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This archived content is from Mary Wilkins’ sewing and quilting message board “Sew What’s New,” which was retired in August 2007. It is being provided by “Sew What’s Up,” which serves as the new home for many members of “Sew What’s New.”
From: plrlegal
Date: 03-29-2003, 09:37 PM (1 of 7)
Sorry, but I read this and just felt compelled to post it here.

This was written by a young corporal and his buddies in the 3rd Battalion 2nd Marine Corp. as they were leaving Kuwait 10 days ago to face the Iraqis.

�Wish You Were Here"

For all the free people that still protest. You're welcome.
We protect you and you are protected by the best.
Your voice is strong and loud, but who will fight for you?
No one standing in your crowd.
We are your fathers, brothers, and sons,
wearing the boots and carrying guns.
We are the ones that leave all we own,
to make sure your future is carved in stone.
We are the ones who fight and die,
We might not be able to save the world, Well, at least we try.
We walked the paths to where we are at
and we want no choice other than that.
So when you rally your group to complain,
take a look in the back of your brain.
In order for that flag you love to fly
wars must be fought and young men must die.
We came here to fight for the ones we hold dear.
If that's not respected, we would rather stay here.
So please stop yelling, put down your signs,
and pray for those behind enemy lines.
When the conflict is over and all is well,
be thankful that we chose to go through hell.

User: plrlegal
Member since: 05-19-2001
Total posts: 318
From: Mother in Law
Date: 03-29-2003, 11:53 PM (2 of 7)
No need to feel sorry Patsy, That's how they feel. The ones who are over there fighting for us to be here free and safe.

Susie :USA: :USA: :USA: :USA: :USA: :love: :love: :love:
User: Mother in Law
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From: bren
Date: 03-30-2003, 06:16 AM (3 of 7)
Hi Patsy,

I'm glad you posted that ,
I'm sending that one out in my e -mail

Don't let anyone ...Live Rent Free In Your Head
User: bren
Member since: 11-30-2002
Total posts: 489
From: shirleyp
Date: 03-30-2003, 08:40 PM (4 of 7)
What a brave soldier. What a beautiful person.
User: shirleyp
Member since: 02-12-2002
Total posts: 352
From: Debby215
Date: 03-30-2003, 09:18 PM (5 of 7)
Hi Patsy, thanks for sharing that letter. It sure made me think hard. I TOO am sending it out in my emails.:USA: :USA: :USA:
God bless our troops!!
So much fabric....... So little time!!
User: Debby215
Member since: 11-14-2001
Total posts: 611
From: Amyred
Date: 04-04-2003, 05:46 PM (6 of 7)
I am in no way thrilled about having servicemen over there, and I know 3 people who have kids in the service. One of them is a reservist and I wonder if he has been deployed as well. I know a whole lot of people who just protest up and down, but they forget the very point that "Wish You Were Here" makes. This is their job, nasty as it is. Someone ought to hang a banner out that says "This protest made possible by the U.S. Marine Corps." That would throw a few for a loop!

That being said. . .I wish it were anyone else SENDING them over but GWB.
Amy the Redhead
Catmandu and Kismet
The House of Felines
Webster, TX
User: Amyred
Member since: 04-01-2003
Total posts: 9
From: rose074
Date: 04-24-2003, 10:37 PM (7 of 7)
Thanks for posting that. Being in the military can be very difficult, especially when it feels like the world is against you. Not everybody that is fighting in the war agrees with the war, but they do agree to support their country and their president.

One of the pilots that was killed is from the base just a few miles from me. My best friend's brother is in Bagdhad right now and her husband was just sent to "she doesn't know where" for "she doesn't know how long". Our base is just a short flight from North Korea. Any number of our husbands could be sent anywhere at any time and they won't even be allowed to tell us where they are going or how soon they might be back.

Keep all the military spouses in your prayers.

Thank you for your support.
Danelle in Tri-Cities Washington
User: rose074
Member since: 12-23-2000
Total posts: 73
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