From: mozeyrn
Date: 01-10-2006, 02:51 PM (1 of 38)
I know in the future and as I get better (God willing) I will want/need a serger. But for now I'm doing the basics (skirts, tote bags, pajamas & jumpers) with a sewing machine that does an overlock stitch - is this fine for now? I too am a long time ago 4-H'er and that was the last time I sewed anything and that was on Nanna's old black cast iron Singer (one of the first electric ones made). If I did get a basic serger (for family and friends sewing - no kind of business/professional sewing) would I be wasting $$ on the Brother 1034D or the Singer Overlock. I can't afford the $500 and $600 models - it just isn't going to happen. Unfortunately there are no dealers near me or else I'd have gone to one for the sewing machine, but I'm happy with what I got. Thanks for any advice! - Maureen.
Learning something new with every stitch!! Kenmore 16231000 |
User: mozeyrn
Member since: 11-29-2005 Total posts: 349 |
From: paroper
Date: 01-10-2006, 03:43 PM (2 of 38)
I never thought I'd need/want a serger. I got one when I started sewing professionally. Now I can't imagine what I would do without one! As for how reliable those models are, I can't tell you. Sergers can be a little difficult to use so you want the most user friendly you can get. A little training to get you started sure doesn't hurt (if you can get it). There are a lot of adjustments to make so you can get the best use of your equipment.
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 01-10-2006, 04:25 PM (3 of 38)
Nah, you don't need a serger. I've had mine less than a year now and it does speed things up and give you more options, but you don't need one. Don't go cheap when you do decide to get one. If that means wait a little longer, wait. There is so much to adjust to get things right I'd hold out for something that does some of its own adjusting or for a human (not a book or a DVD) to train you. I know there are a lot of things I could be doing with the serger now that I don't because I'm happy with the way my sewing machine does it. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: mozeyrn
Date: 01-10-2006, 04:32 PM (4 of 38)
We're probably moving to the Ft. Myers area around September so maybe I'll hold out till then and look for a dealer in the area. My husband told me that I was addicted to the sewing machine and that I need to find a group for Sewers Anonymous. I told him, "I found one already". ![]() - Maureen.
Learning something new with every stitch!! Kenmore 16231000 |
User: mozeyrn
Member since: 11-29-2005 Total posts: 349 |
From: Dustbunny01
Date: 01-10-2006, 10:01 PM (5 of 38)
have you looked at the Kenmores? I have a juik and love it, yes they are a little higher but worth it.. I find I sew more on the serger then the sewing machine for many things.. DB
User: Dustbunny01
Member since: 11-11-2005 Total posts: 159 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 01-10-2006, 10:20 PM (6 of 38)
Hey Maureen, You'll be close to me when you move to Ft Myers, FL. There are sewing centers, fabric shops, Jo-Anns & all sorts of places there. Naples has a wonderful sewing center that I like the best. I go to Lauderdale once in awhile also, There's some great ones there too. I don't buy my machines anywhere but here so I have the good service & lessons if I want them. I think you'll enjoy it down here. ![]() |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: mozeyrn
Date: 01-11-2006, 09:53 AM (7 of 38)
We're leaving Friday to look at homes down there. While driving around I'll keep my eyes out for sewing store/outlets/dealers. Thanks beachgirl!! My maid of honor lives in North Port - I'm trying to get her into sewing but I think the sewing gene skipped her. Her mom sews so that probably means her daughter will sew! Go figure.
- Maureen.
Learning something new with every stitch!! Kenmore 16231000 |
User: mozeyrn
Member since: 11-29-2005 Total posts: 349 |
From: Magot
Date: 01-11-2006, 11:25 AM (8 of 38)
I didn't need a serger but I wanted one - I haven't explored all the posibilities yet - I got an Elna mid range - I can't see that I am going to outgrow the machine so I am very happy. It does finish off clothing nicely - previous to that I always zig zagged rather than use my overlock foot which was suffucient for construction but just doesn't look as prettty on the inside. Don't rush into it would be my advice - take some time to consider how amd what you would use it for.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: Pudge99
Date: 01-11-2006, 12:38 PM (9 of 38)
I say if you want a serger then you need a serger. ![]() As for the brand I can't help you there. With my serger I went into a dealer that was going out of business and said I need the cheapest one you have. Purely an impulse buy. I have never had to have any repairs done, so I got lucky. I think you should wait until you move to Florida. Make one of your criteria for the house you buy that it be centrally located between JoAnn, Hancock and a sewing machine dealer. ![]() Gina
Pictures of my successes and failures Pfaff 2040 Janome Mylock 134D Singer Futura CE-100 w/ Autopunch Husqvarna Viking 3D Sketch |
User: Pudge99
Member since: 10-30-2001 Total posts: 1375 |
From: bridesmom
Date: 01-12-2006, 04:06 AM (10 of 38)
Maureen, I giggled when I saw your post, it reminded me of my daughter who has about 50 purses. When we go out shopping she's always into the purse section and she always 'needs' to get THIS purse. I say almost every time, now, do you NEED it or do you WANT it. It has become quite the joke, because she really nnnneeeeddddds the purse that she wants to buy!!!! I know when you get your serger, you will be really happy you got it, and like Pam said, wonder how you ever lived without it.
Tickled pink with my Innovis 4000D |
User: bridesmom
Member since: 01-21-2004 Total posts: 2026 |
From: Dede
Date: 01-12-2006, 09:43 AM (11 of 38)
I didn't need a serger but I wanted one You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm still trying very hard, on a daily basis, to find the difference between my needs and my wants ![]() I got my serger, Brother (number something) about 10 years ago and do not regret it one bit. I do agree with waiting if money is an issue at this time. You won't save anything if you have to replace it every 3 to 4 years. In the meantime, you can live with the overlock and the zig zag stitches. |
User: Dede
Member since: 03-23-2001 Total posts: 469 |
From: mozeyrn
Date: 01-12-2006, 12:09 PM (12 of 38)
Thanks for the input - you are all so helpful!! No one has made it seem like I'm too much of a beginner to be asking about a serger. I am a huge window shopper but when I'm ready to buy something, I buy it. I'm still doing research and checking web sites but will wait until we move - using a dealer seems like the best way to go since I've never even seen one in action. There are no dealers around me now and since I still have alot to learn on my sewing machine, I'd like to be a little more proficient before I go on to a serger. I sewed up some practice pieces last night (got to bed late again ![]() One question though - does the serger need to have free arm capability? Are there limitations to not having it? Thank you. - Maureen.
Learning something new with every stitch!! Kenmore 16231000 |
User: mozeyrn
Member since: 11-29-2005 Total posts: 349 |
From: paroper
Date: 01-12-2006, 12:14 PM (13 of 38)
Beginner? I was sewing 30 years before I even considered a serger. It never occured to me that you'd have to be a beginner not to have one. You'll really enjoy the free arm but if you have to make a choice between a free arm and differential feed, the differential feed is almost a necessity when sewing all kinds of fabrics. The machine of choice right now is the Baby Lock because of its air threader. There are a lot of people who are using them. If you are going to invest in a serger, you might want to at least look at these. Once you buy a serger, if it is a good one, you'll probably have it a long time (longer than a sewing machine), so choose one you really like. pam
Bernina 200e, Artista V5 Designer Plus, Explorations, Magic Box, Bernina 2000DE & 335 Bernette Serger, Bernina 1530 Sewing Machine, Bernina 1300 DC Overlock (with coverstitch) |
User: paroper
Member since: 02-03-2004 Total posts: 3775 |
From: DorothyL
Date: 01-12-2006, 12:16 PM (14 of 38)
My new serger doesn't have one but the cheap one I had before did. I kind of miss it but I would say go for something with other features first. You want easy threading and a cover and chain stitch feature more I think. Dorothy |
User: DorothyL
Member since: 12-09-2002 Total posts: 3883 |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 01-12-2006, 02:27 PM (15 of 38)
I would be lost without mine. I had a cheap Brother($199) from Jo Anns. I hit a pin & it broke the machine. It would have cost as much to repair as buying a new one. When we sold my Dad's house my DH sent me out to buy a good one. I got the Janome 744D. I use it more than my sewing machine. I rarely use the free arm though. I don't think that would be a feature I would worry about when picking one out. I talked my BIL into getting a serger for my DS she has only used it a few times. She works full time & doesn't get much time to sew. I wish she lived closer (she is in Indiana) I would help her out. I would say look at the kind of sewing you do, then decide if it could be done with a serger. They do speed up sewing a lot. Barb
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: chris b
Date: 01-13-2006, 11:59 PM (16 of 38)
What is it about us that we have a problem buying good equipment for ourselves? I'm married to a mechanic and he undestands good tools vs ok tools. Both do the same thing but one has all kinds of stuff that makes it so you don't have to fuss and fool with this or that to make it work as we need it to work. Sewing machines and sergers are our tools! No, we don't need them but OTOH we could sew with a needle and thread.... Don't buy a cheap one. My first one was a very basic 2/3/4DF Simplicity. I could never get that thing to hold a consistant tension. It would be great for awhile then another hour plus of adjustment to dial it back in. :( Very frustrating! My second one is an Elna. It is a pleasure to use. Pfaff 2170,Pfaff 7570,Elna 945
Singer 301A,Singer Redeye,Singer 15 HC Simplicity 2/3/4 Pfaff Creative 3-D digitizing,3-D Fabric Decorator Pfaff PCDMac2.2 StitchBunnyPro,FlutterWhumper Embird,Studio,cross stitch, EQ5....and adding all the time! |
User: chris b
Member since: 01-10-2001 Total posts: 109 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 01-14-2006, 11:21 AM (17 of 38)
Your certainly right about that. My DH has the very best tools in his work shop & I agreed with that but for years I made do with what I had. Was great machines but just standard & did the job. But then he talked me into getting up to date with what was out there. I still feel a little guilty at times as I don't sew for pay too much. But then I do save on what I make or I'd be paying huge prices in the better stores for things. It's a mind game I suppose. I think as a rule wives & Moms are the givers & not the takers. We think of everyone else but ourselves. |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-15-2006, 01:29 AM (18 of 38)
Beach that is so true. When my kids were coming up I would buy the kids clothes and shoes and of course the husband had to have nice work clothes but I was a stay at home mom so I'd have hand me downs from my Mother and only two pairs of underware at times. Now I hate to admit it but my closet is full and I'm not ashame to say so. I buy pretty much what I want even if it seems out there. It's my time. What am I going to do wait till I'm in the grave or half way there and can't enjoy my things. NOT, I'm shopping now.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 01-15-2006, 03:22 PM (19 of 38)
Our minister today talked about how so many older persons were such good 'givers' but did not do receiving very well.. He was saying be happy to be on the receiving end also.. So, we all have to try harder.. Ready to go shopping, anyone ??? LOL ![]() ![]() Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-15-2006, 03:40 PM (20 of 38)
LEap, What time are you leaving I'm on board!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: Sancin
Date: 01-15-2006, 03:54 PM (21 of 38)
Mozeyrn I have been sewing for many years and I do not have a serger, nor do I want one. I have, many times, looked at what they do and my available funds. It depends on the type of sewing you do. Personally, I could do without all the button hole stitches on my current machines as I prefer to make them by hand. I would rather buy material or notions to use frequently than go through the problems of learning about a new machine. Interesting as I recently had just such a discusion with someone as we shopped and talked. ![]() *~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 895 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 01-15-2006, 04:34 PM (22 of 38)
Libby, Can I tag along with you & Susie ? I promise to buy stuff too, I'm ready now. ![]() |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: Mom of Six
Date: 01-15-2006, 07:42 PM (23 of 38)
I went out today & bought Winnie the Pooh eyelet & gingam to make a present for my newest neice who will be born in June. I was looking for me but couldn't find anything then my 2 DDs said that this is for me because I will have so much fun making it.
Happiness is having time to sew!! |
User: Mom of Six
Member since: 11-03-2001 Total posts: 1115 ![]() |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-15-2006, 10:13 PM (24 of 38)
Come on Beach I need some help picking out my loot. The more the merrier I say. Any other takers?
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: beachgirl
Date: 01-15-2006, 11:05 PM (25 of 38)
Susie, I'll help you if you help me. I have this kind of cartoon running threw my head now. A whole gang of us decending on a store & the clerks running for cover. I sure couln't blame them. Wouldn't that be fun if a bunch of us could get together ? |
User: beachgirl
Member since: 08-31-2004 Total posts: 615 ![]() |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-15-2006, 11:09 PM (26 of 38)
OUghhhh Beach we'd be the Sew What's News Society instead of the Red Hat Society ggggggg Those poor store clerks. ![]() ![]() I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: pretnichols
Date: 01-16-2006, 08:25 AM (27 of 38)
I'm ready to go shopping! Count me in! I believe "summersechoes" works for Joann Fabrics. Let's go to her store....she won't run from us. Bet she'd be excited to see us. ![]() Then again, maybe she would want to go shopping with us! ![]() Peggy
So little time, sew much to do........... |
User: pretnichols
Member since: 10-16-2005 Total posts: 342 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-16-2006, 11:54 AM (28 of 38)
Summer are you ready for us!!!!!!!!!!!??????? gggggggg
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 01-17-2006, 06:21 PM (29 of 38)
That gives me an idea for a contest .. Miss Mary, how about a design contest for a Sew Whats New uniform for all of us to wear when we all meet to go shopping..????? ROFL...
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: Sancin
Date: 01-17-2006, 06:28 PM (30 of 38)
Yikes! I have to make 30 infant face cloths and now wish I had a serger. Anyone any idea on how to do this without serger? Have Janome QC. ![]() *~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 895 |
From: Kylnne2
Date: 01-17-2006, 08:09 PM (31 of 38)
Sancin, since you have no serger, I would probably try a very narrow zig zag at almost a satin stitch setting and see what it looks like. If you set your needle to left postion and work the material to roll over the side of the foot you can get a rolled hem look. |
User: Kylnne2
Member since: 07-10-2004 Total posts: 629 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-17-2006, 10:11 PM (32 of 38)
Nancy there is probably an overcast stitch built in your machine. It's for serging the edges. You could also do a ziz zag close together all the way around but that would take forever and you would need to probably stablize the edge with something that could be washed or torn away. I say try the overcast foot and stitch. On your stitch guide print out look for the stitch that looks like little tee pees. That's the overcast stitch.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: MotherInLaw
Date: 01-17-2006, 10:12 PM (33 of 38)
I just checked my Janome 9000 and it has an overlock stitch builtin.
I'm regressing back into my youth, I just have to figure out how I'm going to convience my body to come along with me.
User: MotherInLaw
Member since: 06-25-2005 Total posts: 1118 |
From: Magot
Date: 01-18-2006, 02:11 AM (34 of 38)
My qulity Janome has an overlock foot and stitch too-uses a heck of a lot of thread.
love and kisses, Jan
Guts-R-Us Cells a Speciality DNA to order. |
User: Magot
Member since: 12-22-2002 Total posts: 3626 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 01-19-2006, 11:59 AM (35 of 38)
It will still be the easiest way to do the face cloths if she does not have a serger.. She can use serger thread, and that would save.. I have done that , just because of the color, but it worked..
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: Sailorliz
Date: 01-19-2006, 01:05 PM (36 of 38)
I use my serger for a lot of different types of sewing. I also use it to sew the cut ends of my material before washing. It keeps it from fraying and if the material goes back into my stash, I know that it has been washed. I'm glad that I bought one. I wasn't sure that I would use it much, but I found out differently. I think I've had mine now for a little over two years. It makes garmet construction faster. I purchased it online from HSN. I have no dealers in my area and the closest Janome dealer went out of business a couple of years ago. So, I decided to buy the Euro-Pro. Mine also has a free-arm and I use it also. ![]() Happy sewing/quilting/crafting
Liz Visit my photo page |
User: Sailorliz
Member since: 07-20-2004 Total posts: 386 |
From: LeapFrog Libby
Date: 01-20-2006, 05:30 PM (37 of 38)
Liz, I also serge the cut edges of all the cotton fabric I buy as soon as I get it home, then launder it so its ready to become 'stash' .. Then I don't have to do anything else before I use it..
Sew With Love
Libby |
User: LeapFrog Libby
Member since: 05-01-2002 Total posts: 2022 |
From: Sancin
Date: 01-20-2006, 05:58 PM (38 of 38)
Thanks all for the suggestions. Was planning to use 2 rows of overcast stitches and then cutting in between.
*~*~*~* Nancy*~*~*~* " I try to take one day at a time - but sometimes several days attack me at once."
User: Sancin
Member since: 02-13-2005 Total posts: 895 |

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