From: PaulineG
Date: 07-12-2007, 06:52 AM (1 of 22)
With Lennie's recent escapade with the shopping trolley ( and subsequent angst over the (thankfully shortlived) loss of her purse I felt it posed an interesting question. What's in your purse (or handbag? or whatever you call the storage device larger than a wallet you hang off your shoulder)? Be honest now - not that we'll ever know. For me - a couple of scrunched up (but unused) tissues, a free joining coupon for WW, business card for podiatrist, a sanitary pad, a supermarket receipt, a petrol (gas) receipt, mobile (cell) phone, a button in a little plastic bag (not even sure what it's from), the current rego label from my car (should be stuck to the windscreen - oops) and somehow a few popcorn crumbs from when I took dd to the movies a couple of days ago. ![]() - drivers licence, VISA card, eftpos card, two library cards (1 is ds's), two gift cards (with tiny little balances left after they were used), cinema rewards card, Spotlight VIP card and medicare card. Oh yes - and about 70 cents in silver - I never carry cash. Not much in there today - a couple of days ago it was bulging. Pauline
User: PaulineG
Member since: 09-08-2006 Total posts: 901 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 07-12-2007, 07:51 AM (2 of 22)
I change bags frequently, but usually just grab hand fulls of stuff and move from one to the other. There is a wallet with cards and probably $20 in cash; A bunch of business cards -- mine and other peoples; Fliers, agendas, brochures and other paper stuff I pick up when working; Some wadded paper -- probably napkins or towels; Some breath mints or gum; A small kit with a nail file, tweezers and scissors (They always take it away from me when I go to the county historian's office because of the sharp objects. I go there a lot when I do feature stories); There is hand cream, hand sanitizer, lipstick and chapstick and a hairbrush; Probably 5 to 10 pens, a reporters notebook or two and usually a small digital recorder and a pack of extra batteries (except the pack is probably empty and the batteries are loose in the bottom); When I'm not working I sometimes carry a smaller bag with just the wallet, hand cream, nail file and chapstick or lipstick; Frequently there is a book in there; Today there will be a check and deposit slip until I get to the bank; Oh yeah, a cell phone I can never find when it is ringing. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: momquilts
Date: 07-12-2007, 09:06 AM (3 of 22)
The contents of my purse - cell phone; tissues; sunglasses; wallet; packet of True Lemon to flavor my water bottle at work; a phone call reminder; T shirt sleeve scrunchies; my watch; credit cards; dental floss, chapstick; tylenol, aleeve, gaviscon; tape measure; pen; calculator, cough drops, gum, spare car keys. I usually have an umbrella but this purse is too small for it. I downsized to go to the beach over the weekend. Didn't want to carry something too big while walking the boardwalk. This is only the size of a small suitcase not a large one. |
User: momquilts
Member since: 02-02-2000 Total posts: 46 ![]() |
From: lendube
Date: 07-12-2007, 01:05 PM (4 of 22)
Okay, no cheating. Let's see what I would have lost. 1. $23.00 whole dollars. Lucky for me as I usually carry larger amounts of cash. 2. Cafe Girl sugar free tiny mints. 3. 2 note tablets I picked up free at the grocery store yesterday. 4. 1 pen 5. 4 lipsticks 6. various gift certs, business cards, credit card size calculator, emory board 7. small round mirror which was a souvenier from Alaska. The wood side is made up of several woods native to the state. 8. 2" utility knife, tool set 9. my own business cards 10. Altoids this time, sugar free, tiny (I must really think my breath stinks!) 11. glasses case 12. receipts, recipe cards for new dishes to try that I picked up at the meat counter yesterday. And in the main compartment. 13. kleenexes, used and unused ![]() 14. hand sanitizer 15. small hand lotion 16. Tide to Go pen 17. my wallet with the usual cards, membership, credit, etc. driver's license 18. sanitary pads 20. watch and new battery I bought for it yesterday. 21. checkbook 22. change - 1 nickel, 1 dime and 9 pennies 23. I forgot - my cell phone which is always in it when I'm out. I do believe that's it. It's a good sized bag but it organizes well. Liz Claiborne - bought it the day she died recently. Lennie ![]() |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: judymo
Date: 07-12-2007, 04:32 PM (5 of 22)
Ok,I have in my bag 1.postage stamps 2.keys to my office at work 3. hearing aid batteries 4.2 pens & 2 Penicles 5.1/ pair of earrings, I dropped after church one sunday about 3 months ago.(that's only the front part where the zipper comes down in front.) 6.1 400/24 film from last year waiting to go to be processed 7.1 check book 8.1 wallet with various cards in them, rite aid card, hospital card,true value reward card,bowling member ship card, library card, aarp card,2 business cards 1 pen, $10.00, change of 69 9. third part of purse, note pad and calendar, 10, small sewing kit, 11.comb 12Bd Glucose Tablets That's what I would lose, I have left my purse at the grocery store intown, the post office, and had to go back for them after I got home because they called and living in a small town, everyone knows everyone else. judymo ![]() |
User: judymo
Member since: 03-19-2005 Total posts: 185 ![]() |
From: Pudge99
Date: 07-12-2007, 06:28 PM (6 of 22)
I love this post! I cleaned my purse out today while waiting to pick up my hubby from work. In it was..... 2 cell phones (mine and hubby's) 1 pen 1 pencil 1 notepad 1 dead battery size L1028 1 stick of SPF lip balm 1 pack of tissues 1 mini first-aid kit 1 CPR Kit 1 coupon organizer with Girl Scout resource rebates $22 1 Tube of Frontline Flea and Tick treatment. 1 Pair of Sunglasses A hand full of reciepts including one from Enterprise rent a car. 1 Wallet filled with.... $36 More change than I want to count Library Card Subway Coupons Coupons for the Slot Car Raceway in the mall 3 Credit Cards 1 Bank Card Frequent buyer card for the Nutty Bavarian Girl Scout and PTA Membership Cards Extra house key Pet Perks Card Hancock Fabrics Card 2 full value meal cards from Burger King and last but not least something almost every mother of boys has in her purse. A ROCK!!! I did notice thanks to you all that I am missing sanitary napkins. I better get some in there. ![]() Gina
Pictures of my successes and failures Pfaff 2040 Janome Mylock 134D Singer Futura CE-100 w/ Autopunch Husqvarna Viking 3D Sketch |
User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001 Total posts: 1375 |
From: AndreaSews
Date: 07-12-2007, 08:35 PM (7 of 22)
I keep my current bag a lot like the way I keep my sewing stash: spare. It contains: One cellular telephone (actually it's charging on the counter at the moment), and one wallet, with my driver's license, credit cards, and various membership cards in it. And I think a rumpled up receipt or two. That's it! Andrea
User: AndreaSews
Member since: 02-18-2005 Total posts: 1007 |
From: mommydionne
Date: 07-12-2007, 09:03 PM (8 of 22)
as DH likes to call it the "suitpurse" (he says it's as big as a suitcase...) contains: cell phone chap stick lip gloss note that Luke needs a pix of himself for daycamp big fat wallet (which holds all the various cards, bits of paper, lots of change and actually some cash today b/c I had to stop and get $$ to pay the babysitter tonight and pix of my kids of course!) leather date book holder with datebook and a collection of business cards people seem to think I need 2 chequebooks leather notebook (b/c I keep losing bits of paper) my glasses! in their hard case four coupons for the play place to dump your kids at the mall oops make that 5 hand lotion sewing kit! 7 bandaids grocery list from about 3 weeks ago sunscreen tic tacs my husbands set of keys to the van (he's been wondering where they were, oops) 4 pens 1 mechanical pencil 2 makeup brushes, one small makeup palette thingy tide to go stick son's mood ring, other son's watch with dead battery a loony icky kleenex Jeanette
User: mommydionne
Member since: 01-08-2004 Total posts: 838 |
From: material_pakrat
Date: 07-12-2007, 11:26 PM (9 of 22)
I'm going to join in this only because I really need to clean it out as it weighs a ton. Pocket 1 Easter egg wrappers fron the kids Pocket 2 Keys - with about a dozen keys on it and is so big you cant close your fist around it. Sunglasses Zipper Pocket 1 Ally's hair tie Fruit bar Bias binding for Scout scarves 7 receipts (now in the bin) Pen 2*business cards I dont need Plastic bank change bag Fist full of coins Zipper Pocket 2 2 mini salt packets 2 packets Equal 1 pk Macca's Sweet and Sour Sauce 1 pen Another 12 receipts 2 tampons 1 broken black rubber stopper - I guess I was supposed to get a new one, but I can't remember what it was for. I am putting it back, coz I just know someone will ask for it one day if I throw it out. 4 material shopping lists for various jobs I've done Ok - now we are actually going INTO the main compartment of the bag. All of those pockets were just on the outside of my bag. Phone Paper cup hugger Swimming newsletter OOOOOOHHHHH Areally nice quilt leaflet 2 letters to post 2 Lighters and spare smokes - yeah I know. No-one has to tell me. Mini tape measure Pkt Panadol Pkt Strepsils Lanyard with attached bottle opener. Must have for those un-openable stubbies. ![]() 2 more pkts Macca's sauce Baby ogre from Shrek Hankie Lip balm Pkt chewy Aero bar Waterproof texta for when I do tuckshop at school Small fist full of unidentifiable paper scraps Shopping list with safety pin attached and sample of what I need Another 5 receipts Couple of fuel discount coupons Mini pair of scissors Then I have the mobile medicine cabinet.... My allergy tablets, kids inhaler, bottle of Nurofen, Pain killers, bandaids, and the associated little bits and pieces. I also have 3 mini compacts of face powder(all different tones), brush, and a lip pencil. That's coz I am usually doing my minimal make-up look on the way to where ever we are going. Then there is the wallet. But there is no way I am going to delve into that today as well. It is Friday the 13th afterall, and I have just cleaned out one ugly mess of a bag ![]() Thanks for the nudge to clean out the bag Pauline. Got me motivated to get my butt into gear. ![]() Hmmmm I see this list and think it may be time to down size the bag, or buy a shopping trolley. ![]() Cheers, Soph.
I'm happiest when I am sewing! |
User: material_pakrat
Member since: 12-13-2006 Total posts: 220 |
From: lendube
Date: 07-12-2007, 11:33 PM (10 of 22)
So far I think Soph's the winner! ![]() Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: plrlegal
Date: 07-13-2007, 01:55 AM (11 of 22)
Geez my purse is going to seem like a lightweight compared to some of you girls but here goes. I'm doing this from memory as DH and the pooch have gone to bed and my purse is in the bedroom and if I go in there banging around to get my purse, they'll both be awake. In the three inside pockets are: my key ring that holds my car key and fob; dh truck key and fob; office key, computerized door opener for my office building, key to my private office and house key; sunglasses in other pocket & ball point pen in middle pocket. On the other side of my purse in the zipper pocket is: miniature sewing kit containing needles, threads, buttons, snaps, and miniature scissors, tube of hand cream, 2 partial containers of dental floss, halves of an emery board, bottle of Refresh tears, tube of Carmex, small tube of liquid bandage, yellow highligher for use in marking Bible during pastor's sermon, giant safety pin, miniature purple clamp and small vial of Beautiful perfume that I've been meaning to give to an older friend of mine. Floating lose in the bottom of my Le Sak is the hands free kit to my cell phone that I've never taken out of it's plastic bag, a book of daily devotions (Passion With a Purpose), a big Curad bandaid for my incision in my back because it's at my waistline and my clothes really hurt at this point, a striped peppermintand a bottle of ibuprofen and Naproxen. My purse organizer (which is very handy for changing purses contains my cell phone, reading glasses, 16 cents; a miniature notebook with a pen attached, a 55 cent coupon for L'eggs pantyhose, a receipt for my 2008 quilt guild dues, a yellow sticky with a phone number and no name, a yellow sticky with dollar amounts and a phone number but no name, a $10.00 Sonic card that I got yesterday for participating in a survey at the drive thru, a small plastic bag with drugs in it for my back pain, an expired coupon for $10 off at Bath and Body Works that my niece (goddaughter) sent me for mother's day along with a $10 gift card, a Panera Bread guft card that has $2.00 left on it (hey, enough for a bagel probably), a pair of fold up reading glasses in a case and my credit card holder with my Bank Debit Card, 1 Visa credit card, receipt for my $50 tank of gas this evening, insurance card, Medicare Part A card, my quilt guild membership card, Hancock's preferred customer card, and lots of other miscellaneous cards that I need from time to time and then when I leave the house I add my cosmetic bag which weighs at least 3 pounds. No wonder I had a bad disk in my back lugging all this stuff around all the time!!! Patsy Patsy
User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001 Total posts: 318 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 07-13-2007, 07:58 AM (12 of 22)
Do you change bags (no matter what you call them) often or just use one til it wears out? Do you make your own? I change often -- but not daily anymore -- and make many of mine. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: PaulineG
Date: 07-13-2007, 08:15 AM (13 of 22)
I've never had a bag I really loved until my current one so I didn't bother changing things around. I did go through a stage where I had a really big bag (which of course was filled to capacity) and would occasionally grab a few things out and put them into a really small bag. I know if I was switching a lot I would end up forgetting something vital. I have made a couple of tote bags (although not any for myself) and I think I will work my way up to a nice slightly more dressy small tote bag for myself. Would love to see some of yours. Pauline
User: PaulineG
Member since: 09-08-2006 Total posts: 901 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 07-13-2007, 08:27 AM (14 of 22)
Oh I like this post too, I thought mine was a suit case until I seen some of you ladies. I change purses only when I get tired of the one I'm carrying but I do use others when going to dress up affairs, (weddings, funerals, ect) In mine at the moment is: Checkbook Wallet with no money but debit card and drivers license Punch cards for quilt shops Contact Lens Implant cards for my caterac removal Voter registration card fishing license reciepts recent purchases credit card case with cards pens about 6 Tylenol Tic Tacs Listermints Travel size Lipstick address book pocket size Tide to go pen Sewing guild card Hancock Fabric card Weight Watchers record cards Weight Watchers point counter travel sewing kit travel magnifing glass Hair pic Almost never carry cash so no cash but lots of change I wonder why? cell phone My business cards I printed some up to hand out to American Sewing Guild potential members Jump drive (memory stick) tissue There is probably some more things in the bottom I'm not going to mention the little things or we'll be here all night. I often get back and neck pain from the weight of this thing. I need one with rollers. ![]() I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: pretnichols
Date: 07-13-2007, 11:16 AM (15 of 22)
Wow, I'm totally floored by what some of you carry! I have been down-sizing for years. I used to carry a purse large enough to stick a baby bottle in, even though I also used a diaper bag. No more "hot wheels" either! Anyway, timing is right as I am switching purses today! Here goes: Wallet: $85 cash - we are going out of town or it would be $10. Credit/debit cards, business cards, $1.65 in loose change, a "ladies Circle Chicago pin", my drivers license & insurance card, a couple of rainchecks, health insurance & dental cards, 2 Waltdisney World park hopper passes (from 2000); a restaurant gift card with $2 left on it; a picture of my daughter at 2 (she's 9 1/2 now) and a receipt with some numbers written on it. Not a phone number.....hmmm?? As for my handbag/purse, which has 5 pockets: a packet of tissue sanitary pads & tampons 2 pair "reading" glasses jump drive (memory stick) emory board carmex tube lip gloss keys to Indiana house key chain/fob with key to my parents house Molly's new rabies tag (guess I should put it on her!) Coupon for free bowling for 2 hours for 6 of us 3 pens (reduced to 2) 2 pennies religious pin that broke; stuck it through raffle ticket connemara marble rock (good luck charm I've carried for 20+ years) lots of receipts 2 pieces of gum "scoopie tokens" a ton of business cards, now whittled down to 5! stack of deposit slips for our checking account work key bandaids lipstick tube packet of lemonade to add toa water bottle small tube of aquaphor safety pins earrings magnetic Blessed Mary medalion for the car (I have carried it since I started driving in 1979) 2 ponytail bands 2 more tampons and another sanitary pad pill box containing 1 high blood pressure bill & 2 Aleve tablets Tums Lip pencil & eyeliner pencil Benydryl pill More tums another emory file expired (2005) tickets for zoo tram & dolphin show small pad with paper pictures of my kids from 4 years ago id cards for my kids with their thumb prints from 5 years ago I think that's about it. Now that I've tossed a bunch of stuff, I found out I don't like my new purse. It only has 1 pocket and its too small to hold anything larger than 2 inches. Thanks for hellping me clean my purse out! Beleive it or not, the purse I have is only 9" x 5", but it sure holds a lot! Peggy
So little time, sew much to do........... |
User: pretnichols
Member since: 10-16-2005 Total posts: 342 |
From: Bama
Date: 07-13-2007, 11:18 AM (16 of 22)
Wow, my purse seems light compared to some of yours. I'm like Suzy, I usually change purses when I have to dress up. Then I change back to my "comfortable" one when I get home. I make some of mine (I prefer a quilted purse, they're more comfortable to carry. Does that make sense? ![]() Okay, 1st outside pocket- cell phone 2nd pocket- $4 (forgot that was in there) 3rd pocket-some sugarless candies 4th pocket-empty 5th pocket- grocery receipts 6th pocket- Best thing! A deposit certificate and receipt for the next Harry Potter book. Inside purse-sunglasses, checkbook, wallet with the usual things- credit cards, DL, $20, a few pictures, way too much change. That will change after school starts and dd needs snack/drink money every day. Some cereal coupons, 2 sanitary pads, a Hobby Lobby receipt from yesterday, a guest lunch pass from taking DS to tour a college campus yesterday, a pen, postage stamps, a small address/phone# book, Blistex, some peppermints and spearmints, a kleenex, and a 1 Special K protein bar. (to keep me away from those drive-thrus!) |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 07-13-2007, 11:39 AM (17 of 22)
Right now my purse is empty because I made a list of what is in it! It won't all be going back in!!!! Pocket 1. cell phone,Rex Eme' creme (almost empty),hand sanitizer,Eucerin creme(almost empty),olay regenerist sample,2 lens cloths,mini sharpee,Mary Kay lotion sample,chapstick,Carmex, calcutator, Pocket 2: 7 lens cloths Pocket 3: work Keys (don't need until August) Pocket 4: 2 eyegass repair kits, sewing kits, 4 hair ties, Barrette, 1 used McDonald's GC with 81 cents on it. Pocket 5: Gas X, barrettew/hairtie,3 sanitary pads,2 wetone wipes,tic tacs(wintergreen), 2 more chapstick,more Eucerin,small Tupperware containers with Ibuprofen, acetominophen,antacid & sinus meds, 2 nail clippers & a pkg. of threaded needles,Zantac sample, Son's Target GC that won't scan because he carried it too long & wore off some #s, Max & Erma's partial GC, DGS Identa kid cards from '05 &'06, DD's safe kid card from"04, DGSs insurance cards, dead battery for dh calculator. Pocket 6: Photo album, Walmart & Target receipts,2 packages of tissues,6' tape measurer,2 note pads(1 sticky,1 not), Tampax case filled, old eyeglasses in case, 6 inkpens, 3 mini sharpees, 1 highlighter,& a penny DGS found at the pool. Pocket 7; Check book W/ drivers license, Sam's card,Meijer Card, Kroger card,Master Card, old Dentist appt.card,Business cards, list of kids bank acct. #s, first aid kit,Sam's receipt,Walmart receipt, 4 pens, another notepad quarter, Wallet containing; $76, JonnyRocket receipt, Gas card,Lifetime GS card, SScard (I know I shouldn't carry), Coupon for zipper bags, Voter reg card, Kroger GC,expired coupon,picture of DD & BF, phone #s of coworkers on asst scraps of paper, Bank deposit receipt, Visa Card, extened family Bday list, cereal coupon, Receipt from DGS heelis bought in May, Bo Rics coupon, Gordons GC, Barnes & Noble GC,Hollywood Video GC,Applebee's GC,Pin # for new ATM,Gas receipt,Free apple pie coupon from Burger King,another hair tie,Atm card, Library card, Bank Acct card,5 39 cent stamps,$2 bill. HP ink card, Red Cross donor card, extra door key for car, expired Zoo membership, Blockbuster card, old work ID, $6.40 in change, 2 paperclips, Key chain with "Best Grandma charm" & wallet picture of DGS on flat flashlight. Now to go see what should really go back in. Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: HeyJudee
Date: 07-14-2007, 12:02 AM (18 of 22)
I have one purse I love and as you can tell by the colour...I use it all the time. Front View ( Back View ( It contains: pocket 1 - a cell phone, pocket 2 - a lipstick, a lip liner, 10 ml size tube of hand cream, sticker with number for satellite road service front zippered section: 1 leather change purse with two zippers - first zippered section contains change, spare key for desk at work, spare key for doors on car (got locked out once so now carry a spare), spare key for house - second zippered section contains paper money and bank withdrawal slips since I went to get some money today. 1 small credit card holder - contains driver's license, registration for car, car insurance policy card, health care card, hospital card, benefits card, bank card, 3 credit cards, 2 phone cards eye-glass cleaner gadget back zippered section: 1 kleenex, building pass for work with belt clip, business card holder containing a bunch of business cards, another card holder containing library card, 4 reward cards, 1 credit card, quilt guild card, Fabricville club card, printout of phone numbers of colleagues at work, a Palm pilot and a flyer for an October quilt show in Vermont. And finally...a pen clipped to my shoulder strap. Now I'm hoping I'll be the loser of this one. ![]() TTFN from
Judy |
User: HeyJudee
Member since: 01-25-2005 Total posts: 1366 |
From: material_pakrat
Date: 07-14-2007, 12:18 AM (19 of 22)
It really is scary what we all carry around. It's no wonder half of us has sore backs and shoulders at the end of the night.
Cheers, Soph.
I'm happiest when I am sewing! |
User: material_pakrat
Member since: 12-13-2006 Total posts: 220 |
From: Sancin
Date: 07-14-2007, 02:19 AM (20 of 22)
Develop arthritis in shoulders and upper back!! ![]() I have a friend that used to weight my purse before she went shopping with me - this was when the arthritis was only in my knees! I have taken to carrying a small purse and a tote bag, which I leave in the car, and check every day as to what I think I will need. I primarily use a flat passport carrier around my neck and/or shoulder in which I carry a small change purse with few cheques, and only the cards I think I will need, a small hair brush, a purse package of tissues (and usually a few used ones, especially in allergy season), a pill container with pills, gum, and mints, and a very small note book with attached pencil with important measurements for my house and so forth. A small retractable tape measure and folding scissors. A list for the day. Purchase receipts. I remove the list and receipts as soon as I get home I have just returned from holidays where I carried a slightly larger purse (leather as I forgot I had a microfibre one). In this I added a pen to go with the pencil, my sunglasses and lens cleaner, hand cleaner tissue and my wallet (fold over kind). I cannot get over how much better I feel not carrying so much stuff. I rarely carry my cell phone, but if I do I leave it in the car, and it is loaded with every phone number I will ever need, including the phone number itself, so I don't carry a phone book. I must admit I was a nervous wreck the first few weeks I went out without all my possessions, but it amazing how little one really needs. I recently purchased a shopper's vest pattern I am going to make one of these days - now what will I do with my hands or body when I can stand up straight? I dare some of you to try lightening up. Check it out. Retirement and being single again is great - no kid's and husband's things!! And no stethecope, snaking through everything, or a million coloured pens -or bits of left over jewelry. ![]() *~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 895 |
From: Magot
Date: 07-14-2007, 02:21 AM (21 of 22)
Gotta do this - the challenge is so great! zipocket 1:work keys ( K9 keyfob), 5 lipsticks( my entire stash - I like to know where they are) 2 tampons zip pocket 2 - purse-appointment vards for, hairdresser, dentist, osteopath, 4 business cards,organ and blood donor cards, cambridge grad pad menbers card, caravan club members cards,3 store member cards ( no visa I don't own a vredit card) Bank debit card, driving license, school dinner ID, 5 unreconciled receits( just been away for the weekend)repeat prescription request, the paper bit of the driving license tey make you carry as well as the plastic photoone, First aid at work card, glasses prescription £20 note,aprox £5 change and an earing. Compartment 1 spare battery for camera, mobile phone, reading glasses, glasses, checkbook,migraine meds. memory stick, pencil, inhaler, graduation program and 3 soggy tissues, ( every picture tells a story) Compartment 2 car keys,sunglasses, fountain pen, contact lens cleaner and solution, rollerball pen, 2 more soggy tissues Have removed - used tissues, camera battery, graduation program, receits( to be entered on finances) all else stays - it's where I keep it! love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: mommydionne
Date: 07-14-2007, 10:04 PM (22 of 22)
Wow! I thought I carried around a lot of stuff! I have a vast handbag/purse collection but I don't change that often about every 3-4 months (ie with the season) but I have several evening bags. All are purchased, I'm a leather fanatic, Maybe I should get some leather bits and try making one? They have some cool tortiseshell style handles at Fabricville.... Jeanette
User: mommydionne
Member since: 01-08-2004 Total posts: 838 |

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