From: blackie
Date: 05-05-2007, 12:08 AM (1 of 27)
The quilters call them UFOs ("unfinished objects") but I have contemporized it to OPPs - "oppressive pending projects". I started these shirts out in November, planning them to be long-john style tops for winter PJs at Christmas. As is the case with me sometimes, I did not push through a project fast enough at which point it becomes an OPP - a distraction, an annoyance; un-done, sitting in a drawer reminding me that I suck - a feeling only bolstered if I run out and treat myself to another fabric purchase, or trace another pattern. I decided to go through my OPPs when I got my new digs set up here in our new home. I pushed through a purse I'd started my brother's girlfriend TWO years ago, then these. Now I have to finish up a few PJ bottoms and my drawer full of "projects" will be reduced to a tiny handful. ![]() One of the best things about sewing for my children is that they *watch*, sometimes help, and always enjoy what I create. I don't know if that will last through school years and brand names. If it doesn't, fine then. I'll sew for myself more. ![]() I know I'm biased, but Nels is pretty dern cute. ![]() As much as I love the finished product, I look forward to sewing my next project on my mom's new Husqvarna serger. Sophie's shirt is top-stitched with my favorite color, poison green. ![]() From Etsyan chaingang . Etsy is my sometime-inspiration but more often, my guilty buying pleasure. I used lightweight fusible web and then satin-stitched around the edge twice. ![]() I wish I could remember which Etsy shop I bought this from - I don't even have the purchase on record. I thought the heart motif went well with the red shirt. I did two passes around the patch - once in purple, once in red. As always, here's my pattern review and a Flickr tag set . OPPs / UFOs plague me. Why do we start things only to peter out? I have been trying to learn my lesson. In the meantime, I am trying to 1. be very deliberate about what I start, 2. work on and finish my projects in a TIMELY manner, and 3. allow a way out or a fun upgrade - like these patches, with made me want to complete the shirts. Sometimes when I talk about my sewing it seems more like WORK than fun - but that's because I'm trying to get myself to stick to things more. Happy sewing! see the mundane life of a housewife.
User: blackie
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 594 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 05-05-2007, 07:57 AM (2 of 27)
They are beautiful, Kelly. The shirts are great too. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: Magot
Date: 05-05-2007, 09:57 AM (3 of 27)
I love the patch on Sophie's shirt - so her!
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: lendube
Date: 05-05-2007, 01:45 PM (4 of 27)
Beautiful work and kids! IMHO the UFO's and OPP's are accumulated because creative people bore easily. As soon as you see the project coming together that idea has been replaced by another that you're anxious to act upon. Have to say that I think I have just one. My quilt is just not fun to work on but I'm slowly getting it done. And my one true OPP is a jacket that I couldn't get right no matter how hard I tried. Now if we're talking knitting ~ that's a whole other issue. I seldom finish a knitting project. They're ripped out more often than not. I don't consider myself creative at all. Sewing is a skill for me. I don't deviate from patterns too often. So, think of it positively. The more UFO's and OPP's, the more creative a person you are! ![]() Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: blackie
Date: 05-05-2007, 02:00 PM (5 of 27)
I love the patch on Sophie's shirt - so her! I know, right? She has a couple skeleton shirts (and pirate ones). The next garment for her is a Little Mermaid pair of PJs. IMHO the UFO's and OPP's are accumulated because creative people bore easily. As soon as you see the project coming together that idea has been replaced by another that you're anxious to act upon. { snip } So, think of it positively. The more UFO's and OPP's, the more creative a person you are! ![]() Well, good points there. Still, I don't think of myself as all that creative either - I'm more of a "technician". But I do want to learn to be someone who finishes what she starts. It's a tough haul! ![]() see the mundane life of a housewife.
User: blackie
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 594 |
From: cshortsew
Date: 05-05-2007, 02:10 PM (6 of 27)
Congratulations on finishing those UFO/OPPs. They look great!
Projects Completed in 2007: Sewing: biscuit quilt, 7 baby dress sets, piggy pillow, 7 baby pants, eyeglass holder, purse, 5 baby outfits, toddler dress set Crocheting: red purse, piggy slippers, sweater shawl, 5 pr. sock trims, 89 squares, baby sweater, 2 afghans, toddler harness, baby poncho, baby dress Other: 14 Autism pins Works in progress: Sewing: toddler overalls & shirt Crocheting: vertical stripes afghan |
User: cshortsew
Member since: 06-28-2006 Total posts: 380 |
From: Patty22
Date: 05-05-2007, 02:26 PM (7 of 27)
OPPs..... or more like ooops projects for me. Love the shirts! The graphics are just great. Acidic green? You love acidic green? I have the very best skeleton fabric (the skeleton's have cowboy boots, some are smoking, big sombreros - kind of like a "day of the dead" kind of take...very Frida Kahlo type) on a acidic green background. It was a Timeless Treasures 2004 print. Let me know if you would like some. Patty
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: blackie
Date: 05-05-2007, 02:40 PM (8 of 27)
Yes, I'm verrrrry interested (twirling my villianous mustache and nodding head). I'd love to see a picture of that! see the mundane life of a housewife.
User: blackie
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 594 |
From: Patty22
Date: 05-05-2007, 04:04 PM (9 of 27) My husband loves Halloween so over the years I have gravitated towards anything different. Patty
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: blackie
Date: 05-05-2007, 04:53 PM (10 of 27)
That is right up my alley. How much do you have, how much are you charging per yd. and shipping - and do you take Paypal? ![]() see the mundane life of a housewife.
User: blackie
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 594 |
From: Patty22
Date: 05-05-2007, 07:58 PM (11 of 27)
Blackie.......just pm me your address and I can send you a yard; just do a random act of kindness in return.
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: blackie
Date: 05-05-2007, 08:03 PM (12 of 27)
Will do. How very lovely of you! Thank you so much.
see the mundane life of a housewife.
User: blackie
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 594 |
From: Bruna
Date: 05-05-2007, 08:26 PM (13 of 27)
Patty, what a lovely thing to do for someone! The people on this forum have such beautiful hearts, from a purely selfish point of view I'm so glad I found it. I check it every day and always feel good afterwards. It's like having a big group of really close friends. I know that if I need any help you're all available with your caring hearts. I don't post very often but I'm always lurking. Regards, Bruna |
User: Bruna
Member since: 02-19-2007 Total posts: 42 |
From: lendube
Date: 05-05-2007, 08:55 PM (14 of 27)
Well I post often and I always notice how kind your posts are, Bruna. True. And Patty and Blackie are just showing the spirit that thrives on this board. I'm not at all surprised and think it's wonderful. There absolutely are more good-hearted people in this world than the monsters we see periodically.... ![]() Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 05-05-2007, 10:25 PM (15 of 27)
So, think of it positively. The more UFO's and OPP's, the more creative a person you are! ![]() Lennie I guess you'd consider me one heck of a creative person! ![]() Blackie...cute kids & tops! TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
Member since: 01-25-2005 Total posts: 1366 |
From: MartySews2
Date: 05-05-2007, 10:32 PM (16 of 27)
I have a stack of unfinished projects - usually I have to put it away before finishing and forget where all of the pieces are. I have a lovely dress that I started for myself back in September but I cannot remember where I put the back, facings and sleeves. One of these days I may find it. When I finish a project, it's like "hallelujah" it's finally done. Happy Stitching! Marty PS: Cute clothes on even cuter children. ![]() |
User: MartySews2
Member since: 05-03-2007 Total posts: 293 ![]() |
From: EmaCon
Date: 05-06-2007, 04:52 AM (17 of 27)
I also think the shirts and the kids are adorable. My kids aren't little anymore but they'd love shirts like that. My 24 yr old daughter wants a skirt like the one I'm making. I told her I thought that mother/daughter outfits at our age are a little suspect. She said she's 5'7" and I'm 5'2" and she likes her skirts shorter and I like mine longer and no one will notice that it's the same pattern. She's probably right. But back to UFOs...I've been watching reruns of Project Runway and I hear Tim Gunn's voice in my head say "make it work". He wrote in his new book (I read the first chapter online) that students kept starting over and over again on projects and they never made any progress. That's when he came up with his trademark line "make it work". It's made me take a new look at my UFOs and analyze what's wrong and try to fix them. Things don't always work out as you've planned and sometimes you just have to make lemonade from those lemons. |
User: EmaCon
Member since: 07-28-2006 Total posts: 67 |
From: Patty22
Date: 05-06-2007, 09:31 AM (18 of 27)
....and then thinking about skeletons, I remember going to hear Jane Sassaman lecture about her quilting at QBL and one of her early quilts was a skeleton quilt.... scroll to the Skeleton quilt...... but I believe she also did another one.....with more bodies....couldn't find the image though. She did some great Halloween costumes also. Jane Sassaman has the same kind of color sensibilities and adventurous spirit as you Blackie, so I thought you might enjoy visiting her site. Fabric will hit the mail on Monday. Patty
User: Patty22
Member since: 03-29-2006 Total posts: 1194 |
From: MaryW
Date: 05-06-2007, 09:41 AM (19 of 27)
Annoying distractions describes my pile perfectly. ![]() MaryW
owner/editor of Sew Whats New |
User: MaryW
Member since: 06-23-2005 Total posts: 2542 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 05-06-2007, 10:05 AM (20 of 27)
When I cleaned my sewing room last summer I either finished the project or threw it away except for 1 blouse for myself. I hope to finish that soon.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: Magot
Date: 05-06-2007, 12:47 PM (21 of 27)
ooooohhhh those quilts ,Patty - how yummy!
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: lendube
Date: 05-06-2007, 01:19 PM (22 of 27)
Love those quilts! The colors, the designs! Fabulous. Thanks, Patty. Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: blackie
Date: 05-06-2007, 01:24 PM (23 of 27)
....and then thinking about skeletons, I remember going to hear Jane Sassaman lecture about her quilting at QBL and one of her early quilts was a skeleton quilt.... scroll to the Skeleton quilt..... [ snip ] Jane Sassaman has the same kind of color sensibilities and adventurous spirit as you Blackie, so I thought you might enjoy visiting her site. Fabric will hit the mail on Monday. Patty, you are right - I do like her stuff. My knee-jerk reaction is, "I could never sew anything like that!" Thank you again for the fabric. I told my husband what you were doing and he couldn't believe it. When I cleaned my sewing room last summer I either finished the project or threw it away except for 1 blouse for myself. I hope to finish that soon. I have sometimes thrown stuff out, and sometimes packaged it up (including pattern) and given it to the salvation army, thinking perhaps someone will come along and make lemonade from my lemons. This strategy has helped me clear the air and also helps me re-think what kind of projects I should be starting in the first place. see the mundane life of a housewife.
User: blackie
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 594 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 05-06-2007, 04:33 PM (24 of 27)
One of the things I tossed was a jacket for my nephew when he started school. He is now35 yrs old & has 2 sons. I tried to finish for his boys but just didn't have the will so finally tossed it & the guilt in the trash can.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: blackie
Date: 05-06-2007, 09:52 PM (25 of 27)
One of the thinks I tossed was a jacket for my nephew when he started school. He is now35 yrs old & has 2 sons. I tried to finish for his boys but just didn't have the will so finally tossed it & the guilt in the trash can. Oh my goodness - that is an excellent story! I haven't been seriously sewing for many years so I don't have great stories like that - YET. Altho' the day I went into labor with Nels 3 yrs. ago I'd started a quilt - you know that energy you have at the end of pregnancy! I finished it a year later almost to the day, for my best friend's new baby. She'd been with me to buy the fabric, obviously before she was pregnant. Anyway I felt pretty sheepish but glad to at least finish! see the mundane life of a housewife.
User: blackie
Member since: 03-31-2004 Total posts: 594 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 05-07-2007, 08:39 PM (26 of 27)
I love your tops Blackie, and I'm looking forward to see what you come up with for the acidic green skeleton fabric. OMgosh, it's fabulous Patty!! I'm proud to say I opened up my box of UFO's and finished all but 1 which only needs snaps on it and tada!! it's done. I'm so proud of myself. Course I did throw two into the garbage, but who's telling?? Laura
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: GreenDragonLady
Date: 05-08-2007, 01:51 PM (27 of 27)
Annoying distractions describes my pile perfectly. ![]() Describes my children lately too. Kelly, those tops are adorable (as are the children, of course). They've gotten so big! I have TONS of UFOs/OPPs. I have a few reasons why: 1) I'm lazy 2) I can't get off this computer 3) I'm afraid of things not being perfect so I don't finish them so I never find out if they're perfect or not.
User: GreenDragonLady
Member since: 07-29-2004 Total posts: 495 |

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