01:22 PM (26 of 65)
I just have to say life without WalMart is just fine. To allow one retailer mean that much to you in this day and age is just sad -- and exactly what WalMart wants to do to all of us. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: cowqueenie
Date: 11-20-2006, 01:38 PM (27 of 65)
Well Dorothy, I am not trying to be a snot here but I go where the prices are cheap because in this day and age you have to watch every penny that goes in and out. There is a grocery store in another small town close by but their prices are almost twice what Walmart's is. PLUS, I have to say that where I live, they are the only ones that have the variety and items I need and want. There are a few other stores in town but unless I drive an hour and a half to Minneapolis or and hour to Rochester I have just about wasted my gas getting to the other places that I would see you at. We did not have ANY fabric/craft places in our town until WalMart came along about 4 or 5 years ago. Target? ShopKo? They are the same exact way when it comes to their employees and shoving the "little" man out. I have seen FIRST hand how Target treats their employess and it cannot be any worse than Walmart! Guess I am just not media blinded because of that too. In our town, Walmart is doing a food drive for our local food shelf and along with the radio station in our town, they are able to help a LOT of local families have Happy Thanksgivings. They do a lot of things for our community and I don't see Target doing the same. Don't get me wrong, Target does do a lot for some communities but I thinK Walmart gets a bad rap a lot of time because they were the first to filterate into the smaller communities. Target is doing the same darn thing now. I see it all around here in the Midwest. "A trip to the fabric store is my therapy"
User: cowqueenie
Member since: 10-30-2006 Total posts: 125 ![]() |
From: cowqueenie
Date: 11-20-2006, 01:41 PM (28 of 65)
Oh wow, that sounded really angry. I am not really a bad mean person! So, I apologize for my tantrum! BUT every word I said in it I believe. ![]() "A trip to the fabric store is my therapy"
User: cowqueenie
Member since: 10-30-2006 Total posts: 125 ![]() |
From: bridesmom
Date: 11-20-2006, 02:08 PM (29 of 65)
I haven't noticed any thing about the fabric dept closing here. I haven't asked either. But we have such a poor selection of fabric stores around my city anyhow and there always seems to be people in the department. Their prices are actually higher than Fabricland unless it is quilting fabric and that's cheaper, the quality is almost comparable. I also don't like shopping at Walmart, unless I have to, and then it's first thing in the morning or very late at night. I don't like the long lineups at checkout as well. And the lack of service. Course I like Zeller's even less. They don't have 1/2 of the selection that Walmart has. If I can I prefer to shop local merchants, the little guy. Put the $$ in the local pockets rather than the big boys.
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: stephi
Date: 11-21-2006, 01:21 PM (30 of 65)
I asked my grouchy old walmart sewing lady and she said that it was news to her about them closing that dept. They have shrunk it in the last few months which made her even more grouchy, but she says they arent closing the fabric. She said she had heard possibilty of lay away being terminated but nothing about maybe its not all of them that are closing them??? Or she is just grouchy and refusses to accept that they may be doing away with her comfy job??!!
"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it" "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten" |
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 361 ![]() |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 11-22-2006, 12:44 AM (31 of 65)
Oh My goodness!!!! I actually got his today in my mail that there was a reply to this post. I hope it's fixed and I start getting my notices regularly.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 12-14-2006, 09:41 PM (32 of 65)
Well today I was told by the clerk in the fabric dept. that they will be closing it in JAN. She was so mad she could hardly talk. They want to move her to apparel but she said she is quitting! I plan on writing another letter & sending the response (see my earlier post) back with it. All we will have for fabric in our town will be Jo Ann's & Hobby Lobby & the small quilt shops. I guess I will be using up my stash & then I don't know what I will do. I love sewing with knits & they are sew hard to find. I know I can order online but it isn't the same as being able to touch the fabric & compare color, etc. I was so mad I could hardly finish my shopping. Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: Pudge99
Date: 12-15-2006, 09:43 AM (33 of 65)
I am now joining you lot. I will be loosing the Fabric Dept in one of my Wal Marts. I just found out yesterday that they will be gone by April. They are replacing the whole Dept. (Crafts too) with a pinata and party section. UUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have to go visit the other one and see if they are staying. Gina
Pictures of my successes and failures Pfaff 2040 Janome Mylock 134D Singer Futura CE-100 w/ Autopunch Husqvarna Viking 3D Sketch |
User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001 Total posts: 1375 |
From: weezyrider
Date: 12-15-2006, 01:08 PM (34 of 65)
I don't shop at Wallyworld. All ours seem to be dirty, the clerks are rude and when they first opened here, the pet department knew NOTHING about fish. They always had tanks of dead tropicals. Since I sew, and only use washable fabrics - whatever is in style in home dec or clothes is NOT to my taste - so why shop there? They sometimes have decent beginner telescopes, but never the eyepieces and accessories I want, and the same goes for my digital SLR. The same for a lot of sewing. I have a Pfaff 2170. No way they carry feet and accessories for that! Weezy |
User: weezyrider
Member since: 08-19-2003 Total posts: 218 |
From: WCBlue
Date: 12-19-2006, 01:06 PM (35 of 65)
I worked in the fabric dept at Walmart - and I agree that the people who work there know nothing about sewing. I was actually shocked over that fact. Management doesn't care who knows what - they just look send a "body" into a department without any training or knowledge. I feel that is part of the reason they are closing the fabric dept in ALL stores - and only going to have precuts in some of the stores. Walmart does not want to have any "body" in the department. I am so glad that I am out of there. I am however upset over the closing of the fabric departments. I did find this SAVE Walmart Fabric Dept. website and did call 1 800 Walmart and complain. Who knows maybe a miracle will happen. ![]() |
User: WCBlue
Member since: 12-19-2006 Total posts: 1 |
From: llsunday
Date: 12-19-2006, 05:35 PM (36 of 65)
I have noticed the inventory dwindling! I was buying my fabric at a local quilt shop (ok so I worked there too...) But previous to that I did a lot at Walmart & JoAnns (of course they are 45 minutes away). I think I have another local quilt shop somewhere here, but since 90% of my projects are clothing... Oh ok, I guess they would rather we take our business elsewhere.![]() |
User: llsunday
Member since: 09-26-2004 Total posts: 16 |
From: VenusElaine
Date: 12-19-2006, 09:32 PM (37 of 65)
It is now official that Wal-Mart is closing lay-away; denying the very clientele (low to middle income) they supposedly cater to, a very vital service. In the last few months, my town, Morgantown, WV has gone from one Wal-Mart to two Super Wal-Marts and a Sam's Club. The only time I entered the Wal-Mart in the last three years was to purchase a pattern that I could not wait for by ordering online, and did not care to drive an hour to purchase at a Jo-Ann's. I have to say that, while I take exception to many of their employment practices, the biggest reason I quit shopping at Wal-Mart was the rudeness. Both by employess and the other customers. My Aunt Linda was born with cerebral palsy. She uses crutches, and places them in the cart and pushes it in the store. Either the other customers were holding a town meeting in the aisle, which were too narrow, or they were in such a tearing hurry they nearly knocked her down. Luckily no one did, and I didn't have to beat them to a bloody pulp. We now shop at K-Mart. Wide aisles. Friendly employees and patrons. VenusElaine "Always put as much effort into your marriage as you do into your wedding."
User: VenusElaine
Member since: 10-22-2005 Total posts: 126 |
From: lendube
Date: 12-19-2006, 09:55 PM (38 of 65)
I always wondered why such a large metropolis as San Diego didn't have any of the Super Sized WalMarts. We've only had WalMarts for 15 years now anyway. It seems that the city council has fought tooth and nail to keep out the mega stores. Seems that Costco's and Sam's Clubs are okay but recently a big no-no vote to keep mega WalMart out. Doesn't bother me a bit. I don't like WalMart's practices but I've spent thousands there, no doubt. Lennie ![]() |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: Tom Land
Date: 12-19-2006, 10:59 PM (39 of 65)
Lennie, my brother in law that lives in San D says its because they're smart enough to see what Wal Mart has done to the rest of us. I will only buy at Wal Mart when I have to have it "right now" and can't get it anywhere else because they've put everyone else out business. It's really the American ideal... compete with lower prices even if you loose money for awhile. Then when everyone else goes out of business you can raise prices and treat employees and customers anyway you want because there's nowhere for them to go.
Have fun or don't do it, Tom
User: Tom Land
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 514 |
From: MissTaraTara
Date: 12-20-2006, 10:18 AM (40 of 65)
I don't purchase much fabric at Walmart but I do purchase various sewing notions there. I'd hate to see the department close. Here is some Walmart fabric department closing reading if interested..... The Morning News ( Times Record ( Forbes ( |
User: MissTaraTara
Member since: 01-24-2006 Total posts: 227 |
From: weezyrider
Date: 12-20-2006, 10:45 AM (41 of 65)
I am sorry for the people who have nothing but a Wallyworld for their sewing. Is it possible that it is in retaliation for people not wanting the store originally? We have had quite a few major fights over allowing Walmart stores in. Here's another problem that all chain-type stores seem to have: This applies to quite a few fabric stores today. I remember going fabric shopping with my mother years ago, and the fabric sections would be marked "Sportswear" "Better Dress Fabric" etc. I was reading a post in another forum about silk shantung - I haven't seen anything marked even on the bolt that way in a long time. Just the polyester or cotton content. The only way this really applies to all those who sew - with some of this new type fabric and labeling, how do we know what it is doing to some of our machines? Maybe too much lint or too uneven a texture (and not apparent)and making the machine skip stitches? Weezy ![]() |
User: weezyrider
Member since: 08-19-2003 Total posts: 218 |
From: lendube
Date: 12-20-2006, 12:15 PM (42 of 65)
What your brother says, Tom, is absolutely true and is of course nationwide. And like Weezy says, there are continual battles all over the county just letting WalMart build. I have to say I have not run into rude employees or customers in the 3 or so WalMarts that are equal distance from me. One was getting quite messy and dirty and then they brought in a new manager and things have changed. I would not be sad to see them all disappear though. Too bad, their prices are good and it really does help those on a budget. Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: Addlee
Date: 12-20-2006, 04:26 PM (43 of 65)
I have read the post where Wal-Mart is closing the fabric department. I did not know this, but lately I have not been able to find some material's I need. One material I need is rib knit to make baby bibs or use for neck bands on shirts. Do you know of a fabric place on line I can order the rib knit from? I really need to make baby bibs but can't find the rib knit...Addlee |
User: Addlee
Member since: 12-07-2006 Total posts: 4 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 12-20-2006, 06:34 PM (44 of 65)
Hancocks carries ribbed knit for necklines and cuffs .. they have all the basic colors.. Its very good quality, also,...![]() ![]() Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: karen v
Date: 12-20-2006, 08:32 PM (45 of 65)
Addlee, I have ordered tons of knits from They are in Maryland USA. Wazoodle is good too, they are in Canada. Fabricline has more "performance" type knits, but they are very cool. Sewingstudio has knits and ribbings but they can be a little pricey. I have even seen cute stuff on HTH Karen V all art is lies that help us see the truth
User: karen v
Member since: 03-12-2006 Total posts: 31 |
From: momquilts
Date: 12-21-2006, 06:38 AM (46 of 65)
We live in a rural area of South Jersey. Walmart just opened here this spring. Before their opening, there was nothing but groceries stores in our area. There is one small quilt shop whose hours are not convenient for me because of my work schedule. Until this fall, we had to drive more than an hour to visit any type of store to do any shopping. Now that Target and Kohl's opened we only have to drive 30 minutes to do any shopping. Some of you may not like to patronize Wally's World, but for us it was a God-send to be able to shop for things when driving long distances is not an option. Whew! I feel better now that I have that off my chest. ![]() |
User: momquilts
Member since: 02-02-2000 Total posts: 46 ![]() |
From: paroper
Date: 12-21-2006, 08:34 AM (47 of 65)
In remote areas it can be like dropping a town in the middle of no where. In small towns it is the same thing...they drop in and the town starves.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 12-21-2006, 09:50 PM (48 of 65)
It won't be such a god send when you find out NOTHING in Wally World is made in the U.S....Coke is even made in MEXICO and doesn't even taste right (according to my husband who actually drinks Coke). Not only that they price everyone out of business, meat is pre-packaged, as are some of the veggies...quality is not there. Employees are nasty, unhelpful, rude and in a lot of cases. (trust me on this...) they don't speak English very well. (we have a lot of 'immigrants' at our Wally World (N.W. FL.). I only go to Wally World when I HAVE to. Otherwise I stay away. ( I was followed one night by a man, ALL over Wally World. I didn't shop, up and down the isles, I went from dept. to the other side of the store and back, there he was, always behind me....staring. I finally had to get management to get him out and away from took me a yr to go back in the store and now if/when I go, I don't look at anyone, I practically run and if someone talks to me and I don't know them, I DO run....and I'm one of those who's NOT afraid of much.) Kath and her .12cents...(gas prices from a wind bag...) ![]() ![]() ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 12-22-2006, 12:41 AM (49 of 65)
Kath I had the same experience in Wally World right after I moved here to Midwest City. The man was walking almost on my heels and kept it up until I pulled out my key ring that had a can of mace on it and he finally figured out I intended to use it. Now I only go to Wally World if I can't find something I want anywhere else and then I go in broad daylight and check the back seat and the cargo area of my Explorer before I get in, even in daylight. My DH refuses to shop at Wally World. He will occasionally go to Sam's if he's looking for something, bu not very often. He'll got out of his way and actually pay more for something rather than go to Wally World and buy it. He says he wishes all of the Wally World's in the world would close. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: paroper
Date: 12-22-2006, 06:29 AM (50 of 65)
Well, I think that Wal Mart is about to slit their own throat by going to a specialized store according to the demographics of their area. Our city has a VERY diverse population. I like that if I forget something and need to run by Wal Mart I can go to any I choose. In fact, depending upon where I am in town, I shop at a total of 9 different Wal Marts in the city, subburbs and surrounding towns. Although the layout of the store is sometimes backwards, I can find my way around in each of them with no problems....even when I go out of state. When we do travel, we often shop for basic items at a Wal Mart if we find one because we know what can be found there...which makes it a whole lot easier than looking for items in strange towns in shops we are not familiar with...although I LOVE to shop the local shops if I"m not shopping for routine items. This allows me to make a quick dash in and out without a lot of hassle (this isn't so true of the Sam's stores I've been in). If I am looking for a particular thing I've long learned which stores sell their stock out quickly and which are less likely to have promotional things in stock. With their new marketing policy, I don't think we'll be as likely to shop in certain Wal Marts because it is likely each one will be individual stores. I think that we'll be more likely to patronize one store instead of the most convenient one...and I think that we'll be more likely to use local merchants.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 12-22-2006, 12:11 PM (51 of 65)
Pam dh and I travel a lot because our families live in the east and south and we ususally look for a Target store if we're looking for essentials and also K-Marts. I avoid Wal-Mart with a passion these days. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: Bama
Date: 12-22-2006, 05:41 PM (52 of 65)
Thank you for your message. Thank you for you recent inquiry regarding the fabric department in your local store. In keeping with our emphasis on being a store of the community, Wal- Mart is converting the fabrics and crafts department in some stores to a newly expanded assortment of merchandise that focuses on life's celebrations. We are thrilled to offer our customers this exciting new crafts and celebrations center that makes available craft and party planning needs along with information on current trends and new ideas in the area of life's celebrations, such as holidays, weddings and birthdays. In those stores where the new crafts and celebrations center is placed, merchandise commonly referred to as 'notions' will be included in the product offerings - such as sewing machines, yarn, needles, thread, etc. As a part of this conversion, most of our new and remodeled stores opening in early 2007, as well as a small number of existing stores, will feature the new crafts and celebrations center in place of cut fabrics. Wal-Mart will continue to carry cut fabric in most of our stores. Due to the continued evaluation of our stores, we are unable to share a list of existing stores scheduled to receive the new crafts and celebrations center at this time. Thank you, Wal-Mart Customer Relations Looks like even in the stores that will lose fabric, they wil still have "notions", including sewing machines. I guess we'll all see what happens in the 1st few months of the new year. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Tom Land
Date: 12-23-2006, 02:25 AM (53 of 65)
Thank you for your message. Looks like even in the stores that will lose fabric, they wil still have "notions", including sewing machines. I guess we'll all see what happens in the 1st few months of the new year. I wish I could work out a deal with them to come pick up all those junk machines (they sold) that customers bring in for repair and then won't even pick up when they find out how much it'll be fix them. They could put them right back on the shelf and resell them like they do most of the machines returned to them. Then my dumpster wouldn't fill up so fast. It just dawned on me. This is how the Chinese will defeat us. They'll keep sending junk over here until we've piled it so high that America will sink. Have fun or don't do it, Tom
User: Tom Land
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 514 |
From: VenusElaine
Date: 12-24-2006, 02:50 PM (54 of 65)
Saw an interesting bumper sticker on a pick-up truck: WAL-MART SUCKS The life right out of your town VenusElaine "Always put as much effort into your marriage as you do into your wedding."
User: VenusElaine
Member since: 10-22-2005 Total posts: 126 |
From: cdmonk
Date: 12-30-2006, 10:35 PM (55 of 65)
Once I read all of your post, I inquired at our local store here in Ozark, Alabama. I spoke with our store manager and he did tell me that our store will be replacing its fabric department with the new craft and celebrations department. I worked our fabric department for five years and I know all of our customers are going to be lost without it. Our local schools, churches, extention agencies and many small businesses utilized the fabric in that department for various projects. Even our own store utilized the fabric to cover display tables, cover bulletin boards and many various store projects. I can't imagine not having it available to our senior citizens that love to quilt and cannot afford to shop elsewhere. The only way to get Wal-Mart to keep our fabric department is not by writing and begging the top executives to listen, but by showing the top executives we will not step foot into their stores unless they keep the fabric. But people aren't going to protest in this manner and Wal-Mart executives know this. They know "low prices" speaks volumes. Just like K-Mart that removed their fabric departments years back. People still shop K-Mart today. I do believe it hurt K-Mart. I know I stopped shopping with them. You can only get Wal-Mart to listen when you hurt their sales figures. ![]() |
User: cdmonk
Member since: 03-28-2002 Total posts: 9 ![]() |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 12-31-2006, 01:43 AM (56 of 65)
They just built a new WalMart here in Amite just about 20 mins from my house and the lady there tells me that this store will not be replaced with the craft Holiday things. The fabric section will stay at this store but the older store about 30 mins away in a bigger town is doing away with the cut fabric so it may be that the bigger city stores are doing away with the cutting fabric. I too like to run there for notions like stablizers, needles and things I run low on late in the evening when it's too late to go any farther to get supplies. I'm not organized so planning ahead to get my supplies is not usually the case with me. Walmart put my step Dad out of business years ago. He had the only sewing center in our parish at the time. He said you could buy Singer machines for less at WalMart then he could get them from Singer wholesale. And as Tom said the service is poor and the machines are junk.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: Tom Land
Date: 12-31-2006, 01:08 PM (57 of 65)
MIL, who ws your step dad? I was in Lake Charles when Wal Mart invaded La.
Have fun or don't do it, Tom
User: Tom Land
Member since: 09-21-2005 Total posts: 514 |
From: Patty22
Date: 12-31-2006, 01:20 PM (58 of 65)
I remember as a kid when all the major stores had fabric and notions departments. I would sit (what seemed like HOURS) with my mother going through pattern books at the local JCPenney's (as well as O'Neils and Polsky's in downtown Akron, Ohio). Look how many years ago that was when they closed down those deparments (and women weren't doing RTW, but making the majority of their own clothes). I have a feeling that Walmart has never really cared about customers or the communities they invade. Save your energy and just shop elsewhere. And Suzie.......girl, we are going to spend 2007 getting you organized so you're not running out to the store in the middle of the night wearing your jammies driving your Cherry Mustang when you're in the mood to sew! Patty
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: Bama
Date: 01-01-2007, 05:29 PM (59 of 65)
Our Walmart's fabric department will close in April. It would be nice if someone opens up a quilting/fabric store now. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: flaquilter
Date: 01-01-2007, 10:49 PM (60 of 65)
I work in the fabric dept at a local WM store and they finally told us of the closing. Schedule for March or April, they are not restocking any fabrics and only very few notions. We were told that the new dept will focus more on the party and wedding items, a few kids crafts and a small supply of yarn, other notions will be minimal and basic. Our store is already down to one thread cabinet, it will go and just a few basic colors will be carried. Our store manager said we would only have 2 aisles of space to put all this. They are trying to keep people in the dark, by telling them different things and that not all stores will close fabrics out, but eventually they will all close it out just like K-Mart did. They want the space for higher priced merchandise like electronics, housewares, etc. One manager at our store, said their future plans will cut their own throat... Wait and see.. Well this will be the third time I have had to change depts in less than a year because of their changes. Each time is a pay cut too... time to look for another job. |
User: flaquilter
Member since: 12-16-2006 Total posts: 8 |
From: lizzybugsmommy
Date: 01-02-2007, 09:27 AM (61 of 65)
I just got the bad news yesterday that our Walmart too will be turning into a craft center with no fabric as of april. The closest walmart is over 30 mins from my house because of traffic and there is a Hancocks and Hobby Lobby within 5 miles of it , but I can not afford thier prices. I can get the same fabric alot less at Walmart. I think I will stop shopping there totally. I usually only go there for the fabric anyway. I will just tighten my belt and tell hubby there will be no more fishing so I can go fabric shopping elsewhere. He will tell me to get a job.LOL Anyway this is going to sad because the town I live in is getting a new Walmart and it will only be 5 miles away and I wont even be able to use it. We have been waiting for somthing like this for years. At least here there will be noone for them to put out of bussiness as there is none. The closest grocery is 10 miles away and they are not worried because Walmarts quality is no where near as good. I hate this maybe we all should stick togather and ban them and then they will get the picture. Love you all. Catherine lb_pml&cb=PW Husbands gone fishing..... I've gone fabric shopping |
User: lizzybugsmommy
Member since: 05-20-2006 Total posts: 207 |
From: Bama
Date: 01-02-2007, 11:41 AM (62 of 65)
Here's an online petition if anyone is interested. I doubt it will do any good but at least WM will know how alot of their customers feel. I know alot of people could not care less and hate Walmart, but for small towns like where I live it's the only resource for fabric and notions for alot of people. Not everyone has internet or is able to travel a long distance to get fabric or sewing supplies. I can drive 30+ miles to Hancock's or Hobby Lobby or order online. Not all sewers can. I've talked to several elderly women in my area who say this will put a stop to their sewing when they run out of fabric. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: momquilts
Date: 01-02-2007, 10:10 PM (63 of 65)
Here's an online petition if anyone is interested. I doubt it will do any good but at least WM will know how alot of their customers feel. I know alot of people could not care less and hate Walmart, but for small towns like where I live it's the only resource for fabric and notions for alot of people. Not everyone has internet or is able to travel a long distance to get fabric or sewing supplies. I can drive 30+ miles to Hancock's or Hobby Lobby or order online. Not all sewers can. I've talked to several elderly women in my area who say this will put a stop to their sewing when they run out of fabric. Bama....I understand how people in your area feel. When Wal-Mart opened, it brought things to our area that have been gone for more than 10 years. The closest place to buy a spool of thread was at least a half-hour drive. Some are saying that Wal-Mart will drive out other businesses. Well, there weren't any businesses left in this area for them to drive out. So when our fabric department closes, we're right back to having nothing. |
User: momquilts
Member since: 02-02-2000 Total posts: 46 ![]() |
From: Bama
Date: 01-03-2007, 10:00 PM (64 of 65)
I was in WM today and the thread rack is about half empty now. I wonder what is going on there now besides closing the fabric department. The milk and bread aisles were very understocked and I noticed several grocery items that have jumped in price since last week. Target is looking better every day. |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: sewingrandma
Date: 01-10-2007, 10:35 PM (65 of 65)
Found out tonight that one of the Walmarts I shop at is closing its fabric department. I'm fortunate in that I have several Hancock's and Joann's and numerous fabric shops I can shop in, so I won't miss it. For about a year now I've noticed that the size of the department has dwindled and they did away with their bargin tables about a year ago.
User: sewingrandma
Member since: 03-06-2003 Total posts: 432 |

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