Browse the Sew Whats New Archive
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- Got my serger - now what? (15 replies)
- Anyone w/ White 2900? (5 replies)
- Am I being taken for a ride? (13 replies)
- Singer Serger Presser Feet (5 replies)
- Any thoughts on a Euro Pro Serger (5 replies)
- I want a serger ... Brother or Singer? (13 replies)
- question about a stitch type (0 replies)
- can you sew with out the looper coming over the fabric?? (7 replies)
- Brother Serger (4 replies)
- Hi Lennie How are you enjoying your new Serger? (1 replies)
- Brought My serger out of storage (1 replies)
- Left needle thread problem (14 replies)
- Has anyone seen or tried this? (4 replies)
- I bought a new machine! (6 replies)
- I have a new baby ~ lock, that is... (4 replies)
- Help with finding the thread about serger tension dial settings? (3 replies)
- What's the difference... (4 replies)
- Husqvarna 936 and chain-stich problems (4 replies)
- serger presser foot broken? (0 replies)
- Buying a new serger (18 replies)
- Cant get an acceptable stitch. (12 replies)
- needles (12 replies)
- Differential Adjustment Question (2 replies)
- Serger 81595 (3 replies)
- Thread not grabbing fabric (12 replies)
- Serging Inside Curves (2 replies)
- be careful serging (16 replies)
- Is this why I might want a serger? (7 replies)
- know anything about Brother 3034D? (2 replies)
- Gathering? (2 replies)
- Please help me x_x (9 replies)
- Chaining off on Serger (7 replies)
- What is your favorite serger book? (0 replies)
- New Viking 936!!!! (8 replies)
- future serger purchaser (2 replies)
- upper looper miscombobulated - does it go in front of the needle? (5 replies)
- need help on coverstitch machines (6 replies)
- Can I install differential feed myself? (5 replies)
- blanket stitch on serger (5 replies)
- What do you use your serger for? Ideas? (14 replies)
- Back to Front Threading Question (16 replies)
- Help With Serger Please (13 replies)
- Needle Question (2 replies)
- Lower looper thread breaking (4 replies)
- Newbie at serging; quick questions? (8 replies)
- serger trouble (7 replies)
- What should I expect in a tune-up? (3 replies)
- Buying a used Bernina 2000DE to learn on (3 replies)
- Bernina Bernette Funlock 004 How to Roll Hem (2 replies)
- New to Serging (2 replies)
- new White serger (1 replies)
- What to look for in a serger? (4 replies)
- euro-pro EP550 (2 replies)
- euro-pro EP550 (4 replies)
- Serger Mishap (5 replies)
- How to find manuals for sergers (4 replies)
- Brother 834DP Serger (1 replies)
- Help (7 replies)
- singer quantumlock (3 replies)
- Help! On directions for use on a Necchi Serger (3 replies)
- Elna 704 Dex serger (7 replies)
- Looking for a serger..... (2 replies)
- Singer 14T967DC (9 replies)
- Babylock Imagine vs Imagine Wave (1 replies)
- Singer Serger (0 replies)
- Rayon thread with serging (2 replies)
- Nancy Zieman serger (21 replies)
- Skipping Stitches (4 replies)
- Where to find? (2 replies)
- Affordable yet Efficient (6 replies)
- rolled hem + corners = OOPS (13 replies)
- Coverstitch?? (15 replies)
- Serger Needle correction (0 replies)
- serger difficulty (4 replies)
- My First Serger (15 replies)
- Huskylock 936 Gathering Foot Question (12 replies)
- Is it really necessary (4 replies)
- threading sergers (3 replies)
- What has been your favorite serger project? (25 replies)
- is There a Way to Create A New Spool of Thread? (8 replies)
- Bernette 334D foot pedal (20 replies)
- Looking for a serger! (3 replies)
- serger brother925 d needle breaking (2 replies)
- Serging slippery fabric UGH!! (5 replies)
- Gathering using the serger (5 replies)
- needles for older babylocks (3 replies)
- Wooly Nylon (2 replies)
- two-thread flatlock, please speak slowly (8 replies)
- Feeding Fabric In a Straight Line (12 replies)
- My First Serger Book Arrived (26 replies)
- Sharing Super-Lock Serger Thread Cheap Pricing (4 replies)
- I cant' figure it out. (8 replies)
- WHOOHOO! Finally Bought a Serger--Lots of Chatty Questions (15 replies)
- serging a rolled hem (5 replies)
- Question (16 replies)
- HELP! My serger won't work.... (9 replies)
- ANOTHER Serger Question. (5 replies)
- Singer 14J334 Serger Speed? (8 replies)
- ez lock ez 100 serger (0 replies)
- Overlock Machine needles (2 replies)
- Serger Thread? (6 replies)
- Evolve Problem (2 replies)
- Help- Im serger stupid....questions. (5 replies)
- trouble with Juki (2 replies)
- Help new serger not working (8 replies)
- Serger/Coverstitch Lesson (5 replies)
- New to serging, Kenmore 385 NO manual! (2 replies)
- Serger Cover & Thread Catcher (4 replies)
- Help with Baby Lock 402 (long question) (29 replies)
- Viking Huskylock 535d manual (2 replies)
- I want that 'lettuce' please (4 replies)
- I want to buy Evolve BLE8 or BLE8W. (1 replies)
- Thread help (8 replies)
- New serger user (4 replies)
- Selling Evolve in SC (1 replies)
- Brother Lock 9600td: Opinions Please? (0 replies)
- Singer serger problems (8 replies)
- First Serger (3 replies)
- Bernina 800DL - I need help! (9 replies)
- Changing needles (10 replies)
- Baby Lock 302 (6 replies)
- kenmore serger blind hem (3 replies)
- Janome Serger just stopped working.. (3 replies)
- serger keeps tangling up (3 replies)
- Serger Runs then stops . Please Help (11 replies)
- Serger needle breaking (5 replies)
- Lower Looper Tension Problems (6 replies)
- Serger for Sale (0 replies)
- Which kind of serger should I buy: Huskylock or Babylock? (10 replies)
- I just got a new Juki serger (3 replies)
- Please Help !! Baby Lock ef 405 (3 replies)
- white 2000 serger (1 replies)
- Overlocker threads? Please explain (2 replies)
- any comments about Singer CG754 serger? (2 replies)
- Need Help, Please don't laugh. huskylock 560 ed t (9 replies)
- please help with an advice on consew surger (0 replies)
- Chenille on a serger (1 replies)
- After advice to buy a coverstitch (18 replies)
- Advice Please (4 replies)
- Elna 744 (7 replies)
- Serger Jumping/Dancing (5 replies)
- Need help with BabyLock 302 (6 replies)
- differential question for machine w/o it (3 replies)
- Elna 683 vs Pfaff Hobbylock 4752 (2 replies)
- Blind hem using serger...HELP! (0 replies)
- Do I need a serger? (37 replies)
- Help,looper problem (3 replies)
- Help (8 replies)
- Serger Basics from UKY (5 replies)
- Serger thread popping out of needle (3 replies)
- Has Anyone Heard of a "Rex" Serger? (10 replies)
- Question for Tom and/or Bill (2 replies)
- How do you gather? (6 replies)
- What's the difference between serger and cover stitch?? (6 replies)
- Looking to purchase a Serger...need help (0 replies)
- New evolve? (1 replies)
- My serger is being naughty, not nice!!! (3 replies)
- chain stitch (2 replies)
- Help! Serger stuck (8 replies)
- New to this site.Hello, Serger question (26 replies)
- venting (7 replies)
- anyone have a white 734d? (3 replies)
- My baby's home and healthy! (1 replies)
- New serger, jukiMO634DE probs (4 replies)
- Advice for Juki MO 634DE, please (5 replies)
- New Serger!!! (4 replies)
- I think I killed my serger (7 replies)
- Automatic tension on rolled hem (4 replies)
- White 2000ATS vs Juki MO-644D? And, Hobbylock for Pfaff... (3 replies)
- Argh!!! Differential feed problem! (3 replies)
- serger (8 replies)
- Just bought a new Huskylock 910-does (13 replies)
- know any tips for adapting cone spindles? (4 replies)
- White Superlock 634DE-tension (8 replies)
- Noise Reduction (9 replies)
- need used presser foot control (0 replies)
- New User - Singer 14SH654 probls (8 replies)
- Oil Cloth Projects (2 replies)
- Helpful hint to pass on (0 replies)
- I finally did it! (6 replies)
- singer serger 14 U234 (1 replies)
- Needles (8 replies)
- Singer Serger 14U234B (2 replies)
- brother 929D ?? (4 replies)
- Brother 1034D need help (9 replies)
- serger(overlocker trouble) (7 replies)
- need footcontroller, sell serger to buy it (5 replies)
- Hey, new sergers (13 replies)
- New Serger User (21 replies)
- Hi! new with a question! (8 replies)
- info RE huskylock and babylock (4 replies)
- Serger timing (8 replies)
- how many of you own a Simplicity Serger? (0 replies)
- Hey Mary (1 replies)
- Rolled edge problems (5 replies)
- I Did It!! (6 replies)
- What to buy!! (13 replies)
- Janome 534d - breaking needles and timing going out. (8 replies)
- Arggggg (8 replies)
- Ruffles (3 replies)
- serging silk georgette (5 replies)
- Needle In or Needle Out (6 replies)
- Serger Thread - Canadian Source (14 replies)
- The Pfaff 4862 (33 replies)
- Save your Threads (23 replies)
- Old Serger thread (8 replies)
- To sew seam, serge OR serge, sew seam???? (5 replies)
- How would you do this? (5 replies)
- I need to decide between sergers (2 replies)
- adjusting pressure foot pressure (8 replies)
- *~Tricky Tensions~* (3 replies)
- What's the best serger under $500? (1 replies)
- Coverstitch - is it really worth it? (28 replies)
- Where is the best place to order wooly nylon online? (5 replies)
- Serger on non-stretch fabric (6 replies)
- Singer Tiny Serger??? (2 replies)
- Wooly thread making me crazy (10 replies)
- looking for MYLOCK 644d operation manual?? (3 replies)
- Rolled hem (5 replies)
- What kind of serger do I need? (2 replies)
- Mom GAVE Me Her Surger!! (5 replies)
- Starting to use new seger after 3 months (12 replies)
- I need help with my Singer 14SH654 (4 replies)
- Sergering slinky knits (7 replies)
- Board Discussions - Please Read (1 replies)
- Pfaff 4852 vs Huskylock 905 (4 replies)
- help with new serger (1 replies)
- Brother 1034d help! (3 replies)
- I'm trying again (28 replies)
- Used Serger - HELP! (11 replies)
- Newbie Needs Opinions - Please (1 replies)
- Buying Serger - Need help. (12 replies)
- What is a Free Arm? New Home 504D? (3 replies)
- serger problem...threads showing when.. (7 replies)
- 3/4 coverstitch? (11 replies)
- Tension adjustment (4 replies)
- Is this a good serger? Singer Serger 14J334 (8 replies)
- all thumbs newbie seeking serger for knits (1 replies)
- I have a problem (again) (17 replies)
- Help with differential settings?? (7 replies)
- Looking to purchase a serger (18 replies)
- Gathering (7 replies)
- New Baby on Monday (5 replies)
- I'm getting better (13 replies)
- New Serger! (9 replies)
- Changing needles (6 replies)
- Stitches fine until I insert fabric (5 replies)
- New Baby! (well sort of) (30 replies)
- Elastic foot (1 replies)
- Blind hem without Foot (1 replies)
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