From: Mom of Six
Date: 08-01-2007, 06:58 AM (1 of 15)
Copy and paste then add your own answers inplace of mine. 1. Biggest regret in Life: going back to work 2. What you planned to be when in high school: Teacher 3. Current title: Mom, Grandma, wife, Lunchlady in another 3 weeks(yuk) 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My Dad 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My Mom 6. What is your worst characteristic? I get distracted easily 7. What is your best charactistic? Honest and loyal 8. doesn't really fit here 9. First Pet: Never really had one of my own 10. Current 5 year goal: To be able to not have to work day and night and have more free time in my life! Yeah!!! 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: Grandma's German Chocolate or Pineapple upsidedown cake 12. Favorite Restaurant: anywhere I don't have to cook 13. Best birthday you ever had: the last one I spent with dad 14. Favorite place to vacation: Higgins Lake 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. Indiana with my Sisters Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: DorothyL
Date: 08-01-2007, 07:29 AM (2 of 15)
Copy and paste then add your own answers inplace of mine. 1. Biggest regret in Life: not traveling more. 2. What you planned to be when in high school: Writer 3. Current title: Dorothy 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: There was this guy I used to date............. 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My Mom 6. What is your worst characteristic? I'm lazy, procrastinate and waste a lot of time. 7. What is your best charactistic? I'm honest 8. What do you respect about the person who sent you this email? Huh??? 9. First Pet: Dog named Mike 10. Current 5 year goal: To move to a warmer climate 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: I don't much care for cake. 12. Favorite Restaurant: A place called Steve's bar and grill where Dave makes the best southwesterny kind of specialties -- But then there is that Indian place in Liverpool -- Or the Japanese one --There's an Italian one but it's expensive. All are independently owned, not big box. 13. Best birthday you ever had: Ah, come on, there have been too many for that. Maybe when I was 18. 14. Favorite place to vacation: Somewhere I have never been before. 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. To my daughter's place in Buffalo __________________ |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: Magot
Date: 08-01-2007, 07:37 AM (3 of 15)
I'll go with this! 1. Biggest regret in Life: not being able to foster my nephew any more 2. What you planned to be when in high school: I wanted to draw an illustrate books on biology 3. Current title: Senior Laboratory Technician,Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Pastor's Wife, Ace Preacher! Mum 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: Can't think of anybody - when I leave people I let go of them 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My Dad 6. What is your worst characteristic? getting down to DO something 7. What is your best charactistic? I'm full of joy - see me - I'm fun! 8. What do you respect about the person who sent you this email? Huh??? 9. First Pet: The first things that were my very own were a colony of woodlice that I kept in a milk bottle in my wardrobe. My brother released them and popped them with a magnifying glass....I have never recovered from the trauma... 10. Current 5 year goal: To have a fridge IN the house. 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: One that I don't have to make for myself 12. Favorite Restaurant: I like our local pub best at the moment - honest food, a lot of it and friendly people. 13. Best birthday you ever had: I enjoyed turning 50 - I felt quite a celebrity 14. Favorite place to vacation: Paris 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. To test out the caravan last Friday at a campsite 40 mins away. It works. Going to Wales soon. love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 08-01-2007, 08:12 AM (4 of 15)
sorry I was half asleep when I posted this! I deleted question #8 it was supposed to be sent in an e mail.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: Kaitlinnegan
Date: 08-01-2007, 08:44 AM (5 of 15)
1. Biggest regret in Life: Not telling my grandpa I was engaged before he died. Sometimes not going to vet school, but less so these days. 2. What you planned to be when in high school: A veterinarian 3. Current title: Wife, Domestic Goddess (well...maybe I'd deserve that title if I cleaned up around here once in a while), Student Doctor 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My Grandpa 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My Mom and Dad 6. What is your worst characteristic? I mess around on the internet too much. ![]() 7. What is your best charactistic? Kindness and sense of morality Since there just *has* to be a number 8, I'll add a new one: 8. What do you do to relax? I need to do something active to get my mind off things, so lately it's been either running or cooking. I used to do yoga and would like to get back into it. 9. First Pet: The first one I remember is our Great Dane Shannon. She was harlequin colored (white with black spots), and the neighbor boy thought she was a cow! 10. Current 5 year goal: Get my PhD (4 yrs, if I'm lucky) and head back to med school. And possibly...babies? ![]() ![]() 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: Marble, although I honestly prefer a pie -- Key lime is my favorite now, but Mom used to make me and my brother (his bday is 2 days before mine) lemon merengue and banana creme. 12. Favorite Restaurant: Hmm..too many to list. Madison has the most restaurants per capita of any city in the US, I think. A few: Buraka (east African), Mediterranean Cafe -- I'll admit I do like Noodles or Atlanta bread company if I want some comfort food. 13. Best birthday you ever had: I had a sleepover party when I was 10. That was pretty awesome. Recently, though, my 21st birthday was fun -- my sister took me to a swanky restaurant downtown with a bunch of friends. 14. Favorite place to vacation: Bob's family's cabin "up north" 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. See 14, a week and a half ago. - the new home for Sew What's New
User: Kaitlinnegan
Member since: 03-20-2006 Total posts: 222 |
From: lendube
Date: 08-01-2007, 12:31 PM (6 of 15)
1. Biggest regret in Life: Marrying #1 husband. Now don't go and tell me that's how I got my much loved children. Had I not had them I wouldn't have missed them. Is that cold? Nah, not really. I don't miss the other kids I never had. ![]() 2. What you planned to be when in high school: Didn't know. 3. Current title: Seamstress, Homemaker, Mrs. Chief, Wife, Mom, daughter, etc. 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My Dad. He died in 2003. 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? This question caused me to think a bit and come up with an interesting answer. I'd have to say my first husband. I was 19 when I met him and thought myself so worldly having travelled to Europe several times growing up visiting relatives, living in the Far East, etc. In spite of that I didn't realize how sheltered my life really was. I was raised "Leave it to Beaver" style and didn't know anything about "dysfunctional" families, scandals, the more "real" side of life that was far more predominant. He introduced me to that little by little and made a more well rounded person out of me. It often was harsh learning that way since he leaned toward the "rough" side of life but it opened my eyes and matured me. 6. What is your worst characteristic? I tend to procrastinate and be lazy. I also am not a giving, community spirited person. 7. What is your best charactistic? My easy going, low key nature. Pretty much always the same. 8. What do you do to relax? Sew, read, walk the dogs. 9. First Pet: A gray min. poodle named Perry. 10. Current 5 year goal: To continue the happiness I now have in my life. 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: Not a cake fan either. 12. Favorite Restaurant: Love Japanese food. 13. Best birthday you ever had: Best one was my 44th when we found out that my ds actually graduated high school! He was a tough one. Good kid just a little TOO laid back (read lazy). My 50th in Old Quebec comes a close second. What a beautiful city and a terrific day. 14. Favorite place to vacation: Up California's coast. 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. Little over a year ago in Spring. We spent 3 weeks touring the East Coast landing in Boston driving up through Vermont, to Quebec, and then down through Maine, N.H. back into Boston. Wonderful trip and our flight home left just hours before a massive storm hit which flooded the region. This was May 2006. Some of you might remember. A lucky escape for us. |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: Addicted2Sewing
Date: 08-01-2007, 01:07 PM (7 of 15)
1. Biggest regret in Life: Not dating more as a teenager, and not being very close to my family. 2. What you planned to be when in high school: I wanted to be a hair stylist. 3. Current title: Mom 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My Dad. 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? I can't think of anyone. 6. What is your worst characteristic? I am lazy and waste too much time. 7. What is your best charactistic? Easy going, loves to make other people happy. 8. What do you do to relax? Sew, Computer, Read 9. First Pet: Half German Sheppard Half Pit Bull 10. Current 5 year goal: I want to have my own business at home sewing childrens clothes and other things like Hairbows, and nap mats. 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: Chocolate 12. Favorite Restaurant: Casa Mexicana, O'Charleys, or Olive Garden 13. Best birthday you ever had: My 34th birthday, my husband planned a surprise party for me. 14. Favorite place to vacation: Florida (Disney World) 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. June 2007 went to Hot Springs Ark. |
User: Addicted2Sewing
Member since: 02-01-2007 Total posts: 133 ![]() |
From: Bama
Date: 08-01-2007, 01:41 PM (8 of 15)
1. Biggest regret in Life: Not saving more money for my children's college education. 2. What you planned to be when in high school: A hairdresser or nurse. I went with hairdresser and now wish I had become a nurse. I stopped doing hair when I got married. 3. Current title: Mom, wife, lunch lady, fabriholic ![]() 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My Granny 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? parents, older sister, grandparents 6. What is your worst characteristic? I'm easily distracted. 7. What is your best charactistic? kindness 8. What do you do to relax? sew, read, watch old movies, sit outside with hubby 9. First Pet: A collie mix named Hobo. I was so young when we got him that I can't remember life before him. He lived until I was 15. 10. Current 5 year goal: To have both kids raised (at least one will still be in college ![]() ![]() 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream 12. Favorite Restaurant: Mi Casita, Cracker Barrel, a local Chinese place, or really anywhere if I get a break from cooking. 13. Best birthday you ever had: probably my 40th. Some of my friends made it a big deal for me and really special. 14. Favorite place to vacation: Florida 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. Last summer to Cape San Blas FL. I wish I was there now. ![]() |
User: Bama
Member since: 03-21-2000 Total posts: 2116 |
From: Alexalter
Date: 08-01-2007, 01:50 PM (9 of 15)
1. Biggest regret in Life: Not spending more time with my mother before she passed. 2. What you planned to be when in high school: Dog Groomer 3. Current title: Mom, wife, sales lady, seamstress, friend 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My mom. Boy do I have questions for her 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My mother 6. What is your worst characteristic? I get distracted easily, and jump from on project to another before finishing 7. What is your best charactistic? Easy to talk to and a loyal friend 8. What do you do to relax? Relax, what is that? Right now it is sit in front of the TV and zone out. 9. First Pet: A little mutt called Lady 10. Current 5 year goal: Get my son into kindergarten and get my fabric stash down. 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate 12. Favorite Restaurant: Love Japanese food. 13. Best birthday you ever had: I think it has to be my 16th. 14. Favorite place to vacation: Colorado 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. A couple weeks ago we went to White Earth Lake in MN. Loved the weather and just having time to sit and think. |
User: Alexalter
Member since: 07-26-2007 Total posts: 4 |
From: Magot
Date: 08-01-2007, 02:46 PM (10 of 15)
Isn't it interesting that many of these creative artisans say that their worst fault is being lazy and easily distracted.![]() love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 08-01-2007, 02:59 PM (11 of 15)
I noticed the same thing. It must be the artistic thought process. We are really just thinking ahead all the time & forgetting to finish what we started.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: SummersEchos
Date: 08-01-2007, 03:17 PM (12 of 15)
1. Biggest regret in Life: letting the doctor operate on my brother. 2. What you planned to be when in high school: Special needs teacher and I did this for a long time. 3. Current title: Mom, Grandma and manager of a section of a store. 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My brother 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My brother and my parents. 6. What is your worst characteristic? Sometimes I am to honest. 7. What is your best charactistic? Kindness 8. What do you do to relax? Music and dancing 9. First Pet: a mutt named Tinker 10. Current 5 year goal: To be able to do for my children and grandchildren what I have been unable to do for the last 5 years.. 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: white 12. Favorite Restaurant: Ike's serves Lebanesse food. 13. Best birthday you ever had: My 50th. Had a huge Halloween party and everyone came in costume, which for some of my friends was a big deal. 14. Favorite place to vacation: Anywhere that I can be outside enjoying nature. 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. June to Aug 2002, riding Harleys out west. Summer
User: SummersEchos
Member since: 09-29-2004 Total posts: 884 |
From: lendube
Date: 08-01-2007, 05:01 PM (13 of 15)
You doing okay, Summer? Lennie |
User: lendube
Member since: 08-06-2006 Total posts: 1548 |
From: PaulineG
Date: 08-02-2007, 06:48 AM (14 of 15)
1. Biggest regret in Life: I try not to dwell on the past - every action leads us to where we are now - and I'm pretty happy with where I am - which is not to say I haven't made some whopper mistakes - just try not to let myself dwell on them 2. What you planned to be when in high school: Interior decorator or jet pilot 3. Current title: Mum, leader (Weight Watchers) 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My mum 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My parents (?) - hard to say for sure 6. What is your worst characteristic? I overanalyse things before I act - which leads to putting off action (another form of procrastination) - once I've acted though then that's it 7. What is your best charactistic? Empathy 8. What do you do to relax? Sewing and reading and computer 9. First Pet: A black cat named "Stupid" - I didn't name him though 10. Current 5 year goal: A more satisfying career - I just don't know what it is though 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: Not terribly fussed about cake - I only eat them as a social thing - although I did have a really nice piece of bread and butter cake based on bread and butter pudding once - I told dh it would be a good birthday cake for me but the shop wanted $65 for a full cake - I decided to live without it. 12. Favorite Restaurant: Mexican - except Taco Bills (boring and stodgy) 13. Best birthday you ever had: 21st - I also got engaged 14. Favorite place to vacation: Bali - went there on honeymoon 15. Last trip you took: When & Where. Rosebud (small seaside town) about 4-5 months ago - just a long weekend trip Pauline
User: PaulineG
Member since: 09-08-2006 Total posts: 901 |
From: MartySews2
Date: 08-02-2007, 10:09 AM (15 of 15)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy and paste then add your own answers inplace of mine. 1. Biggest regret in Life: Years wasted on self pity 2. What you planned to be when in high school: Lawyer 3. Current title: Hmmm??? 4. Name One person that you would like too see again: My beloved mother-in-law, Ruth 5. Who was the biggest influence in your life? My mother-in-law, Ruth 6. What is your worst characteristic? I'm a procrastinator 7. What is your best charactistic? Good listener 8. What do you do to relax: Sleep 9. First Pet: My dog, Frisky (RIP) 10. Current 5 year goal: Stay alive 11. Favorite kind of birthday cake: Coconut cake. 12. Favorite Restaurant: Outback Steakhouse. 13. Best birthday you ever had: 18th birthday - got engaged to my DH. 14. Favorite place to vacation: In the mountains. 15. Last trip you took: 2001 to New Orleans for niece's wedding. __________________ Marty ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . |
User: MartySews2
Member since: 05-03-2007 Total posts: 293 ![]() |

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