From: Pudge99
Date: 12-25-2006, 11:21 AM (1 of 32)
Santa brought me a FlipFold. Hubby got me a silicone muffin pan. DD#1 got me bath salts. DS#1 got me a vibrating heating foot massager. DD #2 got me a massaging bath thingy for my feet. DS #2 got me a heating pad for my feet. Get the feeling I complain about my feet a lot? I got everything on my list. I am happy ![]() ![]() Gina
Pictures of my successes and failures Pfaff 2040 Janome Mylock 134D Singer Futura CE-100 w/ Autopunch Husqvarna Viking 3D Sketch |
User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001 Total posts: 1375 |
From: Patty22
Date: 12-25-2006, 05:30 PM (2 of 32)
My SIL gave me a broom ![]() Please enlighten me if anyone can top that? DH gave me salt. No, not the kind where you relax in the tub ![]() Next year, I am going to be more specific about my needs and have everyone visualize me with a moxy attitude rather than standing in the doorway with my grubby apron. Patty
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: Bama
Date: 12-25-2006, 05:52 PM (3 of 32)
A broom Patty? ![]() ![]() Funny, my mom got me cooking salts too. All kinds of salt rubs for cooking. She also got me 2 pairs of pajamas and some bread mixes. ![]() One of my friends gave a me a basket filled with things. Candies, a bottle of wine, popcorn, bath oil. My in-laws gave me money. My kids got me a basket from Bath and Body Works. Hubby gave me more pajamas and money. He went after an ipod for me (dd's idea) to use when I walk, but since he waited til Dec. 23rd they were all sold out. And oh yea, hubby gave me a bottle of Godiva. Mmmmmmmmm..... |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Domestic Goddes
Date: 12-25-2006, 08:59 PM (4 of 32)
Hubby and DD bought me the most beautiful soft and fluffy dressing gown (would you ladies the other side of the Atlantic call it a robe?) with matching slippers in my favourite fuschia colour. A Nintendo DS Lite (in pink) for train journeys complete with games and accessories (one of which is for training my brain - is he trying to tell me something?!), lovely chocolates, DVDs, Bill Bryson's latest book, some Rudolph Noses. The In-laws gave me some money, a litre of Gordons Gin and a big box of chocs (again, is someone trying to tell me something?!). Whatever you received, I hope you had a lovely time with your nearest and dearest. |
User: Domestic Goddes
Member since: 01-04-2005 Total posts: 108 |
From: FranW
Date: 12-25-2006, 11:30 PM (5 of 32)
A table for my machine. I still have to come up with the filler part, as the machine doesn't fit exactly into the opening, but I will think of something. Meanwhile, I LOVE the table!![]() |
User: FranW
Member since: 11-20-2006 Total posts: 9 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 12-25-2006, 11:42 PM (6 of 32)
DH gave me diamonds, again (pendant & matching earrings), a set of Mary Kay's Belara bath products & body lotions and 102 mini king cones of Isacord embroidery thread. A spring broke on the lower looper of my serger and he told me this morning to let him think about it that we might go buy me a new serger. The one I have is only a year old for pete sake, but he said no he wants me to have one that won't break all the time. However, I've already put a good 5,000 or so miles on this serger making costumes, baby gifts, and table linens. Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 12-26-2006, 01:11 AM (7 of 32)
Well besides the machine and the bra for my car, I got a buffet server from my neighbor, a shammy and sponge for my mustang from my son and a card with a promise from the oldest son that he and his two daughters were going to have a portrait made for me I love my pics of my kids. I also got a mug from my neighbor with Maxine that says Been there Forgot that. Then my Mother's best friend who I'm still friends with sent me a check for 30.00 for my birthday and my Nanny sent me a check for my birthday for 10.00. My best friend Kathi made me a beautiful cross stitched angel and had it framed and it's gorgeous.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: Magot
Date: 12-26-2006, 04:00 AM (8 of 32)
I am very confused about the bra for a car Susie - (bra = brasseire over here) Tony bought me a lovely amber and green amber necklace set in silver and a pedometer, Red necklace and habdcream from DD2, DD1 made me some handcream which is amazing ( smells of frankincence)chocolate from teachers at school, some notelets and a board game Articulate - we played this christmas day - it was so funny - it made one of the best presents in that having fun with the family was such a joy. I did ask for an osterich feather duster but no one takes me seriously! My DD1 gave her husband salt too! must be the in thing - we gave him chillies We had a lovely peaceful family time which was just fab - despite the christmas eve lunch being 3 hours late due to operator error on the oven! ANd there was the Dr Who Christmas special! (Tony's sister gave me a K9 keyring - top that!) love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 12-26-2006, 08:29 AM (9 of 32)
We didn't do much, but my daughter and her boyfriend got us some sort of sound system for the television. It has a DVD player and we haven't had one that works for a while. Great stereo for CDs and radio. We still need a cord for the TV. My husband and I both said we wouldn't get each other anything -- but of course he picked up a couple CDs and a couple great idea books for the sewing room. I got him a gift card at Boarders so he gets books and music too. Always a good bet around here. My daughter in Buffalo spent the holiday with her husband's family -- Thanksgiving was here -- but my other daughter and her boyfriend were here. We mostly spent the day just hanging out together and ate for two days. We went to see Night at the Museum. We went for a couple hours to do our duty as bathroom monitors at the mission. The only problem we had was with the male staff. Men just don't like waiting in line for the bathroom. They stand way back alone or wander off. One guy that works for the mission refused to wait and just went on in. Women, on the other hand, just accept it as the way things are. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: momquilts
Date: 12-26-2006, 11:58 AM (10 of 32)
My mom gave me a sewing machine case and a new cutting mat. I got the ones I wanted because I printed the pictures right from the Joann sale ad. Mom wants specific ideas to make her shopping easier. DH gave me money which will probably be spent in the Wal-Mart fabric department before they close it. DD gave me a new lunch bag and a gel seat cushion for the bike I bought myself. DS gave me the Clover mini iron, and soon to be D-I-L gave me a cute door mat that says "Beware of Dog" with a corner that looks like it was bitten off |
User: momquilts
Member since: 02-02-2000 Total posts: 46 ![]() |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 12-26-2006, 12:21 PM (11 of 32)
I got the G.E. iron with retractable cord that I asked for & lots of certificates to Home depot for my bathroom/kitchen fix. I also got 2 new decks of Skip- Bo cards so we can all play together. Dgs's bought me prsents from school 1 was a Special Grandma coffee mug & the other was a bear statue that says special grandma on a heart. The best present was that EVERYONE liked the gifts I got them!!! I bought DGS(5) A bottle of Hershey syrup in chocolate & strawberry (his favorites) He played with them making them fight for about 1/2 hr. It was so cute. He also hugged his Mcdonald Cah register, DGS (8) got blendy pens & spin art he played with those most of the afternoon. They didn't even ask to hook up their Game Cube until later. It was a great day. Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: Debby215
Date: 12-26-2006, 08:52 PM (12 of 32)
I got Bath and Body works smelly good stuff, a zester like on the FOOD network, a mini food processor I have been drooling over, $100 in Joann Gift cards, Olive Garden gift card, a poinsetta, slippers, and a NEW 1/4 inch foot for my sewing machine. The VERY best was like someone else mentioned was that the Grandkids loved their presents and family time was wonderful. The SECOND best is DH is going to finally get the pegboard for sewing room tomorrow,![]() ![]() ![]() Debby
So much fabric....... So little time!! |
User: Debby215
Member since: 11-14-2001 Total posts: 611 ![]() |
From: mozeyrn
Date: 12-26-2006, 09:08 PM (13 of 32)
Jan, a car bra is sort of like a "regular" bra - it stretches across the "front" end. It's design is to protect the front part of the hood from scratches, bugs, etc. I've only seen them in black but doesn't cover the entire hood. Maybe someone can explain it a little better if mine sounds confusing. - Maureen.
Learning something new with every stitch!! Kenmore 16231000 |
User: mozeyrn
Member since: 11-29-2005 Total posts: 349 |
From: esrun3
Date: 12-26-2006, 09:13 PM (14 of 32)
I got lots of pictures of the grandkids (always a favorite), a pillow massager that works really well on my neck, some bath & body works lotion, a windchime, $50 gc @ Joanne's and $50 gc for Hobby Lobby. The best, besides getting to spend time with all of my children and grandchildren (and being, yet again, the "good" grandma who gets the kids exactly what they've asked for but haven't told anyone else they wanted) was that my son built me a beautiful quilt rack that will hang on the wall and hold 3 good sized quilts and something I know I'll screw up explaining because I can't remember what's its called. But..last year at one of the sewing/quilt shows, someone was selling a rolling quilter-best thing I can call it. You turn your machine sideways, put your quilt on this frame that has wheels and then you move the frame to do some free motion quilting-the quilt is rolled up and held in place by clips, you move the frame so no more tired, cramped hands or trying to shove the whole quilt into the machine. I had gone home and described it to my son and lo and behold, here it was for Christmas. Now I'll have to quick do a quilt and see if it works! I'm sure I've confused everyone with what it is but just the fact that he was willing to build these for me makes me happy. Hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday and will have a happy, healthy and safe new year! Lyn
User: esrun3
Member since: 12-02-2004 Total posts: 2345 |
From: Hogmami
Date: 12-26-2006, 10:02 PM (15 of 32)
I got 4 feet for my machine and a thing you use for free motion. Two fleece jackets, a blouse, gc for Joann's for 150.00, slippers, and an ultra sound picture of my first grandchild -- its a girl. Guess what the gc for Joann's will be used for.
Michigan |
User: Hogmami
Member since: 09-30-2004 Total posts: 800 ![]() |
From: material_pakrat
Date: 12-26-2006, 10:09 PM (16 of 32)
I got the best present of all - everyone here at home, which allowed me to sit and finish hand sewing the binding on the quilt I was making for my Mum. I got my family organised this year and circled everything that I could possibly want in the November Catalogues. That way they had a selection to choose from. Hubby was the only hard one to shop for this year - but says he is very happy coz my sewing room is finally being emptied thanks to the Stash Challenge. Funny what can make men happy ![]() Cheers, Soph.
I'm happiest when I am sewing! |
User: material_pakrat
Member since: 12-13-2006 Total posts: 220 |
From: JustSewCrafty
Date: 12-26-2006, 11:58 PM (17 of 32)
I got a lot of great things....My favorites are a tall hobby table and the 3 pack OLFA cutting mats that cover the entire top of it. My DH got it for me and I LOVE it....sure beats the kitchen table and I think it's even a little bigger. I also got a pair of rechargable Black and Decker power scissors. They are A-MAZING... I also received a Nintendo DS Light and a game, a cable sweater, PJ's, a treadmill (which I was so excited about), a lane Bryant gift card, and a hancocks gift card, a GT Express 101, a cute black leather purse and wallet, a cat tote bag, all the Harry Potter DVD's. Thats all I can recall right now. Youve got to try those scissors!! May your bobbin always be full-
Stephanie "Sewing is the new black" |
User: JustSewCrafty
Member since: 10-04-2006 Total posts: 168 |
From: pretnichols
Date: 12-28-2006, 08:37 AM (18 of 32)
Been too busy to post lately! And not enough time for sewing. I was very good to myself....I bought a serger.![]() ![]() Now off to get a a cuppa ![]() Peggy
So little time, sew much to do........... |
User: pretnichols
Member since: 10-16-2005 Total posts: 342 |
From: stephi
Date: 12-28-2006, 01:05 PM (19 of 32)
Hmm.. I got an 18" barreled wood rolling pin and a flour sifter. I wanted a rolling pin but not one that big!!! My kitchen is horse themed and I have this lovely towel rack that the handles fit perfectly into so I will keep it and buy a smaller one. Just for laughs though I stuck it in the drawer and left it hanging out so my husband would get the bigger isnt always better point, LOL!!
"No body knows what it is that I do until I dont do it" "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten" |
User: stephi
Member since: 03-17-2006 Total posts: 361 ![]() |
From: Kaitlinnegan
Date: 12-28-2006, 02:27 PM (20 of 32)
DH got me the complete set of X-files DVD's, brother got me the X-files movie and a cookbook, one sister got me some candles and soap, other sister got me a bunch of nice trivets (we had Thanksgiving at our new house, and we were scrambling for places to put hot things!). My parents got me a Husqvarna serger, which was a big surprise! I already made a skirt for my sister with it, and it's just great! They also got us a lot of soaps and room fragrance type stuff -- at least 3 different kinds. My mom swears they weren't trying to give us a hint or anything, but I'm not so sure!! ![]() - the new home for Sew What's New
User: Kaitlinnegan
Member since: 03-20-2006 Total posts: 222 |
From: vickki
Date: 12-28-2006, 08:26 PM (21 of 32)
I got a new light weight Brother sewing machine for carrying to sewing class and case,a DVD player to hook into the cig,lighter in my car,an MP3 player for walking.a new bed spread, a trip to Iceland from my sister,which I came back from a few weeks ago,brass candlesticks...clothes and a new coat....I think I got to much.....Vic |
User: vickki
Member since: 08-21-2005 Total posts: 374 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 12-28-2006, 11:15 PM (22 of 32)
Sounds like Santa was good to all of us. I was able to get my angel from my friend today and I hung it in my living room. It's beautiful!!!! She must really think a lot of me as a friend because she said it took her 4 months of stitching this thing and it shows. and she does beautiful work.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: mommydionne
Date: 12-29-2006, 12:39 PM (23 of 32)
Skis!! Downhill, powder blue ladies skies by salomon, very cool from DH and a Holiday Barbie with her Bob Mackie gown. My sister sent me a foot bath (haven't tried it yet) and my parents gave me a pair of funky suede lace up boots with pom poms ![]() Kids had a blast, I'm still trying to get all the toys out of the living room!! Jeanette
User: mommydionne
Member since: 01-08-2004 Total posts: 838 |
From: PaulineG
Date: 12-30-2006, 05:05 PM (24 of 32)
Sounds like some of you got really, really spoiled. I'd say how lucky you are (but I'm sure you already know that!) so I'll settle for I'm sure you deserve it. I got some perfume (White Linen), a cutting mat, a pair of good scissors, a set of bathroom scales (not as bad as it sounds) and a nursery (garden type) voucher/gift card. Plus a really big mess! Kids had a ball - extended family mostly behaved themselves - fun all round really. Also we had to cancel our annual few days camping trip because the roads were closed to where we normally go (no more bushfires - lots of maintenance and preventative work in the area though) so I've spent the best part of a couple of days sewing. Let's see - sewing or camping...? Hmm - not so difficult. And we still have our summer week at the beach coming in a couple of weeks - much more my style - I can get down out of the bed (caravan) - not up off the ground (tent). Hope you enjoy your pressies and break as much as I am/have. Pauline
User: PaulineG
Member since: 09-08-2006 Total posts: 901 |
From: craftedbylouise
Date: 12-30-2006, 05:55 PM (25 of 32)
My DH got my christmas gift a week early, although I KNEW what I was getting. My gift was a Brother NV1000 embroidery machine. To say that I have been having a lot of fun with it would be putting things mildly. My Brother and sister-in-law gave me money (which is what I wanted), my daughter got me a chair massaging pad with heat, although I have not tried it out yet, my hubby said he was taking it to work to use in his chair. That pretty much covers what I got this year. Louise
Brother nv1000 since 12-15-06 |
User: craftedbylouise
Member since: 12-25-2006 Total posts: 19 |
From: swartzrn
Date: 12-30-2006, 07:32 PM (26 of 32)
I'm giggling about the broom! I always have a broom b/c I'm usually riding it! LOL! We had a nice Christmas. I got alot of gardening goodies since I finally have a yard to work in again! Also, clothes, books I wanted, a quilting calendar I wanted (has a block pattern on each day,) a IOU for a new bicycle when I pick out the one I want, an applique book I wanted and so many more goodies. My grandparents gave us a ladder. I suppose her watching my husband drill the holes in the brick for the brick nails for my Christmas wreaths while standing on the trash can gave her the idea LOL! The girls both had a great Christmas too. Sarah got a "Dora the Explorer" battery powered car, lots of toys, clothes and games and Elizabeth got a new cell phone (I am such a sucker,) a piano, jewelry and clothes. OH a new camera also. I am looking forward to a quiet New Years. We have plans to go to church tomorrow and then I'm cooking chili in the crock pot and we're staying in tomorrow night. Monday, we'll go to Alabama and spend our New Years with my family. Happy New Year!! Julie
"To see the future, look into a child's eyes." |
User: swartzrn
Member since: 02-17-2006 Total posts: 436 |
From: Dexter
Date: 12-31-2006, 02:10 AM (27 of 32)
Jonathan the seal plushie. He's a character from the inspirational show Kaleido Star! |
User: Dexter
Member since: 11-05-2004 Total posts: 48 |
From: Magot
Date: 12-31-2006, 11:17 AM (28 of 32)
You are a sucker for anime Dexter! Somebody knows you well.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Dexter
Date: 01-01-2007, 05:34 AM (29 of 32)
Oh yeah, I am an obvious anime enthusiast. Most of the costumes I create are inspired by anime. |
User: Dexter
Member since: 11-05-2004 Total posts: 48 |
From: Shellymoon
Date: 01-01-2007, 08:24 PM (30 of 32)
Patty.... I think you should save the broom for Halloween, then use it know...part of the costume...ala Samantha and Endora....Maybe next year he'll be more careful??? My hubby got me an MP3 player (He hates Apple and refused to bow to the iPod God.) We call my new toy iMPy. It's really cool for when I go work out. I've already downloaded some music, some video and even a few sermons I missed at church last month! I can also download books straight from the library. It's way cooler than I imagined it would be. Daughter got me a Dallas Mavericks T-shirt (can you say NBA Champions 2007?) Mom got me a Scott Joplin CD. It came with a hilarious story about the teenage boy at the store where she bought it. He thought my mother was making up the name when she asked if they carried the CD.... Best part of my holiday was the time we got to spend with my FIL. He turned 80 back in October. He's a widower and he gets more mellow, and more funny, with each passing year. He is a hoot! Hope his son is half that much fun to be around when he's 80! Shelly Moon
User: Shellymoon
Member since: 05-27-2001 Total posts: 240 |
From: JustSewCrafty
Date: 01-09-2007, 04:34 PM (31 of 32)
Do you like your flip fold? Everytime I fold fabric, I wonder about yours lol. Do tell! May your bobbin always be full-
Stephanie "Sewing is the new black" |
User: JustSewCrafty
Member since: 10-04-2006 Total posts: 168 |
From: Pudge99
Date: 01-09-2007, 06:12 PM (32 of 32)
Actually I haven't used it yet. I am in the process of getting my sewing room reorganized. Fabric will be the last thing I do.
Pictures of my successes and failures Pfaff 2040 Janome Mylock 134D Singer Futura CE-100 w/ Autopunch Husqvarna Viking 3D Sketch |
User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001 Total posts: 1375 |

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