Browse the Sew Whats New Archive
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- A little story (1 replies)
- The Moral Of The Story (3 replies)
- Last Will (5 replies)
- time for some new ones... (5 replies)
- Well, it sounded good to me. (6 replies)
- Menopause humour (5 replies)
- for Harry Potter fans (not sure non-fans would get it) (0 replies)
- Word Game (250 replies)
- Arizona! (3 replies)
- Please read this, The Perfect Dress (4 replies)
- My kind of doctor. (3 replies)
- Everyone's favourite queen of craft (1 replies)
- UPS Pilots and Mechanics (1 replies)
- Really desperate housewives! (2 replies)
- This one's for Patsy (3 replies)
- No Joke (3 replies)
- Angels explained by children (0 replies)
- Exotic pet (2 replies)
- Liver and Cheese (8 replies)
- It's BBQ season so don't forget the rules. (5 replies)
- Joke of the week (4 replies)
- Birth Order Of Children (6 replies)
- Funny Mother's Day story (4 replies)
- Red Skelton's Recipe For The Perfect Marriage (9 replies)
- Why God Made Moms (2 replies)
- redneck joke (0 replies)
- More on Aging (1 replies)
- Games for us old folks (0 replies)
- Just for fun (7 replies)
- Noah's Ark 2007 (2 replies)
- ..and they just keep coming... (6 replies)
- Never argue.... (1 replies)
- ...after the frog... (2 replies)
- Have yoy heard this one... (0 replies)
- New York to London (9 replies)
- Cold Weather (16 replies)
- Aging (4 replies)
- Whos that,Bubba? (2 replies)
- Who says men don't remember anniversaries! (3 replies)
- First grader (0 replies)
- A must read for Grandparents or anyone who knows them (6 replies)
- a bathroom joke.... (1 replies)
- Super Granny (3 replies)
- Sand and Stone (2 replies)
- Did I read that sign right? (3 replies)
- new career.. (8 replies)
- For all of you executive types: (0 replies)
- One to be proud of.... (6 replies)
- The sayings of a cat (8 replies)
- New Diet Plan (8 replies)
- Engineers~are you one? know one? (5 replies)
- Another blonde joke (2 replies)
- Ladies Restroom (1 replies)
- Boudreaux and Thibodaux joke (8 replies)
- On Aging (5 replies)
- The lesson is timeless. (2 replies)
- Blond Joke (7 replies)
- And you think you've had a bad day..... (1 replies)
- Widdle Wabbits (2 replies)
- Women Over 40 (3 replies)
- Breat Fed or Bottle Fed (2 replies)
- Best short joke... (1 replies)
- Jan's jokes (2 replies)
- I'm sure I've seen these before... (3 replies)
- will she stop.. (2 replies)
- oh no, another joke... (2 replies)
- one way... (1 replies)
- Bran Muffins (5 replies)
- Pickles Comic Strip (15 replies)
- Stupid Questions (7 replies)
- Police (7 replies)
- The Truth About Politicians (2 replies)
- thethimble (1 replies)
- Pet daily diaries (2 replies)
- Smartie (15 replies)
- What are you? (2 replies)
- How much do you remember? (26 replies)
- Box of Chocolates (7 replies)
- That darned cat..... (2 replies)
- What Is A Grandparent? (5 replies)
- Only a Quilter … (14 replies)
- Words of Wisdom (3 replies)
- Investment Tips for 2007 (1 replies)
- Effects of Drugs and Drink on Spiders (10 replies)
- My Dad is a Father (2 replies)
- Silent but????? (3 replies)
- Head of the household (2 replies)
- Happy New Year - start as you mean to go on... (3 replies)
- Mom knows best........... (2 replies)
- The Great Truths of Life (7 replies)
- Why Men aren't good secretaries (3 replies)
- Dreaming of a White Christmas? (19 replies)
- Weeweechu! (4 replies)
- a nuvver wun (read in an english accent) (4 replies)
- Dr. Phil (0 replies)
- Watch What you Say (4 replies)
- Grandma (3 replies)
- My Resignation (7 replies)
- Psych 101 Christmas Carols (4 replies)
- Deer Hunters (3 replies)
- two guys from Michigan... (3 replies)
- a litle chemical humour.. (6 replies)
- New Virus for those over 40 (4 replies)
- Maxine for President (3 replies)
- Think You Computer Problems? Try Installing a Husband (2 replies)
- The Contribution (2 replies)
- Telemarketers.............. (6 replies)
- State Trivia (9 replies)
- The Sensitive Man (1 replies)
- Kids... (3 replies)
- Prison is Punishment ? ? (3 replies)
- A couple of couples (2 replies)
- halloween humor............... (3 replies)
- Whats for dinner? (7 replies)
- Men and Women (3 replies)
- Baby Boomer Blues... (6 replies)
- Gonna be a Bear (6 replies)
- (true) Headlines... (0 replies)
- Wal Mart (1 replies)
- more ponderisims.... (1 replies)
- Just when you think you have seen it all! (10 replies)
- Mid-life Crisis -- older women are great! (1 replies)
- A Mouse Story (2 replies)
- Men and Women (11 replies)
- What R U Doing? (1 replies)
- New Boyfriend (6 replies)
- Snails (3 replies)
- Talking parrot (3 replies)
- Talking Dog for Sale (2 replies)
- Dumb Men Jokes (2 replies)
- The Family Tree Of Vincent Van Gogh… (8 replies)
- oh come on now, a round of applause please (4 replies)
- The unanswered questions of life.. (8 replies)
- Church Ladies (3 replies)
- A Nun's final words of wisdom... (1 replies)
- No Pun Intended! (8 replies)
- Gotta love this girl! (2 replies)
- we go again.... (6 replies)
- watch this guys make sure you dont have heart problems (2 replies)
- Mathematics (2 replies)
- True Story! (8 replies)
- For all us women out there (3 replies)
- More jokes for you (0 replies)
- Joke for today (3 replies)
- A Little Humor For The Day!!! (8 replies)
- This one made me laugh (3 replies)
- New Supermarket for Patty (1 replies)
- Dam Beavers (5 replies)
- Ponderisms (6 replies)
- walking in a chemical wonderland... (1 replies)
- The best part of church going
(3 replies)
- ....a new one.... (11 replies)
- Old Man (3 replies)
- A Texas Farmer (0 replies)
- green sea lettuce (7 replies)
- Zzzzzz (3 replies)
- What??? (5 replies)
- The daily snicker, courtesy of the A.P. (1 replies)
- ~Ba doom boom tish! (6 replies)
- How Was I Born, Daddy? (6 replies)
- Laugh it up (4 replies)
- Fordham Ram - College Mascot (4 replies)
- The President, First Lady, and Dick Cheney (12 replies)
- Doctor, Doctor (4 replies)
- Funniest Joke In the World (12 replies)
- Had me rollin (3 replies)
- One More (2 replies)
- I love Dave Barry (2 replies)
- The oil change -- a drama about gender (1 replies)
- say no more! (1 replies)
- Riddle . . . . . (16 replies)
- Smart Blonde Joke (3 replies)
- from my sisters collection of jokes. (2 replies)
- Nuts (2 replies)
- Bread Kills (4 replies)
- Only in CA (1 replies)
- The Yr 2029 (2 replies)
- It's been a long day! (2 replies)
- laughter therapy (3 replies)
- Evolution of Dance (6 replies)
- This is for the mothers who have (1 replies)
- Disorder in the Court (4 replies)
- I'm on a roll...... (1 replies)
- Pregnancy, Estrogen and Women (4 replies)
- Faux Paux Sisterhood (0 replies)
- British chips (8 replies)
- communication with the dead (0 replies)
- Cinco de Mayo... (4 replies)
- First Mamogram Preparation (11 replies)
- grammatical groaner (3 replies)
- The wife who merely stays at home..... (5 replies)
- I feel the need.... (4 replies)
- A compliment (5 replies)
- The bartender (3 replies)
- Happy Easter (1 replies)
- Out of the mouths... (3 replies)
- Mommy test (7 replies)
- time for a new one... (5 replies)
- What Do Retired People Do All Day? (5 replies)
- Look What You''re Missing Dear (1 replies)
- Games for when we are older (1 replies)
- Hymns for All Occasions (5 replies)
- Horse back riding (4 replies)
- In Honor of St. Patrick (13 replies)
- ..these had me in tears.... (4 replies)
- Groaners... (2 replies)
- Bob Hope said.... (0 replies)
- one good Tern diserves another.... (5 replies)
- The Next Survivor Series (7 replies)
- I agree with Don (2 replies)
- One for Jan (11 replies)
- Laws of Natural Universe (6 replies)
- My reputation is secure.... (8 replies)
- Anybody like Groucho? (1 replies)
- brain cramps (1 replies)
- House Cleaning? (3 replies)
- The Thirsty Rope (2 replies)
- Novel Pet (5 replies)
- Cowboy Honeymoon (5 replies)
- Rita Rudner jokes (5 replies)
- Red Neck humor (0 replies)
- the future yet to come....? (12 replies)
- Blondes (5 replies)
- How many group members does it takes to change a light bulb? (8 replies)
- Seniors and Hand Guns (7 replies)
- If my Body were a Car (2 replies)
- For all my fans (1 replies)
- The Bathtub test (9 replies)
- How to lose 10 pounds (0 replies)
- Wax on, Wax off? (10 replies)
- An Ex Wives Tale (1 replies)
- Spaghetti ( here I go talking about food again.) (2 replies)
- The LOOKOUT Virus (1 replies)
- You know you're getting older when...... (1 replies)
- Groaner - for all my fans... (10 replies)
- Brown Paper Jake? (3 replies)
- this is a stick up (2 replies)
- Getting Older (3 replies)
- My Goldfish Died: (0 replies)
- Unlocking a car without keys - not a joke (3 replies)
- After Christmas Fitness Program (1 replies)
- Sweatshirt (1 replies)
- Deja Vu (16 replies)
- Frank (1 replies)
- Worthy of Jan (5 replies)
- Danger Danger!!! More British Silliness. (4 replies)
- Life in the 1500's (5 replies)
- start as you mean to go on..... (4 replies)
- 71 Reasons to by Fabric (0 replies)
- groaning time.. (7 replies)
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