From: Carol in ME
Date: 11-09-2006, 08:36 PM (1 of 7)
So on Tuesday evening I hit a deer. I'm pretty sure she went to that big hosta garden in the sky, but I really don't know, I had to drive another couple tenths of a mile to find a proper place to pull over and call the police. I have an older car, but I just had the brakes done, as I keep cars until the cost of repair is greater than buying another. I wasn't going to even call the insurance company, since the only damage, thankfully, is windshield and windows. But then I think, well, there's the police report, maybe I'd better....even though we have a high deductable, and the insurance co will likely not pay anything..big mistake. I called the agent on Wednesday morning. Is the car drivable? No, but only because the windshield's gone. And have I made arrangements for repair? Yes, I said. Fine. She said she'd call the insurance company, and I should save the receipts, in case it comes to more than the deductable. Now this lady knew how old the car was, she's got my policy in front of her. This afternoon, Thursday, insurance rep calls and says don't fix the car, cancel the arrangements you've made, the car may be totalled. We'll get you a rental...yada,yada.... Why didn't my insurance agent tell me this? I'd gotten on the phone, found a repairman, (two, actually) and repair guy #2 had found used windows and they were already at his shop, and he had a "hard time" finding them. I'd made arrangements to take an extra day off work (no drivable car) Where was all this info when I first called? It's not as bleak as it seems. It turns out, that if the insurance company does total the car, there will be a payout to me, and in fact, I can buy the car back with a "salvage" title. Insurance agent didn't offer that info, either. DH and friend pointed this out. Grrr. GRRR! I'm running out of hormones, and it isn't pretty... |
User: Carol in ME
Member since: 01-27-2003 Total posts: 105 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 11-09-2006, 10:45 PM (2 of 7)
You have my sympathy. I do know you can not shoot insurance agents (I checked into that once). At least not in New York but you could check your local laws. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 11-09-2006, 10:49 PM (3 of 7)
I'm glad your ok. That reminded me of years ago our son was working construction during the day & going to college evenings over 40 miles away. His car wasn't acting right one day so I told him to take my car. He refused at first & said he'd take our 2nd car. I said no as one tire needed replaced on that one. Finally he said he'd use my car. Coming home a 16 yr old kid pulled out in front of him. He didn't have time to stop that quick. When the cars hit my son was right at the edge of a deep canal. My car was a complete mess but son ok. The kids car was a mess & he was ok. The kid had his 2nd brand new car. His Daddy put him in another brand new one the next day. Mine was in the shop for a month. I knew it should be totaled but the adjusted that was new said no. It cost more to fix my car than a new one cost. Who listens to a sane person ? I ask her if my son had been killed I'd still have to accept my car ? she said yes or get another. Oh, the kid didn't get a thing out of causeing the wreck. Daddy has lots of money. |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 11-10-2006, 12:20 AM (4 of 7)
I live in FL...No Ins. Land...State Farm has STOPPED writing house policies, but LOVE to send you mail wanting you to take out Auto Ins with them...I almost sent the letter -I- got back, with a nasty note attached, but I decided to shred was better than wasting postage on an idiot. Here in FL. We get new windshields FREE. NO deduct, no matter what happened to them. (state law...) I always have screwy accidents that no one believes, so I just tell my stories and let THEM sort it out. Kath My last accident was in 2001, brand new car 2002 (first one bought off the lot July 13th) Acura RSX-S. (no catagory for ins company, new model). Aug. 14th , no one on the freeways...I was doing (close) to the speed limit (80 in a 70 zone), there was a mower on the side of the road. (FL has mowers doing the sides and medians, they're grassy and weedy). (my husband is in the car). I see something out the side of my eye, comming from the right....hear a terrible thump. My husband yells I hit something, I see something out the back of the car. Car is running fine, no flat tires. I pull over, I see nothing. Down the (highway) was a large piece of the mower, bright blue about 2,1/2 ft long. I go down to the next exit, so I can turn around and get the piece of metal..I get back, it's gone, along with the driver of the mower, which is now parked WAY off the road. I go to Pensacola (where I was headed) I get to Sears and make them put it on the lift. They don't see any damage. So I come home, was talking to my neighbor and she looked under my car...she said whats that hole ? I looked there's a BIG hole in the passenger side floor. So I take it to the dealer. Theres a big hole in the floor, 3 holes in a row in the exhaust system. So...the piece of metal, hit the underside of my car, making a hole, spun 3 times UNDER the car, making 3 holes, spins out the back and is never seen again.... No one believes my husband and I...thats Ok..WE KNOW it happened...(ins wouldn't pay, no metal piece...accident sounded suspicious....Ok...but it's a hell of a story to make up...when the damage is there to back it up.) ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |
From: Bama
Date: 11-10-2006, 12:57 PM (5 of 7)
I feel your pain. Hubby hit a deer in his truck a few months ago ONE MONTH after he insisted that we drop full coverage insurance and carry only liability on his truck since it was paid for. I handle all the bills and he was mad at me when he realized we still had full coverage on the truck after it was paid for. He had to eat his words. ![]() Soooo.... he took over driving my 2000 car and we got a new one for me and the kids. Guess what happened a couple of weeks ago? The motor went out in the 2000 so we got a new truck for hubby. It would cost more to fix it than the value of the car, so it's parked at the garage just in case hubby ever finds a used motor for it and ds will proably get it then if he still wants it. I have talked to our insurance agent changing over everything so many times that she recognizes my voice over the phone now. The thing that gets to me about our car insurance is how much more it costs because we have an 18yo son on it (they require coverage on him) who doesn't even want to drive. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: my2girlies
Date: 11-10-2006, 02:03 PM (6 of 7)
Oh Chrys - I can top your bizarre story! I got my 1st brand new car for HS graduation (and it was not a Model T). A few weeks later - car has less than 500 miles on it - we go on a family vacation. Evidentally someone did not shut the side door to the garage and a family of raccoons moves in to the car for the 2 weeks we were gone. It gets better. Momma coon was pregnant and "dug" nests for her babies in both front seats and evidentally was quite the interior decorator. Inside the nests were all the nice bright wires that she dug out of the dash board!! The whole front interior was shredded - seats, dash board, steering wheel - and no one ever found the knobs that were missing, guess they did not fit with the decor. And the smell - ICKKKKK. So we call the agent. After listening to his hysterical laughter after his moment of shock he agrees to come look at car. Yep - it is totaled. Then starts the 3 day parade of agents that just "have to come see this." If I had been smart I would have chardged $5 per picture and got my deductible paid. Oh my what a mess just remembering it!! Susan |
User: my2girlies
Member since: 03-25-2005 Total posts: 154 |
From: Chrysantha
Date: 11-10-2006, 10:06 PM (7 of 7)
LMAO !!! Good one.... I got another speeding ticket today... (::heavy sigh: ![]() 3 in 11 yrs...(and that doesn't count all the tickets I've had before I got here...all Dad called me lead husband just says, looks like you were caught again....yeah...again...but he was with me today ![]() I had to get a ring cut off my's been stuck since last Sat. So I took all my rings in to get fixed. (jeweler didn't even bat an eye...just got his cutter and went to work..then he saw me pull out all the others from my pocket...he just said , How Many ???) He says people do it all the stuck ring and in they ALL come..for new sizing that should have been done long ago...(yep...about 20 yrs ago when I gott'em..) ![]() Chrys
User: Chrysantha
Member since: 09-06-2002 Total posts: 2414 |

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